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Posts posted by CrystalMoon

  1. 1 hour ago, deacondahling said:

    I was scanning the crowd so hard last night to see all the older characters. I saw Tandy, Beverly, Juliette's mom. I didn't see Layla, Luke or Zoey.  I thought I might have seen Teddy for a second.

    I saw Tandy and Beverly, but didn't see Juliette's mom. I did see Luke and Teddy. Luke was right behind Avery and Juliette with very short hair. And Teddy was kind of in the back. I also saw Bo, Glenn, and Emily all together on the right. And that guy Maddie dated last season--can't remember his name. I really liked how Avery and Juliette were each holding one of the Cadences.

    Despite my poor review of most of Seasons 5 and 6, I really liked this ending. It was a good love letter to fans, imo. I really enjoyed seeing the crew and Connie Britton and Callie Kourie, and so many people up on stage.

    • Love 7
  2. Avery never signed with Luke, as far as I remember. He produced for Highway 65, and in Season 1 he was signed with ... someone else. I can't remember who. This was before he burned his masters. He's never been signed with anyone as a performer since, unless the guys' band had signed with Highway 65. 

    But in any event, I just double checked the closed captioning, and Brad says, "Hey, you still with Renegade, huh? Let me know when you want to come over to Shiny..." It was "with Renegade," capitalized. Not "a renegade." 

  3. I have a question. When Avery and Alanna are singing and Brad stops by, he asks Avery when he's going to leave "Renegade" and come to his record label so he (Avery) can have a real career. Renegade?! What is that? I thought Avery and everyone were with Highway 65. Is this something from way back in Season 1? I'm very confused. BTW, I had closed captioning on, so I know he said "Renegade."

    • Love 1
  4. 1 hour ago, deacondahling said:

    It's hard for me to fathom that the writers knew from the get-go that this was the last season and this is the best they came up with. 

    Haven't others reported that the writers found out late that the show was cancelled? But in any event, it doesn't feel like a season wrapping up either. And I wonder if Alanna was supposed to be a new character to sort of replace Juliette. I think it's obvious, to me at least, that this would've been Hayden's last season. And maybe other cast members were going to leave too. You never know, so they were bringing in more people for that reason.

    • Love 1
  5. I am so over this show. I am sort of hate watching it now, which is amazing because I was really enjoying parts of it before the break. Mostly I loved the guys and their storylines with the band. I even kind of like Alanna. But part of my enjoyment was that I assumed when the show came back after the break, it would wind down toward a series finale. I thought Alanna would leave the group and go wtih Brad and then her storyline would be done. Juliette would come back sooner and have the biggest storyline of the second half of this season given how Hayden is the star of the show and how little she'd been around before now. I also thought we'd be getting hints of what would happen with Scarlett and Gunnar. Even if they didn't get back together, I figured they'd at least be in scenes together. 

    Now it feels like we're in the middle of a season, not a series, and nothing is winding down. And we're still spending more time with Alanna and Twig than the series regulars. And other than Daphne, no one seems to have any ambition about music. 

    • Love 8
  6. 8 hours ago, wanderingnettle said:

    That was actually a joke, and he's deleted the tweet where he said it since. He said they filmed it, but had to cut it as it ran for 27 minutes...


    27 minutes! Ha ha! Can you imagine a 27-minute break-up scene? LOL

    8 hours ago, wanderingnettle said:

    Maybe Cole will meet up with him and they'll become mates. They will be almost the same age now. I don't think Matthew will remember anything though. He didn't time travel, didn't have the splinter injections.

    That could happen. And also, Cassie and Cole could have baby Athan again, and this time, he could grow up and be friends with Ramse and Deacon in the future because they'd be about the same age.

    • Love 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

    Y'know, as I continue to reflect on all of this, it occurs to me that the only one that doesn't seem to get a happy ending (of the heroes) is Cole's father. He doesn't meet Hannah, he doesn't raise Cole. He probably remembers it all, but he ends up alone.

    I mean, I guess I can imagine that he might have ended up meeting someone and having a different family, and now has these wistful memories of a lost love and a child (and he doesn't get killed), but it seems like he kind of loses out. :'(

    He wouldn't remember anything. The only ones who remember are those who were injected with splinter serum, and he never was. So I wouldn't assume he has a bad life. Without the apocolypse and death by the Tall Man, maybe he meets someone else and has a big family and is a successful mechanic.


    1 hour ago, Notwisconsin said:

    ...and then there was Cassie's husband. I know about the twoo wuv thing with Cole, but I remember somewhere in the first or second season, when they thought that the plague was over, they were planning going around the world or something cool like that, showing absolute joy in each other. She was married when Cole first met up with her, right?

    No, but they may have been engaged. I assume Cassie broke up with him as her memories of Cole emerged.

    And you know what else occurred to me, we were seeing everyone in different timelines in the epilogue. Cassie was in 2013, but Ramse and his son were probably in 2043 because he would've been a young boy in 2013. Same with the other post-apocolyptic future, we were seeing Jones, Deacon, etc all from 2043 or they would've been a lot younger, and obviously Hannah would've been  just a bump. It kind of quashes my dream of them all getting together for a reunion. 

    • Love 5
  8. I loved this finale. I was thinking about what I could criticize about it and I couldn't come up with anything. But a couple of people here mentioned that they wished the Cole/Cassie memories had been different, and I totally agree. In fact, I remember being annoyed about that at the time. There are a million clips they could've used, and they didn't have to all be romantic. It could be Cole and Cassie fighting together or on a mission together. Just something different.

    Everyone's lists of their favorite things are all great, and I'm not ready to make my own list just now. Mostly, I was so glad I wasn't spoiled or spent a lot of time trying to figure everything out. I loved all the twists. I was pretty sure Deacon would come back and the knife would be important, but I never guessed it would be a Deacon before Cole and Ramse. Never saw them bringing Ramse back. Or Max! Max! Athan was a great suprise too, and I loved that he as a primary was the one who suggested that Katarina could save Cole. It made me wonder if that might have been the plan all along and that all primaries knew he'd survive or could survive if Jones decided to save him. Somehow Jennifer knew to wait for him in the Keys. Could it be she had an inkling all along? I don't know. But I'm intrigued.

    The good-byes were heart-wrenching, one after another after another, and kudos to Aaron Stanford to going through each good-bye in such a compelling way. I really felt for all of them, but especially him.

    I was fairly sure we'd see a montage of everyone after the timeline was fixed, but I never in my wildest dreams thought Cole would live. I usually like more bittersweet endings, but I really think this happy ending was earned. James Cole gave up a good chunk of his life to save humanity, and to find out he was deamon was unfair beyond measure. So for time to decide it's okay for Cole to live, makes sense to me. He's still not part of the timeline, at least until the moment he shows up on the beach, so he didn't get everything back. But he got what he most wanted. It was a great twist and a very satisfying ending.

    ETA: About the red leaf at the end. To me, the ending is very clear. The red forest is gone, the timeline is restored. That close-up of the leaf just told me that, now, a red leaf is just a leaf and a sign of autumn. It not a sign that the red forest is back. Quite the opposite. It's a sign the red forest is gone.

    • Love 10
  9. 1 hour ago, seewillrun said:

    While there is no universe in which Juliette has the upper hand with regard to Avery, it is not recommended to date in your former girlfriend's/wife's house.  There is just no way for that to look good. 

    True, but what should he do? I guess he could move into an apartment with Cadence or buy his own house, but it seems like he's just been waiting for Juliette to contact him or something. But since they've broken up and he still lives there, he has no choice but to have friends (and girl friends) come to Juliette's house. I guess I feel like she gave up all rights to call him out on anything when she abandoned them and cut off all communication. Still, I'm sure Avery wished he hadn't been caught like that!

    • Love 2
  10. Just now, Ray Adverb said:

    I'm confused. Which version of Jennifer was it that appeared and set off the alarms right after young Jennifer splintered away?  Was that old Jennifer from 2043?  How could that be?  She was killed last season.

    It was old Jennifer. The lab is in 2043 right now, which old Jennifer mentioned, so it's before she died. I suppose old Jennifer remembered (?) that Cole and Cassie were about to jump to the Middle Ages and wanted to encourage them, and perhaps talk to her younger self later on when she returned.

    • Love 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, Evie said:

    Hannah should be around that age too. Per Cole's birth certificate Cole's dad was supposed to be late 30's, I think. I don't know how old the actor is but he looks older and the actress looks younger so it was a little huh but since there wasn't supposed to be a big age difference between the characters it didn't bother me too much. 

    I thought back in Season 1 that father Cole looked old enough to be adult Cole's dad, so he does look quite a bit older than Hannah, imo. However, they had a nice chemistry and I could see Hannah being attracted to him, especially as they were kind of isolated in the woods. Plus, knowing this is Cole's dad might make him more attractive to her or at least make her feel like it's her fate to become Cole's mother. Long way of saying, I noticed tha age difference but it didn't really bother me.

    • Love 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Aliferously said:

    I'm going to be the negative voice and say there were waaaay too many toys in the pram for this episode to flow properly. There was Hannah and Emma and tethers and OldJennifer and bloody noses. And Adler putting his foot down. I found it hard to follow, honestly.

    Yeah, good point. There was a lot going on and it seemed to be telling many stories at once. I think if I'd watched this all by itself I would've not liked it very much. But since it was the first of three, I did enjoy it. I liked it as a set-up for Episode 9, but I remember getting a little bored in the first half when the story was almost entirely about Jones, Olivia, Hannah, and Emma.

    • Love 1
  13. I'm frustrated that we found the medieval splinter chair/weapon and it was destroyed before it could be used. I wonder if Cole will have to travel back to the chair and sneakily use it while the Army of the 12 Monkeys takes over the church. And isn't it interesting that Cole said the only thing worse than, what was it, dying or never being born? Was to not ever existed at all. And that's what has to happen to him. That's kind of depressing. Because once he's completely erased, what then? Assuming the show does that, I'm really curious and a little bit sad to see how his absence affects everyone else.

    As for the big reveal about Cole's mom, I was totally fooled. In general, I like to be fooled, so I don't try to figure out twists, but I was certain Cole's mom was Emma. Then when Matthew Cole told Hannah that Emma was dead, I actually got weepy, and I stayed that way until the end. It just fit the story so perfectly. And the way all of the events at the end of the ep were revealed was, imo, really well done. It reminded me a lot of Lullaby from Season 2, which makes sense since that's where Cole and Cassie saved Hannah's life in the first place. Cole really is born of time travel. Only in fiction would this ever be possible!

    • Love 2
  14. 5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    What was with Deacon and 2043 Jennifer having nosebleeds? Did Deacon know he was dying? Obviously we all know that Jones is on the clock because of the radiation from earlier in the season, but Deacon had a nosebleed in the previous episode and 2043 Jennifer had one in this episode (and we know she dies about one year in the future).

    I'm thinking we'll see Deacon again. He saw VII carved into his cell wall, gave Jennifer the knife, and said he'd need it again someday. They both got nosebleeds. So I'm hoping we get to see him or her carve that VII and what it all means.

    • Love 4
  15. Like usual, I enjoyed parts of this episode and wanted to fast forward through others. On the plus side, I like Deacon's story, and I find it interesting to learn his backstory. I like the actor playing his dad too. Besides that, I always enjoy the guys together. I hope they keep the band because I really like them and don't think they need Alanna. Also, Jessie wasn't in the ep---yay! I am really tired of her and her voice that always sounds like she's about to cry. And if I never see her son again, I will be happy. Also, Daphne's story was in the background and Maddie was generally tolerable. One of my biggest problems with Seasons 5 and 6 is that the girls get way too mcuh focus, so when they're in the background, it's a better episode. Also, Juliette is finally back, so I'm looking forward to next week, but also kind of cringing because I don't want to see her beg Avery to take her back again. Been there, done that about a zillion times. Though I do think they're end game. 

    On the negative side, Scarlett and her save-the-vet project were featured. I honestly don't know why so much time is devoted to this storyline. She hasn't been in a scene with any of the guys in ages, and barely in scenes with Deacon or the girls. I don't understand why she's in this weird spin-off show. Another negative is all the time devoted to Alanna. Why? Why not explore Will's steroid use instead just joking about it. He almost died. Shouldn't he be in therapy or something? 

    You know what I wonder. I wonder if the writers thought there'd be more seasons, so they added Alanna and the vet (forgot his name) and Brad with the thought that they could be part of the main cast in season 7. Obviously, Hayden wouldn't have been in another season--she's barely in this one. Does anyone know when they found out the show was cancelled? Was it too late to change these storylines?

    • Love 2
  16. Did anyone else notice that when Jennifer goes out to talk to Cole, she says, "Monsieur? Monsieur Morris Morrison?" LOL I love this running gag about his alter ego, which she made up initially but everyone uses.

    • Love 3
  17. 18 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

    Big YES! to everything cynic said.

    I always chuckle over the initial PTV 12 Monkeys review, which implies that Stanford and Hampshire are the weakest links in the show, and they turned out to be the MVPs.


    I never read reviews when the show first started, but you made me curious. So I did a search of reviews for the very first episode and what I found surprised me. Many of them were very negative. One said Aaron Stanford always looked constipated! Another said they hated time-travel shows. Then why were you reviewing this?! A lot of them compared it to the movie and didn't like how the TV show was different. Personally, I never liked the movie that much, so being different is a good thing.

    But I found this New York Times review that is positive and reflects my views, so there's at least one intelligent reviewer out there. <grin> Here's a quote:



    In contrast, Mr. Stanford’s Cole, besides being more roguishly handsome [than Bruce Willis], is more confident in his fate and purpose. The look of the show reflects this. The garish faces and bleached-out landscapes of the film are largely absent; no danger here that the whole thing is a hallucination.

    Mr. Stanford and Ms. Schull pair nicely, and the surrounding cast is well chosen, with Kirk Acevedo as Ramse, Cole’s buddy; Barbara Sukowa as Jones, the disquieting physicist who works the time machine; and Tom Noonan as a menacing man who seems to be the key to stopping the virus. Most interesting is a sex change: Brad Pitt’s unhinged Jeffrey Goines has become Jennifer Goines, played by Emily Hampshire.


  18. 19 hours ago, cynic said:

    As this show winds down, I just have to express my appreciation of Aaron Stanford and what he brings to this role. I love watching his face, his eyes. He manages to convey so much and give such depth and complexity to Cole. The guilt, regret, self-loathing, vulnerability, love, wonder, resolve, and so much more. Cole has done questionable things, even terrible things, which could have been a turnoff as a viewer, especially at the beginning, but Stanford shows the weight and cost of those things and it kept me with him on his journey. 

    As for him being atypical physically for such a role like this, I don't have a problem buying him. I think he moves believably as a scrapper. And yeah, I think he's hot too. 

    I totally agree with all that. I find it refreshing that he's not some big muscley guy. He is scrappy. Great way to describe him. He is very believable as someone who grew up as a scav and knows every trick in a fight. And he does have very expressive eyes. Otter eyes was a good nickname for Cole. LOL A lot of people online talk about Barbara or Emily and how good they are, and they are good. But I feel like Aaron doesn't get his due. 

    And yes, he is extremely hot!

    • Love 1
  19. 22 minutes ago, Ray Adverb said:

    I was distracted by the fact that she and Cole were on opposite sides of the room spraying bullets in the directions of each other.  That's just a recipe for someone to get killed by friendly fire and it strains my suspension of disbelief that they didn't.

    That bugged me as well. I handwaved it by thinking that since Cole came in a side door, he was firing in a different direction than Cassie and was out of her line of fire. But it did look like they could easily have killed each other the way they were spraying bullets.


    I liked that they actually killed Hitler and it didn't change much in the end.  1941 is too late to kill Hitler anyway; WW2 was already in full swing.

    Me too! Loved that they went for it and killed Hitler. I bet the writers picked a later time period so they could do it without changing history very much.

    • Love 1
  20. 15 hours ago, Daltrey said:

    Not to be anal (pun intended), but the line was "Butt stuff only!" LMFAO!!! Cassie's reaction was so good it almost makes me wonder if Emily ad-libbed it and the reaction was more Amanda's natural surprise and shock. Either way, I love that the show went there; Jennifer never fails to delight and amuse.

    If you listen to the 12 Monkeys Uncaged Podcast for this night of viewing, Terry Matalas said that he wrote the line. He said he could tell when all the writers got that part in the script, because they all started laughing.

    • Love 1
  21. 36 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

    I am a female and I thought that scene was incredibly funny and fit very well with the song.  A woman singing an anti patriarchy song to Hitler with another in fetish gear  killing a bunch of nazi’s with a machine gun. I don’t think I have ever cheered so loud at a tv show.


    17 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

    Same here. Cassie in lingerie mowing down Nazis while Jennifer sings U + Ur Hand was really fun to watch. Must find gifs...

    Oh well, maybe it just bothered me. No worries.

  22. 48 minutes ago, thecdn said:

    It's a syfy show about time travel and a crazy cult that wants to end time, and that takes you out of the story?

    Yes, of course. Why would I be pulled out of a story about time travel and crazy cults when that is the show I'm watching? I've already signed on for the 12 Monkey's world. The reason this particular detail didn't work for me, and I mean, it really didn't work, was because Team Splinter has generally been very pragmatic when it comes to finishing a mission. For Cassie to take the time to change into a crazy outfit like that (And it would've taken a while too. That's not just something you throw on.) just to be a distraction seemed exceedingly silly. It felt like male writers pandering to male viewers to me. Sorry, but that's how it felt as I watched it.

    • Love 5
  23. 17 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    Yeah I think she did. Maybe he’s so famous he has houses lots of places? Who knows? I don’t really care that much to be invested but it’s ridiculous.

    Anyways.. purple hair is just terrible. I also can’t get behind her trying to be all “I’m sorry, I screwed up the band by hooking up with Gunner and then you..” like well, yeah, you did. I mean.. seriously? Nothing about this plot is good, in fact it boils this show down to teenage type storylines with grown adults. Then again, ever since the move to cmt and Raynas death, the show has been trying it seems to garner more teenagers.

    That's all true about purple hair (love the name), but the guys are complicit too. Gunnar never should've hooked up with her. And Avery, mister band-101, never sleep with your bandmates, should've shut her down the first time she knocked on his door, imo.

    • Love 7
  24. 37 minutes ago, thecdn said:

    It was good but "Butt sex only" instantly became my favourite line from her.

    That was good, but I had to turn on closed captioning to understand what she said, and I think Cassie's expression brought the line up a couple of notches. :) My other favorite line was when Cassie said, "Listen, present-day asshole...." LOL

    • LOL 1
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