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Posts posted by null4536

  1. 2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    It's B&B. The Spectras are the only one who haven't double dipped into the same family, and that's only because they've been around for less than a year. 

    I'm far less squicked by Watie than I would be by, say, a Nick/Hope pairing or if Brooke/Thomas had been more than a one sided (and out of character) crush for that very reason. That, and there's not much room at the bottom of the barrel after Bell jumped into the Ridge and Bridget foolishness.



    OMG yeah that the same small cast of characters keep double dipping and mixing on relationships if this were a breeding pool the genetic diversity would be shrinking on a nearly monthly basis haha.  If they keep this up they could breed themselves out of existence hehe.


    That could be a good thing depending on your point of view.

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  2. 21 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    Who even knows anymore?  In 1987, Brooke and Katie were about 5-6 years apart,  but when she was recast with Tom, Katie was competing with Bridget for Nick. 

    As for Wyatt, I don't think they've ever established his age or even his birth order in relation to Liam, who was early twenties in 2010.


    21 hours ago, La di Diva said:

    I think Quinn is supposed to be RS' real age which is 49.  Quinn was a teen mom, So I think Wyatt is supposed to be 30-32.  Katie is at least 40-43.  She is the youngest Logan sister so she's about 8-10 years younger than Brooke -- who I think is supposed to be 50 .  I believe Thorne is Brooke's age, he is about a year younger than Ridge

    The problem with soaps is the SORAS-ing of the children. So we end up with Brooke has a son Rick who is at least 35, which is impossible because she wasn't a teen or early 20s when he was born.

    I think Eric is supposed to be JMc's real age (73) or a tad older. He and Satanie married at 21-22, so it's possible Sludge could be 52-53 but not possible for Sludge to have Faudi who is about 28-30 -- because Sludge wasn't 23-25 when she was born.  SORAS-ing strikes again and screws up everything.

    Edited to add.  I think Liam and Wyatt are about the same age, probably on a few months apart.  It's never been said who is older.  I think it was suggested Bill was sleeping with Quinn and Liam's mother at about the same time.  Obviously the 2 of them knew something about Bill's character, as both of them kept their sons far, far away from $Dad.



    OK thanks guys. Now Wyatt is getting some older woman action then if there's a 12 year gap. Lucky bastard...... Katie is hot


    It's a wonder they don't have Liam boning Quinn but that would make it far too icky.

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  3. I don't know where to ask this so here will do.


    What are the ages of everyone supposed to be on this show?


    Isn't Wyatt Quinn's son, so how old is Quinn supposed to be and for that matter how old is Katie and all the others supposed to be because he's having a jolly good time boning Katie and I thought she was a lot older.



    I still like Katie and think she's kind of hot but geez she's looking kind of wonky going for someone like Wyatt. Eeewww

  4. 40 minutes ago, tessaray said:

    Especially after weeks of Thomas getting in her personal space, dropping hints of how attracted he was to her, having fantasies of locking the door on her and seducing her, while Caroline was oblivious most of the time.  "Misunderstanding Night" was rape night to me but eye of the beholder I guess, because it ended up being pretty divisive here at the time.  The whole situation ruined Caroline as a character for me.  



    I'm glad we are on the same page. I never saw the episode where he did the deed so to speak but looking back on it and having read various forums yeah it was pretty much rape night for Thomas.

    • Love 3
  5. 21 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

    Dum dum dum, Charlie what have you done?

    Dum dum dum, idiot done lost his gun

    Dum dum dum, Charlie what have you done?

    Dum dum dum, idiot done lost his gun


    Katie’s got a gun

    Katie’s got a gun

    Her whole world’s come undone

    And working at Forrester is no longer fun




    Oh I love your post..... Haha.......  That was my thought when I saw the picture of Katie and the telescope.

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  6. 12 hours ago, Cindylou said:

    OMG that pic of Katie is AWESOME, she is so out of her mind, and nice, she has a telescope to spy on Eric and Quinn....... Stay Classy Katie!


    I just love the really crazy look on her face. HT does crazy so well.

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  7. On 02/06/2017 at 10:20 AM, La di Diva said:

    And if none of the above is the scenario, I'm all for someone killing Katie as long as the murderer isn't Quinn.





    No don't kill my Katie :( :(


    Why not instead let her have one of her yelling induced heart attacks when people yell at her too much? Then have her be in a soap opera coma for a few episodes?


    Make it a 6 year coma haha.

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