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Posts posted by ErinV

  1. 20 hours ago, peeayebee said:

     I esp loved it when we see Alan sitting there with his head in his hands.

    I was rolling at that part!  I sort of felt bad for Sam.  The mom and Mary could've chuckled FFS.

  2. On 5/17/2022 at 11:28 PM, Lovecat said:

    That’s what I thought was going to happen.  I actually didn’t realize little Kate was little Kate, and thought they for some reason were showing Kyle as a child. Derp.

    SAME…and I just now remembered that I did indeed record New Amsterdam!

    Thank you!!

    Anyone else notice that Dr. K was polishing a glass behind the bar with a Terrible Towel, and that Jack’s coffee mugs (World’s Best Dad, with his picture on it, as well as one from Lundy, the company where he worked) were on display on shelves behind the bar?  Makes me wonder what other Easter eggs I missed…good thing I didn’t delete the episode!

    A Steeler fan would NEVER use a Terrible Towel to polish glasses!  I was stunned 😆

    • LOL 1
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  3. On 4/6/2022 at 7:16 AM, Haleth said:

    This was so hard to watch, even though we knew Jack would be fine.

    I am so annoyed with Kate.  Tobey was spot on when he asked her if she even wanted him in LA.  Or does his absence give her an opportunity to constantly berate him?  (Call your own damn plumber, Kate.)  Did she even answer him when he asked if she wanted him there?  He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, for Pete's sake!  He's trying! 

    Who the hell teaches a toddler how to open the door?  That is insane.

    Kevin and Randall need to mind their own business.

    OMG I didn't catch on with the Hawaiian shirt -good point!!  Poor Toby

    • Love 4
  4. I laughed out loud when they were tossing out reasons Rebecca wanted to have a serious talk, and Kevin said, "Maybe she and Miguel want to be a throuple".   That word and the way Kevin said it had me rolling!


    • LOL 7
  5. On 11/19/2021 at 1:43 PM, BrindaWalsh said:

    I may be in the minority but I didn't find the time jumps distracting.  Generally speaking I just kind of ignored them, truth be told, and it didn't really interfere with my understanding or following of the story.  We've lived through this as a nation (correction: are living through it) and I think I just said in my head that as these events played out on the screen, so were the efforts to legally put an end to the crisis that Purdue created, and to Purdue itself.  

    I think the writers did a pretty masterful job of weaving the stories of addiction that we've heard about or read about as we have come to understand this opioid crisis into the different character arcs - the mom whose child had to be raised by a grandparent, the kids partying who panic and dump the body of their friend who overdoses, the turn to heroin when you can't get Oxy because it's cheaper and "better," being offered drugs in the bathrooms of support group meetings, Oxy being offered for anything and everything, from an ankle injury to post surgery, turning to prostitution to fund the habit, the scum of the earth doctors who took advantage of the addicts seeking treatment, the stigma and shame and lack of compassion for those struggling with recovery when we know recovery from opioid use is different from other drugs because of how the drug impacts the brain.  My god, seeing it all at once made me cringe at how this country has lacked compassion and understanding when supporting those in turmoil from drugs.  However, I feel like they missed one critical story arc  here - the perfectly normal, happy teen with everything ahead of them who gets prescribed oxy for a sport injury or some such thing.  So many of the characters in the show who became addicted seemed to have some underlying emotional or mental struggle.  For example, Betsy was struggling with her identity as a lesbian, Dr. Finnix certainly carried himself with a sense of loneliness and we learned early on that he had lost his wife to  cancer.  And while we got glimpses of the perfectly happy "world ahead of them teen," we didn't really see that full story arc which left me with the impression that they inadvertently tied an internal struggle with a proclivity towards addiction when we know that drugs do not discriminate in that way and that's been a big part of the opioid story and how the heroin crisis was different this time around.

    I can't BELIEVE that children's oxy was ever even an idea and I'm completely horrified by the concept and I can't let my mind even wander down that path.  Was that real or was that for dramatic effect.

    And as I write this I'm sitting here staring at a bottle of oxycodone prescribed to me this week following surgery.  I took one pill to help me sleep the first night home.  As soon as I am cleared to drive, I have full intentions of driving to our local prescription drop box in town to dispose of it properly. I've always avoided painkillers like this, for one I don't like how they make me feel, and even before this show I was acutely aware of the risks associated with them.  I remember in the 90s being offered oxycontin for a back injury.  I turned it down at the time for the same reasons - I don't like masking the pain and how painkillers make me feel, I prefer to actually treat the problem and have a clear sense of how I am progressing and I have fortunately never been in a scenario where a stronger painkiller is actually necessary. In hindsight, like many of you here, I realize how lucky I am that I didn't go down that road, especially when the "it's not addictive" narrative was still very much alive and well.  




    This is all so well said.


  6. On 11/8/2021 at 8:14 PM, secnarf said:

    I was almost certain the poet was Langston Hughes, and it's a good thing they didn't require any more than "Langston" because I wouldn't have been able to provide it. Had never heard of the Congressman and didn't know where Hughes' first name came from.

    I vaguely thought they had to provide first and last names in FJ?  This was kind of messed up because you didn’t even need to know who the Congressman was, which was the point of the question 

  7. I audibly gasped when Alex came home in the morning and Nate was all, "You can't call or text?!"  That was so out of line.  If it had been because she left Maddy with him alone overnight (not good), then fine, I get it.  But it was NOT.  It was solely because he was mad and jealous that she was with Sean.  His whole reason for telling her to move out was "I can't have a front row seat" to Sean and her. 
    It was SO awkward when he asked her out and then didn't seem to understand why that was weird.
    It was helpful that he let them move in with him, but he was 100% not willing to do that if he didn't get to have a relationship with Alex.  ICK.

    The only time I sort of laughed with Nate was when he (with his giant gross beard) made fun of Sean and his "peach fuzz".

    • Love 7
  8. On 7/21/2021 at 8:05 PM, Prevailing Wind said:


    I don't mind the new champ except for his penchant to use "What" for all his responses, even for people, i.e., "What is Bryan?"


    Ugh driving me crazy, and he says "What's" instead of "What is"

    • Love 4
  9. 40 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

    Once you mentioned it, I watched it back and it did look an awful lot to me like "thumb and index in a circle, other fingers flat," which I understand to mean "white power."  I don't know "love" on its own, but I think "I love you" in ASL is "thumb extended, middle and ring fingers down, shake a little."

    I noticed a similar gesture on earlier shows but thought he was just holding his hand to his heart innocuously.  His Facebook cover photo shows Sinatra making the similar "OK" gesture, but if that's what you're doing, you hold it up, not to your chest.

    A friend suggested he might have been signaling "three," as in "three wins," but I don't know, why not just hold up three fingers?    I've never seen "three" indicated that way.  If it is the supremacist symbol, how vile.

    Ew at best it’s obnoxious; at worst blatantly racist.  I’m glad he lost.  He was so stunned he missed the DD that it affected the rest of his game 🙄

    • LOL 1
  10. I think they should start requiring first and last names, when the answer is a person.  For some reason last night was really jarring to me when the champ kept just saying the last name, and then Anderson filled in the whole name.  There could be someone else with the surname "Jay" in NY who the champ was thinking of, right?  And also, it should just be a requirement to know the first and last names.  

    • Love 2
  11. 15 hours ago, Bastet said:

    I'm going to be watching something else tonight, so checked the archive while I ate my lunch.

    The Al Pacino TS surprised me; maybe they got tripped up by the Fredo part.  Impeachment was surprising, too.

    I ran the first round (well, by giving myself credit for a couple of clues I feel confident I'd have known had I been able to see the visual).  In DJ, I got all the women on stamps even without being able to see them.  I also ran the Constitution and Wipe Out categories, but missed three each in books and TV songs and two in Europe.

    For FJ, I knew Buenos Aires immediately, but it took a moment for Bogotá to come to me.  I had Santiago as the third, though, so it's good we only had to name two.

    The Fredo question was odd.  But good on Pasquale for knowing John Cazale right away!


    • Love 2
  12. 14 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    Exactly. I can say I graduated from Ames and people would know I went to Iowa State. But "Ames" is not the name of the school. Just like if someone says he went to school at "Carbondale," I know he went to Southern Illinois University. Carbondale is the location, not the name.

    And the list goes on, but to cut to the chase, "Annapolis" was not a correct answer.

    Not to beat a dead horse BUT I'm from Pittsburgh and wouldn't know what you meant if you said "Ames" or "Carbondale".  I think it's regional.  More people around the DC area (or who have family there) might've heard the Naval Academy called "Annapolis", but I disagree that it's nearly as entrenched as "West Point" is for USMA.

  13. 15 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    FJ: I went with Uncle Sam Wants You (more than ever)

    Since Amy Sedaris didn't write "Me Talk Pretty One Day" I guess it's OK that they didn't ask for BMS for her brother David, who DID write it. Personally, I think Amy's stuff is funnier than David's.

    Only 2 more days of the Land of Oz.


    I think they definitely should've asked for a BMS on the Sedaris one.

  14. 17 hours ago, ams1001 said:

    I especially hate the trope of them driving recklessly with the laboring mother in the car. In most cases by the time you head to the hospital, there's still plenty of time before the baby comes. Being in labor, in and of itself, is generally not a top-speed-lights-and-sirens emergency.

    Speaking of tropes, the dad all, "Laurel?" on the phone when no one was speaking.  

    • Love 9
  15. On 1/13/2021 at 9:37 AM, Calibabydolly said:

    I would like to see Austin Rogers (the NYC bartender) try to guest host! I really don't think Buzzy would make the cut for me, although he actually does look likeJaa game show MC. Austin is VERY smart and as a bartender....knows how to shoot the **** with anyone! Any thoughts? I know people didn't always like him but he made watching interesting for me anyway! Also what about James???

    James yes.  Austin may cause be to actually stop watching!

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  16. On 1/12/2021 at 3:11 PM, Tabasco Cat said:

    Hate to burst your bubble but no, we all don't agree. He doesn't have a good voice for the job, It's not just the lisp, either. The timbre is all wrong and instead of commanding the audience's attention, his voice is like weak noise that blends into the background.

    I like Ken overall but I agree about his voice.  I'm hoping I just get used to it, but otherwise I think he's great.

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