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Everything posted by Arwenevenstar

  1. Season 04. Episode 4 ' Morse would LOVE to have a life of Day of the Week sandwiches with Joan'....You are so so right but he's not going to get it is he? It is so very tragic...Gorgeous bloke...Would love her for ever...Far too good ( imv) for her, and she finds him unexciting. She just always seemed too sensible and grounded to expect that; as being what you got in a relationship. All of a sudden she just seemed to turn into this shallow flootsie type and I'm not really sure of the timing of her personality change. Unless she was actually always like that underneath...but nothing in previous episodes ever suggested such a thing. The chemistry...the loaded looks between them tonight leave me thinking she did care...a lot, for Morse but didn't want to turn into Win. And then there is, or was, the baby! Have to admit I saw that coming. Joan had become such a ' fallen woman' that it had to be in there somewhere. And I don't know what to make of the ending. My OH thinks the next series will be set in London, but I think he stays put...If only because Joan is or could be around, possibly, somewhere...In his life. It is all so unremittingly sad for Morse, on the personal front but we know from the later series that this is indeed how it had always been in his love life. And those eyes of his! Beautiful. But I just want to see them light up with joy - just never going to happen. Well, now we have to wait again and 4 is just never enough! If I must mention plot lines, I think this series has not been as satisfying as the earlier ones. Too plot driven and complex, and I am still hoping Truelove does a sidestep out of the series. For me it's all about the characters and the relationships and the links to the older Morse...I can't see that changing. A really touching part tonight was the quiz in the pub. Morse clearly out if his depth socially..not wanting to be there, but thinking he should do the right thing. Unable to really join in...he played it perfectly and as we know from the older Morse ...He doesn't join things. But in this series he is still trying to fit in. Achingly sad.
  2. Well, this is the second episode of this series and I find my attention/addiction slipping. Formerly, I have been riveted to this programme...quite the best thing on tele. And I can't put my finger on it. I had hoped episode 1 was just a one off that fell short in some way but no; here I am again... irritated and upset to a degree that I would not have thought possible. I am very wary of the introduction of Truelove. What with her and Strange and the other three it has all become so busy. And she just doesn't seem to sit right. Is she going to be a love interest for Morse or a regular part of the team; filling in all the answers when there must be some unanswered by Morse. I just wish her gone tbh, but feel I will not get my wish. And Morse has become quite grim in this series, yet timewise it has not moved on enough I feel to allow for any great shift in his character, although I know the disappearance of Joan is a loss to him. I miss the quiet reflections and nuances of previous times as subtle clues emerged and we were delicately immersed for 90 minutes in the best television for years. I am hoping for a return to my addiction next week. Endeavour, for me was always about the beautifully drawn characters and the various back stories and interactions. The show now seems very plot driven....almost all about Who Did It, but that has never been the reason why I watched Endeavour. There are too many 'Cop Shows' around already...and I don't want Endeavour to join them. Desperately hoping for a return to previous excellence at the moment.
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