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Posts posted by craziness

  1. Not sure what happened, but the channel listing in my area, for episode 2 had the Sr. Julienne/Lillian storyline and "A surprising pregnancy for one of Dr. Turner's patients leads him to start a campaign to encourage men to use contraception."  There was nothing about this in the episode, even the parts that PBS cut!?!?!  I wonder if that will be in a future episode, or if it will just be cut out.  Anyone know?  Thank you.

  2. I was surprised that no one mentioned Patsy and Delia when discussing the lesbian couple.  Maybe Phyllis and Trixie when they weren't around Nancy . . . Even just something like "are Patsy and Delia still in xxxxx?" 

    I'm glad Cyril asked Fred about the paint, and felt so sad for Lucille.

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  3. "After all these years, show decides that this storyline demands bare butt?  Why now?  And not, for example, the episode where George went to a nudist camp, where it would have made sense to see a few butts."


    We saw lots of butts in Murdoch Au Natural, mostly background characters (George had his satchel strategically placed in front or in back depending on camera angle, women had their long hair draped over breasts).

    ION used to show MM, but would blur out any nudity (the breasts on the bronze covered statues, and when Brackenreid was painting nude women they blurred parts of the paintings).  But skipped the nudist colony ep entirely.

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  4. Just watched episode 8, season 15 "Murdoch Knows Best" about Terrance Myers' secret civilian life.  Loved the shoutouts to 1950s and 60s TV. . . His last name was Anderson and he was in the insurance business like in Father Knows Best (FKB), the daughter's fiance was "Bud" (the name of the son on FKB), the neighbors were the Billingsleys (the name of the actress who played the mom on Leave it to Beaver).  Very funny, and great episode.

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  5. I have 2 issues with this episode.  If the bad guys were firing from the passenger side of the car, why were there bullet holes on the driver's side?  

    And Doctor Jimmy would known to use his tree limb crutch and his cane on his uninjured side.  It has to do with reciprocal motion and if the crutch or cane slipped, you don't want to fall on your injured/weak side.   They need better medical consultants.

  6. Wow, I think PBS really sliced up this episode.  Normally I can ignore it, but near the end when the clairvoyant said something to Sister MJ about seeing something happening at Nonnatous House, and the next scene with them, clairvoyant and nuns sitting around the table laughing and Sister MJ looking miserable.  WTF

    Also, Those hippies were really awful.

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  7. "Somehow, I seem to remember them naming their baby after her “dead” brother. Or at least listing his name among those under consideration. However, I don’t remember if Rupert is actually dead or if he somehow faked his death because of poverty."


    How soon we forget.  Ruthie's dead brother was Roger Newsome, of the Mimico Newsomes.  He was in several episodes, and annoyed George to no end.  He was murdered in "Weekend at Murdoch's" when he was a witness to a murder and George and Henry were supposed to be protecting him.  It was the episode were Henry met Ruthie.

    Ruthie had already named her dog after Roger (in a later episode, with a dog show).  Ruppert and Roger are played by the same actor.

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  8. I'd like to know why Eve, the guy with the gun, and the ambulance all landed so far from all the other people/debris.  And what else landed far away that will be hella useful when they need it.  Also, if we have an Eve, will we have an Adam?????

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  9. I'm watching the episodes again, on ION Plus on Saturdays and Sundays.  Just finishing the episodes with Lillian Moss.  Looks like they retconned her history between the corset episode (she left home 3 years before because she didn't want to marry the man her parents choose for her, and worked as a corset model when she came to Toronto) and the ep where she was killed (left Port Credit a year ago after helping her married girlfriend "kill" her husband and fake her own death and was a beard for her "uncle").  Do the writers NOT watch previous episodes?  

    I will miss Emily Grace, but really like her friendship with George (even as he sends her off on her move). 

    Also, noticed that ION Plus does edit/censor some of the episodes for content (totally skipped the nudist colony episode, edited out Lillian unlacing Emily's corset).  I wonder how they will handle Brackenreid painting nudes?

    Can't wait for Season 14.

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  10. On 5/26/2020 at 10:33 PM, OnceSane said:

    I assumed Gran had been doing abortions for at least Val's lifetime.

    I agree, since gran always had money so Val could buy ice creams, I assumed the money came from doing abortions.

  11. Hi all.  I've been binging on MM via Acorn, and am in the middle of season 11, but I've also read all the comments so far.  So, based on comments, in season 13 Watts is discovered to be gay?  Bit in the episode where Mr. Dilton gets crushed by the car, Watts seemed attracted to the nurse that showed up.  Did they retcon his sexuality or was the character pretending?

    Also in the end on season 10 beginning of season 11 "let's accuse Murdoch of murder" episodes, when Chief Constible Davis shows up, did they ever explain how he got out of being exciled to City Records?  Yeah, Brakenried got out cause he didn't do what he'd been accused of (don't recall what at the moment) but Davis was guilty and took the transfer as I guess a plea bargain.  Maybe the writers forgot that he went to City Records?

    Also, in the season 11 opener, it was nice to see Hodge again (running the pub where the gang met). Just like it was nice to see Giles in the "George is in jail" episode.  Based on comments, we see him again?

    I hope to finish the remaining episodes in the next week or so.  Maybe I'll have more questions/comments at that time.

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  12. All 4 nuns and 4 midwives went to the movie.  I guess Mrs. Turner will be on call.  Or one of the nuns who show up for compline and sing, but don't seem to be midwives.

    Loved this episode, nice to see Tim Turner being the perfect son again .

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  13. Thank you, Call The Midwife, for finally answering a question that I've had for a long time.  What is the brand of Trixie's very cool looking black cigarettes with the gold filter?  They are Sobranie!!!  Trixie mentioned them in the middle of the episode.  I'm not a smoker, but I want a pack of these, just because they look cool.

    Not sure how/why Turner diagnosed the jaundiced lady with diabetes (unless that was part of a deleted scene).  Also, did anyone else notice a split second scene of Sr. Juliette sitting in a hospital corridor?  

    I liked Phyllis and Millicent having tea.  

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  14. While I don't like the back stories for people who fail super early, what really bugs me are the ninjas who stop and wave and point and send kisses out to their family/fans after every obstacle.  And then the camera shows the family/fans waving/smiling/kissing back.  Waste of time!!!!!  I wish the editors of the show would edit out that to maybe one significant obstacle.  Could save a minute or more per ninja and show more actual competition.

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  15. I recall Sister Mary Cynthia being sad that by the time she took her final vows, that they no longer wore old bridal gowns.   So why did Sister Francis and the 3 others get to wear wedding gowns?  Did Sister Mildred change the rules and I just didn't hear it?  

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  16. On 1/13/2019 at 2:43 PM, craziness said:

    I'm rewatching season 4, and noticed a retcon.  In season 4, episode 2 (I believe), Phyllis mentions something her father said in the war (I think it was about bombs or about hygiene - the retcon didn't hit me immediately).  Many episodes later, we found out she was born out of wedlock and raised seemingly by her mother alone.  

    Hmmm, previously.tv won't let me edit this much later ... It was season 4, episode 3, and Phyllis said that her father called dysentery campaign fever, said it wiped out whole battalions.

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