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Isle Of Why

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Posts posted by Isle Of Why

  1. 2 hours ago, meowmommy said:

    this year when several months had lapsed, they suddenly stopped refilling my prescriptions.  They didn't even have the courtesy to notify me

    I swear. Doctors/clinics set up online patient portals and then don't even use them. In addition to letting us know when prescription refills have been denied, I'm positive the technology exists to send auto reminders for wellness checks. It's also mad how many doctors still make their front office staff call and remind every single patient about tomorrow's upcoming appointment.

    I've never worked in a doctor's office so if anyone has, I'm willing to be educated about how I'm mistaken.  😊

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  2. My late kitty, an 18 pounder, would jump on me in bed, pat my face, knead my chest, lay on my head, etc. Often at 4 am. If I closed my bedroom door, she would throw herself against it over and over.

    Now, she would do the normal pet thing and plop a few inches from the back door to my enclosed patio/air shaft, staring at me until I let her in or out. She never did that with the front door because she knew that wasn't happening.

    She was always waiting for me by the front or back door when I got home from work, depending if I was coming from the garage or the bus stop. Knew what time it was, heard the garage door, heard the bus, simply waited there all day? I dunno.

    My conclusion about waking me up in the morning is that she knew very well she couldn't open doors and threw herself against the bedroom door solely to make noise.

    She pretty much had no use for me except at mealtimes and to manage doorknobs. I miss her like heck!

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  3. Oh, come on! This banner is now displaying every time I open Chrome. It's 14 months away!


    Flash is required to play quite a few live streaming TV network sites and constantly having to enable/disable it is definitely a peeve. Sometimes it works and sometimes I have to close out Chrome, refresh, etc.

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  4. Welcome to the new viewers! The Good Fight is a separate show and it's not necessary to have watched The Good Wife beforehand. A few characters carry over but you won't be lost or anything.

    I hope everyone feels free to discuss season 1. The season 3 talk has kind of died down now, but maybe we could spoiler comments for any episodes after the ones currently airing on CBS?

    • Love 3
  5. I wouldn't mind if the show ended before George and Mary fall apart. It has that built-in "children grow up" problem anyway where the writers need to age up the characters but still have them retain the traits that endeared them to audiences. It's a tricky line to walk and I'd rather have 3-4 good seasons than drag things out into Missy and Sheldon's teen years. 

    • Love 6
  6. Snatch Game usually comes when there are eight queens left, as I recall.

    Poor Vanjie. In her one appearance last season, she was booted for not cinching or showing her body on the runway, so damn it, she brought her corsets now!

    Vanjie seems like a sweet person. She's a great performer and naturally funny but gurl. She is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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  7. 4 hours ago, meatball77 said:

    They went a little overboard making the lead unlikeable.  It'll be interesting to see where it goes.

    The previews show her developing a love interest and it looks like the kind detective with the blind daughter will be recurring, but yeah. Watching a trainwreck of a person is depressing to me and I know I'll lose interest if she doesn't start to get her life together a little more.

    The way she takes advantage of her roommate, and the roommate enabling it to the detriment of her own romantic relationship, also wasn't fun to watch.

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  8. I enjoy Vanjie's personality very much (and maybe the first RPDR showmance?) but honestly her runway look was JALL -- just another lazy leotard. And red again. She looked pretty in it, but Yvie and Nina's creativity was much more interesting to me. Give me a mop and pink jellyfish anytime.

    I'm wondering if Vanjie is unintentionally funny or if it's planned. I tend to think the former. Love her either way, but I'm not sure she's clever or calculating enough in that specific way to set up deliberate jokes.

    • Love 3
  9. Boy, they are leaning in all the way with Diane's political views. The Kings said this season would do so, but I wasn't sure what that might look like.

    Up with Diane: when she said in the partners' meeting that covering up for Reddick could potentially be worse for the firm.

    Down with Diane: poor woman is seriously misreading how much Trump's Christian base would care about a supposed abortion scandal. As a friend of mine said, "God sometimes does good things through bad people."

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  10. I listened to a few eps of Conan Needs a Friend this week and found them enjoyable even though I've never warmed to Conan.

    I was interested due to the guests, but it turned out  that Conan's antic behavior that had put me off his talk show was absent here. If he is doing any mugging, I can't see it. 

    I did laugh, so the show is on my rotation for the time being.

  11. 6 hours ago, GaT said:

    I like real books, I used to read the short stories on my phone, but it annoyed me so I stopped. I still feel like they're ripping me off.

    I get that. I originally switched to Kindle because I can embiggen the text to accommodate my poor vision, but have almost completely opted to have Alexa read them to me now while I play online games.

  12. 1 hour ago, GaT said:

    I absolutely hate it when authors who have series I read put out a bunch of short stories/novellas in between full length novels.

    In an author-related peeve, I've been reading a lot of self-published mystery series and they're so much alike I almost think it's one person writing under 15 different pen names. They're around 200 pages and a new one comes out every 2-3 months. If the stories don't exactly end on a cliffhanger, it's close enough that the next one in the series picks up at the same place.

    I don't claim to understand the economics, but the silly things only sell for around $3.99. I get them free with Kindle Unlimited. After publishing expenses, the authors must take home maybe $1.50 for each sale? I just looked up one of the more popular authors, and her latest release is #405,173 in book sales and #882 in Kindle. Nobody's making bank on those numbers.

    It's throwaway entertainment for me but I still wish the authors would take time to plot out a complete story arc that ends with a danged crime being solved. Charge the standard $8.99 or whatever. It's not that a short story or novella can't be fun to read, but at least call it what it is.

    • Love 2
  13. Quote

    This will be very hard to watch for anyone sensitive to portrayals of violence (sexual and otherwise), miscarriages, slavery, misogyny, homophobia ...

    Yeah, no. Thanks for the warning.

  14. 17 minutes ago, tribeca said:

    I love all the Dumphy's especially Phil. 

    I still like them fine, but they're all at that point in a sitcom where the writers amp up their personality traits to 11.

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  15. 41 minutes ago, SnarkyTart said:

    I still haven't found anyone who interested me very much.  I hope that changes in one of the upcoming battle rounds, or it's going to be heavy slogging for me

    I think it's been heavy enough slogging already for me to bug out until the finale. Nobody has grabbed me at all in the blinds or the first few battles.

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  16. Band of Brothers has the second highest user rating on IMDB (9.5) with almost 252K reviews, so it's at least popular with people who vote on IMDB. I don't typically like war stories so there's that, and maybe my expectations about compelling TV drama have changed in the last 15 years, but I found it to be utterly plodding and mundane.

    I don't know if the cast had been instructed to act the way they thought people in the 40s talked and acted, but it was all very stilted and fake sounding to me. I fast-forwarded through most of the battle scenes but kept watching to see if anything would draw me in, but nope.

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  17. On 3/6/2017 at 3:33 PM, forumfish said:

    I may have mentioned this in the Food topic, but my dad and sis eat peanut butter and mayo on Club crackers. The only other person I've met who eats PB & mayo is also from central Texas, so I always assumed it was regional. Where ya from, Isle Of Why?

    San Francisco. I eat it mostly as topping on toast now. To gross out some people even more, it's Miracle Whip. :)

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