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Posts posted by testardo

  1. I thought I read somewhere Robin and Jason return on August 4th? getting old is terrible you forget everything. Don't know how to do a link Go to Generalhospitalhappenings. They talk about Robin , Patrick seeing each other Her being at the hospital. the one where they have Jason. Sam and Patrick that is. Victor won't allow Robin to give the last treatment to Jason until she wakes up the C's Why the baby Gabe died and who was responsible for the Rafe accident. A bunch of stuff. Go click on spoilers go to page 2 its there. Sorry about the link, I am an old lady and I am computer ii illitirate.Can't spell either.

  2. I remember reading an article about Scott Egan (Sonny's old bodyguard, Johnny) with an interview done around the time of a FCW over a decade ago. NLG wanted Alexis to become a single parent since at the time, Alexis was written as being kind of terrified of children, and wanted a storyline that had her facing unplanned pregnancy & life as a single mother.

    Originally Johnny was going to rape Alexis, and she was going to get pregnant as a result of that rape. MB actually stopped that storyline from happening (Sonny would never let Johnny live if he raped one of Sonny's friends), thus Sexis and Sonny as Kristina's father. IIRC, that was the only reason Sexis happened. Egan didn't particularly want to be part of that and Mo dragged him along to object to the storyline. Scott Egan got shown the door and NLG got Dobson. I can't remember if it was clear how NLG felt about the potential Alexis is raped storyline.

    I will try to find the article to link it but it is at least a decade old so.

    I remember something about that also. I also remember reading an article about Guza saying he could take anything anyone had writen any popular story , couple etc and destroy it. Luke and Laura . were the first. The unholy three were trying to copy Santa Barbaras Mason and Julia's popularity AKA Dobson. Lane Davies played both roles . Lane has always been a fav of mine but turned out to be Zanders father. I had never seen such a stupid story on any soap before, before they made a mob don a hero. TIIC also had Jason kill Johnny also. Nice man he only killed the bad guys HA HA HA Scott Eagan made the rest of the guys on this show look ugly. He was adorable. I also read NLG wanted her character with the popular Sonny , so she tanked the Dobson storyline. I don't know if it was true but I didn't care because I didn't like Mason and Julia I was and always will be a Mason /Mary fan. Soaps do tend to try to take advantage of other shows with the same actors and It doesn't always work.

  3. Well, it also didn't hurt that these Three Stooges had history with each other long predating GH. In the '80s, Brian Frons was VP of NBC Daytime and (back when he had some hair) he made a guest appearance on Santa Barbara as...wait for it...God, when Mason/his split personality Sonny Sprockett was shot and went to heaven. JFP was the EP. and Guza was a staff writer (as were Patrick Mulcahey and Michele Val Jean, among others) at one point writing under Charles Pratt.


    So, as you can see, the inbred nature of daytime employees and their buddy system goes back for DECADES. It's no wonder so many get away with so much even when shows turn to shit. Sadly.

    frons still seems to think he is God. .Loved that we made his life miserable wanting Mary back.Plus

    Harley Jane Kozak wouldn't come back. So I just shut the show off.I see Frons hasn't changed at all.

  4. Edward always had the Q's at each others throats. he wanted them fighting to be the boss. No holds barred. He was a nasty old man , he was never happy that Alan was a doctor,and Jason also wanted to be  one. Don't think he was even happy that Jason ended up being a killer for hire in the end. Lila was another pain. Always so nice to Mr Corintios after he brought Jason into the mob and taught him how to kill. He was always on AJ , trying to get him to be as dirty as he could. he wanted Michael at the Q's and instead of blaming Jason it was all AJ  fault. The time carley fell down the stairs ,yes fell trying to be her usual nasty self to AJ. She was visiting Lila to tell  her all about Sonny's child she was carrying. Guza was a piece of work. Billy Warlock was such  talented actor he made me root for AJ over all the rest.Everytime AJ looks like he might win, Guza shoved him in a bottle. Sky was the only one that was on AJ's side. wally was always calling him junior and making it sound like a dig. You can have Ned.ASK was treated even worse. BW at least was on , sean was back burned all the time.Nothing has changed the faces may be diffferent but the garbage still smells.

    • Love 4
  5. This is exactly why I hold out no hope Michael will finally hate Sonny. Everything he has suffered through was because of Sonny, sonny decided to take Michael away from AJ. Alexis also had a hand in this. She had a thing for Sonny so she filed coerced papers to have AJ give up his fathers rights. How did she get such papers. Zander who worked for Sonny ,which Alexis tried to talk him out of  . Zander was in the factory saw what Sonny, and Max etc  were doing to AJ. Putting him on a meat hook, pouring booze trying to get him to fall off the wagon. they told him there was a drunken guy they rolled over a cliff soaked in booze, with AJ's wallet .So his family would believe he was on a bender and not call the police when he was missing. Skye was the only one looking for him. Zander told Alexis the story so she went right to court and filed the papers. Mac who was police commissioner didn't believe AJ neither did anyone else. So he lost his son. I just don't believe Michael will ever care. This kid has been brainwashed by carly and Sonny and Jason. carley actually told him when he was young Sonny and Jason were like firemen ,and soldiers fighting for the rights of the little man. This was why I shut the show off for years. Sonny has always ruined everything.

    • Love 3
  6. I have watched other reality shows and Ron and Tyler were fine compared to some. I also have to agree why Tyler watches what he eats. Ron is an ass and he would love to be able to degrade him. And everyone else on the show. I thought they all came out human, No one agrees with everyone all the time. I don't usually like reality shows except *the little couple* .They are all scripted no matter what they say. I was prepared to dislike Ron's wife with the things I had heard about her but, she was fine she was so good with the little boy. They live a very different lifestyle and that was the whole premise of the show.I am not a big Nickolas fan but now I see he is more human as is Ron . I think this was a good idea.I actually enjoyed this one.

  7. Thanks, testardo


    FYI, this is the schedule:

    6am  Toward the Unknown

    8am  Shootout at Medicine Bend

    930am  Grand Prix

    1230pm Cash McCall

    215pm  The Wheeler Dealer

    615pm  Mr.. Buddwing

    8pm  The Thrill of it All

    10pm The Americanization of Emily

    12am The Children's House

    2am  Victor/Victoria

    430am Marlow




    This makes me giggle because I grew up with Jerry Lawyer. I"m from the Memphis area & went to Junior High & High School with his boys, Brian & Kevin. Brian played football & on Friday"s you could see Jerry, a member of The Hart family, Tatanka, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, the Moondogs, etc at the game as regular people. Then on Saturday morning they would be in character & fighting each other with Kevin as one of the referees on local TV channel. I even worked at the same hospital with Brian's wife, Dana for a couple of years. She went to the same HIgh school & we went to the same nursing school

    your welcome,  enjoy !

  8. It just came to me, in Sonny's mind the reason he wouldn't have cared if Ava did die while carrying Morgan's baby is because in that twisted, sick, psychotic brain of his he'd think that he was doing his son a favour.


    Killing his own kid? A step too far, because that only happens "accidentally" and they always survive anyway. But an unwanted grandchild is fair game. After all, Morgan should have never been with Ava in the first place, let alone end up having a child with that "bitch", as Sonny loves to call Ava by her pet name so often, so if he got rid of them both then he will have "freed" his youngest son from the "man hungry clutches of that horrible, awful, slut" Ava, the end.


    Never-mind all manner of ethics and morals and human decency, that's just how Sonny rolls.


    Sonny has none of those things add respect for human life to those. I would have loved to see Shawn shoot him, and the helicopter fall on Sonny. Not on some innocent walking in the hospital parking lot. I am not an AVA fan but Sonny makes me wish for his death.

  9. july 28 Monday. All day and night will be his movies.TCMI don't know what time will be what but I just read it would be dedicated to him This is for all.I know bestist aunt ever wanted to know.....

     I man JAmes Garner of course.  I Forgot to write it down.sorry

  10. FrankenRon are the same as Guza and his goons. They just did it differently. They wrote, write for themselves. The fans are called names and they have the power. Same church, different pew. I shut Guza's gh off, FrankenRons I read the boards come here if something sounds ok AJ as a ghost getting the better of Sonny. I watch. I just deleted 60 shows almost all of them unwatched. My give a damns busted and when I did it, I didn't even feel bad. I even deleted the demonization of the Scorpios and AJ. When someone tells me Sonny is DEAD with a bullet hole in the head, preferably by Michael or Morgan, I will watch that. I love it on the barge. Went there the last time they killed AJ and The police were blamed for Sonny's shootout with them I can't I just couldn't then and can't now. I love coming here and seeing that I am not the only one that has had it with the show.

    • Love 3
  11. I haven't been able to watch GH for a while. I start, but it's so awful I just delete.

    Today I ff'd through it and man what a mess. Lucy Coe should be held face down in whatever's handy until she just stops talking. Sonny holding the odious Ava prisoner so she can spit out another Corinthii and then kill her - yeah, that's a great storyline.  And Alexis......sometimes it might just be best if kept her lips zipped.  Being sympathetic to Sonny, and telling Orange Glow what a great dad he is makes her seem like a real moron.

    And seeing Bobbi in bed with Scott.....I only wish it was possible to unsee it. He's like some Disney animation of a mutated gopher or something. Just. NO.


    Now if somebody would make gif of that phone bouncing off Morgan's head, I'd watch it constantly.  Lord knows nothing could actually hurt that bonehead.

    And the ratings went UP last week??

    Probably because school is out Elementry that is High school and college kids have jobs. I don't know one person that watches the show, except us on line.

  12. Julian wearing only shorts - well I know a few ladies here who will be happy. :)


    Rosalie and Morgan - it could work. They have chemistry, and he's definitely checking her out. 


    I hated everything about the Alexis-Sonny conversation, except her smirk at remembering Ava's pregnant with either Sonny's baby, or Morgan's. Has she forgotten that Sonny almost blew up Kristina?!?!


    I did like Bobbie telling Scott to "put on your big boy pants." He's not worth fighting over, and he's a wuss.

    Brain dead Alexis didn't believe Sonny blew up Johnny's  car. She believes Sonny when he said he didn't do it. Plus making a fool out of the vets is a Guza thing. Looks like Re-Ron is coping that also .. Scott's hair I just have to FF him now also. I remember when I liked him, when he hated Sonny and loved Karen and wanted to protect her. Plus the whole Dominique thing.

    • Love 2
  13. I have a feeling she might be gone within a year (Britt). I liked Britt and Nikolas much more compared to Liz and Nik but I think with this storyline she's obviously the heavy for Niz. And now Obrecht has another kid. And apparently the actress has been pimping Morgan and Britt a lot, so I feel like that indicates she knows her story is kinda heading towards a dead-end. Of course, maybe she just really wants to work with her boyfriend.



    Good point. That makes me wonder though, does Silas know Jason was in the mob?



    JAson wasn't in the mob.he ran the mob for a time and he was the killer for the mob.Thats even more disgusting.Why the hell does tiic of the show want to return Jason.MAybe they think the Jason fans who turned off the show will return.What about us who shut the show off, and returned when Faison*my hero* killed him. I don't want to see General mobsters return.

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