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Independent George

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Posts posted by Independent George

  1. So thought this was probably the show's best season overall (at the very least, it's neck-and-neck with S3), the finale felt a little disjointed to me; Barry's off-hand reveal as Woodhouse's killer just felt a little... meh. That said, there were a lot of gently moving scenes in it - Archer at Woodhouse's grave, and Poovey weeping at the kitchen table, even Lana's death (despite all the slapstick about the trigger). I think the reason Barry's reveal felt so wrong was that in every other aspect, the season was totally committed to the Dreamland world. This reveal did nothing (and still left hanging the question of who ransacked the office that very night).

    My favorite this season was Cecil - I know he was only in a few episodes, but I think I laughed at every single one of his lines. Actually, both of the Vandertunts just rocked it this season - it's too bad they didn't have any interaction, but maybe that would have caused the universe to explode due to awesomeness overload.

    6 hours ago, TheInnerClown said:

    Think it's a Browning Hi-Power, or else John Moses Browning saying Archer gets the money doesn't make that much sense. 

    Browning invented both (though the Hi-Power wasn't completed until after his death). And a crap ton of other guns, too. Also, the Hi-Power had a double-stack magazine, so Archer wouldn't have had to reload (assuming Poovey didn't empty another six rounds into Lana). (I'm a bit of a gun nerd).

    • Love 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    The moment when Archer reloaded his gun confused me. Did guns in 1940s have insertable clips like that or was it just Archer again taking dreamscape license with reality?

    Yup - it's a Colt 1911. It entered into service as a US Military sidearm starting in... 1911. 

    • Love 4
  3. All Archer wanted to do was play lacrosse at Johns Hopkins. Instead, he (according to another near-death dream sequence) gets shot in a stomach by a crazed groupie, then ends up working for Mallory and seeing and doing a bunch of stuff he'd rather forget. Like constantly crossing paths with a killer cyborg.

    • Love 2
  4. Whoah, I missed that there  were only 8 episodes this season. I think it works, though - even at its peak in S2-S3, there were always what felt like 'filler' episodes; by the time we got to 'Vice', it just dragged on too long. This season has been very tightly scripted, and just flows beautifully; doing less (and doing it better) has worked out really well for them.

  5. I love this season - it feels so natural that I have to consciously remind myself that it's a dream sequence. And yeah, Cheryl/Carol/Charlotte is positively terrifying.

    I think Pam is man because Archer thinks of her as one of the boys. Which, when you consider the other cast members, kind of makes sense. Regardless, she's established as his best friend, so Poovy as his grudging noir ally just works beautifully. 

    Pam: best character on the show, or best character ever?

    • Love 4
  6. Holy crap this season is brilliant so far. Unlike the previous reinventions, they've fully immersed themselves into the noir setting, and it totally works. I know we're barely a fifth of the way through, but this season just feels more committed to the concept than their earlier attempts.

  7. I really wish I had participated here from the beginning, because a lot of the things I want to talk about now are things you've all discussed to death ages ago. So please forgive me my ramblings, I've got a lot to get off my chest (partly because I can no longer access the Westeros.org forums on my mobile, so this is my last outlet). 

    Anyway, first of all, the thing that really struck me most about the bookwalker invasions is just how incompetent they were. Maybe it's just because Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon is one of my favorite books ever (a significant portion of the story is about an Allied counter-intelligence operation in WW2), but it really shouldn't have been that hard to fool an Unsullied. The most basic precaution should have been to only mention stuff that was actually on the show. How hard is it to keep the dang show on your DVR and verify that what you want to discuss was actually included on the show?

    If I wanted to pass as an Unsullied, my first order of business would have been to establish credibility by purposely advocating a completely incorrect speculation early in the game which I was certain had to be revealed soon enough (for example: "I think Drogo is going to kill Jorah", or "I think Littlefinger is going to kill Varys and help Ned escape"). I'd consistently and repeatedly (but politely) argue that point, just to establish it in your memory. Finally, at some point, I'd voluntarily drop out of the discussion on occasion with a declaration of, "I'm sorry, guys, but I think I just got spoiled on something while in the office; I overheard something that I can't unhear, and I don't want to accidentally do the same to you. I'm going to have to lie low for a while until it happens, or proves incorrect". I'd have stayed away for two weeks, then come back after Ned's death with a "I can't believe those jerks spoiled me on that. When Ned confessed, I was sure they were wrong, but then it happened, and my reaction was ruined because I was angrier at the people who spoiled it than I was at Joffrey."

    This would have served quadruple-duty by: (1) establishing that I was spoiled on such a large point, thereby implying that I am unspoiled on everything else, (2) establishing that I was trustworthy and honorable enough to come clean about being spoiled, and voluntarily quitting the discussion to protect you, (3) gaining your sympathy over being spoiled about such a large plot point, thereby ingratiating myself inside your circle of trust, and (4) protecting myself in the future in case I messed up and introduced something not on the show.

    I guess this goes to the motivations of the bookwalkers. By and large, they seemed to fall into two camps: (1) people who wanted to seem really smart and perceptive by proving to you how much they could predict, and (2) people who wanted to shape you into having the same opinions they did about the characters/story. The first just seems really sad; I can't ever see myself trying something like that. I have to admit the second would have been rather tempting; fandom is all about being passionate about a particular work, and I completely get the impulse to try and bring people around to your point of view. As a Stannis fan, it was particularly frustrating to see your reactions to the obviously evil show version, but I completely understood it.

    I think what stopped me was the fact that I was as much a fan of the Unsullied thread as I was of the books; it would have meant destroying something I had grown to love. 

    • Love 3
  8. One hundred and twelve pages. I just finished reading every single post in One Hundred And Twelve fookin' pages, and loved every minute of it!

    Hi, some of you bookwalkers might remember me from the Unsullied-watcher threads on Westeros, or the bookwalker threads here and from TWOP. (I also was a semi-regular on the BSG discussions there, but I doubt I left much impression). This is the first time I've looked up the show discussions in over a year, and was shocked and thrilled to discover Shimpy's watch had ended. I stopped participating for largely the same reasons she gave up on the show - S5 was such a trainwreck and I soon realized I was only watching out of obligation rather than enjoyment.

    I remember having such high hopes that S5 would actually improve on the books by supplying the much-needed editing job for FFC/DWD; instead, they managed to make it even worse. That was... demoralizing, to say the least. It's weird clicking on my profile and looking up my old comments; I wonder what it means that my very last GOT post was an Arrested Development joke. 

    Anyway, I've been a huge fan of the Unsullied thread since S2, and loved hearing your unfiltered opinions. I loved your fan nicknames (I still chortle at "Zombonies on Zomponies" and "Milk of the Puppy"), and your analysis was always spot on even when it veered off into crazy tangents. I absolutely loved reading your comments as you made your way through the books. 

    Anyway, I'll have more to add to the discussion in a bit, but I'm actually quite exhausted from spending the last five days reading through this entire thread. I just wanted to say "Thank You" to Shimpy taking the time to write all these years. You were always entertaining and informative, and I'm glad I can finally talk with you freely. Actually, since I never read the Dunk & Egg stories, you're now better informed than I am. Cheers!

    • Love 5
  9. I don't know why this is such a point of contention for folks, considering that two of the revenge proposals offered by the Sand Snakes in the book were to a) murder eight-year-old King Tommen, and b) burn Oldtown to the ground. While it's true that Ellaria wasn't down with getting revenge in the books, there were certainly some prominent Dornish who thought that indiscriminate death and destruction was the appropriate response to Oberyn's death.


    For me, it's because we saw in the books a wide range of reactions and counterarguments from different people, including Ellaria's wholesale rejection of vengeance and Doran's admonition that she understood Oberyn better than anyone. I understand Ellaria being a composite of multiple sand snakes, but the fact that the only opposing view we've seen expressed comes from Doran's thirty-second scene, plus Oberyn's own words in S4, makes her a lot less nuanced and sympathetic.

    • Love 4
  10. I mentioned this on the show thread, but I really want the HBO store to start selling a plush stuffed Stannis doll that I can hug and squeeze and carry around with me. Maybe they can even make it talk, so that when you hug it, it blurts out an awkward, "Well, uh, ok, umm.... As you were."

    • Love 1
  11. Which summed up Stannis to me.  He loves his daughter deeply, he just has no clue how to express affection in terms other than declaiming "her rights" under the banner of family pride.  Just like he won't say Davos is his best friend...just that he needs Davos's service or what have you.  Stannis can care for others but he doesn't know how to say it to them...perhaps because he can't even say it to himself.


    I want a plush Stannis doll that I can hug and squeeze and pet and carry around with me.


    HBO store, get on that, chop chop! It'll be a bestseller!

    • Love 4
  12. The Sand Snakes are terrible. I really don't understand why they killed the man who sold out Jaime. You'd think people wouldn't bother bringing them information if that's the way they roll. I know the show was just trying to make them badasses, but they seem stupid and awful instead.


    Agreed. I understand (and agree with) the need to trim down the loads and loads of characters, but the end result is hurting the character development in this case. We know nothing of the Sand Snakes, and we know Oberyn himself was against harming Myrcella. So by making Elaria into a composite of the book version of the Sand Snakes, while cutting out Arianne's perspective entirely, they seem like straight monsters instead of people we might otherwise sympathize with. 


    I'm gonna throw it out there: I think Stannis is dead by the end of the season. I was getting that vibe by the books and TWOW chapters alone and the show's starting to confirm it for me. In the books, Stannis is at his strongest position since ACoK. He's actually become more of a sympathetic character now that he's aligned with the North. The Boltons are seemingly in a bad position, surrounded by their enemies inside and out at Winterfell. Wouldn't it be completely GRRM if the Boltons get lucky during the battle, actually scored a victory and killed Stannis? I'm thinking that Ramsey's note at the end of ADWD turns out to be true and it's Stannis letter about, "You might hear that I have died," is the actual red herring.


    Now the show is giving us even more hints, Brienne's oath to kill Stannis is getting more play and she's conveniently found herself heading in the same place as Stannis. Stannis and Shireen's scene felt like the last time they'll ever see each other. I'm more curious if Davos is going to take the hit with Stannis.


    This could pose an interesting dramatic situation for her - they're working hard right now to establish Stannis as the best hope for toppling the Boltons, and uniting the North to defend the Wall. Brienne has a personal grudge against Stannis, so is she willing to put that aside for the good of the realm?

    • Love 3
  13. I love watching Stannis hug Shireen. You can actually see the thought process slowly wind its way through his mind...


    1. Why is she squeezing me with her arms like that?

    2. Wait, I know this one. We covered this.

    3. I'm supposed to do something now.

    4. Something with my arms.

    5. Squeeze... back? Let's try that.

    6. Wait, now she's squeezing me even tighter!

    7. What is this sudden feeling of warmth I'm getting?

    8. Huh. This is actually kind of pleasant.

    9. Ok, what do I do now?

    10. Stay strong, man. Those skinny little girl arms can't hold out forever.

    • Love 9
  14. That sounds absolutely ridiculous.


    It is absolutely ridiculous, but might also absolutely necessary to consolidate approximately 1,200 pages of text into 1.5 seasons so that the rest of the cast is still approximately the same age. Just handwave it. 

  15. But that is exactly what Book!Cersei thought she was doing when she armed the Faith Militant--trying to set them up as her shock troops. What she didn't understand, is that by definition the Faith Militant doesn't answer to her, and that she is in fact as subject to their power as anybody else.


    It feels different, though. For starters, on the show, she's taking the initiative instead of reacting and arriving as a supplicant. Second, she doesn't just dive straight in to re-arming the faith militant; she's actually taking her measure of the man, and really, this High Sparrow seems a lot less crazy than the book version (for now, at least). Also, on the show, she never orders the assassination of the previous High Septon out of her paranoia over Tyrion. 


    It's going to get us to the same place, but the sum of all the little differences in characterization since S1 really make me love Show Cersei so much more than Book Cersei. Also, LH; she's been one of my favorites on the show since the beginning.

    • Love 2
  16. I get the need to consolidate storylines, and sending Sansa to the north does accomplish that... but the politics of it just don't make a whole lot of sense. Its an act of open rebellion against the South, and the fact that the residual loyalty to Ned makes it even more confusing.


    It would have made more sense if Littlefinger promised her to one of the surviving Karstarks as a means of ending the feud, or maybe one of the Umbers. Ramsay... it consolidates the storylines, but not in a way that makes sense to me right now. I'm not talking about it as a matter of book vs show, but purely in terms of show-only logic. Maybe it'll get better, but I'm just not seeing it. Sansa is much more valuable as a bargaining chip by getting the other Northern houses to unite against the Boltons, and then allying with the Eeyrie. 


    I know Sansa has her fans, but I cannot stand her.  From the moment she was introduced - she has trusted and sided with the wrong people.  I don't want her hurt, but dear lord - I want her to get a clue.


    The really weird thing is - and I can't believe I'm saying this - siding with Littlefinger is probably her best move. What's Brienne's long-term plan? What can Brienne really do to keep her safe, except maybe cross the narrow sea where they can live in exile for a few years before getting tracked down by Cersei's assassins? And making an enemy of Littlefinger in the process?


    No, Littlefinger can't be trusted, but... to paraphrase a line from Jackie Brown, he can be trusted to be Littlefinger. Sansa will be protected as long as she's worth more to him alive than dead. Sure, he'll betray her if things start going badly and it looks like her death can benefit him, but he'll also back her to his utmost if she looks like the strong horse. And I know it's tautological, as long as he's backing her, she is the strong horse.


    I'm not sure how I feel about this episode in general. There were some nice character moments, but it suffers from the same weakness that a lot of episodes do - it's spending way too much time establishing a setting than moving forward with the story. Arya's Braavos subplot is a perfect example - why add an extra 7-8 minutes of her doing nothing, rather than push her straight into the House of Black & White to begin her training?

    • Love 15
  18. Was he physically unable to kill himself? I didn't get that impression. Or was afraid to do it himself, not unlike the peasant he gave the gift of mercy to?

    He lost his sword early in the fight, and I assume he lost the dagger when he went over the cliff. Short of beating himself over the head with a rock, he really doesn't have any means of killing himself left.

  19. It sounds like once the novels are ready, the editing process is really fast. She mentioned something like two weeks, if even that. So Martin could conceivably be done with WoW at the end of 2014 or early 2015 and it could be ready for release after Season Five airs.

    A little too fast, I think. FFC/DWD were about 400 pages too long, and really should have been trimmed. A lot.

    I feel like GRRM has sold so many books (even more with the show) that he's now being given way too much leeway in what he writes.

    • Love 1
  20. Last season was waaay too early to introduce her (coming right after the Red Wedding, it would have played out as a cheap ploy that actually reduces the shock of her death). The best way to introduce her is through Brienne, not some random Frey whom we've never met and don't care about. Between Arya and Sansa's storylines having to be played out, we just weren't ready for UnCat yet this season. You can't just go down a checklist of plot points to go through - it needs to be tied in to how the other storylines play out.

    To paraphrase the philosopher Bluth: you need to push the tension to the last possible second before you start stripping.

    • Love 2
  21. But after Jaime visits Tyrion in prison and talks with him, he goes to Cersei to say that Tyrion DIDN'T kill Joffrey, and he seems to expect Cersei to accept and believe that. She ignores that and then, IIRC, perjures herself on the stand in order to further damn Tyrion to a guilty verdict (assuming I understood Jaime's reaction shots correctly). THAT, to me, implies that Jaime did not realize that Cersei no longer gave a fuck about Tyrion's guilt...she just wanted him dead and was willing to lie to make it happen.

    But she didn't perjure herself - everything in her own testimony was either factually true, or an unfalsifiable supposition. I think she really and truly does believe Tyrion tried to kill Joffrey at Blackwater, and that he murdered him at the wedding.

    Shae is the only person to actually perjure herself, and her testimony is actually very believable. Meryn Trant told the truth at the trial. So did Pycelle.

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