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Everything posted by ReeBee85

  1. I'm glad it's not just me. I got to the end and am still super confused who the baddies were and what happened between Alex and Ryan. Clearly they've broken up but why? What happened? Why did they break up? I've invested time watching their relationship over these two seasons so I want to see how and why they broke up.
  2. I agree. My guess is that in the past, Ryan has to be seen to be cutting Alex off after the task of cutting ties with the people in their life who won't let things go. In the future, I'm guessing that Ryan put Alex where he did to protect her and keep her out of the road. If he had really turned into one of the baddies why wouldn't he just kill her and be done with it? Whats everyone's thoughts on the twins? I think she was undercover last night about being part of the liberation front.
  3. I'm assuming they switched them out at the beginning when she scratched the terrorist? She kept saying "there must be a reason they didn't kill me" when she came back. Of course!
  4. I missed the very last bit. What did she say? "You were right. I think ... might be one of them"? Who does she think might be 'one of them' and what does that even mean? I swear I miss half of the things that go on because I don't I don't hear it properly! Why did they haul Leigh off? I didn't catch that bit either. On another note, they kill another two terrorists and Alex doesn't think to look and see who they are? And why are none of the terrorists bothered by the alarm Lydia has set off?
  5. The language thing is a big wtf?! Another wtf is why she was running around without the mask. Shouldn't she be trying to blend in? Why is she not recognizing any of the voices? What is Will agreeing to and why? Why has she not cottoned on to the fact Miranda told them she was in there? So many questions, and no answers!
  6. Is it just me or is it really slow this season? At least the last season had me guessing the whole way through about who it is, but this season is so much slower. I did read that it's supposed to be in real time this time so I guess that explains the slowness of it, but it just seems harder to get into... What did everyone else think of this week's episode?
  7. I've watched it over again. The woman she unmasked is the same woman standing in front of the class after they all get back from the exercise in the bush. She isn't a recruit. I don't think Miranda is acting with the terrorists. It's too obvious. All the way through season 1, they kept giving us red herrings so we'd think that it was a particular person who was the terrorist and then it turned out to be someone who didn't even have shade cast on him through the whole season (which I predicted by the way). It's always the person you don't expect. If they're following the same format for season 2, it won't end up being Miranda. There'll be some sort of sub-plot we'll find out later that clears her as a suspect; even using Alex as a diversion tactic so the terrorists are focusing on her instead of something else. Remember the bit about "hiding in plain sight"? I'm certain that's relevant here somewhere. On another note, I'm glad Alex is not wearing those damn heels anymore. All I could think as she was running is "are these magic heels? How are they not making a racket? How have they not heard her yet?" ha ha Here's what I don't get though - why would she throw the body down into where the terrorists all are? Why wouldn't she dispose of the body somewhere hidden and continue surveilling or making a plan? It would at least buy her some time to get more intell. Surely throwing the body in there would be like waving a red flag at a bull because they now know she is still alive and it would be harder for her to blend in now.
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