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Posts posted by mj2000

  1. On 5/25/2020 at 8:01 PM, Scarlett45 said:

    I did notice that, but it could be 1. Just because they are sisters doesn’t mean they live at the same address, 2. The boundary lines between the districts could’ve been moved in the years between Heather & Holly J starting school allowing already enrolled students to stay in their current school if they want. 3. Lakehurst may not have been open when Heather started at Degrassi (see above). 

    The “Heather Sinclair” references always cracked me up. 

    Im still on season 4 (this rewatch is taking longer than I thought, as I still do have work and stuff)- Spinner selfishly confessed to Jimmy about lying to Rick as to who set the paint job. I did like how Spinner lost his friends in a realistic way and really really had to work to regain their trust. The fall out here is well deserved- no one is being vindictive or dramatic it’s a consequence. And yes telling Jimmy was selfish AF. Now he’s going to hang out with fucking JAY who I hate. What motivated Emma to blow his slimy ass again????


    I still contend Liberty was too good for JT and after all these years of treating her like crap (it wasn’t just he didn’t return her crush he could be rude to her sometimes), they date! Wtf man. 

    I am convinced that Heather Sinclair was the child of Charlie from Charlie's Angels.....heard of but never seen.

    As for the Spinner/Jimmy situation, here is my take: As soon as Spinner became involved with Satan, I mean Jay, we knew that something bad would happen. The bullying of Rick went entirely too far even though I understand why they were doing it. He did get off scott free from almost killing Terri. That said, it was still occurring on school property and nothing was done to stop it. Raditch did nothing when Rick came to him. 

    Not long before the shooting Jimmy and Rick were on positive speaking terms. They were getting along. At the shooting, imagine Jimmy's surprise when Rick confronted him. He was being accused of engineering the prank and had absolutely no clue why. Then Rick shot him. After the shooting, it would be logical to assume that Jimmy wondered why Rick turned on him. Only two people knew why Rick shot Jimmy..... Spinner and Jay. 

    During Jimmy's time in the hospital, Spinner couldn't even bring himself to go see him due to guilt. He knew that both he and Jay were responsible for the events that led up to the shooting. Unlike Jay, Spinner had a conscience, (although at times a very slow acting one) and he knew that telling the truth was the right thing to do. It was Spinner taking responsibility for the role he played in all of it plus giving Jimmy the answer of why Rick turned on him. It was a great moment of maturity and development of Spinner's character. The fallout was realistic and expected. A great job by all actors involved.

    As for Liberty and JT. Liberty knew what she was up against with JT. He was a clowning, girl obsessed, pubescent boy. She knew he didn't have any real interest in her in years prior. She just couldn't help herself (I've been there) but to keep hoping that one day he would come around to her. It's true that he was rude to her at times. That said, she could be too with her perfectionism. It becomes more apparent leading up to their break-up. They should have ended up together. They were opposites that attracted and balanced each other. Unfortunately, we never got to find out what could have been.

  2. 36 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

    Oh Stephanie Kaye!  What a glorious mess she was.  She definitely was the originator of the Junior High sexy look, but she wasn't constantly labeled a slut/whore like Manny was.  

    Thinking back to Degrassi Jr. High reminded me of how much I couldn't stand Stephanie, but I absolutely loved the twins!


    That's the thing that threw me with Stephanie. Nobody called her names. Particularly back then her look was frowned upon at that age. To see the kids treat her normally blew my mind. 

    Erica and Heather. They were identical but so different in many ways. The mono. The abortion. The Wheels Crush. They had their own stories. 

  3. On 5/18/2020 at 8:56 PM, Scarlett45 said:

    Starting season 3- outside of the obvious question of why Spike wouldn’t tell Emma that her bio Dad had become disabled due to an accident and lived in a facility for mentally disabled adults (that’s not something to be ashamed of, that’s a legit reason he isn’t parenting her, rather than him just not giving a fuck); NONE of his family wanted anything to do with Emma all these years and they live in the same town??

    From what I remember from the Degrassi from the 80s, his parents wanted Emma placed for adoption and considered their son “too good” to be stuck with Spike and her child, but after the accident, with the son they knew lost to them forever and likely NOT ever going to have another child, they wanted nothing to do with their bio grandchild? Not a grandparent or an aunt/uncle or a cousin cared about inviting Emma to events?

    Again- Emma should’ve sat her little self down. She has ever right to have questions about her bio Dad, and Spike should’ve told her what happened but Emma was SO RUDE to Spike. And how was Shane being in the facility have anything to do with Spike?? She wasn’t his damn wife they were TEENAGERS. 

    I 100% agree. Spike should have told her the truth. Finding out this way had to be bad. That said, Emma had absolutely no right to blame Spike for putting Shane in the facility. Emma's treatment of Snake was completely uncalled for as well. Emma was very disrespectful to the adults in her life. 

    • Love 1
  4. On 5/21/2020 at 9:49 PM, Scarlett45 said:

    I have to say the actress that played Liberty, Sarah Elizabeth Barrable* was very talented. She portrayed Liberty with such confidence despite people always picking on her for no good reason. I don’t think the writing was racist (if Liberty was white the writing would’ve worked just the same) but when you have your only black women characters as plot devices (Hazel) or constantly picked on it looks bad!! 

    *she dated Ryan Cooley (JT) in real life and left acting, shes now in digital marketing. 

    I loved Cassie Steel’s acting in the “Accidents Will Happen” two parter where Manny decides to get an abortion. Craig and his man child crying- “I live in some guys house.” I do realize that everyone comments on his Dad dying but not that his Mom also died a few years before, that’s HARD, however Joey does care about him and what about Angie??? Joey took him in before his Dad died, does that mean nothing???

    At first I liked Ashley for blaming Craig 100% for his cheating and lying but then her bitchy move in the cafeteria- men (unless they are trans) cannot be pregnant, Manny being pregnant was none of her business and that was just LOW. Kicking people when they are down is makes you look bad.


    I totally agree with all you said about Craig, Manny, and Ashley. It really bothered me when Craig referred to Joey as "some guy" in that comment. He was Craig's stepfather. He took him in and gave him a stable and safe home. He was more than just some guy.

    Although I am pro-life, I respected Manny's choice. She intelligently thought about her options and made her decision. Craig was clearly showing signs of his illness even at this point. He was all over the place and not thinking rationally.

    And then there is Ashley's cafeteria stunt. I don't think that I ever wanted to jack slap someone so hard as I did at that moment. It's not like Craig and Manny were sitting around and thought, "Hey. Let's totally crush Ashley and have unprotected sex resulting in pregnancy that will turn our lives upside down. That will be fun." She had absolutely no right to announce that to the whole school. That should have been Craig and Manny's decision. That was just one of the reasons that I hated the character of Ashley.

    • Love 2
  5. 21 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

    Shout out to the old folks still watching! I'm 38 and also watched the original show when I was a kid and watched the new version up until it was cancelled by Netflix.  I was always so scandalized and always thought, "Damn, those Canadian kids are wild!"  Lol!

    Hello fellow "oldie"....lol. I thought they were wild too. The stories and characters just draw you in don't they? Just think. We were watching when Emma was created. That girl was starting drama from the womb....lol.

  6. 21 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

    I absolutely loved Manny's transformation from adorable to sexy because it was her choice and she embraced it.  Did she make some bad decisions about boys.  Yep!  But who hasn't.  There are loads of adult women still making bad decisions about boys.  

    Outside of her visible thong, Manny doesn't dress much different from many of the other girls in the school.  And she's also not the only one having sex.  Yet, she's one of the few females on the show who constantly gets labeled as a slut and it's not cool.  She has every right to get tired of it and I'm glad that in season 6 she puts her foot down and says that's the last time someone calls her that and expects her to take it before she promptly beats Darcy's ass.  Honestly, I feel that because she's an "exotic" person of color, they leaned into this whole temptress trope with her character and it's probably something that wouldn't have happened if they had people of color in the writers room.    

    I see your point for sure. I’m just old school I guess...lol. I felt the same way about how Stephanie dressed in Degrassi Jr High. I was convinced that there wasn’t dress codes in Canadian schools. It may be possible that Manny being a girl of color played a part but in Jr High Stephanie wasn’t. It just threw me for a loop that 14 year old girls were dressing the way that the Degrassi girls were and in school no less. As far as the sex goes, Manny wasn’t the only one for sure. She was just pitted against the majority that wasn’t having sex. When you throw in the fact that Craig was still with Ashley, it really made it worse. Manny went to school with girls like Ellie, Ashley, and Darcy etc who didn’t dress as racy. It was going to be a uphill battle for her. I too was glad when she gave Darcy the smack down. Darcy dressed questionably for a virginal Christian girl. She had no room to talk. 

  7. Craig: I adored him even when he was cheating on Ashley. He was just all over the place. His home life was a mess. His mother died. His father was an abusive psycho who kept him from his little half sister Angie. Even before his bipolar diagnosis, he was showing symptoms. The only stability he had in his life was Joey. This was one case where a stepfather was better than the birth father for sure. But with love and support from Joey and his friends, he was able to have a life, deal with his illness, and pursue a career in music. 

    Sean: Another example of a troubled home life. He had alot of anger issues. His older brother tried to take care of him for a while. Sean tried making it on his own....until the shooting. When you have a disciple of Satan named Jay around, trouble is always close. And let's not forget Peter's jealousy and the tragedy that followed. Sean would have been better off never coming back to Degrassi. As much as I liked Sean and Emma together, she ended up being one of the worse things that could have happened to him.

    Jay: The Devil, Poison, and Disgusting Womanizing Drug Dealer. Pick a name....any name. He had no respect for his friends. He gave Emma gonorrhea, he was the mastermind behind blaming Jimmy for the prank that caused the shooting, he let Spinner carry the blame for it, he enticed JT into stealing pills and selling them and the list goes on. He is my most hated male character right behind Rick.

    • Love 1
  8. Joey/Kaitlyn: I shipped this couple back in the day and did during this series as well. I was over the moon when they were reunited. I was horrified when they were separated, in part, by Kevin Smith of all people. This was atrocious writing to say the least.

    Snake/Spike: I think they are absolutely adorable. It was a nice throwback when Spike mentioned that she loved him since she was 16. I couldn't have imagined a better husband for her or father for Emma. They have Jack together after being married. What happens? Snake is written as a cheater! That was totally unbelievable! 

    • Love 1
  9. Manny: This girl is the original hot mess. I liked her just fine before her big transformation. After, her problems were of her own making. She got tired of people calling her a slutt. Here are a few reasons why they did:

    Prancing through the school halls with her thong showing 
    Flirting with countless boys
    Having sex with Craig knowing that he was still dating Ashley
    Not using protection during sex with Craig
    Continuously dressing in an inappropriate way

    Otherwise the only other thing that bothered me was her always accusing someone of being jealous of her when they would call her out on something. All of that aside, I believe that she had a good heart and wanted to be different. She just made poor choices.

  10. As a fan of the 80s Degrassi, I had to watch TNG. I really got addicted and I'm in my 40s! The stories got me hooked big time!

    Emma: Where to begin? She definitely pushes the limit with her parents....and with everyone. She went from a do-gooder kid that couldn’t keep a secret to a teen who contracted an STD and developed a eating disorder who is judgemental. Her disrespectful attitude toward Snake bothered me to no end when he and Spike first got together and then married. She needed a reality check.

    That leads me to Shane/Spike. I realize that Spike was only 14 when she had Emma, but she was over the top with how she handled that entire situation. Most 14 year old pregnant girls would be grateful that the father wanted to be involved at all. Spike did nothing but push Shane away. She complained constantly about him. If he tried to be involved he was wrong. If he backed off he was wrong. He gave her money for child support without a court order. She even knew that his parents were the ones that didn't want him involved. This all led up to him taking the drugs that caused his accident and resulting brain damage. Did Spike tell Emma any of this? Nope! Instead she told Emma that Shane didn't want anything to do with her. What happened? Emma found out about Shane and his condition on her own. 


    In an effort to make posts as short as possible, I'll make a post about each character/storylines.

    • Love 3
  11. I was never a fan of Doggett, but this broke my heart. She really worked hard. She thought she failed the exam for sure. 

    Cindy's mess needed straightened out a long time ago. She should have took responsibility from the start. Now, maybe the three of them can start over.

    • Love 3
  12. McCollough clearly needs psychiatric help. She pissed me off to no end. First, by blackmailing Alex and then by interfering in Alex and Pipers relationship. 

    I don't usually enjoy a story about abortion, but kudos to Fig by showing more of her softer side and putting herself out there to help.

    • Love 9
  13. I Nicky's case, I think it was one thing to suspect what was going on with Red...but another thing entirely to hear it. She saw Red as her mother. It really was heartbreaking.

    I think that Fischer's accusations were blown out of proportion. She made it sound like he was absolutely disgusting. He never grabbed her or outright propositioned her. He flirted for sure. I just think the entire storyline with this was poorly written.

    • Love 14
  14. 5 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    I don't mind unlikeable characters, but she's always been just so dumb. I guess there's people who fail up or just land in the right place all the time. You'd think that would come home to roost at some point though.

    I really loved her fixing the light, and they were all quite impressed. I liked the scene with her dad where she called him on cheating on her mother and he kind of owned it. That was a nice turn because he was calling her a criminal in a very withering and condescending way, and then end up making fun of her for eating the cake. It was actually nice he said she was doing a good job.

    I love Fig - "I'll deny ever giving you a compliment but I'll do it now and that's it." I actually like that she kisses Caputo. She doesn't look like someone that is affectionate.

    I completely agree with all you said here. I'm team "Figuto". These two really fit. 

    • Love 6
  15. Really Fischer? You were fired for being too nice with the inmates. They wanted emotionally numb demons. Did Caputo grab your behind or breasts? Did he say "hey baby give me some of that thing?" Nope! All he did was be nice and did innocent flirting. It was inappropriate yes. It wasn't full blown harassment! Get over it and find another job! 

    Daya has turned into someone unrecognizable. She has went so far down that she will never come back. It's sad that she's making Aleida look good. 

    • Love 12
  16. I will never understand how Maritza was able to attend school and gain an ID without ever showing her birth certificate which would have shown that she was not born in the US. That said, her entire ordeal with ICE was heartbreaking. 

    Piper and Cal are one of the great sibling relationships. Unlike others, Cal never shunned Piper for having went to prison. He treated her the same. Their "day off" was hilarious and I enjoy them together.

    I saw Aleida going back to prison a mile away. Her attitude and her big mouth would eventually get her in trouble again. She was always talking about not having money but I never saw in any part of her backstory that she ever attempted to work. It was always having a man and wanting big dollars by any means necessary. McDonald's would have been a better alternative than prostitution and dealing drugs. But that just wasn't good enough for her.

    • Useful 1
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  17. Between Taystee and Lorna I was in tears. I know all too well what emotional state that Taystee had to be in for her to try to hang herself. I was hoping that Lorna's baby would make it but little Sterling joined many other preemies who fought as hard as they could. She will never get over this 😞

    • Love 1
  18. While I would have had no problem with Taystee being found guilty of inciting the riot, I have a big issue with her being found guilty of the death of Piscatella. We all know who really killed him. For that matter, Daya shouldn't be convicted of the murder of Humps. Kukudio actually admitted to it to Suzanne down in medical. Daya shot him....that's true. But after Sophia and the Dr done surgery he was recovering. On the list of injustices is Blanca and the ICE situation. How was she not taken in by ICE before now? She had been in Litchfield for quite a while and then Max. They wait until she is released? Diablo waiting for her with flowers broke my heart.

    As for Lorna's baby, I'm worried. I had a baby at 7 months.....there could be complications. I hope Vinny and her sister can step up and care for the baby if it lives.

    I'm not gonna get started on Badison. Previous posters have pretty much summed up the way that I feel.

    I didn't care for Carol or Barb. I'm glad they are dead.

    Red went off the rails. I really find it hard to believe that she chose to attack Frieda over seeing her grandchildren. That makes zero sense. She could have plotted her revenge after visitation.

    As for Piper and Alex. I did enjoy the wedding officiated by Rabbi Nichols....lol. 

  19. Where to begin.....


    First, I just have to address the Rooster situation. I'm putting the "real life" situation with the actor aside to focus on the character. There is NO way that a loser like Nick would have got the best of Rooster. He is too smart for that. There is also NO way that Rooster would leave without leaving a clue for someone such as Colt or Beau to find. Or did he? With the exit scene of Rooster, Nick tossed him 1 bag and told him to leave. Now we are shown a hotel room with some of Rooster's stuff and the explanation of the bike accident was that the road was too wet, he was going too fast, and his motorcycle was loaded down. That doesn't make sense.


    Second, Beau and Joanne. I'm probably in a small group with this, but I like Joanne. She doesn't whine when something goes on, she tells Beau what she thinks. For that reason, I truly believe that he respects her. I am glad to see their relationship progressing the way that it has.


    Third, Colt and Abby. As per the usual, her royal highness got offended. She wasn't working....Colt was. She was staying home with the baby. She starts whining because she's having trouble with the baby being fussy and complains for Colt to handle it. He handled it. Then she decides to go for another teaching job. All the while this was going on, Colt was having to deal with Rooster's death and trying to get his ranch up and running. Naturally, he didn't want to worry her about it. So, he lied. Do I think it was wrong of him to lie? Absolutely. But I do understand why he did it. Unfortunately for Colt, his gamble with the herd didn't pay off. Let's no forget that her truck or Colt's Bronco was unacceptable to drive their baby in according to Abby. She just had to have a more "family oriented" vehicle such as a minivan. This was her desire when she was not even working and Colt had not even "supposedly" sold the herd. Where was her so-called, adult, financial responsibility then? Did she honestly think that a new rancher could just produce money for a new vehicle? After the truth about the herd is revealed, as always, it becomes about her. Colt lied to her....blah blah. Their finances, their daughter's future, or Colts self confidence did not matter. It was all about the fact that he lied. Abby takes Beau's advice about thinking about what's best for the baby and again makes it about her. Then SHE decides they need to separate. SHE takes THEIR child away from Colt to go to her parent's house. I have never liked Abby and this entire situation is why.


    Fourth, Mary. I have been shaking my head incessantly on this one. I could see her feel guilty about the situation with Nick and Rooster. What I don't understand is the writer's decision to take a strong, independent woman like Mary and turn her into a pill popping, trouble making, liar. Its pretty bad when I had to actually feel sorry for and agree with Maggie of all people.


    My last rant is the character of Dax Sheppard. I had not ever heard of him until this show. While I'm grateful that the writers did not bring this man on to replace the character of Rooster, I do see the hints, at times, that they are trying to make his character similar. I see no point to this character at all. I did like the idea of the show dealing with the subject of PTSD. This character is, in my opinion, written as a bratty, ungrateful, neusance just trying to fill a void. Putting him with Mary was just a slap in the face to viewers who were fans of Rooster's character and his relationship with Mary.

    • Love 2
  20. I'm gonna get rocks thrown at me for this, but here goes....

    I'm not seeing at all that Iris has been side-lined for anyone. In fact, other than Barry, she has been/is a central character. Iris has always been Barry's main focus. We have seen...


    Iris and Barry's friendship played out complete with numerous flashbacks. Not to mention the development of their romantic relationship.

    Iris and Joe's relationship

    Iris and Eddy's relationship

    Iris and her mother's relationship

    Iris and Wally's relationship....even in Flashpoint

    Iris getting mad when she discovered that Barry was the Flash and Joe knew about it. But it was OK for her to keep Wally's existence a secret from Joe for weeks.

    Iris's jealous reactions when Barry dated Linda and Patty.

    Basically all of season 3 dedicated to Iris and her impending death by Savitar. Not to mention the team risking their lives to save her and HR actually dying for her.

    S4 Ep1 features Iris as the team leader acting about as cold as Killer Frost to those around her. Doing her "tough as nails" routine all the while turning her and Barry's picture over and sleeping on the couch. 

    If it wasn't for the dynamic of Nora now turning up, I would be perfectly happy if Iris went back to CCPN and was hardly seen for a while.


    I see no issue with giving other team members stories. I am invested in Caitlin/Killer Frost. Since she was written as having powers, I see no problem in exploring them or her background/family dynamic. Caitlin isnt even allowed to have a steady love interest. They have either died, turned out to be evil, or written as leaving the country.


    We were even given family issues with Cisco and his brother. We saw his relationship with Gypsy. But again, it seems as if Cisco is another that isn't allowed to have a love interest.


    Instead we are consistently treated to the love saga of Barry/Iris. That seems to be the main one allowed with the exception of Joe/Cecile.

    • Love 1
  21. 17 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

    Jumping off of the post by @Apprentice79 in another thread about Jack and Isabella's friendship, the scene where she tells Jack she's dying still makes me cry.


    I've watched this many times. It still gets me every time. Such a beautiful but tragic story.

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