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Everything posted by vm2017

  1. Ugh. Agreed. Although, I did laugh when Christian was like "just gimme back my money" That was accidental. Still bad, just involuntary manslaughter bad and not first degree murder bad. Yeah, Javier/Teo...that is what would be called a stupid plot device. Has Javier never heard of the 15 min rule? It's not just for college. Although, it did lead to the mixed green salad signal which was great. I love the continuity on this show! Yep. From sneak clips, I knew someone was getting killed. I assumed it was Teo only. Oops. But seriously, what kind of home service doesn't call before coming a whole day early?!? And did that guy not hear the 3 gun shots that were fired like secs before he walks in? Also, was that Kevin from The Office ;) I LOVED this whole sequence. Her only stable homes were probably when she was a kid with Estelle and then prison. Javier was incredibly sweet to give her this opportunity. And yeah, I also thought about the property taxes - but that's for next year if they get a season 3! I really hope you're wrong :( Christian was the best kind of friend here but I didn't like what he said about Estelle. I don't like Estelle. We don't know what kind of relationship really existed btwn Letty/Estelle. How many times has Letty shown up hungover, broke, and shoeless at Estelle's? This probably wasn't the first time. That being said, saying the shoes were going to Goodwill anyway was a cheap shot. Can't wait until next week and see where they go from here. Really hope there is a season 3 even if the ratings are pretty crappy :(
  2. Yep. I don't think the next episode is going to be any different. I get this is realistic but doesn't mean I enjoy watching it. It's something that she has to learn for herself. And it will be an active choice to go back to them and to that life after she's tried to relive the good ol' days. When she was speaking with Carin she said something like she was trying to con her way through being a mom - and this is why I was troubled last year. She wanted Jacob but you could tell she had no idea what it would entail. Are they even following the books still? Anyone know?
  3. This was my least favorite ep of the season. Drag is just not my thing. But there was plenty I still liked... Javier was pretty perfect this whole episode. From his indignation at not being drag queen material to his head tilt to his line at the end. Reminded me of Bridget Jones' Mark Darcy and his "I like you just as you are". Also, how refreshing that he didn't pull any alpha male crap and trusted in Letty to run the con. She earned and deserved the chance. The callbacks! Javier/sad salads in greasy spoons. Pablo. Have we seen gummy bears yet? Those need to make an appearance :) I wouldn't mind seeing the ex-Sephora employee again. Fulfilling their bargain was a good thing. Letty is growing up and it is nice to see. "I'm fired. I get it. Bye!" Made me laugh harder than it should have. Bring on Grandma Letty!!!
  4. Yep. Didn't except it to go down like this - but this is so much cleaner. The FBI isn't looking for him, Lashever is. They do this job and they don't have to worry about the FBI...just whoever is trying to kill Javier ;) I thought this was a great episode. A good mix of comedy/drama but emotion too ("I'm sorry I kidnapped you" ::sniff::). I also loved their approaches to the situation. Letty kept assessing, looking for any advantage or armor c****. Javier was trying to protect her and was willing to fall on his sword for her. Rob remains the best. And Estelle, did she ever screw up. What she did is not so unlike what Letty did - but Letty thought better about it. I don't see Letty letting this go easily. I think her driving away from Estelle was a neat twist of the knife. Agent Backup even looked like Cameron from Ferris Beuller. What would have made it perfect is Javier going, "Beuller?" This should be so much fun.
  5. As others have mentioned, lots of convenient aspects re: campers/campsite. Didn't really bug me. I'm watching to be entertained and so long as I am, I can usually forgive that stuff. It moves the plot fwd without boring me with details. Someone mentioned liking the dialogue - it seems better this year to me. It was good last year, but not as tight? I don't know, I'm just enjoying it more this year. The bits of humor are perfect and needed to help diffuse the darkness. Javier's lack of pop culture awareness is still one of my favorite things on this show :) Also his poor lying skills. While he was pissed at Letty for butting in with Bryce, I think he was a bit in awe at her ability to lie and think on her feet. I still enjoy the push-pull btwn Javier/Letty re: their respective "jobs" but I agree, if it continues, it will get tiresome. A few promos brought up a Bonnie/Clyde aspect - does that mean Letty goes along with it? Their last scene made me wonder about that. She seemed to become pragmatic awfully fast. I'm totally on board with that...but Jacob. Why won't this show let me enjoy criminal activity by two sexy characters in peace! I didn't expect Jacob to just lay it all out there at the end and I was pleasantly surprised. Apple's days may be numbered ;)
  6. It's back! The hour flew by for me. A great sign for a season 2 premiere. I wasn't expecting someone to be after Javier - that adds a nice, tense element. While the Jacob story isn't my favorite part of the show, it didn't bother me this episode. Letty does need to do better or acknowledge that she can't and take him back to Estelle. I hope whatever book that was too heavy to steal wasn't essential for Jacob's education :) "This isn't how a bribe works." and "Where's your mom?" Two of my favorite bits. The second one especially. The normal response would be to be embarrassed by the mistake - she just busts out laughing.
  7. Yes? He tells Jacob he trusts her - which isn't the same thing as forgiveness. For these characters and the lives they live, trust is probably more important though. That was an uncomfortable scene to watch. It wasn't loving like their last sex scene, but it wasn't cruel either. I think we were meant to compare it not only to their prior ones, but to Letty's with Sean. Sean's parting shot was meant to hurt; Javier's wasn't. His was more to clear the air and let her know why he was angry. Part of that anger was probably directed at himself. He gave her the power to hurt him. Honestly, he was more upset about her and Sean than about her sending the FBI after him! I hadn't considered that but it makes more sense. It's still crazy, but I could understand how they thought it was a good idea. It would also explain how Estelle could just let Jacob go... So in this yahoo interview, Chad Hodge mentions the majority of writers on the show are women. I'm going to give them the credit :)
  8. I expected them to run off together - but I also thought she would leave Jacob with her mom. I knew Letty was delusional where Jacob was concerned, but I thought Javier had more sense :( Him coming back to her rang true for me. He's lived a solitary life and she's giving him an alternative that he never envisioned for himself. For her to do what she did for him..I think meant a lot to him. He loves her and knows she's impulsive. I think he forgave her for ratting him out once he knew it was for Jacob. It was a well-written and real relationship...same with her and Tiffany. Yep. This is pretty much me too. I had big ol' grin on my face when Javier bounded up those stairs. They played it perfectly. Hope and wonder all over their faces. Jacob must be psychic! I don't see how this works without Javier and/or Letty going to jail. Do they all take on new identities? Or, does Javier somehow get off the hook? There was alot to like about the episode. The callbacks, the black/white, all things Rob-Estelle, pissy Javier and put-upon Letty in the hardware store, the Rob-Javier bromance, all things Letty-Estelle, the raw sex scene, and that terrific elevator scene. I never would have tuned in if not for MD and I'm so glad I did. It's managed to surprise me more than once which is pretty rare. While marketing it as "watch Lady Mary do meth" was a good way to get some eyeballs...I think the complicated relationship btwn Letty/Javier should have been promoted more. I probably would have tuned in for that even without MD. I think it had a lot stacked against it and I hope it gets renewed just to see where else the story can go.
  9. And this is why I consider this a good show, but not a great one. It's got all the pieces for a great one (story, acting, chemistry), but the writing is just OK. Before this Letty/Sean nugget, I would have called it meandering. If there was a long way to get to a point, that's the way they went. Now, I kinda wish they went the long way again because what they thought came across? Did not. I never bought into the "he only kills bad people, so he must be good" line. It's total bs. Who is telling him about the bad potential victim - the person who wants them dead. Conflict of interest, no? To the show's credit, they've never romanticized what he does. He did start out thinking he was doing a good service. Later he either became apathetic or pragmatic about it and figured, "this person is going to die anyways, might as well be at my hand." It almost sounds like job burnout ;) Get in, do the work, go home. Rinse and repeat. Even the actor hit on this which I was pleased with. I can't remember the interview but he was being led to say something about how Javier isn't all bad since he only kills bad people. And he came back with basically, "uh, he still kills people. He is bad." LOL! Just because he does bad things, doesn't mean he isn't a compelling character capable of generating sympathy though. My heart broke for him this episode...how totally resigned he was about it all :( Yep!!!
  10. This episode gutted me enough to come out of lurkdom. I'm disappointed, but not surprised by Letty's choices. I can understand why she'd turn on Javier. She's getting the life she thinks she wants on a silver platter. I think that would be tempting for anyone. I'm willing to wait on the next episode before writing her or them off. I'm having more trouble understanding her having sex with Sean. Someone above mentioned self-loathing and that's about all I can come up with too. If they were trying to play some old attraction/buried feelings - their scenes were way off the mark. MD played Letty as terrified/angry/disgusted with Sean before the hotel. I would watch if Javier left; but other than Spike from BtVS, I can't think of another serial killer I've rooted for more :) I started watching because of MD/Lady Mary. The continued draw has been the Javier/Letty relationship though. Their scenes are the ones I look fwd to. I just don't care if Letty gets Jacob. She shouldn't get him and if she did, it would be boring television. This is exactly what I think happens. I really hope next week is a season and not series finale. Somehow, she has to get Javier off the hook. Either he turns snitch on his clients or they flip the FBI lady or they go on the run together. I'd probably prefer option 2 the most because I like her relationships with Estelle/Tiffany (and I could keep Rob!). It would be too hard to incorporate them into the show if they were on the run.
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