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Posts posted by Landlord

  1. On 5/30/2019 at 12:35 PM, Kid said:

    She does indeed deserve everything he does.  I feel no sympathy for Nicole either as my sympathy is reserved for May.

    She fit????? 

    Impossibru. Have you seen that little window with the AC attached, during the packing conversation with Thomas and Tyler sitting on the bed? There is no way Nicole went out that way. 

    Unless she Kool-aid man her way out of there. 

    Oooh yeah!

    • LOL 14
  2. 11 hours ago, Hero said:

    Are Nia and Alexa not friends anymore? 

    Kayfabe above all? I imagine they are still friends in real life, but it's undocumented in order to push that enemy storyline. (If you watch the monday program, few months back, Alexa has a "hidden camera" where she egged on Nia to Mickie, saying pretty harsh things, and Nia started a mission to beat the crap out of Alexa)

  3. 1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I agree - not to get into my personal life too much, but I remarried last fall to a guy I had known since childhood. so no vacation f$&k I had known for a week or two.  Did not introduce him to kids (late middle school, HS age, both boys) for a full year.  The first time they saw us kiss was our wedding day after dating for YEARS.  I am not looking for a Morality Crown (trust me on that one, lol!) but dang - these people who try to force people into a role too early......how did that work for you Molly?  

    The point is - I did not rush anything, did not FORCE anyone to love or heck even LIKE anyone (respect was expected and my sons are pretty respectful of adults) and guess what?  Everyone is cool with everyone.

    I will get off my Stepparenting 101 Soapbox now, thanks for listening!!!

    LOL I have major contrast! Husband and I have been married 13 years, have all of our children together. We have had this running joke forever that we are looking for "the new mommy" or "the new daddy". It made for interesting situations, whenever a JW or solicitor would come and knock at our door, and a little head would pop from behind me to ask "are you the new mommy/daddy?"

    • Love 7
  4. 41 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

    Heh. Come over to the LPBW board.  Jerkamy and Oddj have their own thread that is like twice the amount of pages as his twin brother's thread.  I think they all follow the same strange brand of Christianity.  Evelyn's parents had no issue with their young daughter marrying someone with such a large age difference.  Evelyn's "vintage" wedding was a lot like Oddj's, down to the ugly dress (but at least Evelyn didn't take an 80's dress, completely remove the structure to make it what she wanted, and then complain about it not staying up, or have her bridesmaids wear hideously ugly dresses made "from vintage bedsheets").  And I could totally see her reciting her wedding vows during sexy time, like Jerkamy and Oddj do (that creeps me out so much).  Maybe D&E will start presenting themselves as marriage experts and start charging people for advice like J&A.  And maybe in 2-3 years, they'll be as miserable as J&A seem to be.


    • Love 2
  5. 1 hour ago, doyouevengohere said:

    Poor kid; not even born yet but both your parents are huge douches. Hopefully they will reel it in, get counseling and focus on the child.  I feel like she got pregnant so she could be on another season of the 90 day empire.

    December: My babies will have brittle bone, I'm confused.

    April: I won't have babies for a long time. Loooong time.

    July: Surprise! We're having a baby to stay relevant!

    • Love 15
  6. 15 hours ago, renatae said:

    Problem is, it takes time to get those results; at least 1-2 days and up to several weeks, depending on the lab. Not to mention, all involved have to provide a sample. Maury has to get the samples in advance; no such thing as take the sample on the show and "back after the break with the results!"  Quel dommage, wish it were so! I want to know, and I want to know now!

    That's IT! 


    • Love 7
  7. 14 minutes ago, Horrified said:

    Guess why?  Those Loubutins are real and she and Russ are keeping them scuff-free so that they can return them for a full refund as soon as the taping is over.

    You are so much more smarter than me... Where were you all of my life?

    • Love 3
  8. 3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Is hosting this Reunion show really a good opportunity though?  I'd think it was like drawing straws to see who has to do it.  I mean, it might be too embarrassing to include on your resume. lol 

    I cut lawns for a living, I don't need to put it on my resume. So here's the deal. I go to NYC, host the tell all, I give you all my phone number, and you live-text me ALL the questions, and I will ask them, without interrupting anyone. I will take one for the team, and we will have ALL the answers.

    I will also pay for a DNA test from my own pocket. I just need someone to pay for the postage. 

    • Love 20
  9. 1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    What was Pao talking about when she was insisting to Anfisa that she wasn't giving her the finger? She said that she was trying to get someone's attention and let them know that someone was calling them.  Who was she talking about and why would someone be calling out to a member on the set during an interview?  Was she just making this up?  Don't all of them have earpieces so that they are being fed instructions from the director throughout the taping? 

    Someone behind the camera wanted for George to "sit up", but was standing off to the side on George and Anfisa'a side. Pao saw it and was trying to get George's attention, and Anfisa promptly showed her and told her hot go f**k off.

    • Love 3
  10. 14 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

    Oh Patrick that was the most chaste kiss ever, you are still in the friend zone

    Next season on marriage boot camp!

    13 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    Per Jorge:  I really wanted Maury Povich to show up:  "Jorge you ARE the father!"

    Maybe that,s a surprise for the 2nd part of the tell all?

    9 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:


    Russ looked pasty and anemic next to Pao, but I'm afraid the only remedy would have been for him to show up in full KISS regalia. Pao's smug face game was on point. She still has feelings for her ex-boyfriend (I suspect that's Juan, actually), I could read it on her face. She acts all annoyed with Juan but she can't give up her "best friend." Sure.


    I personally thought of the ex-bf who had Pao on the back of his bike on Columbia.

    • Love 6
  11. 15 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    I noticed how she carefully held up the dress and it only covered half of her torso.

    None of the dresses I saw showed to nicole during the quick preview look like they would contain all of Nicole. 

    14 hours ago, Suzywriter said:

    Pao acts like Juan is blackmailing her. She always looks at him like she is begging him NOT to spill the beans, and like she MUST take his side ** or else **, even to the point of flat out lying to put Ross in the wrongdoer's position. 

    Was Paola previously Paolo? Is that why Juan is so jealous?


    "Can we hang up the call with Juan?" asked Pao. She friggin knew where he was going. And Juan was not having it. But don't make her chose between her hoosband and her best friend...

    14 hours ago, iwasish said:

    What about May? Where is she?

    Hopefully, adopted into a loving, caring and drama free family that feed her greens and let her out of the house and into the yard. And brush her hair. Or to the least pulls it back into a scrunchie.

    14 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

    Kirlyam is beautiful, I bet Pao would be trashing her out of jealousy 

    Yes. Because Kirlyam photographed beautifully and did so fully dressed. 

    14 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

    She really is so pretty. I did not watch their season but I am a bit squicked out that she married him at age 20. How did they meet?

    He was a missionarry in her village. They met again years later and it was luuurv.

    • Love 5
  12. 15 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

    Lunch is on the second floor!   DAVID LEADS THE PACK

    I imagine him running up the stairs as fast as his penguin legs allow, shouting "dibs-dibs-dibs-dibs!"

    15 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

    I just saw Chantel’s nipple! 

    Right next to Pao"s ovaries on full display.

    15 hours ago, Gobi said:

    At least, not by Russ.

    How convenient a miscarriage then. 

    Or is it just how we call periods, now?

    15 hours ago, iwasish said:

    So far Azan and Nicole are skating under the radar. 

    That<s because they are on a screen. Were they present in the flesh, they would be in the middle of it. 

    • Love 3
  13. 16 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:


    Maury wouldn<t have any of this nonsense. We would have had the results... After the break.

    15 hours ago, champsdelavande said:

    Ok, If Paola and Russ can not afford two tickets to Columbia for her grandmother's funeral, how they can both afford a pair of Louboutin shoes?!? The are usually a minimum of $600  per pair and I highly doubt they were sponsored to wear those shoes... and they don't appear to be used because there are no scuffs. 


    Update: I have no life and looked up the shoes. Russ's cost $995 (I may be slightly off on the style, but oh my lord that's ridiculous). 

    There was a shot of Pao walking backstage with her shoes in hand and what appeared to be sanitary pads under her feet. She was cleaning the floor, I guess.

    15 hours ago, Gobi said:

    This is looking more and more like pro wrestling.

    Jerry Lawler: OMG PUPPIES! 

    Jim Ross: And here comes Anfisa from the top rope with a flying dropkick, that Anfisa, Tougher than a 2$ steak...

    Jerry Lawler: PUPPIES!!!

    • Love 4
  14. 16 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

    Guess Pao had to switch from fancy professional hair dye to Splat Red from Walgreens.

    Hey, don't diss my Splat! I'm offended!

    16 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

    During sound check Nicole used her real voice , not her whiny baby voice.   She's slipping.

    She sounds to me like she's over this whole charade she created.

    16 hours ago, Anfisawillbemine said:

    Look, as a man WITH ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE OF FASION, I dress what feels comfortable on me and I don’t care what it is. But these women (apart from the 2 hippos) are dressed rather very revealing. Chantel has a dress that’s just letting her breasts be it’s own couple. Anfisa and Paola are wearing a rather revealing dress too? Is that just me or am I correct? Someone with fashion please explain lol. 

    You better not  be complaining about that . Or else, username does NOT check out. `)

    16 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

    Robinson is embarrassing as host asking stupid questions 

    She's worse than the one we got on the live show. As soon as any answer to a question starts getting interesting, she cuts in with a "We'll get back on that" BICHTE NO! Finish HIM!

    16 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    Azan initiates sex?  Tell me another story please....

    A genuine lolwut moment. *A la Maury Povich* Lie detector test proved... THAT was a lie.

    16 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

    If Softball Shawn doesn’t have the results of a DNA test in that stack of papers in her hands, I really don’t care anymore.  This is nuts.  

    I read that in Molly's voice. 

    • Love 11
  15. 40 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

     I don't wanna go off topic but I wanna make it very very clear that I had every intention of paying my IRS bill back I just did not want to do with the savings, unlike David I have savings!!!   To make it about David....how is it you're in your early fifties and have 0 money liquidity?   O yes that's boning your way through Thailand doesn't earn a lot of money.

    I just entertained the thought, people have been wondering how he paid for the white Volvo and red pick up he's been driving... 

    I remember when I was in my early 20, I got a phone call saying I qualified for a credit card (Now that I'm older and a tiny bit wiser, WTF?), and I had racked myself 500 dollars in credit card debt. What if David got the same kind of phone call (Because obviously, if I qualified at a jobless creditless and hopeless 20 yo, literally anyone can qualify...) and is now living off a couple of credit cards? 

  16. 1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    Molly, that "happiness" boned you good for a few months, now send him back to the DR now!!!

    Yes, when she recently said to the camera "It feels like it is all my fault!" I yelled ast the tv:  "Cause it is!!!!"  If my memory serves, Pedro was NOT in favor of lying, ever.

    David: Look, I got an IRS bill for a few thousand dollars.  Did I have the money?  Yes.  I did not want to part with it, lol, so I got a pt job in addition to my full time SPED job.  I checked groceries for $13 an hour.   If can do that, so can you.  SO DO IT!  (PS It was a great feeling to write that check to the IRS!! ☺)

    Oh I feel you on that, got a big scary number from the govt as well, just finished paying it back, and while it was long, it was not that hard. It's all about the attitude one has towards that kind of situation. David is far too woe is me to try and extricate himself out of any situation on his own. 

  17. 1 hour ago, terrymct said:

    I wish this show would stick to having people on who need corrections of some kind.  Most weeks, though, they show a person who has some sort of mental or emotional problem and is expressing it via body modification.    I think it was in the first season, the doctors actually referred one of these people to a therapist.  Frankly the vast majority of them should be referred. 

    The woman this week who (along with her boyfriend) had herself injected with a drug to activate melanin production....she looked like a walking minstrel show.  She's a white person parodying, intentionally or not, black people.  Then, as an added bonus, she has massive breast implants that look like balloons bolted to her chest.  That woman need emotional or mental counseling.  The doctors did the right thing in not giving her a more African nose.  They tend to do the right thing with this sad souls, but why put those people on TV at all.  Get them some damn help.

    She looks like Tan Mom in blackface, with kinballs for chest. I'm not AA and I am offended.

    • Love 7
  18. I couldn't even bring myself to watch the first part of the Bella Bachelorette. I'm over those girls, and no Daniel Bryan makes it not worth the 40 minutes I would put into watching this. I'll be here for whatever new season of Divas, but Bellas, eck... They aren't even wrestling anymore. They are just kept around for $$$ and because they f**k two of the biggest talents.

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