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Posts posted by subina167

  1. I just now read an article that states Ruth Wilson complained months ago about not getting equal pay as the guys, specifically Dominic West. She wanted out. Can't say I blame her.

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  2. On 6/25/2018 at 2:09 PM, N. Bluth said:

    Putting aside the real US law and just sticking to what we were presented with the four corners of the episode, Luisa could get a green card by enrolling in school. (Source: Luisa). So, why not sign up for some classes at Suffolk County Community College, and be on her way? She might even be able to qualifying for in-state tuition. Would it perhaps put off her plans to immediately do hospitality work in Miami with the Chinese? Hey Luisa--we all have dreams that get deferred. I believe Langston Hughes even wrote a poem about it. 

    That, or she can rail instead against "this fucking country" (her words) for not giving her a driver's license and, apparently, legal status to do what she wants on demand, rendering her as helpless as a concubine in the face of Cole's demands.  Whatever works for her. I know what I would pick. 

    On a different note, my husband and I, who both grew up on Long Island, had no idea where that diner where Alison and Five Months Sober guy were eating. There is no highway structure like the one behind FMSG's head anywhere in eastern Suffolk County. It's very flat out there. There are no major highway intersections. The diner looked like it somewhere in the outer NYC boroughs, like Queens. Does anyone know where Alison's job is supposed to be located? Sometimes I feel like these show runners don't even attempt to understand Long Island's actual physical features.

    Hey, when Cole caught that kid "freebasing" lol, why did the kid run? If the kid truly thinks Cole in in no position to bust him for anything, why run? Oh yeah--drah-mah.

    This whole episode felt very claustrophobic to me. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I can't wait to return to LA (hanging head in shame).


    2 hours ago, yellowjacket said:

    If Vik wanted a baby, he shouldn't have married Helen.  I thought what he said to her was terrible - he showed no concern that she is LOSING HER HUSBAND.  They didn't act like a couple.

    RE: the cancer.  They didn't tell us what stage etc, probably don't know after four hours at the hospital.  Also, survival rates that are reported by the American Cancer Society are based on old surveys - a person with access to state-of-the-art care (Vik) has much better odds than Dr. Google tells you.  So he could be around for a few years. That said, he's probably not going to be an old man.  (Cancer survivor here.)

    Noah - just no.  

    Mare Winningham next week, could be good.  Unless her plot point is going to be that $2 million for the Lobster Roll would pay for reacquiring a multi-acre ranch in Montauk?  That's what a 3 bedroom colonial would cost.

    I don't think Vik ever seriously thought about having a baby until he got the bad news. And I also don't think that the quickie in the kitchen was about love or lust. Vik is a mama's boy. He's now bent on leaving a part of him to Dragon Lady without any regard for Helen. I've seen this happen in real life.

    Noah and Janelle and the teacher/savior bit? Oh please. Kill the storyline.

    • Love 12
  3. 2 hours ago, chabelisaywow said:

    She's working at the place that she was in (Woodlawn, Wood Acre, Wood something)! She went "away" for whatever length. The same one that when she was offered the job and Cole asked about not Noah's daughter and she replied "what about Not Noah's daughter?" Insert eye roll emoji (directed at Allison/Alison). Maybe I'm wrong, I don't care enough to re-watch old episodes to verify.  I just get so irritated that Alison spends all of  season 3 complaining that she's changed, that she's a grrreat Mom, and that she wants her daughter back and then thinks that having a job in BFE will be a hop skip and a jump from Montauk (and not affect not Noah's daughter at all). Insert eye roll emoji at myself for catching this show in marathon mode two years ago and still wondering how it will end!!!

    Ok thnx. Then if it is the same place, show writers take note: it's approximately a 3 hour drive each way! Don't be silly!

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, N. Bluth said:

    Putting aside the real US law and just sticking to what we were presented with the four corners of the episode, Luisa could get a green card by enrolling in school. (Source: Luisa). So, why not sign up for some classes at Suffolk County Community College, and be on her way? She might even be able to qualifying for in-state tuition. Would it perhaps put off her plans to immediately do hospitality work in Miami with the Chinese? Hey Luisa--we all have dreams that get deferred. I believe Langston Hughes even wrote a poem about it. 

    That, or she can rail instead against "this fucking country" (her words) for not giving her a driver's license and, apparently, legal status to do what she wants on demand, rendering her as helpless as a concubine in the face of Cole's demands.  Whatever works for her. I know what I would pick. 

    On a different note, my husband and I, who both grew up on Long Island, had no idea where that diner where Alison and Five Months Sober guy were eating. There is no highway structure like the one behind FMSG's head anywhere in eastern Suffolk County. It's very flat out there. There are no major highway intersections. The diner looked like it somewhere in the outer NYC boroughs, like Queens. Does anyone know where Alison's job is supposed to be located? Sometimes I feel like these show runners don't even attempt to understand Long Island's actual physical features.

    Hey, when Cole caught that kid "freebasing" lol, why did the kid run? If the kid truly thinks Cole in in no position to bust him for anything, why run? Oh yeah--drah-mah.

    This whole episode felt very claustrophobic to me. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I can't wait to return to LA (hanging head in shame).

    I just read an article that says not all the venues such as homes, restaurants are in Montauk. But did you ever find out where Alison's job is? Last season she began work at the place in Northern NJ. I brought up the point that this is completely unrealistic geographically. If you're driving from Montauk to Northern NJ, , especially during morning/evening rush hour, you're talking about a 3 hour drive each way! 

    • Love 4
  5. Things I don't get-- at the end of last season, Noah was completely lost, jobless and homeless. How then, did he get the money to move across the country, get a swanky Topanga apartment, the furnishings, a car and most of all a teaching position when he was a convicted felon? Do you think this is a bit unrealistic?

    Liked East Coast better-more gritty and realistic. (Okay I am an East Coaster) BUT have visited the stunning West Coast several times and have been a guest at a Malibu home on a cliff overlooking the Pacific. It's a big YIKES! 

    In the beginning, I liked Helen but not anymore. She is now very much like Darlene (Sara Gilbert) on the short lived new Rosanne--totally sarcastic and negative 24/7. ENOUGH!

    I want to see this show through but not sure if I'll have the patience. What say the rest of you?

    • Love 3
  6. On 6/18/2018 at 7:56 AM, mochamajesty said:

    Vic has diabetes - they keep referencing is weight loss and that is the only.thing that I can think of that causes rapid weight loss.

    Either Vic is gonna cheat with the neighbor or Helen is gonna assume that he is cheating with the neighbor and be totally bitchy about it.


    Helen so ignored Noah's phone call at the school.

    I do not want to see Noah at the school. I mean I totally do not care.at all.


    And since when can a convicted felon teach? 

    Cancer causes rapid weight loss and a convicted felon can't teach, at least not in my world. Show is getting crazier and crazier.

    • Love 2
  7. When/why did they move to Cali? I watched the SHO advertised S4 E1 but didn't see things that you have. When was Noah at a school being a savior? When did Vic fall? Where is Allison? What I saw was Helen getting crazy over the fact that the kid might be gay. Ugh!

    I used to like Helen. Now I can't stomach her. She reminds me of Darlene (Sara Gilbert) on the short lived Rosanne--constantly sarcastic and negative to everyone and about everything. I'm a Brooklyn girl so I don't like the move to LA. Grittier on the East Coast. Question: the last we saw of Noah, he was jobless and homeless. Where and how did he get the money to move to LA?

    It seems I've missed or forgot quite a bit. Please be kind and re-wind for me. I need to be brought up to date. Thanks very much.

  8. I neither post nor comment much but I do read what everyone has to say. It's now 25 minutes to show time and I'm saying, "I have too much to do."  That's very telling because in the first 3 seasons, 25 minutes before showtime meant I had to finish my phone calls, make lunch for tomorrow, prepare my required TV snacks and make my evening cocktail. However, right now, I do not feel compelled to do any of those things. And this minute, I made the decision that for me, The Strain is over and done. I loved it when Fet, Eph, Professor and Dutch were a team. Now, everyone and everything is all over the place. The show is boring and just plain stupid. I now pledge my allegiance to Netflix where excellent TV thrives. So even though you don't know me from a hole in the wall, 

    I just wanted to say goodbye and hope you enjoy the remaining season (s) of The Strain.

  9. I have been following him since Homicide: Life on the Streets. I was OK with his moving to Justice from PD because I assumed I'd like Justice. I was wrong and was bored to death. Obviously I don't stand alone as it has been canceled. Will /can Jon Seda go back to PD?  He was my fave on PD.

  10. 15 hours ago, Rock knocker said:

    The cops couldn't figure out it was a self inflicted wound?  Those cops will never make the Law & Order crew.

    Exactly! The knife had to have still been there. Did they check the fingerprints?

    • Love 4
  11. On 1/18/2017 at 5:37 PM, Sheenieb said:

    Ha, although I'm a New Yorker, I didn't even catch that. It could be, because like most New Yorkers, I don't have a drivers license. But what made me do a double-take was last season's "Whitney wants to move to New York to model." The writers are clearly from out of state because no one says that. Helen should've said "move to the city."  

    Very true!

  12.  I know I'm probably being picky and yes, I do know about "poetic" license, etc. However, the time frames are driving me batty. I'm sure I'm not the only New Yorker here and if you are a New Yorker, then you know how absurd these little driving trips our characters are making are. Alison has an appointment at 11AM in  NJ 4 hours away.  Leaving Montauk, she will be driving on a one lane road for 50 miles, then 2 lanes before reaching the cityline. She will be driving into NYC  rush hour. And then, horrors of all horrors, she has to get on the George Washington Bridge (The GWB) to NJ. Do you have any idea what that's like? This is no enjoyable casual drive. But she's back in Montauk by afternoon (!!!) telling Cole where she was that morning. To put this into perspective, it would be like me driving from Brooklyn where I live to Washington, D.C. to have lunch with my brother and then driving home right afterwards. Crazy! Helen, upon meeting Allison in the bar tells her she was just getting dinner. In Montauk? Visiting mom who she hates? Cole is arrested. The cops tell him there's a picture of his car by the GWB toll lane on THAT NIGHT. Night? Cole took a 4 hour drive at night to see Alison's doctor? That's some doctor. Available in the middle of the night. Sheesh! And he too is home by next morning. If Alison were to take that job, where is she getting the money for an apartment in pricy Northern New Jersey? Is Alison that stupid and oblivious about child rearing and education? Kindergarten ain't what it used to be, at least not in NY or NJ. Kindergarten today is not about arts and crafts and sharing toys. These little kiddies get homework. Does Alison not know that children need stability and continuity? Are the writers that stupid or are they just making Alison appear that stupid and oblivious? Considering the ludicrous driving trips, I just can't tell. Just venting.

    • Love 16
  13. I so miss Antonio; I love Jon Seda. We will see him Sunday night at his new job! Burgess is no doubt annoying, but Al's nastiness towards her is getting annoying too. About the paternity stuff. I'm not sure if it was Halstead's place to test the DNA; I think he might have overstepped his bounds. I know he loves and wants to protect Erin, but she is an adult and the paternity stuff is between her and Bunny and whomever her dad might be. If thinking that Jimmy was her dad made her somewhat happier for a little while at least, I think the writers should have let the Jimmy thread run for a while.

    • Love 1
  14. Forget Noah. The writers are on opioids. They've  run out of ideas and now they're just getting annoying, absurd and downright stupid. I feel bad because I used to like Helen. Time for this show to close up shop.

    And was this a faux pas? When they pulled up to the Fish and Gun shop, Noah was wearing a big plaid shirt or jacket. By the time he left the  car and entered the store, he was wearing a dark hoodie. What happened to that shirt/jacket? Did anyone see him change?

    • Love 3
  15. Is it for sure that Joanie is Cole's child? Scotty, when he was momentarily with Alison alone (season 2), referred to Joanie as "our baby". The time between seasons is way too long; I forget everything!

    And what did I miss in that typical pretentious and boring "dinner party" scene. Madame Professeur asked Noah if he wanted a tour of the house, he said he did and they went upstairs. However, the snarky students were still sitting at the table when they went upstairs. She seduced him and they began to tango. When he fled, it seemed the students were already gone. Was there a "Goodnight--thanks for dinner" scene or were they about to tango while the students were still there?  I know we are supposed to assume some things, but clearly, we never saw the students leave.

  16. Can someone help me? I must have blacked out or missed an episode! Last episode had Liz and Tom with the team. Yet the last thing I remember is Red just missing the plane that Liz was on! My sister, two states away from me, said the same thing! How did Liz escape her "childhood home"? Thanks

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