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Posts posted by Spooneroonie

  1. 48 minutes ago, GussieK said:

    You mean worse than Penny? Yes this is terrible. I may not be able to finish the episode. I couldn't finish last week either. After the first two episodes with successful people this is really tough. 

    I think these recent episodes seem worse because they're all two hours long. Can you imagine two solid hours of Penny?!

    • Love 4
  2. The article was from December of 2015. So when Sandra was rambling about another court date in February, Im guessing she meant February of 2016.


    $14,000? I'm surprised they even got that much

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  3. 21 hours ago, operalover said:

    OY VEY!!! I just cannot with Kim the Selyse mom! All her excuses- the baby has to eat, I didn't get here until 11. I read it wrong..and the best "MY PHONE WAS DEAD" - Cambrie is not going to put up with all of this. The last show she was saying that no one told her anything so she didn't know a lot. 

    And didn't she say (more than once, I think), that she hadn't even registered yet? Maybe I'm out of the loop, but don't you need to register BEFORE your Special Snowflake goes on the stage? How else will they know shes there?

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  4. 8 hours ago, JennB said:

    The episode with the Sterling twins is on right now! Their last name has been redacted everywhere, but we see you, Jamie Sterling. We will never forget. Free AshLynn!

    Actually, I've noticed that the majority of last names have now been edited out. With the exception of Eden Wood, of course. Mama Mickie probably wasn't down for that.

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  5. On 8/28/2016 at 0:45 AM, pigs-in-space said:

    I watched some of her other ones this afternoon, and it didn't seem as pronounced.  I figured it was a side-effect of botox or a chemical peel or injections or something along those lines.

    Part of me wondered if that interview was filmed after the whole pageant was over, and she was annoyed with the moms' behavior and about to hit the hotel bar (hence the "fun with alcohol" comment).

    Excellent point, and probably correct.

  6. 1 hour ago, sleepyjean said:

    Totally. And it was great when she said the parents were paying for one thing: someone else's opinion. Let's hear it for perspective! She really was going bug-eyed though, in a way that made her look like a complete nutter.

    She's been a director of a few of the other pagents, and she's looked like that in all of 'em. My guess is the comment about paying for opinions was in response to criticism about previous parental craziness.

  7. The latest Tiny House Big Living was a couple with a three year old and brand new baby. The house had a double loft connected by what what I could only describe as a Hell on Your Knees Crawlthrough, the master was on one side, shared bedroom for the kids on the other. To make matters even less safe, the parents rigged up some sort of pulley system to lift the months-old infant up to the loft. Yeah, real safe, folks.

    I can't imagine getting up in the middle of the night to attend to the baby and having to crawl on my hands and knees in the dark.

    • Love 3
  8. At what point is she allowed to say 'enough' without being a bitch?   Personally, I don't see where Gideon was such a great guy. Not the worst, but not great, either.


    Okay, fair point. I think it was more her tone, maybe? Or what seemed as the constant repetition of "Imgivingupeverything" every other sentence? Not sure what it was exactly--but something.


    As far as Gideon being a great guy--I really wasn't very clear, was I? What I had meant by that was near the end of the show, it really seemed to click that he had to grab control of his life--his eating habits, exercise, getting a job, helping his inlaws, etc. I believe he even said directly that he needed someone to stop" holding his hand" when it comes to that sort of thing.

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  9. Gotta hand it to Dottie, hauling all that weight around and then slinging her son (60 pounds?) over her shoulder and carrying him across the room.

    Slinging is right. I thought for sure she was going to drop him.

  10. Kansas? Or does KASPER refer to something other than Kansas Adult Supervised Population Electronic Repository? (Kansas Dept of Corrections offender search)

    I'm not the original poster, but I would guess that it's an acronym for a prescription report. Ohio has one, too, called an OARRS: Ohio Automated Rx Reporting System. It shows the name of the med, the dosage, the prescribing doc, and which pharmacy filled it.

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  11. i am trying to understand why so much stuff is thrown away because it's "contaminated" and all it needs is to be run through a dishwasher, washing machine, or hosed down with bleach.

    I think the difference is that the things we're seeing on Hoarders are contaminated with animal/rodent/human waste. That's a heck of a lot more difficult to "decontaminate" than smoke damage.

  12. WTH!  Another Ohio hoard and this one close to my area.  It is a rather affluent area.  This is 5 or 6 in Ohio this season.  

    I know, right? I'm starting to get a complex, or something.

    I REALLY liked how Coral's son responded when he was asked if he had anything to say to her. To the point, no fuss..."Mom, you fucked up." End of story.

    • Love 4
  13. One thing I wonder about Dr. Now is when the 600 lb. patient comes in with 300 lb. relatives, why does he not say something to the 300 lb. relative about possible ending up at 600 lbs. if things aren't kept in check?  I know he is only seeing one patient, but I don't understand why he would ignore the (hate to say it) elephant in the room and not say anything to a future potential 600 lb. patient.

    Maybe he does and we just don't see it. But it's more likely that he can't (or won't) because that relative technically isn't his patient. In my experience, physicians usually will not medically comment on folks that are not technically his/her patients for a whole host of reasons, namely opening themselves up to a lawsuit should things go haywire.

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