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Posts posted by JennPear

  1. The girl with the pink eye or bacterial infection in her eyes...does anyone think she won't be medically removed from the game?  I don't see her lasting much more.  She really needs to have her eyes treated.

    So far, I only have two dislikes and they are both on the Gen X team.  The oldest guy, who was trying to run the show and the model guy who thought he was the resident expert on primitive living.  Anyone that comes to an island they've never lived on and thinks they know it all is a victim, in my book.  I see both of them gone, probably by mid game.

  2. 4 hours ago, Archery said:

    When they named themselves "Tri-Force", all I could think was -- old enough to be fans of Power Rangers, I guess. 

    Yeah, the fratboy reference sort of nauseated me, too.  And yes, in the boomer generation, it was hippies, not slackers.  Except that I would say that the Millennials are a bit more in tune with technology than we were, so I question if they slack as much as we did.  In any regard, I don't miss the selfishness of our hippie generation.  We cared about causes, but when it came to family we were disgusting.

  3. I like this new take, being a Babyboomer.  I'm actually hoping that it proves the stereotypes wrong, but so far, it hasn't...at least, not to me.  

    I'm not sure about the geeks vs. "beauty" thing going on in the Millennial camp.  I guess my ideas of beauty are much different than today's ideas.  I see those kids as pretty much plain Janes, so they would fit into the geek camp for me.  But, if it were me, I'd lay low with all of the groups forming, for now.  Much better to let the game take you to your destination, than determine early what your destination will be.  I see early alliances as a brilliant way to be cast as the bad guy and voted out.

    It seems the ones that lay low and make big moves after they've rounded the mid-term do well in these games.  The ones that keep everyone on friendly terms and go with the flow, until the pompous and the authoritarians piss everyone off and get voted out.  Then, you make the moves and generally turn up the competitions a notch or two.  That's when you take that extra bathroom break and look for an idol.

    I thought the Gen X assumptions about the Millennials was a bit silly, even though in the initial stages of building shelter, the Millennials did fit that stereotype of "just let it happen."   Oddly, it reminded me of the hippies of my generation...pretty much unplanned thought, people assuming they are creative when they are just lazy, and sort of an arrogance that I was turned off by, back then.  But, I did admire the way they beat the Gen Xers in the competition.  Apparently, problem solving was their specialty.  

    But, I have a feeling that if the Gen Xers stop making power plays to run the camp and use their noggins, they may have a good chance of winning the game.  They seem less scatter brained at this point.  And I do think the game takes a certain amount of commitment.  They seemed to have thought long term, (fishing gear instead of chickens you have to feed, for instance).  Their shelter seemed more adequate.

    I'm hoping these people have the good sense not to reveal secrets they shouldn't or overly trust anyone this season.  That's basic survival 101.  Anyone who has actually had to survive a primitive existence knows you commit yourself to getting the jobs done first and then enjoy the free time, not the other way around.  And here's what blows my mind every season.  You know you are going on Survivor and you don't bone up on how to start a fire or build shelter BEFORE you go?  Call me crazy, but I'd be all over the internet learning just those two very basic things!  Then, I'd be studying facial expressions, gestures, signs of how to read nonverbal communication.  And I'd become an expert on how to create food from nothing that tastes good.  

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  4. Am I the only one that didn't feel sorry for Sarah when she left?  I kept saying, she played the field and got played.  She let someone go that really seemed to care, only to get caught up in the Daniel competition.  What a waste of time!  And what an illogical move?  Was she simply so bored with the game that she wanted to go home?  I was boring of her, anyway.  There is something about her that is either too laid back, almost like she smoked five blunts before she utters each word; or as if she's purposely trying to keep that too-calm tone of voice that becomes unbearably annoying after awhile.  And she baked a cake for a guy that puts her in competition with two others?  Seriously?  Can we have next season without her?  Honestly, she's not that interesting, from that dull cow-like stare to her tonal pitch.

    And Daniel!  Is this guy on drugs?  I don't get it.  Three gals competing for him?  He reminds me of a Saturday Night Live skit where two brothers Yortuk (Dan Aykroyd) and Georg (Steve Martin), "two wild and crazy guys" emigrated from Czechoslovakia view themselves as sexy and capable of picking up some "foxes."  It's almost as if Daniel is following their script.  His dialogue is odd like that.  I think he may be trying to be self-deprecating, at least one would hope this is his direction, but his act just comes off weird.  Almost slightly pervy, weird.

    Izzy...wow!  Where in her serial dating book did it tell her to date one guy, see a better looking man and then, just dump her date?  Did I miss that in Dating 101?  And these gals wonder why they are single!  Jeez!  If Lampman doesn't reciprocate her feelings, and I don't think he will, then she's on the fast track home.  And she's not memorable enough to call back for another Paradise, is she?  

    Ashley is the perfect definition of "How to screw up everything you touch."  Talk about vindictive.  She makes the perfect villain.  She's mean.  She's manipulative.  She's self-pitying.  She's imperious.  Disney could use her for their next Cruella Deville or Natasha Fatale type.  And she couldn't push Jered away any more if she loaded him on the tongs of a forklift and shoved him over the edge of a cliff.  Frankly, she's beginning to make Chad look sane, in comparison.

    Evan, who was once almost normal, now reminds me of  Pe-Pe le Pew.  I smell halitosis when he speaks.  I see bland faces with sickening sweet smiles.  I think of every guy I ever wanted to run from who always caught up and asked, "So where did you go?"   There is just something so un-sexy about him that I'm left thinking of the scent of brussel sprouts.  And when he kisses Carly, I almost pity the girl.  Yet, she chose him.  Out of desperation, maybe?  

    Josh is still moaning.  This guy's sound effects would halt any inclination to introduce him to your folks.  I mean, can you imagine saying, "Mom, Dad?   This is my boyfriend, Josh," and then having him go, "mmmmmmhhhh, yeah, mmmmmhh."  It's almost creepy.   Both Amanda and him wanted a date card.  Why?  Can't they suck face just about anywhere?  I think the date would be wasted on them.

    I think what keeps me watching this, when I gave up watching the After Paradise show, (after watching Sean Lowe chastise Chad Johnson, and wonder how hypocritical it was that the 'King of Mean' was taking task with 'King Lush', for being rude) is that there are so many despicable types on this show.  The twins come to mind, especially showing off their dumb and dumber routine.  I mean, this defines reality is stranger than fiction.  And they wonder why they remain single?

    • Love 9
  5. On 8/19/2016 at 8:03 AM, Princess Sparkle said:

     I'm going to go ahead and guess he's never had good pizza before, because I guarantee pizza from a resort in Mexico is so-so at best (actually, pizza from a resort anywhere is going to be so-so).  

    Really!  After living in Mexico for nine years, the LAST thing I missed there was that God awful pizza!  And if it was a cheese pizza, I've seen TONS of better examples.

    • Love 1
  6. 5 hours ago, jade.black said:

    Daniel is killing it. I died laughing when he wondered if Ashley would want Canadian sex. Actually my favorite date ever on this franchise, and it was because of- shock!- the conversational value. I also loved his bi Fridays and that Nick was his top choice for age and "experience" (for the record, Daniel, Nick would be my choice too). It's totally my sense of humor and he cracks me up. I especially like that he seems to be genuinely interested in other people when he speaks to them and asks direct and honest questions.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE good dirty humor.  But, Daniel's convo seemed like a script from some B-rating pervert picture, where the lust-driven perv approaches a beautiful woman with a bevy of age-old sexual cliches.  The type of creep wearing a raincoat, black socks and nothing else.  Some of his dialogue was so old and tired and excessive that I was wondering if his grandfather wrote it for him.   And honestly, he seemed more comfortable sucking liquid out of that other guy's navel than dating Ashley.  I think Nick and Daniel SHOULD spark up a man thing.  


    But then, he was with Ashley...so that says it all.  I thought it was hilarious that he simply went on eating when they carted Ashley off, to sacrifice "a virgin", which she seems to wear like a badge of honor.  We get it...you may or may not have ever had sex.  Not sure I'm buying it, because all of the virgins I've ever known kept that stuff private, but...   

    • Love 2
  7. 20 hours ago, weightyghost said:

    Jared needs to get a restraining order. Yikes. 

    And she blew through two of her three cries within the first two hours. 

    She's mad at Jared for the fact that she can't get over him. She went there to date other guys, but wanted him to stay single? She's the worst. I continually love Nick for laying down the truth on everything.

    Stalker alert!   Manipulation on the horizon with that one...in tens!

  8. On 8/15/2016 at 7:01 PM, Armchair Critic said:

    Josh and the pizza was comedy gold, he was more into it than he has been into Amanda. Then they show Amanda trying to talk herself into believing what a deep and sensitive guy he is while the lunkhead is smacking his lips on the pizza.

    Maybe Evan's bugging until he wears somebody down actually  does work sometimes because he did end up making out with Carly. But then again she was drunk.

    I almost felt bad for the twin that Jared turned down for Caila, but then I remembered she is 23 and probably could find somebody easily outside The Bachelor franchise.

    I hope Daniel will be able to talk some sense into Ashley I. and her Jared obsession, but I doubt it.

    LOL at the iguana at the end...

    I thought he was having an orgasm.  The sound effects were priceless.  And it's true, Amanda came second to that cheese pizza.  We were laughing that he even positioned the plate so she couldn't reach and get a piece and he never offered her one, either.  

    Carly, Carly, Carly...you are a nitwit.  First you can't stand his 'kisses', then you like him because he's got all of the qualities of a freaky stalker, from the pity party to the, "Stay with me tonight, please," moves?  Wow! Bimbo alert!

    Ashley was a one woman self indulgence party, last night.  She's that gal that says, "C'mon girls, lets go to the restroom" that you say, "Ahhhh, no thanks" to.  Because you know its going to be a one-way conversation, with her talking at you about all of her dramatic trials and tribulations and how utterly mean the world is to her.  I used to have acquaintances like her.  I got rid of them.  Something in my inner 'id' said, you deserve as much attention as her.  Besides, the tears were manipulation.  Had I been Jared, I would have told her to go F herself, for coming there to sabotage his efforts to meet someone nice.  That type of manipulation wouldn't attract me for a possible lifetime sentence.

    I do get a kick out of the passive aggression of the twins though.  They blurt out, "She so pretty everyone wants her, " about Caila and fret.  Then, "I don't get why he picked her when I'm so much prettier."  Dumb and Dumber was created for them, if only they had female roles.  And no, Emily and Haley, you aren't cuter than Caila.  She's got it hands down over both of you, because of your attitudes and the excessive makeup.  In fact the excessive makeup makes an otherwise normal nose you both have look odd. The twins remind me of a parody of some Swedish Swim Team Heineken babes.  It's too bad they don't develop their gray matter so they can pimp their product better.  And clues....hanging out with your sisters is cute in junior high.  Not so much on a date, or when you are old enough to put big girl panties on...even for twins.

    Nick has finally found love...again.  Something tells me it won't be long and she'll figure him out too.  I keep wondering why they don't put the Argentine soccer player on with his odd form of "Ayyy yayy yayy" in a squeaky voice that made me shudder as an Argentine woman.  After all, he was about as disgusting as Chad, as offensive as Sean, and sort of another Nick.  He would have been a perfect accomplice for Nick...two dorky dudes, one with a throwback Eddie Haskell hairdo, and the other with a homophobia and that very unmacho Ayyy yayy yayy" to Freddie Mercury, YMCA levels.  I always suspected he was more about "the fellas" anyway and I sort of feel that way with Nick..."not that there's anything wrong with that."  He didn't having me "Cry for him Argentina,"  I was crying because he was Argentine.

    • Love 3
  9. I'll be honest... 

    This season seems to be stuck on blonde.  So much so that I have a hard time remembering who is who and sometimes feel when they are grouped together that I'm looking at a bamboo floor.  They all seem to fade into one.

    Was Clairol in charge of placing these babes?  


    • Love 3
  10. 8 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

    Sean is awfully smug for somebody who makes his living sucking off The Bachelor teat.

    Ain't that the truth!

    9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    Sean has never met a camera he didn't like, has he? And of course he had to trot out Catherine and the baby afterwards, even though Catherine didn't look happy to be on TV so soon after giving birth.

    I'm glad that the horrible Jenny Mollen is gone, but this Michelle Collins person is almost as bad with interrupting people. I watch this show to see the contestants talk, not her.

    Jubilee's table manners are evidently still as bad as they were on Ben's season. Shoving food in her mouth just as she was about to be interviewed, talking with her mouth full, and having little bits of food stuck to her lipgloss is classy stuff.

    Lace looked so much better without the extensions, and Leah's lip fillers have gone down to a more natural, less Kylie-Jenner-esque level, so I thought she looked good as well.

    I was wondering if my husband and I were the only people that thought it odd that Jubilee was so hungry she had to stuff her face while being interviewed.  That was odd.  

    • Love 3
  11. 4 hours ago, hyacinth said:

    My thoughts on the After Show, which I was glad to watch instead of Micheal Phelps going up and down a chlorinated body of water really fast.

    I'm glad Chad got a chance to defend himself to some extent.  I agree with Spencer Pratt (I can't believe I wrote those words.)   I've been targeted before, and you can't win.   You can't win if you act well, you can't win if you act badly.   And sometimes if everyone thinks badly of you it just makes you act much worse.   

    Was that Diablo Cody on the panel, who wrote one of my favorite movies of all time, Juno?  I thought she was awesome, and somewhat unappreciated on the panel. 

    I think Daniel has a dry sense of humor that is just being fully appreciated.  Most people with sharp, dry senses of humor are smart.  Could he be... smarter than we think?   

    I'm not a Sean fan but he acted with integrity on the show and continues to act with integrity.  (So I guess I am a fan, albeit a reluctant one.)   

    I agree with Spencer Pratt too, although I don't remember who he is. The people at Paradise were so busy with their own lives that they had so much time to watch Chad and Lace in a jacuzzi?  Really?  Wow!  That would be my idea of a potential mate, someone who lived life as a voyeur.  I felt the others were immature in the way they focused on him when he was drunk too.  People get drunk, you don't let them become your talking points when you are there to meet someone as a potential mate.  And you certainly don't try to pick a fight with a drunk. 

    54 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

    She was a co-host on the View for a very brief time.  Seriously with all the crazy on the View, she was the one let go.


    How did I miss that?

    Glib!  Ok, now we know that a benchmark for the Bachelor/Bachelorette is low IQ scores.  See there?  I was being glib.

    Somehow, I don't think Sean would have been much defense against Chad, but I could be wrong.  

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, wings707 said:

     Did anyone else think that Christian was set up to go for Sarah?  It just did not ring true that she out of everyone caught his fancy. 

    I am not getting the "I must have Sarah" thing, either.  She's cute, but she's definitely not one of the key lookers there.  And she has a sort of bland, understated personality or manner of speaking that might put most men to sleep.  So yes, I thought that too.

    • Love 6
  13. There is something called a reality check that seems to have missed Evan.  First, Josh has "that look" that Evan never will have.  Second, you never go up to a couple that spends all day and night swapping spit and say, "Excuse me, but how about I interrupt your hot and horny time?"  Third, he's already been outted as a horrible kisser.  Now, the last one could be subjective, but c'mon ladies, if you heard that would you go, "Oh HELL YEAH, I can't WAIT to get with that one!"  

    The sad thing?  He's truly a nice guy.  But, does anyone really believe these babes are seeking nice guys?

    • Love 7
  14. On 8/3/2015 at 7:05 PM, Curio said:

    I have no idea who the blonde chick is who's co-hosting, but it seems like she's trying way too hard to say something mean or snarky every single time. 

    And it comes off as "Would you like a vodka with a side of bitch?"

  15. First, the hosts...Sean was a dud on his Bachelor series and for him to give dating advice when he was such a jerk on his season?  PULEASE!  Next, the woman host is Donald Trump reincarnated as a woman.  Not fun.  Not cute. Not funny.  Just bitchy.  

    Furthermore, to bring Chad onto the show and turn it into a Screw Chad Party, seems more gauche than some of his behavior.  There could have been a casual mention, but the female Trump was on a petty roll and she kept landing 7s with her catty comments.  I didn't even like Chad.  But, the guy seems more honest than both the hosts of this show.  Certainly, more likeable than Sean during his season, when he treated his dates with a mean-spirited approach, as social experiments to build his failing ego.  Am I the only one that recalls how many people felt he was a jerk on his Bachelor show?

    As for the comment by the wannabe-Trump female host, about pimping products?  Guess where I see her future.  She has all the charm of a rattlesnake.  I like my television hosts with a smidgeon of warmth, thank you.

    I didn't like Chad's behavior, but then, I'm not big on drunks.  However, the idiocy of Lace or anyone else trying to counsel a mean drunk?  Seriously?  He was drunk.  He acted like a jerk.  He apologized.  

    Sarah, on the other hand, did the thing that we all learn to do with drunks, right?  She put herself into a battle with a macho drunk.  Wow!  What a bright idea that was, no?  And after following him around, giving advice to a nasty drunk she got her feelings hurt.  Who didn't see that coming.  Did he take it there?  Yes.  Could she have been the bigger person and let it go since she started it and won the battle?  Absolutely!

    Then, Diablo?  Who is she?  What is her gig?  Why was she acting as if America cared?  Her dress was enough to make me not care.  I wanted the hands at her neck to give her a boob grab so she could develop a personality.  I wanted Revlon to come in and take back that lipstick.  She was about as appealing and interesting as the urine soaked streets of L.A.  on a hot summer night. 

    You don't have to worry about me watching this show again.  The hosts are a turn off.  And how is Sean, the jerk of his Bachlorette season landing all of these television spots?  He's about as appealing as a wall, personality wise and looks wise.  He seems like an anal retentive version of Ichabod Crane to me.   Can we call it enough with him?

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