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Posts posted by nitrofishblue

  1. I know I am one lone person that does not like or eat fish. This episode did nothing for me other than make my decision to not eat fish a good one. Since a kid I never liked fish of any kind. Never liked the smell texture or mouth feel. I would rather eat raw beef than any fish. That is just me. I know there are plenty of folks who love fish. I am just not one of them. This works great for me. I fix fish for my husband and steak for me and we are both very happy!!!!

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  2. I really didn't like the new format they are now using for RW. It has become a shell of what it was originally.In stead of cutting back on what is needed, try expanding it into a two episode instead of one. It has been turned into who can cook the most good dishes. Other things matter no more. I have watched every RW and have seen the quality drop. How can they call it a war when it is not a war any more??

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  3. Kind of happy that Zach did not win. His attitude really bothered me. He seemed too ignore what the judge told him about editing himself. He seemed to feel that he knew better than the judges. For me, I want to see ALL cooking competitions to be judged by blind tasting EVERY ONE.

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  4. I certainly hope that for season 2 they drop the most over used statement ever, how this was something never done before and how tired all the chefs were. This got so old so fast!!!!

    They have to make changes for season two, like blind tasting. All these chefs know each other. How can they not let personal feelings sway their decision. I really like the shows that have BLIND tasting, making things more fair.

    They must come up with 24 more chefs that do not have a personal connection with any of the judges. Feature more unknowns. I am getting tired of seeing the same chefs on show after show after show!! Let the young blood shine!!!

    To be honest, I really wasn't cheering for any of the two finalists. I remember Marcel from Top Chef where he was a complete A##. Never saw Carlos and I never could warm up to his attitude. OK people can change over time but memories linger from their past.

    I think the problem is that right now there are far too many competitive shows. The pool of talent gets very diluted over time just from over exposure.

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  5. For me this was a very weak RW. They have changed the format so much that it is no longer what it used to be. Now it all goes to how well the front of the does and that is that. This RW was very dull and had no challenge.


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  6. Happy about the winner. For some reason I could not reach out and like Zach to win. His hair do just drove me crazy. He had issues with trying to edit what he was doing and that is what did him in.  He was told many times to learn ow to edit himself. For whatever reason he could not do that. Was it ego or what. Who knows. Happy with the winner!!!


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  7. They are doing something every show that really bugs me. How many times must they "tell" us how tough the competition is, how this is a new version of a cooking show? I think it is about every five minutes of cooking. The producers need to stop treating the viewers like we are just a bunch of idiots that can't remember anything !!! Give us a break and just get on with the cooking

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  8. This was one episode I really didn't like. It was confusing and made little sense. I have never heard of the "Bear" and never watched it so that comment meant nothing to me. I usually drool over the dishes created but this time I really didn't care. Nothing appealed to me. Then add that really sad outfit Kristen wore. Made her look like a starving orphan. The color was wrong and the fit was wrong. They should never use the designer again that created that mess. I like Kristen and enjoy her comments. Please dress her in a better way.

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  9. On 4/15/2024 at 5:29 PM, mlp said:

    Declan was a finalist on Hell's Kitchen several seasons ago.   As I recall, he came in 3rd.  He was also on that feud show hosted by Darnell Ferguson.  I can't remember the name of the show right now.

    Thanks for the info. I love to watch thw cooking shows. I can remember I had seen him but could not recall which show. Certainly not missing him AGAIN!!!

  10. I watched the first episode last night. 24 in 24 sure is a mixed bag. I barely remember some of the chefs competing. I somewhat remember Declan Horgan but not what show he competed on. Does anyone recall? Looks like some unknown chef could take it since some big names went out the very first shift.

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  11. All I can say is that was the dumbest story line EVER!!!! Who writes this stuff? The entire story line was confusing and stupid. I used to like NF in Firefly and Castle but the Rookie has been the biggest disappointment ever. Please let this junk go away!!!!


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  12. I really dislike the format of this current competition. It is so unfair to all. A chef could win four challenges yet have to walk away winning NOTHING. This is one of the dumbest formats EVER. It is bad enough that the chefs have to fight over the fryer and ice cream machine. Did Alton compile this challenge? I DVR the show so I can watch the next day. That means I can fast forward thru all the BS talking and long winded intros.

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    Gordon always keeps one a## h### around to ramp up the drama.Every season has one like that. He will get close but not win!!!

  14. 16 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    The way the women complained made me laugh and sorry, I guess I’m “cruel” as well, because seeing Christina laugh, made ME laugh!

    They complained because churning cream for butter takes time and effort. They actually had to work to get the butter. Hard work is something young people don't appear to like. They just want to reach into the fridge and get the butter

    My opinion of this group of "chefs" drops every week. To be honest there isn't one of them that makes me cheer for them. There is a lack of something among all of them. Does anyone else get that feeling? I really am not cheering for any of them for the win. Gordon will be the loser with that choice.

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  15. All I can say is that the writers write really bad scripts and the actors are really bad. Madison sure doesn't seem to have learned a damn thing after 7 years. There she is pounding on the GLASS door trying to attract the walkers. Everyone is telling her to get away from the door. Guess what? she just stands there looking at the walkers like she had never seen what they do. The writing at times makes me want to puke it is so bad!!!

    I am still looking for an answer to the question of where are they getting all this gas to keep all those gas guzzling vehicles running? Who is manufacturing all that ammo for their guns that never seem to run out. How are they generating the electricity to charge those walkie talkies? You would think that they have enough technology to provide this stuff, they would be doing a better job in rebuilding their communities.

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  16. I have watched every episode of Hell's kitchen. I get a kick of how many of the "chefs" have such an overblown ego about how great their skills are. What a blast when you see them walk that walk out the door. I believe that the season taht Christina won was the best. You can see how far she has grown and advanced in Gordon's world!!! Plus she is a fantastic sous chef!!

  17. 21 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Kellyfamousfor"IChooseme"butnotreallyTaylor from the original Beverly Hills, 90210.

    Thanks for your reply. I never watched Beverly Hills 90210 so that is why I was clueless. That show has been off the air for some time now!!!

  18. I admit that so far I have enjoyed this story line. Maybe the writing has been a bit better than the "Fear" story line, I don't know. At least so far it has kept my interest for the full time instead if me changing stations looking for some thing better. Hope the trend continues. Right now the writers strike has left slim pickings for anything new. I have DVR'd over 200 episodes of Stargate SG-1. That is my most most most favorite series!!!!!

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  19. Man, am I pissed at Spectrum and Disney. I was happy when I read that they had settled their issues and regular programming would restart. That turns out to be one big LIE. Not all the shows are being restarted. Nat Geo and Nat Geo Wild will not be returned right away. They say that in a few months they will be shown on Disney+ supposedly at no cost to viewers. To be honest I find this to a terrible idea. I want nothing to do with Disney and refuse to add Disney+ to my play list. That means I am losing Dr. Pol and Dr. Oakley. The rest of the shows mean nothing to me!!

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