Landon is a gold digging self righteous catty valley girl white trash. You can put Dior on a bag of trash but it's still a bag of trash. Her voice is like nails on a chalk board on steroids. She is annoying, lacks intelligence ,maturity, and depth. She almost middle aged and doesn't even know how to take care of herself. To say Kathryn's only talent is on her back is tea kettle calling the pot black. She literally has achieved nothing in her life without laying on her back. She is a lying pathetic excuse for a woman. She speaks on motherhood when she lacks the depth selflessness hard work and attention span to ever be a mother. To bring up people's children is low class and desperate. And she can't even understand the simple concept of taking turns or how a conversation works. She lacks any self control talking over people and is appalled when anyone dares do the same to her. Shep shooting her down by laughing right in her face at the idea of her ever being more than a hookup just goes to show what even the people closest to her think. Get a real story line and a life outside of shopping on Daddy's dime.