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Posts posted by configdotsys

  1. Binged the whole season and just finished the reunion. I enjoyed it but thought it was a bit odd. I mean, they had 10 people so they had to match 5 couples. Some were extreme mismatches. Aussie and Mildred were a mismatch out of the gate, Sam and Tiff were the couple that had to be matched because they wouldn't match Tiff with Aussie. Once Lexi discovered what trash Vanessa was, the only one left to put her (Vanessa) with was Rae. Clearly three of the couples were placed out of necessity. 

    The other two couples seemed very real throughout. I could not get into the stories of the others because of the mismatches. I thought Mal was manipulative. "I know stuff about her.... I stuck with her through xyz," as if that entitles you to be the one. It felt as though she believed Yoli was her property simply because of longevity, not because they were soul mates. 

    Xander was one of the most genuine people I have ever seen on a reality program. Since both she and Vanessa came out while they were with their high school boyfriends, I think Xander didn't have much experience and stayed with Vanessa because it was a comfort zone. I totally agree with Lexi's assessment that Vanessa went into this thinking Xander would hang back and have nothing to do with anyone and would come back to Vanessa. You could see how uncomfortable Xander was initially in the show on dates. But once she loosened up and saw that there were others out there that should could gravitate towards, she found herself. Vanessa did not like that. Vanessa was such a phony, toxic person. 

    I wish Xander happiness. She genuinely seemed to experience so much growth throughout the season. I can see the two timing element she engaged in, but I really don't think she did anything with malice but was naive and just inexperienced. 

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  2. On 8/3/2021 at 11:40 PM, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    Yeah she was on the season with Flav and Brigitte, Jordan Knight, Dave Coulier, etc..

    I know this is an old post but the new one got me here so I scrolled up a little, saw this, and immediately heard in my head:


    • LOL 5
  3. I watched all three episodes today.

    Hated the rapper. The three of them were just embarrassing to watch. Their performances were cringeworthy in the extreme. 

    There was a lot to this documentary but the biggest takeaway was that it's a rigged game. Robinhood, the company that was sold as an onramp for investing for the little guy, was beholden to Citadel. They and other brokerages that halted the ability to buy GameStop stock and caused it to crash were engaged in market manipulation. And what happened to them for doing that? Nothing.

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  4. 15 hours ago, greekmom said:

    Was that the same guy? I don't remember if it was the same guy. I agree that the jewelry maker from last season had to be gay. Didn't he have the doll collection and made clothes for them (memory is a bit fuzzy and I'm lazy to check back into season 1).

    I really did like Arshneel .  He seemed bubbly and full of personality.  

    Is it the pretty guy from last season who had the super secret locked closet that no one was allowed to enter?

    I'm torn on watching this. I usually enjoy season 1 of these types of shows because they are more real. Once they get noticed on season 1, the thirsty fame whore button is pressed and subsequent seasons just feel as though there's a whole lot of acting going on.

    Not surprised in the least to read here that Aparna hasn't changed a bit. 

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  5. I am going to watch this as soon as I can. Before doing that, I have to say that while watching that situation unfold at the time, all I could think of was if this happened in America, you'd have people screaming into television cameras in hysterics demanding that the authorities do their job, would "cancel" the coach and demand his head, and would have lawsuits against anyone and everyone. What I saw when watching this unfold were parents who let the rescuers do their job and didn't decide that they should win the lottery because their kids acted like, well, kids... Maybe these programs will show hysterical parents but at the time I remember being in awe of their ability to be civilized: something we don't see much of here.

    I remember reading that the coach taught the kids to meditate to get through it. As soon as the first rescuers arrived, the kids said, "Thank you for coming for us," or "saving us." Somehow, I can't see a group of American 12 year olds being similar in any way to these Thai kids.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, hiisa said:

    I am watching this now and just...what is up with Hunter Moore's girlfriend? He is purely evil and was she with him this entire time?  Here's an interview with the journalist talking about Hunter drinking vodka from women's hoo-ha's and women doing lines of coke off his junk and here's his gf just....slow blinking and talking about his brand. 

    She seemed completely strung out during the whole series. I found it interesting that she had no clue what was going on there and no idea that there are "hidden" FB messages. Okay. Sounds like she loved the attention of being with someone worshipped by so many. 

    I know it's a tender subject and I feel for all of these women, but the affect of a lot of them just seems kind of eerie to me.

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  7. Finally got a chance to watch this today. Generally, I don't like things that hop back decades and then return to the present and prefer straight line past to present type docs. Also, I am a very fast reader, but some of the black screens of text (I'm sure there is a name for them but I don't know what it is) went off the screen so quickly that I was unable to finish reading what they said. This was especially prevalent during the early interview with the two people who ran the church in Kiev.

    I learned everything I needed to know about Lentz (and other pastors of these types of places) from the preachersnsneakers guy. When the pastor walks around in outfits that cost more than many parishoners' total net worth, something is going on there. The image of him walking with Bieber also tells you all you need to know. 

    People need to believe in something. Vulnerable people want to feel like they belong. Others just want to belong to the latest fad because they have nothing else to do. Some people are involved in celebrity worship and get off on the "so and so goes here so I am too" type thing. Throw a lot of longing faces-- for various reasons-- into a room with a narcissistic megalomaniac that can see that these people will do anything he demands and it won't take any time at all for the fleecing of the flock to commence.

    The below covers it all. 

    On 4/16/2022 at 9:35 PM, LuvMyShows said:

    As they said in the documentary, when any organization or person becomes this obsessed about sexuality and regulating it harshly, it's trying to address in others what they cannot address in themselves.  And looks like Hillsong is still alive and well, just like the Catholic church.

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  8. 18 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Tonight on FYI network 8 to 9 pm Central (Friday the 17th) is 10 most outrageous encounters for Philadelphia, called Furious Faceoffs. 

    I'm hoping they'll have my favorites, Ovetta get me the keys, where the woman drives off with a boot on her tire, and rips the daylights out of the car, and the one where the man didn't have the boot on yet, and rammed out of the parking space hitting other people's cars, the booting van, and runs a red light.    However, if it's different clips, I'll still love it. 

    My avatar is waving at you.  "Get my keys Oveda!" Love it!

    I saw this episode many years ago and was lucky enough to DVR it but that DVR is long gone. I bought every season of this show on Apple TV and unfortunately that ep was not included. I missed this message so hopefully they will run it again somewhere and I'll get it.

    I loved the furious guy that dropped a wad of cash on the stairs and said, "I make your paycheck in a day, bitch" to Garfield and Sherry. So many great ones. 

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  9. 25 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

    Even though I know that legally an adult can "consent" to a polygamous marriage, I don't feel like that's what's going on in the FLDS community. In addition to forced child marriage being evil and wrong and something that should never happen, I think the adult women who are being "assigned" (or reassigned in many cases) to men where they don't have any say in the matter and it's just about the prophet's will is just as problematic and disturbing. There are women who are eighteen, in their twenties and beyond who are brainwashed into thinking that they have no choice. Most of the time they don't have the skills or education to resist and have very few options that make an escape feel like a realistic choice especially when they have a bunch of kids in the mix.  

    People who are in something like the Centennial Park group are the adults where I can kind of shrug my shoulders and say okay, I guess they've consented to this situation. They're adults, they're educated, they educate their children, and they aren't kicking out the boys, performing underage marriages, etc. They wear what they want, they let their kids date and make informed decisions, they don't force their kids to become polygamists (as far as I've read). I still think it's nuts of course and don't think it's healthy, but I can more or less get behind it being a lifestyle choice as opposed to the nonstop 24/7 abuse the FLDS group puts people through.

    I so agree with you. This idea that women are "passed along" to someone else is so disturbing on many levels. They are chattle to be used in any way the elders see fit. "Your husband is no longer here, this is your husband now. Bow to him and keep sweet." I need a shower. It's impossible to believe that the real world does not creep into these religious sects that live off the grid in their own way as people defect from them all the time. These women, like other religious women who have a dozen kids, lack social skills in the real world, and having no resources, are trapped. They fear repercussions if one of their children bails so they discourage it. It's almost like the crabs in the bucket thing. 

    Law enforcement and whomever is responsible for giving law enforcement the power to smash these things up carries a lot of the blame here. If you are allowed to do something in plain sight of the authorities and it's allowed to slide, you up the ante and go a step further, and then even further. 

    This situation did not end with Jeffs imprisonment. It's probably business as usual there and many elders are likely happy that Warren is out of their way. These types of documentaries stay with me for a long time as I sit here sipping tea and thinking that right now, somewhere out there, this is going on. 

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  10. Did anyone else see the documentary Sons of Perdition from 2010? It was about boys from Short Creek that got thrown out. It was quite compelling. I have to say how impressed I was that these young men were just so incredibly talented construction workers and knew how to operate just about everything. That will serve them well in their careers but the forced labor they likely endured as children makes me very sad. I hope they found happiness. 

    Here is a link about the doc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons_of_Perdition_(film)

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  11. I've watched and read so much on these people that I didn't learn anything new, but it is a situation in which you cannot look away.

    There was a scene in which an older woman said she had never heard of very young girls being married and in the next frame was a pic of her after having delivered a baby, the mother of whom looked to be about 12. I get the whole idea that these people are brainwashed at birth, but if you deny something is happening, then you know it's wrong. If this is your belief system, then own it. Say nothing but outright lying elevates you from victim to someone who is aiding and abetting child rape.

    Warren Jeffs, raped a 12 year old girl on a bed in the "church" in front of the congregation and recorded the audio of it, probably many times. They did not include in this program (unless I missed it) the part of the audio in which the little girl says "Thank you" in answer to some question he asked her while he was doing that. I cannot get that out of my mind. I don't care what your wiring is, you cannot possibly be unaware that that is beyond wrong and claim you don't know any better. They prep their daughters for this life and have no reaction when they cry and beg and plead not to be handed off at 12 to some 60 year old pervert. 

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  12. 21 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    I have zero respect for Kylen. The way SHE treats her parents is shameful. If my daughter got on national TV and said “eh, no big deal my mom wasn’t there” would be so hurtful. I understand choosing the baby’s dad if you only get one other person but you can still regret your mom wasn’t there. Her father is dying and she cannot bother to bring her and his grandson to him? What kind of 18/19 year olds who are PARENTS aren’t licensed? Should have been one of the first things she took care of when she realized she was pregnant. 

    I think Kylen's attitude towards her parents throughout the season was designed to signal to Jason that he's her number one and it's them against the world, she only needs him, etc. She can't let on at all that she cares about her parents (or anyone) because Jason views devotion/love/whatever as a zero sum game.  

    She has none of her own thoughts, views or opinions anymore. She just reacts to situations based on "What would Jason want to hear?" or "What should I say to avoid the wrath of Jason?" So sad for such a young woman to think that is the way to live.

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  13. On 6/3/2022 at 2:53 PM, Kymmi said:

    Who knows, but Jason is the only one she has surrounded herself with during this pregnancy, he's certainly not going to know anything about breastfeeding. Without support, it can be difficult. He's a control freak at the very least, if she doesn't learn how to stand up to him and create boundaries, her son will see that and it will forever change how he views her and his relationship with her.

    How dare you say Jason knows nothing about breastfeeding! Jason knows all things!

    16 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    Jason’s parents seem to have resources and like they can afford formula for their grandson. They also made the “problem,” their asshole son. Supporting his family should be THEIR problem more than mine. Grifters. 

    I'm sure they can afford it but his mother said something to the effect that it's Jason's responsibility to feed his kid and that she was not going to do that.  

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  14. 32 minutes ago, b2H said:

    Maybe a little too soon, but allergies could be a factor, or they’re over feeding the baby.  Jason, too.

    They got home a couple of hours before this scene I think. I would guess that they were feeding the kid whatever they gave him in the hospital and if it was an issue they would have addressed there, no?

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  15. On 5/31/2022 at 11:26 AM, applewood said:

    Lily's mom to Lawrences's mom: "Are you excited to be a mother of the groom?"

    Lawrence: "Who's the groom?"   🤪

    You can't make this stuff up. Those two are made for each other.

    He also had no idea what vows are...

    Wow, Jason has a marshmallow body. There isn't a single attractive thing about him. I was sitting here mortified watching him shirtless at the hospital. Trash. It's obviously his kid until he cries in the night. That's when Kylen gets to hold him as he said. Another instrument of control.

    I was confused about the formula thing. First of all, all babies do is eat, puke, poop. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. So Jason saying that they needed other formula because he keeps throwing up this one was a little strange. Then his mother said something like she wasn't going to buy it and that "WIC can help with this too." Then Jason said, "If you're not going to buy it, just say so," and a minute later handed over a card. It was an odd exchange.

    It drives me insane when Jason's father blows off his son's behavior with, "It is what it is." 

    The trash people in KY are on the FF train.

    I thought $15k was cheap for what was included for Lilly and Lawrence but getting married will be a huge mistake.

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  16. 7 hours ago, BAForever said:

    I've noticed that too. Long time teacher and have had several students named "Xavier" and it was always pronounced with a /Z/. I dislike both of them with the fire of 1000 suns. Jason is a world class abuser and Kylen is a mealy mouthed weak slovenly teen. What that call him is secondary to that.

    Interesting. I'm a long term teacher also and way more often heard the X-zavier pronuciation. Even from my own school days, kids named Xavier pronounced their name X-zavier. The straight up Zay-vyur pronunciation thing is new to me. 

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  17. These episodes just drag on and on and just when something happens, it's over. The editors of this show suck. 90% of the show is boring filler. 

    I did not like Jenna at all when I first "met" her but she's easily my favorite. She needs to dump Aden like yesterday. I have no idea why anyone of any age would stay with someone who ignores them and is mean to them. It's bizarre.

    The brood in Kentucky get FF so no idea what's going on there and I don't care.

    There is nothing to say about Jason that hasn't already been said but I've come to the conclusion that Kylen is just as bad. She is not being held captive. She doesn't call her mother on the sly because she loves her and wants to talk to her and get advice. There is no hint of "I would like to see my mom but Jason thinks we need to be independent now" or some such. There was no "I want my mommy" vibe in the hospital which most kids have when hurting or facing a huge fearful event like a birth. There's only defiance there. There was "I want Jason." The way she flew into fearless mode when defending Jason to the hospital staff just spoke volumes. I have known kids that have had bad relationships with their parents but if one of them got sick, as "bad" as their parent may have been, the kid was affected tremendously by it. Kylen seems unmoved. That is not a product created by Jason. It's beyond sad to watch.


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  18. 10 hours ago, OldPizzaTroll said:

    She must have had at least some prenatal care because they knew the sex of the baby ahead of time. 


    10 hours ago, Boston said:

    You are right. Must have missed that.

    Jason's TikTok has a video captioned "First ultrasound" with them going in and showing images of the scans. I think the post was dated January 2021. I saw that yesterday and it surprised me because these shows always use these ultrasound visits as filler. Maybe they were not filming yet? I never know the dates of filming on any of these types of shows.

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  19. 3 hours ago, Boston said:

    A couple "i'm comin up with the belt" might have saved this monster's ass.  JMO (I don't think this is appropriate; but my father JUST SAYING IT moved our asses and straightened us up.).. not that i'm saying it was a good thing.  JMO.  OMG.  the PC police might come after me.  Oy, I hate having to justify everything.

    We're not allowed to say that anymore. The difference between the "kids today" and us old fogeys over 50 is that there was a fear factor when we were kids.

    There was an element of fear of your parents. And before anyone starts pearl clutching, I'm not talking about shaking in your boots because you were beaten regularly for fun. I'm talking about fear of maybe getting smacked or no TV, no bike, no going out, etc. No one wanted that. That was a horrific thought. I'm talking about fear of disappointing your parents, fear of embarassing them and yourself, fear of being viewed as a punk. You feared your teacher calling home because you'd be in more trouble.

    If you were making too much noise on the block and an old lady yelled out the window to quiet down, we all scattered and ran off knowing if we kept the noise up, our parents would hear about it and we'd get grounded or whatever. Today, many kids would tell the old lady to go fuck herself, or throw a rock at her window, or scare her in some way, record her being terrified, laugh giddily and put it on blast online.

    It's all about people having the right to do whatever they want. It's okay to be a pig, it's okay to be discourteous. There was one scene last week when Lilly was on the phone with her mother and Aliyah was yelling to her while she was on the phone. Lilly stopped and answered Aliyah rather than shush her and say "Don't interrupt me when I'm on the phone." That might sound petty but it's things like that that are the sprouts to piggish behavior that we see in a lot of people who interrupt or expect immediate accommodation simply because they want something with zero regard for anyone else. Jason's father is another example of "Oh, well this is how my kid is," as if Jason arrived that way. 

    As a final thought, I belong to a parenting group on FB for my town and the number of parents who were posting during the pandemic that they were "begging" their kids to get up and attend their live online class, and "pleading with them" to do their homework had me picking my jaw up off the floor a few times a day. 

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  20. In keeping with my tradition of posting and then reading the snark...

    There's a line between getting an audience drawn in and milking stuff to build up anticipation, and taking so long to do that, that any anticipation that's been gathering crashes and it turns to frustration. That's the case with Jason and Kylen. They are dragging out this birth and the associated drama way too long. It looks like that will continue next time.

    I weep for a future in which lowlifes like Jason have such a hold over their 17 year old girlfriend that she's terrified to do anything other than what he wants. If she is still 17, her parents should have been at the hospital saying, "She is a minor, we demand to be in there," and let the chips fall where they may. Instead, they are home wallowing in the same sort of helplessness that they instilled in their daughter. So here we are. It's enraging to watch. Mom's attitude is probably, "Well, I don't want to upset her..." Can I get a show of hands of anyone here over 50 who could apply that phrase on their own mom if this was going on?

    I did not like Emersyn's sister and her comment about Emersyn being dramatic or whatever. I don't find her to be dramatic. She seems stubborn but she is right to want Mason there to help her. Mom is right to have house rules. So Emersyn made her choice. Mom is such a pearl clutching Karen. You can read between the lines that she thinks the environment there is a horror show and I frankly, doubt that it is. Mason's father seems quite together and that's where she will be living. Frankly, if mom is going to be so unbending (again, which is her right) then Emersyn made the right choice for her. I admire her for not being the screechy, tantrum throwing baby that many of these girls are. She's very matter of fact: If Mason can't be in my room, then see ya. Good for her.

    This is a show about the young people becoming parents. Jenna's parents had their whole lives to fight and make up and frankly, I'm not interested in watching their drama or attempts to patch things up or talk or whatever. They are both incredibly thirsty for camera time and are being indulged by this show. I want to see a session with Jenna and Aiden in a counselor's office or scenes showing what they are trying to work on or if it's best that they let it all go. 

    Lilly and Lawrence are just living the life of young parents with two tiny kids and all the stresses that come with that. Welcome to adulting, kids. I thought it was a bit odd when Lilly mentioned going to City Hall to get married and her mother had an "Oh my God," reaction that sounded more embarrassed at the thought of a lowly City Hall ceremony than anything else. Maybe I misheard it but I perked right up at her reaction.

    I was so glad I didn't have to see the baby factory family. Unfortunately, they're back next week so I'll get my FF finger ready. 

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  21. 7 hours ago, applewood said:

    I suspect that Kylan also got no or very little prenatal care.  Jason also seems extremely ignorant on child birth. I also assume they didn't take any child birth classes.

    I couldn't understand why she refused a cervix exam. How else would they know how dialated she is.

    There was one point, I believe when they visited the birthing center maybe, that someone asked Kylen who here doctor was and she was completely clueless and had no idea what she was being asekd. She then asked if they were talking about the baby's doctor. So I agree, I think she got no prenatal care except the orders she received from Dr. Jason Douchebag.

    Again, I too wondered about the cervical exam. Someone posted above that Jason is against tampons? Was that in the show somewhere? Is this one of those, 'I own your vagina and no one gets to see it but me," type things?


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