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Posts posted by habenero

  1. "A place for Mom"

    - is that why they made cemeteries? Dad goes there? IF this service or whatever was "A Place for Dad" we would have GMA ; Kelly and who or whatever having this on their show;  and all the soccer moms marching.  Still,,,, this service seems ok - no protests - only the cricket sound.  Makes me sick

    And then we have the OLD valentines day coming up - Dad gets a $89 drill from Menard s

    Mom gets a $6k diamond ring from Jared (another crock of feces holiday)

    Maybe it should be named a place for Them?

    • Love 3
  2. Is there one tv ad out there that has NO FINE print associated with it (in other words a HONEST ad) Be it for whatever product or service; some greedy human and or org and or corporation?!  I swear every AD on tv is designed to :

    #1 Deceive you

    #2 Take your $$ like a circus carney and or lawyer

    Look at the forum numbers on this site - we have as of now 2K of consumers (with ?able IQ) that actually love a tv ad and then we have 655K that would pee in the office water jug at some Ad agency....go figure

    But the issue goes deeper than a love/ hate idiom - we pay for cable - why the hell make good and honest tv ads?  WE got the leech on our neck and it's called cable tv. They get our $$ (at obscene monthly rates) and throw them weekly (except for the cable/network negotiations) to the networks who will run catheter / adult diaper / soft sex ads / and toilet paper that shows if you're bleeding  and other ASSorted visual feces AD Nauseam.  We see the same irritating , deceptive ads over and over  and I thank the Supreme Being that I got a FF on my DVR control. We want torture in this country?  Strap a perp to a chair and let it watch tv ads non-stop for a month

    I cannot remember when I saw and listened to a tv ad in real time....maybe it was "WHERES the BEEF?!"

    • Love 4
  3. 2 hours ago, St. Claire said:

    And yet,  Vick's had a whole campaign back in the day using actors who played doctors to sell their cough syrup. "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV!" And that's supposed to make me trust your recommendation, because...? 

    All I can say about this addiction tv ad is that they are TRULY honest - They tell you that this 800 call is toll free.  Yeah I want to call up a stranger and empty out my closet full of skeletons.....

    Can anyone besides a owl or The Supreme Being read that fine print?

    • Love 8
  4. On 4/26/2014 at 1:07 PM, OSM Mom said:

    We've got an 1988 Jeep with almost 400,000 miles on it, and still going strong. So it's possible. And our son has a 1982 Chevy that runs like a champ. Maybe they used to make them better.

    Yes and now "Hallowed Toyota" has to make "toyota care - a warranty" a selling point for their "reliable and DEPENDable" cars

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