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Posts posted by singsong

  1. I am hoping that when the bakers are combined the automatic pass to the next episode goes away.  Steph and Cherry are so good with the clues, but tend to struggle with the bakes.   I feel a winner needs to be able to do both.   Still they are fun to watch on tv.  I'm rooting for them.  

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  2. 19 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    I feel like Curtis Stone is not in the same class as a chef as the others.  However, I've never had his food.  He just always comes off as more of a TV personality than an accomplished chef to me. 

    I watched the first episode last night, featuring Curtis Stone, and was rather impressed.  I had rather thought he was more looks than substance, but Iron Chef has me reevaluating my thinking on him.  I enjoyed the first episode quite a bit.  

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  3. I picked this to watch last night, as I love Toni Colette, and was not disappointed in the first two episodes.  I've read a fair amount of Karin Slaughter books, but apparently not this one, which is good news.  I'm interested in seeing where this goes.  I've got lots of theories, but knowing Slaughter - I'm very wrong.  Hopefully this finishes strong.  

  4. So, do we think TAR is actually filming presently, or plotting the route?   If they are looking to get it on the air in the spring, you'd think they would be need to be running now.  Charter flights, and self driving in theory should be safe forms of transport.  I could see them running a race without trains, cabs and buses.  I'm excited for TAR to return.  

  5. I have really enjoyed this show, but many times I felt like it could have had longer episodes.  I enjoy the banter, but I also enjoy the stories they find along the way, and I felt this episode in particular was too quick with the particulars.  


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  6. This show is fascinating, but it does make my head hurt.  I mean we had zebras, giraffes, a child Elvis, a Luau, an scorned wife, a drunk mayor, an RV riding bad guy and a drone army.  

    It's a lot.  Plus - caviar on a hot dog bun?  Who's writing this stuff?  What's happening?  

    Still - I'm hooked because I have to know...

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  7. Very telling that it's now taking me until Sunday to watch an episode with this group.  I honestly can't stand most of them.  I really couldn't understand them not taking Noura to the reward - the lack of food is really eating her brain, and she is the reason most of them stuffed their face last episode.  It's shocking bad form, even if you hate Noura.  It's despicable if she's in your "alliance".  I thought I was rooting for Janet to win - but not so much now.

    I'm sure Dan figured that Noura would manage to screw up the plan, since she couldn't understand it, and thought he'd buy some goodwill with the other group by spilling the beans.  But honestly - that was a nearly unwatchable mess of a tribal.  

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  8. Well, I was wondering how they would address and switch up the overused story of the child with special powers being controlled/searched for by shadowy government figures.  So - Piper is a bio-bot?  That does help hold my interest.  I like Jo - and the kids are cute, so I'll see where this all goes.   

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  9. I finally watched this over the weekend and surprised myself by how much I laughed.  I'm in for more.   I'm all for sitcoms that actually make me laugh instead of trying to have important conversations.    

    • Love 5
  10. I watched this on impulse last night and I'm intrigued.   Since I'm about to go on vacation - I might just download the book onto my Kindle to enjoy while relaxing, so thanks for the tip.  

    This might be right up my alley - a little mystery, suspense, and a little paranormal/sci-fi thrown in.   

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  11. I caught the ending of season 4 this weekend also.  It's been awhile since I watched a Bravo season and I couldn't believe I had forgotten how fantastic those finale runway shows were.  It's amazing what the designers could produce when given a decent amount of time to actually design fashion, instead of hastily creating a few rags for the Lifetime productions.  

    I have high hopes for the return of PR to Bravo.  Here's hoping that we get a return to FASHION.  

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  12. Every once in a while, GBBO really baffles this American.  Steamed puddings?  I've heard of them, never actually seen them.  And now that I have - I don't understand why they are a thing.  They look awful.  But I don't understand the British love of meringues either.    

    I'm enjoying this season more than I thought I would.  They challenges seems very difficult so far, and I am liking the new hosts.  I'm still on the fence about Prue though.  

    • Love 5
  13. You aren't the only one watching the show gibasi.  But I agree, I am getting a little sick of Roger's insecurities and over-reactions.  He needs to pull it back just a bit.  

    Is Swoosie Kurtz staying with the show, or was this a one-off?  I'm not sure how I feel about her, between her and Roger, I was rolling my eyes out of my head through most of this episode.  

    I did enjoy Riggs getting smacked in the head.  Bowman hitting the dark web, nervously.  

  14. I came across this purely by accident last night, and I really liked it. I'm not usually one for legal dramas, so this surprised me. Heigl was likable, and I got drawn in. Feels like a good cast and I hope the story lines don't cause me to roll my eyes too much. I'm in for the next few episodes to see how it all shakes out.

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  15. Great episode. I always love seeing the contestants doing work that isn't horror or sci-fi, as that gets some of them out of their comfort zones with sometimes unusual results. And I loved the addition of the focus group, more than I thought I would. It was to see a different point of view. I'm liking this season with the teams and non-elimination weeks. I'm glad Cig and George won - their makeup made me gasp. Those colors and her face were so pretty.

    • Love 3
  16. I did not know about the cartwheels and splits at the police station. That's....interesting.

    In one book regarding the Knox case, I believe it was A Fatal Case of Beauty, the cartwheels done at the police station were by request from a police officer. As Knox explains she had been sitting for hours of questioning and was tired and sore. She did a few yoga moves to stretch and an officer asked her if she could and would perform a cartwheel. I'm convinced that Knox is guilty of nothing except for being a naive, slightly strange girl who wanted to assert her independence.

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  17. When the six designers remained on the runway I thought to myself, aside from Ashley - who else could possibly be on top?  I hated Swapnil's, and Merlene's was lacking any structure I normally think is part a bra.  That said, I understand why Merlene won.  Tweaking her design would make it fit into Heidi's collection very well.  Designing for Heidi often makes for awful episodes.  I thought doing exercise wear for her line was a terrible challenge.  This was even worse.  I watch PR for fashion (or what passes for it).  I just don't think yoga pants and underwear are what these designers, nor the viewers signed up for.  This episode was all about the drama.  

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  18. Eh, I'm gonna give Dave a pass on the 60 yr old whining bit.  I'm guessing Dave was having an episode of killer fatigue, and he just wasn't feeling it.  He was pretty firm about not doing to caligraphy also.  Hopefully he'll get a nap and be back in form next episode. 

    Country girls annoyed me more this week.  Hey girls - it's up to the follower to keep up or navigate for yourself.  The leaders are busy spotting the road signs and reading the map,  so they can't keep checking on you.

    I enjoyed donkey madness.  When Big Easy's donkey stopped and refused to move, I whispered to the TV - his donkey is broken.   

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