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Posts posted by Sesquipedalia

  1. This show came up in my Hulu feed and I started watching it thinking there were only ten episodes. I guess I missed it when it first came out. Stories about mothers dying trigger me and I usually avoid, but I stuck it out for the first few episodes because I have enjoyed every other Amy Schumer project. Sadly, I am finding this pretty boring, especially the flashbacks. I actually thought the earlier episodes were funnier, and it gets less funny when John and flashbacks start taking up more time. Now that I realize I have twelve episodes to go rather than two I don't know if I'll finish. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Benji said:


    Too funny !  And I thought I was the only one who needed subtitles !  For Dan, in particular. 

    You are definitely not the only one! I understand like 95% of what is said, but I always keep the captions on to catch the other 5%.

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  3. On 11/27/2023 at 9:01 AM, RoxiP said:

    That's one thing I like about Bake-Off is that they have had contestants on with disabilities (Briony comes to mind - she was one of my favorites) and there isn't a big deal made about it.  Tasha's disability had to be mentioned because she had the interpreter with her but Briony never was given any special consideration nor did she make a big deal about it, and neither was Tasha's disability - it was mentioned at the onset of the program but has never been mentioned again.

    100%. If it were an American reality show, Briony's hand and Tasha's deafness would have totally defined them. They would have talked about it every single episode.

    Have y'all watched Matteo Lane's bit on GBBO? He talks about this exact thing. It's really funny and spot on.


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  4. I'm really enjoying this season, and I like all the bakers. But I have to say, they don't seem quite as talented as bakers of many seasons past. The showstopper challenge seemed pretty easy in the sense that they could make almost anything they wanted, which should allow them to play to their strengths. Yet no one did amazing. Josh's was the only display that looked at all show-stopping. The one main directive was to make it colorful, and yet there was so much beige. When I think about what someone like Kim Joy would have done with that, these bakers are not quite at the same level.

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  5. On 11/10/2023 at 10:37 AM, SG429 said:

    That had to be the funniest sequence in the history of the show. From the horror of the first disastrous unmolding, the heartbreak of the second, then the slow realization that the entire bake had been an epic fail. Everybody rose to the occasion and had a good time with it. Of course it should never come to this and represents a real misstep by the producers but it was good entertainment.

    Second funniest for me. Thank you for giving me a reason to post this, which I never get tired of watching.




    • LOL 6
  6. I loved this season. For me, the play within a play story, along with the casting of Meryl Streep, brought it to a level beyond Season 2. 

    The emotional roller coaster I went on in response to the ending:

    • "Oh yay! This cliffhanger must mean there will be a Season 4!"
    • "Oh no! It's so sad Sazz is dead. I love that character and will miss her."
    • After reading comments here: "Oh yay! This means Sazz will be a big part of Season 4 in the form of flashbacks! More Jane Lynch than ever!"

    Please show, if you are thinking about setting any significant portion of Season 4 in L.A., please do not. For me, 75% of this show's appeal is the NY City vibes. 



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  7. I thought the coming out on Instagram and then going to prom but not really participating and leaving early was anticlimactic. I enjoyed the Paris trip in Season 2, but other than that, Season 1 was way better.

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  8. So this thread has covered most of the implausibilities I came here to see if everyone else noticed, lol. One not mentioned from the previous episode is Charlie calling off his hotel room make-out session with Nick for fear of getting caught even though everyone sharing the room already knows about them. But meanwhile holding hands in front of the whole school is fine . . . ?

    One moment I loved in this episode though is when a guy yells at Nick that he gave Charlie the hickey and Nick yells back "What if I did? Jealous?" The tone and attitude of Nick's reply really does make him sound like the jock everyone would assume is straight. The show maybe doesn't do enough to establish that up to the point of meeting Charlie, Nick had always been just one of the (straight) guys, but this is a reminder of his former identity and helps explain why everybody isn't clued in to the obvious. Nick has always been seen in a certain way, and people can be oblivious to what's right in front of them when it doesn't fit with their expectations.

    I am curious why Harry is suddenly sticking up for them and whether this will ever be explained.

  9. Watching this show makes me feel nostalgic for high school. Even though my experience was not great, this show makes me remember how it feels to be so carefree you can stay up texting (or in my case talking on a corded house phone) late into the night. I remember what it was like to obsess over every word of the notes my crush would pass to me between classes. I remember that electric spark from the first time my first love took my hand...

    With all the cuteness, though, my favorite moment in this episode was Charlie's sister coming out of nowhere with "I don't think he's straight."

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  10. Spoiler


    I am rewatching Season 1 before moving on to Season 2, and I'm enjoying it just as much the second time around.

    Nick is so dreamy. It's weird for a 50-year-old lesbian to say, but I would totally have a crush on him too if I were Charlie. The scene with Ben reminded me of when Blaine confronted Karofsky after he kissed Kurt on Glee. I guess I am a sucker for the standing up to a repressed gay bully trope.


    On 4/22/2022 at 9:38 PM, secnarf said:

    So far enjoying the show, but I could do without the cartoon birds and whatnot floating across the screen. It feels like they don't trust the actors to convey the required emotions, so they are relying on cutesy animations instead.

    I was wondering how people would feel about this. I had the same thought--The actors can pull off the emotions without the animations. However, I also sort of like it. I think it adds to the sweet, fairy tale vibe. It also gives the show a distinctive style. Or at least it seems distinctive to me. Have any other shows done something similar?

  11. I have no idea why I clicked on this when it came up in Netflix, but it's the cutest fucking thing I have ever seen in my life. It is puppies and rainbows and warm hugs and sunshine in the form of a show.

    When I finished Boyfriend, I assumed I had seen the entire series and was happy with the ending, but lo and behold, "Next Episode" popped up, so now I have another season of adorableness to look forward to. And based on reading this thread, there is yet another season coming after that!

    With the Great British Bake-off also starting this week, Netflix is doing its best to fight my depression. I'm going to try not to binge the second season so I can space out the endorphin hits. 🦋🐦💜🍃

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  12. I loved the book. The ending of the show was a lot less dark, which is ironic given that one of Wagner's main crimes was replacing a dark ending with a happy one. I'm fine with it though because it leaves the door open for another season. I hope participation in this forum is not representative of interest in this show! 

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  13. Watching this in 2023, I tend not to get too exercised over decisions made 8 years ago, but this was a shocking result! Kennedy did much better than Pearl in the video and LSFYL. In hindsight, do people really think that Kennedy's malapropism rubbed Ru the wrong way, or was it pandering to Pearl's online following?

  14. NONE of those designs were avant garde!

    I wanted Bishme to make an actual bubble dress instead of a batwoman dress with a circle for wings. I thought the model was going to be inside a big bubble, which would have been cool.

    The edits always show that the designers ignore Christian's advice at their peril, but this was so extreme. Like, "if you hadn't followed Christian's advice to the t, we would have hated it, but you did, so you win."

    All that aside, I look forward to seeing the collections next week. 


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  15. I am only 20 minutes into this episode, so I don't know what goes down, but I really like all the designers. They all seem like cool people, and I am not rooting against anyone. Christian is also really cute this season.

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  16. As I mentioned in another thread, I am from New Orleans, so I knew about Bianca long before Drag Race. But I had never seen her out of drag until watching the show, and was taken aback by what a total Louisiana brah she is. It was interesting to see someone with that persona actually win!

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  17. That lip sync was HOT! 

    Viewing this post- the overturning of Roe, I support asking someone to own their position on abortion. However, you should probably not do this if that person is also judging you in a reality show.

  18. I just started watching Drag Race a few weeks ago. I am only 14 years behind!

    Not all seasons are available on Hulu, so I started with Season 2, followed by 5. I'm excited to now be on the Bianca Del Rio season! I live in New Orleans and she was famous here long before she moved to NY. I was even  once "read" by Bianca at a Mardi Gras ball where she was host (not me personally but as part of a group I was performing with). I took it as an honor.

    So far, Bianca has the best personality. The one who got the Duck Dynasty box in the first episode is the prettiest by far. And then there's one queen who just looks straight-up like a woman. Neither of the other seasons I have watched had someone like that, so I'm interested to see how far she goes.

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  19. They didn't actually declare a winner for this challenge, but by naming Nigel as the first finalist, it kind of implied that he won. I know these things are 99% subjective, but this challenge falls into the 1% where there was a clear winner. Bao's look--both dresses and the transformation--was perfection. It wasn't close. She should have been acknowledged for that.

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  20. Bao is now the one I'm rooting for to win. I would call constructing that swimsuit in four hours magic if I hadn't seen her working her ass off. Woman knows how to hustle. And kudos to the model for being hard core and taking all the chaos in stride. 

    Out of all the fashion competition shows I have seen, contestants are rarely able to make something that's flattering on a full-figured model, much less a swim suit. So the design and fit of Bao's suit were quite impressive, especially compared to what the others did in the same time frame.

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  21. On 5/4/2023 at 9:29 PM, LtKelley said:

    the awkward reality is that the change is occuring in all women in all places and you can't kill them all. But yes, guns do even things up at first. 

    In our world, women can get guns as easily as men, but does that work as an equalizer? Not at all. Power comes from a feeling of dominance and superiority. Is that sense of dominance rooted in the ability to physically harm others? That's the core inquiry of The Power. It seems to suggest that, yes, dominance is rooted in physical superiority? Women become stronger, so they become dominant. But could it just be a cultural perception? Women in The Power could be easily overtaken with guns, but it's psychological. Men day to day are scared of them. That's the root of the conflict. Anyone could overpower anyone with a gun, but what role does genetic proneness to violence play? Does simply being able to overcome a person in a one-on-one situation make you superior? Is physical force the primary factor in how society is organized?

    These questions are why I love the book and the show.

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