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Posts posted by rr2911

  1. 12 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    I would love a flashback about the two handlers.  Because I feel like they and Bobby  are Colton’s chosen family.  The only family that has his best interests at heart. I would like to see the backstory on that.

    I remember the TV show Person of Interest, the show had the 2 main characters locating and helping people through an AI machine.   We got to see how they met but it was through a flashback and kept the main plot moving forward.  I don't think we need a full episode of the two ladies and Bobby.  Especially when we might get a heavy dose of Colton's family.

  2. On 5/21/2024 at 1:51 PM, surfgirl said:


    And the two ladies who find Colter his jobs, they could be so much more but they're relegated to background wallpaper.

    I don't find the two ladies interesting at all.  They are there to find Colter his next leads or assignments.  The worst thing this show can do is get into two characters that are just not worth a story.  Maybe in a flashback we will find out the how's, when's and why's.  This story needs more of Colton's siblings.   And of course, Reenie! 

  3. On 5/22/2024 at 7:39 PM, NeenerNeener said:

    Is Rita not coming back next season?

    I hope Rita comes back next season and sticks around!  Rita is fun and very pretty.  Even her facial expressions are cute.  Nicole, for being an attractive woman has the most unattractive facial expressions I've seen!

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  4. 1.  The 2 year old kid was cute but this was not anything I would pay 10 cents to see.

    2.  The comedian should not have gotten the GB.  I couldn't understand one word he said!

    3.  Magician and his removable fingers is my favorite already.  Great act!  How the heck did he do that??

    4.  I'm surprised the dog act didn't go through.  Thank God!!

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  5. Yeah Thony is responsible for all the deaths on this show. 

    Usually, the protagonist is a good person or hero but Thony is neither.  It is interesting that the showrunners decided to go away from the tried and true format.  Still, it's a head scratcher that Thony leaves a trail of dead bodies and all she has to say is I'll do anything for my "famileee" and everything is ok.  I can see all the mother's hearts out there melting away!  Awwwa!


    By the way, I had a senior moment and forgot who Derek is.

    He is the FBI agent right?

  6. 6 hours ago, surfgirl said:

    I'd hope Maria's retort would be something along these lines, "Well Venus, everyone wanted you out from the beginning. You were an erratic, chaotic player that nobody liked." IMO, Venus strikes me as one of those women who has coasted on her looks her entire life, but nobody's every told her she has a very off-putting personality. It seemed like Survivor was the first time she was rebuffed, socially, and she did not know how to handle NOT being in charge and having people listen to her. I literally cheered and high fived my husband when she was voted off, then said, "Well the Loser Lodge crew is probably cringing right now, knowing they have to deal with Venus yet again!"I

    Yeah, if Venus asks her why she didn't want to work with her, I would expect Maria to respond accordingly.  But in this case Venus as a juror has control.  I might be wrong, but I think she would want to know why she should "write" her name down for 1mil!  Maria responding the way you want her to will not get Venus's vote and possibly not others.  Maria has plenty of time to give Venus a piece of her mind after the show. Just my opinion of course.

    • Like 2
  7. If Maria doesn't win the first IC she must be the target to be voted out.  No ifs or buts!  You don't want Maria to make the final 4 because remember what Kenzie said about Maria knowing how to make fire.

    I'm rooting for Kenzie to win, even though she doesn't have a good resume.  She wins only if she has Ben and Liz sitting next to her.

    I'm hoping that Venus tears into Maria if she is one of the three and asks her why Venus should vote for Maria even though she treated her badly?  I miss the old finales when they would get a bit heated.  They are too nice now. 😒

    • Like 8

  8.   It was great seeing Jennifer Morrison again.  Everyone seems to know her from "This is Us" which I didn't watch.  I started watching but I lost interest.  It wasn't my cup of tea.
      Jennifer Morrison came out on the tv show House M.D. as Dr. Allison Cameron.  I guess I'm showing my age a bit!

    • Like 9
  9. I think the two remaining are the correct ones in the final.  Thelma Houston was the weaker of the three.  If this is a legit show and the audience really does vote, I'm guessing that most in the audience did not know who Houston was.  There are a lot of young people voting, so they voted for the younger sounding singers.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, anniebird said:

    You don't think Ricky and Cesar were a strong team? They aced almost every challenge and even the one that took the longest (windsurfing) didn't damage them too much.

    Since I wasn't rooting for Ricky and Cesar to win, I had them in mind when I wrote my post.   What I meant was that there weren't any "other strong" teams like in past seasons for R&C to go up against.
      In past seasons there were 2 or 3 strong teams that were capable of winning a leg.  Just goes to show how weak the other teams were that even with Ricky falling down a number of times on the Surf challenge, the others couldn't take advantage of that.  Yes, credit goes to R&C but in my opinion, a strong team would've taken advantage.  In any competition, when you're feeling pressure 
    from another team, mistakes can happen.  Did Ricky and Cesar really get challenged?  I don't think so.  But hey, this is just my 
      opinion.  Looking forward to next season! 

    • Like 2
  11. Just my opinion here, but there weren't really any good strong teams.  Sure you had Danny and Angie but they were mostly concerned in making alliances than winning.  Leticia and Rod, Vinny and Amber all benefited from Angie and Danny's help.  The firefighters didn't know north from south.  The pilots also didn't navigate well.  The rest were weak. I'd like to see this season's winners go up against really strong teams.  Now let's see what happens!

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  12. 28 minutes ago, lilysmom said:

    You know, that's the one part of the Amazing Race that always bothers me. It doesn't seem fair that because I beat you to the U turn, I can cause you to stand a greater chance of being eliminated. (I am aware that teams have been U turned and still stay in the race.) The race is amazing enough as it is. 

    Besides, you can only be u turned if you come in after another team. With the success  the winners had at coming in first or second, the chances were great that no one would have had a chance to use it on them. 

    Maybe under the old uturn system where teams did not have to uturn anyone.  But last season, teams must vote on teams to uturn.  The father and daughter team from Texas received news they had been uturned when they arrived at their next challenge.  But who knows, the winners might've been successful anyway.

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  13. 14 hours ago, DrBriCa said:


    They were so far ahead of almost all of the teams in most of the legs that I doubt a U-turn would've impacted them. Maybe if there was one during the Mega-leg... but even then it would've only been the pilots ahead of them. If anything, I wonder if their dominance was a reason for trying out the group-vote U-turn we saw last season.

    Well, I don't mean in the finale.  There could've been a uturn at another time.  That uturn could've slowed them down.  That's all I'm saying.

  14. I'm going to be in the minority here but I hope Hana's friend is shady.  I like that MW doesn't really go into personal relationships that much.  There to many shows that do that.  I like the crime of the week.  It's ok for us to know that the agents have relationships but not to the point of turning it into Days of Our Lives!

  15. Well that sucked!

    Didn't want them to win.

    The pirate mix drink challenge seemed to easy.  They had the recipe in front of them.  The recipe should've been away from the racers and they should've been able to memorize the recipe.

    Language might've favored the winners.  It would've been interesting if this wasn't a COVID race.

    I hope Survivor doesn't have a sucky finale!

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