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Posts posted by NicoleMN6

  1. Jody (hunter turned huntee) could be played by Connie Britton in the movie!

    I was hoping Antoni would show her how to cook some gourmet meals with her squirrel meat and garden veggies, but I guess the point was more to make her feel comfortable eating that kind of food for when they go out? (And maybe it would inspire her to try to recreate something like that... if they have any time with their work schedules and the farm life!)

    ETA: Just watched the Jones Sisters and cried like a baby at the dentist appointment. So wonderful. (And so awful that this type of help is often unaffordable!)

    • Love 6
  2. Just watched this episode, and I'm having the same reaction I did when reading the book: Why does Jamie owe Laoghaire anything at all? He could have had her thrown into jail for shooting him with a banned weapon! Sure, Jamie wants to make sure the girls are cared for, but Marsali isn't there anymore and Joan is just one mouth to feed. Plus, Laoghaire couldn't downsize or remarry if her two deceased husbands didn't leave her with enough to live on? What would she have done if Jamie had never married her in the first place?

    I thought Ned was a better lawyer than that. 

  3. Rebecca probably feels a mix of remorse and relief. Remorse that she didn’t ask more questions when Jack (and his mom?) were still alive, remorse that her marriage was so full of secrets after all... and relief that she wasn’t the only one hiding a huge secret and being the “bad” one after all.

    Miguel wins!

    • Love 1
  4. What’s saddest to me is that Nicky WAS finally getting better in Vietnam, during that fishing trip with the little boy. (He was laughing and able to enjoy the innocence of the boy instead of envisioning him as his enemy.) Until the accident.

    I’m glad, it only for Rebecca’s sake, that we see that St. Jack kept a huge secret and was not such a saint after all. It’s good for Miguel, too, come to think of it.

    Jack’s parents had to have known about Nicky, at least that he came back from the war, though it’s possible he faked his death to them afterwards. Jack’s mom must have died some years before the kids are 9 years old; they probably don’t even remember her, since she’s never been mentioned. 

    • Love 5
  5. 38 minutes ago, LittleRed84 said:

    Cmon Nick. June had to let the commander have sex with her and flirt with him. And say she liked it. Man up and fake a relationship with Eden for your survival. 

    Seriously. And it would be so much easier to fool Eden than the Commander. I strongly believe Nick could easily get away with not actually having sex with her. She's so innocent, and with that sheet in the way, she wouldn't have known if he had faked it with his hand or a prop. 

    • Love 3
  6. On 5/31/2018 at 2:07 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    It was less an error of casting and more a case of working with what's available. Newborns are not allowed to be used in Canada.

    They should have used a swaddled doll, then.  It was extremely jarring to think that Moira had bonded with this 4-6 month old baby and was THEN giving it up, given that there had been no mention of that experience in the first season. Even more so if you watched this episode and then the next one in one sitting, comparing newborn Gavin (holding his own head up?!) to 10-month-old Angela/Charlotte.

    • Love 5
  7. Damn, Father Andrei. No one was asking you to ID them without their disguises on! Idiot.

    Oleg will be fine. They have nothing to hold him on, and his dad is friends with Gorbechev — who didn’t get overthrown. There will be some sort of trade, even if Oleg wasn’t there on official KGB business.

    Paige will have to get better at lying REAL fast to fool the FBI, even if Stan covers for her. (Which he’ll have to, to some extent, to not let it be known that he let them escape.)

    And the family can reunite in a few years, when the Cold War “ends.” In the meantime, Phillip can finally meet his grown son, and his little brother. Maybe even reconnect with Martha, assuming she’s happy now with a kid and maybe even a man. And they can all be friends with Gabriel.

    • Love 4
  8. Empire needs someone with a decent PR mind. Blake could have been used as a powerful weapon AGAINST racism, as a kid who was raised to feel a certain way and grew up and realized it was wrong.

    • Love 6
  9. Are we supposed to just forget about Anika killing Rhonda (and Andre’s baby) and Lucious covering for her? Take away the Empire throne drama and Andre’s mental state, and that would still be a pretty compelling reason for Andre to have snapped and tried to kill his dad.

    • Love 9
  10. Would Elizabeth really be so thrown by the cyanide pill? I expected her to tell General Obvious that as a Directorate S operative, she’s never had the luxury of being arrested. She’s been prepared to kill herself rather than surrender for decades now.

    • Love 11
  11. Hailey's clothing when conducting is so inappropriate, especially the low-cut slip dress she wore in the Japan semi-finals! As a (female) musician, I would have been completely distracted by her braless boobs bouncing around. It's also strange that she would go with those looks when she was worried that people would just see her as Rodrigo's girlfriend.

    It's pretty funny that when she finally dressed somewhat appropriately, she didn't do very well... I guess she needs to let it all hang out, literally?

    • Love 10
  12. 9 minutes ago, slasherboy said:
    41 minutes ago, topanga said:

    I understand that Rebecca will never completely get over Jack’s death, but if I were Miguel, it would bother me that my wife still falls apart 20 years after his death. 


    Jack was also Miguel's best friend. Perhaps Miguel also needs to take that day to grieve for him, in his own way.

    How many people have been Googling "Widowmaker heart attack" tonight?

    P.S. I call bullshit on the "twin connection" between Kate and Kevin. Remember how it was SO strong in the first season that Kate woke up from Kevin's turbulence? Now Kevin doesn't even wake up when Kate is screaming in a fire and then their dad dying? Or are we now meant to believe that it was only Kate who had the connection, not Kevin?

    • Love 13
  13. I was already feeling conflicted about watching a sport where the elite athletes are teenagers — working crazy hours, traveling all over the world without their parents, risking their lives to perform complex athletic maneuvers when their bodies aren't even fully formed yet. Even before Nassar, there were always cases here and there of physical and mental abuse, and it certainly wasn't a stretch to assume even worse (though not in such a rampant way).

    But now... wow. I'm glad my daughter has fun at her "little gym" program, but that's where it will stop. There are plenty of other sports she can do as she grows up.

    The silver lining of all this, which I don't think too many people have called out yet? Now that we KNOW that all these young women were being abused, and yet were still able to smile and look OK from the outside, perhaps this will finally stop all the attempts to say "she couldn't have been abused" just based on seeing a woman smiling in a photo with a man afterwards. (All those Harvey Weinstein photos with actresses also come to mind.)

    • Love 2
  14. I expected Rebecca to give Kevin her necklace, to replace the one that he lost. It's kinda unisex... no? Maybe she'll do that eventually.

    Then again, I also expected that Randall would find Clooney. It's nice that this show isn't too predictable!

    • Love 5
  15. I predict that Kate will introduce Madison to Kevin, and those two will hit it off... and then Kate will have issues because she doesn't want to lose a good friend to Kevin again (like what happened with Sophie) or because she'll feel used by Madison, or both.

    • Love 4
  16. 12 hours ago, Bean421 said:

    Mr. Bean is white and I'm black. This is the struggle every year for family pics. What colors to wear that look good on everyone? Struggle. We've found a really good photographer but we've got three different hues in our family and she's worth every penny. 

    [Raising my hand] In most photos with my (South Asian) husband, I'm either a ghost or you can only see the whites of his eyes...

    • Love 3
  17. Wouldn't it be lovely if both Ashley Wagner and Mirai Nagasu end up on our Olympic team? At last!

    Ashley is skating to Moulin Rouge again? What happened to La La Land?

    • Love 2
  18. Nice to see Fedor Andreev settle down, after dating all of his mother's skaters! Remember what a little cutie he was, skating at the tribute to Sergei Grinkov?

  19. Quote

    I can't really think of a top tier skater that benefited from changing coaches. If you fall down on your jumps all the time a coaching change isn't really going to fix that: see Sasha Cohen, Nicole Bobek, Michael Weiss,  just to name a few.

    Ashley Wagner and Adam Rippon have both improved their jump techniques since switching to Arutyunyan. Based on Wagner and Johnny Weir before her, I think that Priscilla Hill may not have been a great coach for top senior-level skaters -- maybe not strict enough?

    I think Mirai Nagasu would have done much better with a different coach years ago.

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