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Hanged Man

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  1. Throw Mama from the Train too retro?
  2. The night was hot, wait no, the night, the night was humid. The night was humid, no wait, hot, hot. The night was hot. The night was hot and wet, wet and hot. The night was wet and hot, hot and wet, wet and hot; that’s humid. The night was humid. The night was moist
  3. There are layers as to what's wrong with her. Layers
  4. Do yall know what the Uncanny Valley is? This lady(?) hits the deepest part of that valley for me.
  5. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Baby Stealer? Sarah asked, nay WISHED for it. At the time of the baby removal, she was the duly appointed guardian of the baby and SPECIFICALLY asked for the Goblin King to take the baby and did I err he? No. It was only when she fulfilled the Legally binding (for their realm) wording of the baby removal wish that the baby was removed. The Goblin King is COMPLETELY blameless; a victim of flawed public sentiment and was horribly traumatized by this whole affair. This is a scandalous Defamation of his character and expect to hear from his lawyers. This is true.
  6. I will accept a Ron Swanson award all day every day.
  7. I had a plan to frame Machiabelly but when day 4 came around and all 3 remaining villains were being gunned for, it seemed like we were kind of toast.
  8. Last week was my coworkers last week and honestly he checked out 2 weeks ago, so it was crazy for me. I do apologize for not being a better bad guy
  9. It was not; work interfered and by the time I got back to the game the deadline was up. For whatever reason I did not dedicate myself to this game to the extent I should have. LOL sorry about that. I wanted Bob to have a game where he wasn't killed instantly since he so rarely gets to play for long. So we killed you
  10. Ah Machiabelly is your mason pair, I was stressing about that.
  11. 1 to DL not me (HM)? 3 to DL Hanged Man (Lisin, Deaja, Lady Calypso) 1 to Kill the beast (at least the first time).
  12. I don't need to defend myself, I am not in danger. The only one DLing me is Joanne and it looks like she is done for. To the best of my knowledge, unless there is subtext going on which I am not picking up, we are DL'ing Joanne because she is playing the lost confused don't know what is going on card, correct? I have seen the lost/confused, hope nobody notices them card played by villains and I just wanted something solid. I like when clues point to people or we catch villains voting for Hero DLs and not villain DLs or jumping on at the end of the villain DL
  13. Ugh I need to get in here more but work has been killing me We're DLing joanne for what reason? are we just randomly DLing peeps and hoping we get lucky?
  14. If TCS flips hero everyone who voted should be suspected, anyone can start a DL on a good guy. If TCS flips Villain only the last few votes should realistically be villains; people hopping on the inevitable to look good. If he is Villain I would say that certainly clears Drogo, and probably deaja and really points at me and Machia, Though I have seen Villains start and drive a DL on one of their own on day 1 and cruise to the easiest victory ever but this game is a little advanced for that.
  15. Well we need to do something 0 to DL Deaja 6 to DL Spruce (Drogo, deaja, Lisin, Lady Calypso, Machiabelly, HM) 0 to see what's what
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