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Posts posted by Eegah

  1. I just finished listening to the descriptive audio (quite an interesting way to experience a story that I suggest everyone try for at least one episode) and according to its narration of that last scene with Karen (and I assume all the narration is straight from the scripts with how quickly they were able to put it together) she doesn't actually notice anything about Matt; it's just about her losing the hardness that's been on her face ever since Elena's death.

  2. So, Stephen S. DeKnight has now taken to Twitter and revealed that Ben's death was entirely due to studio politics. While the season was being made, they had no idea that Marvel and Sony were negotiating to share the Spider-Man rights, and were under the impression that they would never be able to use Ben again, so they might as well kill him off. It sucks, but at least it's an explanation beyond "We had to kill the black guy."

    • Love 4
  3. Rewatching the fight scene gave me much more appreciation for the intricacies of it. At the start Charlie Cox walks in and heads into that one room where the fight basically begins offscreen when the door closes. This is so the stuntman can come back out into the hallway and do the really physical part of the fight while Cox is running around the back of the set and into the room on the other side of the hall, where he replaces the stuntman in turn after Matt falls back into that room. From there he does fighting where there's less to actually do thanks to how exhausted Matt is, but still features plenty of impressive stuff.

    • Love 3
  4. The series is now available with audio description, meaning actual blind people can now enjoy the story of a person like them becoming a superhero. It's a pretty neat experience to close your eyes and experience the show as pretty much a radio play. I'm also very impressed at how much information they're able to slip in without ever interfering with the dialogue, and with the narrator never sounding rushed.

    • Love 4
  5. With that first scene of May talking about having a kid, I thought the incident would involve her being rendered sterile somehow. SO glad they didn't go that way, as it's such a cliched and quite sexist plot device.

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  6. Game of Thrones has reached the point where you truly know you're a cultural icon: getting parodied on Sesame Street. Watching something like this really makes me wonder how many jokes on the show I missed as a kid.


    • Love 5

    What did Karen notice at the end there?

    Without actually having rewatched the scene, I figured she remembered Daredevil preemptively stuck his hand out to her the same way in the first episode, or made some other motion that gave away that he was blind.

  8. I've seen some complaints about the show's victimization of women, which I can only assume come from people who quit after the first couple episodes. Because seriously, with Karen, Claire, Elena, Vanessa, AND Gao, we get a broad spectrum who are all interesting in their own ways and given their own agency.


    On the other hand, it fell down a bit on race. Seeing the three surviving white heroes mourning their two minority comrades in the final episode really brought that home, though I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt that Ben's role was written before the decision to change him to black. And at least Claire is still out there, presumably to come back in Luke Cage.


    In a franchise that's suffered enormously from cardboard evil bad guys, the Kingpin stands out very nicely. And it'll be fun to see the Loki nuts who insist he just needs a hug suddenly have to deal with this equally complex villain who's not as conventionally attractive, and try to talk their way out of why Loki's better.

    • Love 5
  9. The interesting thing is, in the comics Claire was simply a love interest for Luke Cage, and separate from the Night Nurse, which is the major role she plays here. So I'm assuming she'll pop up again in Cage's series, and maybe even Agents of SHIELD somewhere down the road when the Netflix shows are more established.

    • Love 1
  10. Apparently their first choice for Stick was Sonny Chiba. If we couldn't have him, Scott Glenn is a quite able substitute, a former Marine who's still a fully believable ass kicker despite his age.


    Really racking my head trying to figure out what Marvel character that could be at the end. If this was DC I'd be thinking Ra's al Ghul, but here I've got nothing. Also, from the voice I was thinking it was Keith David, but then that clearly wasn't his body.

  11. As generally bad as the Daredevil film was, I loved Michael Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin and was highly skeptical that anyone else could measure up, to the point where I'm reasonably sure he would have been approached to play the role again if he was still alive (damn, I still can't believe that he's gone). But D'Onofrio just blew me away with this one, playing two very different sides to the guy and still making it believable that they were the same person.

    • Love 13
  12. I'm starting to find it a bit amusing that they feel free to throw in all the blood and gore they want, but any profanity more severe than "shit" (in stark contrast to every other Netflix show) is where they get squeamish.

    • Love 1
  13. I'm suspecting that Claire's ex is Mike Peterson.

    Anyone else have a big laugh at Claire telling Matt his costume sucks after the massive fanboy drama about using the black suit? Speaking of which, I love that it actually looks like something a regular guy would put together in the event they decided to become a Batman type figure, rather than someone with the resources of Tony Stark or SHIELD.

    • Love 3
  14. I definitely got the feeling that this was planned as a one season miniseries, and then the crew got the word that Netflix was interested in more so they had to tag Danny's kid onto the end. And I really had to laugh with the whole pearl-clutching "He's got lip piercings, he must be DANGEROUS!" shot.

    • LOL 1
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  15. So, were we really supposed to be in any suspense that Danny might kill Janey? Because that was a huge fail for me. When you ask "Why is the character doing this?", the answer should never, ever be "Because he's the bad guy," and that's exactly what killing Janey would be for Danny. His stated motivation just before the sequence was to make his family feel just what he felt that day, and simply copying the incident deliberately would do the exact opposite of that. Though I am definitely happy that the writers avoided it.

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