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Posts posted by filmfan2480

  1. I can't stop watching that Mirage/Morphine Donna Summer lip sync.  SO good.  As many have said online elsewhere, if this was a regular episode, we may have been coming in for a double shantay.  They both had such "moments".  Mirage's were more low-key, but gorgeous and fun.  Morphine brought the sensualllllll, plus those splits.  Two different types of performing and, how can you not love Donna Summer?  A+

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  2. LOVED this episode.  My favorite moments were Amanda beating Dawn, Morphine's first amazzzing lip synch, Megami taking people down, Plasma killing it (and yes, I thought she won, too), the Donna Summer showdown (incredible, and both should have won/moved forward), and ultimately, because I've always loved Morphine, I'm glad she won something big.

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  3. 2 hours ago, hottesthw said:

    Melissa saying at the end she would follow with whatever the family wanted to do. And Joe saying he’d always be there for his sister because he loves her so much. It’s all so laughable. Why not just come out and say “look Andy, we know this show has destroyed our family and we hate her as much as she hates us, BUT if you want us back next season, we’ll be here with bells (and hoods) on”. The Gorgas are straight up pathetic. That they don’t see that any of this would have happened if they had stayed in their lane and let Teresa do her thing with her friends on her show, none of us would have  been subjected to this BS all these years. They apparently hated each other since day one, so why would they have even wanted to be on a show with her? Go out and get your own show. 

    Well, according to both women ... they both got along with each other very well in the very beginning.  They had fun together when M was dating Joe, etc.  But something happened with the family AFTER J & M got married.  Bad vibes.  And then J & M coming ONTO the show was the straw that broke the camel's back. They had their moments of reconciliation over the years, but the hurt was always there and, apparently, the hatred; mostly from Teresa, I'd say. 

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  4. 15 hours ago, bencr said:

    I think Teresa really believes her lies which makes arguing with her both fruitless and exasperating. From a viewer's point of view, Teresa comes across as pure emotion with no logic or ability to persuade. I don't enjoy watching her, and I don't care what she has to say.


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  5. Yeah, I am liking Rachel Fuda, so far -- and yes, her Nonna, Lol.  Guinea! 

    I actually liked the new Jennifer (she's funny) and Danielle (when she's not being much).  But Rachel is kind of doing/reacting/saying/feeling everything that I would be if placed in her situation with these women.  

    • Like 6
  6. Thoughts:

    Kyle - Don't like her hair or earrings.  I'm with her on the Crystal stuff.  Crystal might know what she HERSELF is trying to convey ... but it is very unclear to these women and probably to most viewers.  She is contradictory.  As for Kyle/Garcelle ... that was terrible of her to step-in on their conversation and try to "interpret" Diana's thoughts.  Stay out of it!

    Garcelle - She looked lovely.  Loved everything that came out of her mouth tonight.  I only wanted her to go in even harder on Diana.

    Sutton - Like her hair and make-up, not the dress so much.  I think she is wise - thus far - to stay as quiet as possible.  That said, I thought it was nice/big of her to align with Crystal and basically say "girls, I've learned some things.  Crystal and I have moved on.  TIME FOR YOU ALL TO MOVE ON".

    Rinna - Glad that she hasn't had much to say so far.  Her facial expression reactions irk.

    Erika - She looks kinda ridiculous, really.  There are times with the right hair/make-up/outfit she can be quite striking.  This Reunion ain't it.  As someone mentioned above, she DOES look nervous.  And I thought it was fascinating how she kept saying : "well, he beat the case" when talking about "accusations" against Michael Jackson.  That was rich.

    Dorit - Her "look" is also ridiculous.  Over-the-top.   Nothing she said irked me much.  The break-in story is compelling and I'm glad she and her kids made it out alive.  It IS hysterical how Andy keeps yawning whenever she yaks and yaks away.  

    Crystal - basically see above in my Kyle comments.  I WANT to like her and agree with her on her thoughts/opinions/insights.  But too often, she doesn't express herself in the way she thinks she is.

    Diana - I just can't stand her.  Maybe she's not involved with Jax's threats.  But then why would her name show up in that initial text?  Why would she obsessively harp on Garcelle (and yeah, nice way to deflect about the "obsessed" comment) -- "I think Garcelle is beautiful" -- please {eye roll}.  And why is she offering up her amazzzing lawyers to help Garcelle if she is the main target of the source of these threats?  Nervous/guilty/back-pedalling much?  We shall see.

    Let's see what Part II offers up next week.

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  7. "You are the biggest bully in Hollywood ... and everyone knows it".  BINGO.

    Next season, I'd love:

    Kyle - she ain't going anywhere

    Garcelle - she picked up steam this year

    Sutton - for better or worse, she's ruffles feathers

    Crystal - but she needs to step it up

    Camille (friend-of role) - she's still pretty friendly with Kathy and Sutton

    Kathy (friend-of, still) - for family drama with Kyle/Kim

    Kim (friend-of, if need be)

    Brandi (come on back out of housewife jail to shake things up even more)

    Teddi (word is she's coming back in some capacity, anyway - and she's friendly with Brandi)

    Ali Landry - friends with many of these women

    I think that would be a fascinating mix of personalities together with past/present rivalries that could remain or be fixed. Ali Landry entering would be a breath of fresh air, too.

    Bye Bye Rinna, Erika and Diana. I'm on the fence about Dorit.

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  8. I feel like I'm in an alternate universe.  My mom and I loved the show.  Loved the opening (and Ariana DeBose, in general).  People say that she doesn't have charisma to host?  We thought she had it in SPADES.  I took no issue with the winners.  I enjoyed most of the performances.  And I wish the Oscars (which I love, love movies, etc) celebrated film with the same verve that the Tonys celebrate shows.

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  9. On 1/7/2022 at 10:30 PM, Ananayel said:

    Okay, I am cautiously optimistic. No stupid shenanigans like that Pork Chop Group mess, I liked everyone (wished it wasn't an elimination like they've done before.) Michelle looks great, loved Lizzo, and I would just like to say, first impression is that Kornbread is what Kandy Muse and Silky Ganache wish they could be. Subject to change, of course.

    We'll see what happens with the second group, but so far so good.

    I agree with all of this.  Like the format, like the queens, was entertained.  Everything clicked for me in this first episode.

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  10. Enjoyed the episode even if I thought at least half of the song selections were either poor or, as mentioned above, played around with too much.  Those who impressed me most were Paris Winningham, Raquel Trinidad, and all of Team Legend (wow).  I like Lana Scott a lot but think she chose a poor song choice.  And ditto that for my early faves, Girl Named Tom. 

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  11. On 10/25/2021 at 9:39 AM, amarante said:

    I just fast forwarded through that segment.

    I realize there is always contrived storylines but this one is so obviously fake as well as being repulsive. 

    She needs to be one and done. There is a link in one of the threads here to a Tik Tok by her niece which really exposes how fake as well as awful they both are. 

    While I think it is all a bit much for me to see on my screen every week ... I'd hardly call what has happened to them "contrived".  They are obviously royally messed up about the miscarriages/still birth.  Those were as genuine of streaming tears as I have ever seen on these housewives series.

    • Love 2
  12. While I don't believe the Macro of this Erica saga ... I do believe a lot of what she was saying tonight.  A lot of it sounded plausible to me, in a Micro way.  I suppose I'm in the vast minority on this.

    I think I'll also be in the great minority in liking Kyle's dress and thinking Dorit actually looks pretty during this reunion.


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  13. I live for this crap.  4 parts?  Bring it.

    Erika - looks fine to start, but when the tears come ... eeeeeek.  And I agree with all about her southern accent that came out for the first time in, like, 6 years.

    Rinna - loathsome and desperate, as always.

    Dorit - that screaming at Garcelle was DISGUSTING.

    Crystal - I want to like her ... but I don't think I do.

    Kyle - love her reaction shots.  That said, she is sooooooo quiet.  As always, wants to stay out of the fray.

    Garcelle - I feel like she knows what she wants to say and can really deliver a knock-out punch ... but it really is only successful in those talking head interviews.  She clams up in real time.

    Sutton - she's a wackadoodle, alright.  But I give her a pass - this season - for all the good Erika stuff.

    Kathy - enjoy her quite a bit.  Let's see if her schtick wears thin, though.

    3 more eps to go!  :)


    • Love 23
  14. On 10/4/2021 at 6:23 PM, SHD said:

    I agree, but I looked it up and there are definitely companies that do nighttime moves.

    And depending on the time of year, it could be nighttime dark as early as 5PM. (I can't remember if they gave any indication of just how late it was supposed to be.)

    I also got the impression that it could've been 530pm ish or so.

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  15. Few thoughts:

    Lisa continues to be the worst ... or nearly the worst, next to Jen.  They kind of deserve each other.  But Lisa tonight, fake tears, fake everything.

    Loved Mary's reaction to Meredith's facial treatment, Lol.

    I also really liked Angie.  Hope there is more of her.  And ditto who said above that she reminded me of Sarah Paulson.

    • Love 18
  16. Random thoughts:

    Despite it all, I find Meredith to be the most genuine of the cast, the most normal and most level-headed.  What she says ... makes sense to me?  Everyone else?  Nuts, delusional and/or in-your-face camera whore.  

    Lisa Barlow?  Annoying AF.

    Mary?  Beyond goofy.  I don't dislike her, but she teeters ever so closely.  And how does she get away with not coming to so many group events?

    New Jennie?  WORST scripted conversation with her husband of All-Time.  We all know this is a pseudo-Reality show.  But that was insulting to watch.

    Heather?  She comes off 2nd best to Meredith, for me.  I don't have much more to add.

    Whitney?  She doesn't say or do anything to outright make me dislike her.  LOVED the birthday cake snafoos the other week, LOL.  But she can bug the Hell out of me, too.  We know you're cute, we know you're sexy.  Downplay.

    Jen Shah.  She's clearly on her Great Apology Tour.  The Calm won't last.  Just waiting for the inevitable, ridiculous explosion(s).  

    And I had to laugh at the usual Housewife trope of ... Ohhh, she's (Meredith) not coming.  But WAIT!  Who's this coming out of the car? <cue melodramatic camera shots/angles>  Oh, she IS here, after all!   😏

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  17. Marley said: "Tom has been ripping ppl off for years so this whole 3 year thing with his diminished health is a legal strategy at this point and to me proves that. Erika knew what was going on even more because she keeps repeating it.

    When she kept saying I wonder where the money is it’s like bitch you spent it on your joke of a pop career and private jets and everything Tom bought you. There’s no way she didn’t know where that money was coming from."


    ^ This is the overwhelming sentiment I feel, as well. ^

    As for how Erika looked ... tons of make-up and, she indeed looked like she has not been sleeping.

    As for Sutton and Garcelle ... right on, girls!

    And, as is usually the case, Kathy has the best comment/insight of an episode: "this is good practice".

    • Love 20
  18. 8 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

    And Meade isn't the only one.🥺

    He definitely was, although he seemed happy during the medal ceremony.  The pressure on Chinese athletes in certain disciplines (like diving) is enormous, and I think Yang was the one who was "supposed" to win: he had the crazily difficult dives, and he performed the highest-scoring Olympic dive ever as his final dive.  And he still came up just shy of gold by not even two points.  Cao was just a teeny smidge better overall and absolutely nailed that final dive when he absolutely needed to.

    I felt so bad for Yang because Cao had already won a Gold 4 years ago and Yang really deserved the Gold what with that 112 point round.  Wow!  But both men were superb.

  19. 1 hour ago, Conotocarious said:

    Some of the greatest routines to watch are compulsories. Daniela Silivas, Lilia Podkapayava. I re-watch these even now! Heck I re-watched the compulsories from 1996 and I was on the edge of my seat watching beam!



  20. As for Moldauer - great landings, but I always wonder if/when those lesser skills will be botched and, it sure happened to him there.

    As for Yoder - given how the even unfolded, he missed an opportunity for Bronze.

    As for Suni Lee - thank goodness her relative high start value and execution held her for Bronze.  But if she hit, she would have won Gold.

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