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Posts posted by J.D.

  1. I'll probably regret these words tomorrow, but Danielle has been a lot more palatable now that Shane is gone.  A lot of us thought she'd have a major meltdown.  I still don't like her, but it's nice to see a different side of her.

    Poor Alex.  I would hate to get chosen to be on BB only to have some creepy guy obsess over me.  I'm sure Scott isn't any real danger to Alex or her game, but still, it would be an awkward and uncomfortable situation.

    Jason has toned himself down these past couple of days.  He's been acting more like old BB Jason.  I hope he stays this way.  

    Justin on slop:  LOL.  I give him till Tuesday before he cheats and sneaks something from the fridge and BB has to scold him.

    Gotta admit, I'm glad Kryssie's a Have Not.  It gives us a little break from her constant crunching on potato chips.

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  2. The latest rumor is that the body under the sheet is Nate -- BUT -- that Laurel ends up dying and that THAT's the death that devastated the cast because they thought she was in the clear of surviving. AND... since they're making it look as if Wes is Laurel's baby's daddy, the rumor is that it really ends up being Frank's and so Annalise later gets to say that she (actually her house) got even with Frank for killing her baby by killing his baby, ....the baby Laurel's carrying.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    I think I'm the only one who doesn't like Justin. I.don't.get.the.love.for.him.at.all. 

    Same here.  I don't understand all the Justin love.  He reminds me of Andy.  He toggles between both sides, absorbing all their information while keeping his opinions to himself, then he drops hints to each side about the other side without really giving up any names or solid fact.  Some may say that's why he's such a great game player -- and maybe that's true -- but to me he's just a rat.

  4. Kryssie's still complaining that BB didn't care that she was injured....that BB let her stand there and bleed to death....etc.  What did she expect BB to do?  If she was THAT injured, why didn't she demand medical attention?    I mean, if she had broken a finger or something, would she have continued with the comp or would she have demanded BB intervene?  UGGGHHH..... !!!!

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Whitney's been called to DR to get the results as host. Perfect; 10 more minutes until Morgan's win is announced...or Scott's, because if they call Morgan's first buzzer as her starting point, then Scott might have won.

    I bet production is debating, trying to decide if Morgan won or not.

    I think she still would win.  There was only about 13 seconds between Scott and Morgan's time, and there was only about 5 seconds between Morgan's first and second  air horn.  So the way I figured it, even if they go by Morgan's first air horn, she would still win by about 8 seconds.  Then again, I'm bad at math.  :D

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  6. 1 hour ago, Tiger said:

    IMHO, it would be the show sending the message to the audiance and life/fate sending the message to the characters that even if you try to be a good person you still have a shitty destiny.

    For what it's worth, I think Eve, Nate, and Connor are the only characters that deserve a happily ever after, and I definitely do not think that ending up with Oliver is Connor's HEA.  He deserves to be with someone who doesnt want to ruin his future like Oliver did when he hacked the email and told the Stanford woman no.

    Don't listen to Tiger, HTGAWM Gods.  You mustn't break up my Coliver.  Oliver might not be Connor's "Happily Ever After" and vice versa, but I love their relationship - warts and all.  I love the imperfection, the struggles, the highs & lows of trust and mistrust.  Please keep my Coliver safe.  Thank you.  That is all.  :)

    • Love 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Tiger said:

    You have to, and truly should, watch the speech for yourself; someone linked to it higher up on this page or the previous.

    The reason is that it wasnt one or two specific things I can quote but rather the speech collectively.

     As someone who thinks Ricamora is weak on this show, I think it was an amazing speech.

    Thanks.  I just watched it and I agree with everything you said except for maybe the part about Ricamora's character being weak.  To me, he may not be as pivotal as the K5, but I feel like all of his scene are poignant, and I hope he never leaves.  :)

    FUN FACT:  Did you know there's a 10 year difference between their ages?  Jack Falahee's 27 and Conrad Ricamora's 37.  I'm not sure about the ages of their characters.

    • Love 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Tiger said:

    Ultimately, there's no real story if it's Connor or Asher.  Outside of Oliver and Michaela, I dont think anyone would care.

    Whereas if it's Frank or Wes, it touches and concerns every character and every story.

    Plus, while I still think Falahee may be leaving the show, I no longer think Connor would leave in a body bag given what Ricamora said in his HRC speech.  

    Also, at least as of season 3, episode 4, Connor is one of two regulars that hasnt killed or even tried to kill someone.  And on the whole he is the most crime-free.  It would send a horrible message to kill off the most relatively innocent character, especially given that he tried to extraxate himself from the insanity and that escape was stolen from him.

    What did Ricamora say in his HRC speech?

  9. 8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I know not everyone feels the way I do, which is good because differing opinions makes things more interesting! But when snark turns into trash talking which turns into straight bashing and bullying (the armpit sweat on the pillows/clothes is definitely bullying to me), that's when I can't root for people. When they do that, it just takes it past gameplay and into personal territory. Just like in BB2, the toothbrush event. I never watched BB2, but I did watch the clip surrounding that segment. What makes that event different from what Jason, Shane, and now Kryssie have done to Scott, Shelby, and Morgan's stuff? 

    100% agree.  

  10. 13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I may not like Jason, but I definitely think he's already kicking himself and realizing he made the wrong choice. It sucks for him, but he did trash talk the other side before realizing that they're getting popular with Feedsters. I don't know if he realizes the reason why is because him and his allies are disliked for their trash talking and emotional playing while the other side is doing none of that and sticking to the game. 

    Did you watch BB17?  The reason Jason and Day were so loved is because of all their trash talking.  Feedsters couldn't stand Shelli and Clay's sickening love fest and people were entertained by how Jason and Day snarked on them as well as how they snarked on idiot Austin and the bimbo twins.  It made watching the feeds a little less predictable and boring.  

    For BBOTT it's a new day and the climate's completely different.   The Plastics are nothing like Shelly, Clay, Austin and the twins.  They're actually playing. Plus, Day's not in the house and all Jason has is the sour puss girls -- Kryssie and Neeley -- having a tug-of-war with what they feel is disrepect.   It's not the same and Jason's realizing it. 


    20 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Jason knows he has fans, but I think his ego wants him to be in with the other popular houseguests of this season. Him being part of the underdogs in season 17 didn't help matters, and I think he just wants to be in with the In Crowd with Feedsters. 

    I don't think it's his ego that wants him to be in with the "popular" HG's.  I think it's because he (well, all of them actually) came into the game unaware that America would have so much power.  Now that he knows,  he'd be stupid not to try and use that to his advantage.  In this season more than any, you'd better want the feedsters to like you.  Otherwise, you're toast.  My fingers are crossed that Jason will jump ship, and if he does, I wouldn't hold it against him since he now knows what he didn't know coming into the game:  America has a lot of power.

    • Love 2
  11. I'm going to guess that Ivette becomes their live in nanny.  I'm going to guess that she doesn't have any children of her own but she always wanted them, and that being a nanny is her career and that's what she was doing at the pool when she met Kate.  Otherwise, it doesn't make sense that Ivette would be in that photograph without her own child(ren) also being in the photo.

    • Love 1
  12. Just another one of my rants:

    Kryssie and Neeley are going to be the death of the LNJ.  They both have such huge egos.  I totally get where both of them were coming from during their argument the other day, but what I don't understand is why neither of them realized it was time to cut their losses before permanent damage settles in.  Then when Neeley finally conceded, Kryssie just kept reiterating why she felt that Neeley wasn't respecting her game and how she felt like she was being told what to do with her HOH, etc.  We get it, Kryssie.  You felt disrespected but still you should have known when to shut it down.  Drilling and drilling never works.  You can't strong arm anyone into seeing your side of a situation.  

    And then -- to have Kryssie later on tell Jason that Danielle and Neeley are worried about Jason joining up with Alex.  Gurrrrlllllll--!!!!  That was wrong.  If you're tight with your alliance like you want them to believe and if you truly have their backs like you want them to believe, then why are you burning 2 people of your alliance to another member of your alliance!?!?!  I cannot stand her anymore.  She whines about Neeley not respecting her, then she turns around and throws her UTB.  Kryssie, you should have asked yourself, "I want to tell Jason that Danielle and Neeley are worried about Jason joining up with Alex, but maybe I should first go and ask Danielle and Neeley if they mind that I tell Jason that."  LOLOLOLOLOL.  Of course she would never ask Danielle and Neeley permission because girlfriend KNOWS Danielle and Neeley wouldn't be okay with Kryssie telling Jason that, and yet she did it anyway.  Hmmm...... Kryssie.  Is that the mad respect you were talking about earlier?????  

    I don't understand why people love Justin.  To me, he's just a quieter version of Andy.  He's playing both sides (which I think Jason has picked up on and since Jason, too, see cracks in the foundation of the LNJ, he's also starting to play both sides).  Anyway, unlike Jason, Justin never wants to talk game.  He never gives.  He only takes.  He just wants to ping-pong between both sides and soak in other people's game talk under the guise of "Kumbaya, can't we all just get along?"  

    Scott!  Oh, Lord.  That dude is an open book.  He tells everybody his plan, even the 'enemy.'  He might as well say, "I'mma lie to your face and tell you want you want to hear and then I'mma stab you in the back tomorrow."  I mean, we know that's what everyone is actually doing, but Scott doesn't even make an attempt to convince anyone he's on their side.  He gives himself away too easily.

    Shelby.  Not sure why people don't like her.  I do.  I think she handled Jason's confrontation from a week or so ago very well AND I think she handled her golf caddy punishment equally well as opposed to whiney Danielle who complained every time she had to go in the pool.  I like Shelby.  I like all of the Plastics....except for Scott.  I wish the Plastics would trade Scott for Jason.  Then I'd be a happy camper.  :)  I definitely think Jason's going to kick himself when he gets back to real life and realizes he aligned himself with a mess of whiners and egomanics, when he should have aligned himself with the smarter, less emotional and more level-headed group.  

    • Love 1
  13. I'm all over the place with "Who's Under The Sheet."  On the one hand I THINK they're trying to coerce us into believing it's either Wes (because we now know he was, at least at one point that night, in Annalise's house) OR they're trying to coerce us into believing it's Connor by putting SO much Oliver in the show (he's at the fire, he's at the hospital, he can't find Connor...etc).  The Wes/Connor red herring makes me think the body's Asher since we haven't seen too much of him and it appears as if they're trying to divert our attention elsewhere and put Asher out of our minds to make us forget he's still a possibility.


    However, I'm also back to thinking the body actually IS Connor and here's why:  We know that Michaela has Connor's phone but we don't know how that came about or why that's written in the script.  I'm guessing Michaela accidently picked up Connor's phone and so deductive reasoning tells me that he probably picked up hers.  Why would they put that in the storyline?... I wondered. 


    I'm thinking that at some point in time it will be revealed that Asher is alive and since Asher's dating Michaela, we're going to see Asher find out about the fire at Annalise's, and worrying about Michaela's welfare, we're going to hear him say he has to call Michaela to check on her.  He calls her phone but there's no answer.  Asher's getting increasingly worried -- almost frantic! 


    Just then the scene cuts to the cold interior of a morgue.  We see a body laying on a gurney, covered in a sheet.  No one is around.  It's eerily quiet, except for the ringing of a phone.  The audience is frozen.  We realize it's Connor under that sheet, and that he has Michaela's phone.  And cut. 


    (I'mma cry buckets of tears if I lose Connor).  :(

    • Love 3
  14. I'm torn.  I don't know who to vote for ACP.  I originally wanted Danielle to win this next one so that she would not be eligible to get a better one down the road, but since Kryssie is HOH, giving the Care Package to Danielle would be kind of a waste at this point.  Part of me wants to vote for Scott because it could be entertaining watching Scott be Kryssie's personal servant right after Scott's HOH and that conversation he had with Kryssie.


    However.... I'm afraid that if I don't vote to give Alex ACP then she'll go home and I don't want that to happen.  I think Alex is the best player of the Plastics and she deserves to stay in the house -- BUT -- if I vote to give Alex ACP and she wins it, yes, she'll be safe from eviction, but she won't be eligible to receive a better Care Package at a later date.  Not voting to give it to her leaves her vulnerable to eviction.


    The benefit of giving ACP to any of the LNJ is that they won't be eligible for a better Care Package in the future AND since none of them are in any real danger of going home this week anyway, it's not like we'd be really saving anyone.  That's pretty much a given.  


    The benefit of giving ACP to any of the Plastics, is they'll be safe from eviction, BUT the price of safety is that they'll lose the chance at a future, better Care Package.


    UGGHHHHHGGGHHHH !   Sophie's Choice.  I know I stand alone here in saying this, but I still like Jason in spite of his snarkiness.  I've liked him since BB17 and I followed him on Twitter since then, so it's kind of hard to erase the past couple of years just because he's been heavy-handed these past few weeks. That said, Jason is the only member of the LNJ I actually like at this point.  I couldn't care less if the rest of them were to go and in my magical, dreamland fantasy,.... Jason has an epiphany, realizes he's crossed the line in being mean, changes his ways, cuts his loses, joins the Plastics and I live happily ever after.  :)


    That said, I think I'mma just hold off voting until I read what others say.  I need the "pros" and "cons" of who to vote for. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Marie80 said:

    I feel like Neely's personality has done a 180 since going on the block. To say she is pissed would be a massive understatement. I should've known something was off with her because she actually liked Monte. Can't stand her either now. 

    I'm playing catch-up....watching flashbacks.....and I can't believe how Neeley's acting.  I want Danielle to go this week, but if Neeley doesn't watch herself, the Plastics will vote her out.  Not sure if America would go after Neeley because America loves the kind of drama Neeley's bringing to the surface, but the Plastics are another story.  They have to live in the house with her.  If  Neeley goes off on them, or goes off within earshot of the Plastics, she's going to be in trouble of being evicted.  

    Jason, quit saying, "Ignit."  That word makes you sound ignit --!!!!!

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