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Posts posted by GingerPudding

  1. Wow two episodes and no comments. This series is really forgettable. 

    About Snatch Game - I thought Ashley’s Jesus was really funny but not offensive which is a hard line to find. Isis was good but the rest really sucked.
    Bumpa was in the top (?!?) but we hardly saw any of her performance. It felt like we didn’t see much of they other performances which means they were probably awful. 

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  2. On 8/13/2023 at 2:21 PM, MissLucas said:

    Yep! I've read some of the Austen as detective books out there. But Austen as a diamond robber, brandy smuggler, and master spy in the hands of Gaiman would be on a whole different level!

    I wonder if Jane Austen being crazy wild is a reference to Old Harry's Game. It was a radio play on BBC ages ago and I'm sure John Finnemore would have been familiar with it. It's fab, but a bit dated, if you can find it anywhere. 

    From Wikipedia - 

    "The series is set mainly in Hell, and the plot usually centres on the relationships and conflicts between Satan, his various minions, and the damned with (occasionally) interventions by God and other denizens of Heaven. Satan himself is identified with the fallen angel in Christianity and portrayed as jaded from millennia in charge of Hell and the expectation that he will continue to be so for eternity. Although he enjoys some aspects of the job, such as the opportunity to play pranks in the world of the living, and devising ironic torments for those damned souls whom he believes deserve it. His greatest wish is to someday be accepted back into Heaven, and he often wistfully recalls his past as an archangel.

    The series regularly features famous historical figures and celebrities, most of whom are portrayed as being less likeable than (or at least different from) the version recorded by history. This includes a foul-mouthed and extremely violent Jane Austen, a sexually predatory Florence Nightingale, a less-than-heroic Samson, and a vacuous Helen of Troy (accompanied by her plain-looking friend, Daphne)."


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  3. On 12/1/2022 at 7:34 PM, Maelstrom said:


    And seeing her do the Flop so flawlessly gave me Hustle vibes - Ash Morgan would be proud! (Though I agree the frozen peas were a nice touch).


    My personal headcannon is that Sophie worked with Mickey and the crew at some point in the past and Ash taught her how to do the flop. 

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  4. The UK version of Traitors is AMAZING! I haven't watched the US version yet.

    One thing I missed from Traitors in The Mole was not really getting to know much about the contestants - and the drama of voting people out. I thought it was odd that on The Mole they were asked questions about the mole, like do they have pets, but I never hear the contestants talking about that sort of thing. I think it would have made it more interesting to get to know the players a bit more. Plus someone could make up all kinds of shit about themselves so others get questions wrong on the quiz. 

    • Fire 1
  5. Towards the beginning when the team were discussing the books that the librarian had checked out on his account, I had to pause the show a have a little rant. As a librarian, I've checked out loads of books that I have no intention of reading, but just to test various things on the system. I nearly died laughing when at the end Harry figured out where the ledger was stashed because of the librarian regularly checking the book out so it wouldn't be weeded. I've done similar (though not to hide spy secrets) loads of times. 


    I love this show. 

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  6. The whole series felt really uneven, but I kinda liked it. Boorman was my favourite and if this isn’t renewed, I hope the actor is in more things. 

    My question about this episode is why was Boorman wet when he came out of the room? Was that supposed to be bad guy blood or was he meant to be really sweaty? Very confused. 

  7. I usually lurk, but DAMN! Silky's ugly brown top with an unfinished looking edge was hideous! It was so bad, I felt the need to comment 😬. How did no one clock her for that? Overall, I thought the outfit was OK and probably safe, but that top was awful. And Victoria (who I really like) looked like her lipstick was all smeared in that final look. Maybe it was just my crappy old iPad, but her make up looked wrong. 

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  8. It's the The Rules of Misogyny

    1. Women are responsible for what men do.

    2. Women saying no to men is a hate crime.

    3. Women speaking for themselves are exclusionary and selfish.

    4. Women’s opinions are violence against men, thus male violence against women is justified.

    5. Women and Feminism must be useful to men or they are worthless.

    6. Women who go around being female AT men by menstruating and breastfeeding babies deserve punishment.

    7. Women should always be grateful to men for everything.

    8. Men are whatever men say they are and women are whatever men say they are.

    9. Men always know the “real reasons” for everything women do and say.

    10. The worst thing about male violence is that it makes men look bad.

    11. Whatever women suffer from, it is worse when it happens to men.

    12. Women’s ability to recognize male behavior patterns is misandry.

    13. Angry women are crazy. Angry men have trouble expressing themselves.

    14. Women have all the rights they need: The right to remain silent.

    15. Men are the default human. Women are strange subhuman others.

    16. Everyone owns and controls women’s bodies except the women themselves.

    • Love 15
  9. I really like this show, but I wish they didn't have kid teams and adult teams competing again each other. Maybe split it up into Lego Masters and Lego Masters Juniors. It doesn’t seem fair on the teams where it’s two children.

    I also wish that instead of eliminations, one team a week won and then at the end the team with the most wins was the overall winner. I just hate watching the kids cry when they are eliminated. We always fast forward the end bit.

  10. It would be really difficult for Rachel to get a visa to live in the UK. Jon would need to earn at least £18000/year. It may be even more with Lucy and other daughter. 

    I’m an American married to a Brit and we live in the UK. Fortunately there wasn’t a financial requirement when I moved over here 15 years ago as Mr Pud and I weren’t making very much as we had just graduated from university. 

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  11. Thanks for the suggestion! They loved it though I did occasionally have to pause it and explain the references like reading is fundamental. I have converted three more to worship at the alter of drag race. 

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