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Posts posted by neatoburrito

  1. The ripped black jeans make yet another appearance... I wonder if she ever takes them off, or just sleeps in them like she sleeps in her mesh bathing suit whilst on vacation?

    • Love 6
  2. I wandered over to Amber's instagram (slow work day...) and her bio says "Life is great sober and healthy", but doesn't she still drink? I guess if she no longer takes drugs she can call herself clean, though some may disagree, but sober? The definition of sober is to do with alcohol.

    Also I've only just started following OG and one of the things that irritates me most is Amber's pet name for Leah, not once have I heard her acknowledge her child's actual name. "Hey BewBew!!!" is like nails on a chalkboard to me. 

    • Love 5
  3. The way I see it, if Chelsea wants two weddings and can afford two weddings then she can have two weddings. Kail had a quickie marriage for benefits and a big wedding for the sake of her MTV storyline; Chelsea just wants two celebrations with the man she loves. I'm not mad at that. Unsure why anyone would be. 

    • Love 8
  4. The first time I saw her back tattoo at a glance, I thought it looked like a collection of open sores. The skull with wings isn't even symmetrical and I just can't with the leopard print. If I were Juhnelle I'd be feeling a whole lot of regret.

    Having said that, no tattoo will ever be as bad as Amber's portrait of Leah. Ever. Words can't even describe how bad that is.

    • Love 8
  5. Is she trying to brag that she woke up looking good or something? Because girl looks rough. That face definitely looks like it's been slept on. Small animals could live in that hair and who the everloving heck sleeps in what appears to be a mesh bathing suit??? 

    • Love 8
  6. 17 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

     I do wish the girls saw someone around them with some kind of higher education and a career, especially a woman. Sadly, the only thing they'll likely aspire to is finding a good man rather than a Robbie Kidd to support them.

    I totally agree that misogyny and antiquated gender roles are probably rife in the holler. But I definitely remember Corey saying that he wanted Ali and Aleeah to be thinking about college when they were older. I always got the impression that he wanted his daughters to be the best versions of themselves, and (reading between the lines) wanted them to have ambitions beyond what Leah ended up doing with her life. I actually think it's Leah's influence that would hold the girls back more than Corey's; I can totally see Corey telling them to do their homework so they can do well in school and go to college, while Leah's teaching them how to apply lipstick and find a man with a high salary.

    • Love 11
  7. I find myself wondering if Leah ever even asked the girlses what activities they'd like to do. I wouldn't be surprised if she just decided that they should be cheer leading like she did, because that's the pathway to becoming the most popular girl in the holler y'all. That's how you get yourself a looker like Robbie Kidd.

    • Love 9
  8. Ventured over to Leah's Instagram and plenty of her deluded fans are defending her. So many of them are saying stuff like, "Ali's more limited as to what she can do", but that's not an excuse. Just because she can't do sports doesn't mean she can't do hobbies period. Sure she's limited in terms of physical activity, but she could enjoy plenty of other things if Leah wasn't too lazy to explore them with her. 

    • Love 7
  9. 1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

    Ali has basically nothing on that calendar. It's Aleeah, Aleeah, Aleeah. Even Addie has tumbling classes. Can't they find something non-physical that Ali likes to do? Painting? An instrument? Lego club? Something???? I think a calendar is great, but not when one kid gets a big, ol visual every day of how different they are. 

    I was going to say the exact same thing. Poor Ali. There are plenty of activities Ali could do, but she's probably not encouraged to because none of them interest Leah as much as cheerleading does. 

    • Love 14
  10. 1 hour ago, Fosca said:

    I wondered about that, particularly since her breasts were perched up around her collarbones and that usually requires some mechanical help.

    I think she's had enough surgical help that she doesn't need anything mechanical.

    • Love 2
  11. New to this thread so apologies if I'm repeating things that have been said, but these were some of my least favourite moments:

    • The episode where Phoebe thought her mother was a cat. It wasn't in the same vein as typical quirky Phoebe stuff, it was just stupid. I didn't like how everyone ganged up on Ross at the end and made him apologise to Phoebe and the cat when he was the only one who'd been honest instead of laughing at her behind her back.
    • Hand twins. Need I say more?
    • When Monica was Phoebe's maid of honour. I generally don't dislike Monica but she was a bitch in that episode. She wouldn't listen to Phoebe and prioritised the things she wanted - it wasn't her wedding! And her being a shrew at the rehearsal was unbearable. I particularly hated that Phoebe ended up begging her to be made of honour again after she'd told her off at the rehearsal dinner. It would have been much better if Phoebe had managed to arrange everything herself, and Monica had learned that her friends don't have to tolerate her shit.
    • Any point where Susan was rude to Ross for no reason. I didn't like how she was always mocking him when he'd been in love with Carole for years and it wasn't his fault their marriage hadn't worked. I also didn't like how she tried to exclude him from planning things for Ben in season 1. I hate Ross but this really bugged me - if Carol had been marrying another man, it never would have been funny that they wanted Ben to have his last name instead of Ross's. 
    • The storylines towards the end where they made Joey far too stupid. It was funny when it wasn't so extreme, but at some points in season 10 he made Forrest Gump look like a member of mensa. The One Where Joey Speaks French did make me laugh in places but c'mon. Nobody's that dumb that they can't repeat a sentence.
    • More than anything I hate that Rachel turned down her dream job in Paris for Ross Gellar. Why any rational person would do that is beyond me.
    • Love 11
  12. She's a huge hypocrite. Wearing a top that puts your pierced pepperoni nips on display for all to see is the epitome of class, but anyone who dares to wear sweatpants in their own house needs to "get it together".

    • Love 12
  13. 7 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

    Does that make me a bitch for agreeing?

    Basing our opinions on 7 years of what Leah has done seems pretty damn reasonable to me. It is not as if she made a few mistakes and we have thrown our hands in the air in disgust and decided she is worthless. If I want to figure out how someone will be in the future, their past and present behavior is a pretty damn good indicator.  Leah's behavior has not improved. She has not made any strides. She continues to latch onto any guy who will provide for her. She still blames Cory, and now Jeremy, for all her problems, past and present. There is no accountability for her behavior, her actions or lack thereof, or any admission of her drug abuse. Straight up in denial is what Leah does best.  What I know of addiction, if one is not honest about their disease and doesn't do what is necessary to stay on the straight and narrow, they are doomed to repeat it.

    Exactly! She never cops to anything. Nothing is ever her fault, according to Leah. I might have a shred of respect for her if she admitted that yeah, she had an addiction and had to go to rehab to address it, and yeah, she used to feed her kids rubbish but now she's working hard to make healthier choices. But she behaves as though none of it ever happened and she's always been a selfless, maternal ray of sunshine. She would have had us believe that there was no addiction, no rehab and she just had to go away for therapy to improve her self-esteem. Which was only so low because she was such a dedicated mother and had no time to take care of herself. And that ding dang Corey Tyler was so darn mean to her, always cruelly trying to take her kids away for no good reason! Oh, and her kids never have ANY sugary junk food of course. It's just bad luck that Gracie's front teeth were rotting out of her mouth y'all, nothing to do with Mountain Dew and lack of oral hygiene. 

    • Love 14
  14. I think the life Leah wants includes a) having a lot of money to spend without lifting a finger to earn it and b) constantly getting male attention. Jeremy worked a lot to provide money for her to blow on drugs and Mary Kay, and consequently didn't have the time to be there 24/7 pandering to Leah's endless emotional needs. As GreatKazu outlined, the money was still never enough for Pill Queen of the Holler, and she wanted Jeremy to somehow earn enough to finance her reckless spending while simultaneously being free to shower her with attention all the time. When he failed to do that, she cheated on him. I wouldn't exactly describe Jeremy as a good catch, but when even he can't get far enough away from Leah, what does that say? She's just a selfish person; respect and compromise are alien concepts to her.

    • Love 14
  15. 40 minutes ago, Zuleikha said:

    I disagree that's who she is. That's part of who she has been,

    She maintains to this day that she was never abusing pillses, went to "therapy" instead of rehab and doesn't give her kids soda. So forgive me if I'm skeptical about her turnaround. We only have her word for it, and she's not exactly renowned for her honesty.

    • Love 16
  16. Jenelle wanting to sue MTV is laughable. She cries about them giving her a bad edit, but they can't film things that don't happen. If you don't want to be portrayed (rightfully) as a selfish trainwreck, don't act like one. I wouldn't be surprised if MTV's editing was actually quite flattering, I'm sure Jenelle gives them much more material that ends up on the cutting room floor because they don't want to be accused of condoning the worst of her behaviour. 

    • Love 10
  17. I'd love for Peach to spill the tea on why they really broke up, but I don't think she'd step on Javi's toes by revealing the contents of his book before it gets published.

    • Love 2
  18. She has none which makes the question even more weird and irrelevant. I feel like Leah should have picked up a few mugshots by now but I don't think she has. I guess Jenelle's got more than enough for all of them put together.

    • Love 5
  19. I think she's just trying to make out that the haterz don't get her down, they only inspire her. When in reality her whole life is an exercise in trying to prove people wrong when they say she's a lazy, cheating, uneducated pill-fiend who feeds her kids crap. She's got her work cut out for her because that's exactly what she is. No wonder she doesn't have the time for a real job.

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