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That phenomenom called "twin absorption" - where one twin absorbs the other in the womb? I like to think that Nelle would have done that to Willow.
I had to look up who Robert Gossett is, and (probably everyone but me already knew this) he is Louis Gossett Jr.'s cousin! I feel like the acting gene did not make it over to Hatman's branch of the family. Someone needs to point out to Olivia that if she's mad at Ned because he didn't discuss the ELQ vote with her in advance, maybe she should be just a little miffed that her business partner Carly didn't bother to mention that she was selling her half of the business. Nina might have bought her share with noble intentions, but after being treated like crap by everyone, I'm hopeful she'll make the staff love her, but make Olivia's life hell. I'm speed watching the show at this point. It's a sad day when I stop ff-ing to watch scenes with Sasha and Brando.
This sounds much too interesting to actually happen.
She did, but it was once in a FWB type of way, and they said that it should go back platonic. Techically it is but it feels different than Sonny (and Ric) sleeping with Alexis and Sam, Ava sleeping with Morgan and Sonny, Jackie with Finn and Gonzo and all the rest.🤷♀️ OK, I'm going to have to compartmentalize and look at it that way. I like Alexis and I like Gregory... there are so few couples I can buy into now. Plus there's no reason Carly should be involved, although I'm sure that will change. I had hope for BLQ and Chase, but the Groundhog Day writing has ruined them.
As long as Alexis doesn't turn into a simpering 13-year-old as she has improbably done before in new relationships, I could get on board with this. Did Alexis ever have sex with Finn, though? If so, this would be yet another "slept with son, slept with father" scenario.
I was impressed that the writers knew the term "second chair," but then my expectations are low.
She was probably pissed because she had to teach the day after Christmas. Which was also a Sunday.
There's a history of Willow being annoyed with Michael for making decisions about Wiley without talking to her first. So I was eagerly waiting for Willow to freak out that Michael said yes to being Wiley's godparents (which is kind of a big commitment) without consulting her. But nope, GH let me down again.
I feel like there's a reason Peter walked in looking all triumphant. Meaning, Jax isn't going to make it back to Port Charles to tell anyone anything, because Peter would then have nothing to blackmail Nina about. Apparently Peter just hangs out in the woods watching all the comings and goings in Nixon Falls.
I have a bad feeling they'll all end up back in Port Charles (Phyllis, Sonny, and Nina), but it seems like first someone from PC will have to see Sonny, or taste his famous marinara sauce if it hasn't gone bad yet. Because Nina would never go for it unless/until someone realizes Sonny is still alive.
I'm pretty sure evil Elijah* burned down the whole town before Smike and Nina brought him down. *who I liked about 1000x more than Smike
Spencer is despicable. That said, I feel like the actor is doing a stellar job of playing an entitled jerk, although I prefer villains with some charm. They are doing with Willow exactly what they did with Sabrina, who started out being kind of a goofy likeable character, and then became a sainted princess.
I was never a fan of Nora, but that storyline was so well done. When Clint and Kim got together for real? It should have been squicky, but it wasn't at all. They were great together. It took Amanda Sefton awhile to settle into the role of Brook Lyn, but since her return either the writing is better, or she's made the character her own. Possibly both.
It seems like Gladys would be ecstatic that her son is having a baby with a world famous (or so we've been told) model.
As long as Gladys continues to make Carly's head explode, she has a place in my heart.