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Posts posted by Emily-D

  1. The only thing I’m confident about next week is that Melora will be in the bottom three. She got a perfect score last week and still landed bottom three, so no way is she getting the votes to beat three other couples even if she gets another perfect score. The question is whether she finishes bottom or lands in the dance off again. 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

    Tyra literally walked IN FRONT of Olivia/Val when they were hugging after being first eliminated to get herself on camera and get them out of the shot. WOW.


    Probably the best thing she's done since joining the show to be honest!

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  3. That is so so tough on Jimmie. He got absolutely snowed under, with the bad score right at the top of the night combined with all the perfect scores. It was the right decision in the dance-off, but it's so sad that he goes whilst Cody for example stays.

    I knew Jojo would get a vote bounce, but it was very interesting that Melora got the least number of votes between her, Amanda and Suni tonight after that finished even on scores. That shows how the voting ranks have changed every week because Suni has already been in the bottom two. Will that change next week? If not, she's toast because she finished third bottom in votes even with a perfect score.

    Could Amanda win this thing? She hasn't been massively memorable to me but still hasn't landed in the bottom two whilst all the other women have. Feels like a journey very similar to Kaitlyn Bristowe last season.

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  4. After seven weeks and last night with Jojo going in the bottom two, I'm now confident enough to say that one of Jimmie or Iman is going to win this thing. Whilst Jimmie is the better dancer, Iman is more of a standout when he has a really good routine. Plus when Iman gets to the final he'll be able to redo that contemporary, as well as a freestyle where he can throw Daniella all over the place with his strength and win over the audience. I can easily see him getting two perfect scores and a mirrorball.

    Thankfully from my point of view, I'd be more than happy if either of those two won, as I would if Melora or Amanda won, although I don't expect them to. At this stage, I think Jojo joins Iman and Jimmie in the final as I can't see the judges not saving her over any other couple if she lands in the bottom two again. That leaves one more spot. My hope is that Melora makes it, but I have a horrible feeling that it's going to be Olivia or Cody.

    Next week, I expect us to lose two women with Cody's fanbase dragging his lame ass through. It will probably be any combination of Amanda, Olivia, Melora and Suni. Will all come down to performances, scores and votes on the night. I'm hoping for Olivia, but expecting the worst.

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  5. It still annoys me that Cody was not pulled when he should have been after testing positive. He should be the next to go at this stage, but he won't be and now over the next couple of weeks we're going to lose couples that deserve to stay in over him because of his nutty fanbase.

    At this point, you could toss a coin in terms of predicting who goes home week to week. It all comes down to which combination of bottom two goes to the judges vote. However, it does feel like the men are getting a lot more votes than the women (bar Jojo) and that the women are now getting picked off. Mel and Olivia in bottom two last week, Suni this week. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Melora and Amanda land there next week. To be honest, I thought Melora was bottom two bound after getting saddled with the dreaded hound dog Jive that I can never take seriously since Michael Bolton's attempt years back. I was encouraged that she was saved. The middle aged woman ain't out of this thing yet!

    Iman's dance was excellent, so so good and probably the dance of the season no matter what happens from here on it. However, Contemporary is right down his street with the lifts and tricks you are allowed to do, so I'm expecting him to get bumped right back down in scores next week when he's doing a ballroom dance.

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  6. Poor Mel had no chance with Gleb. A better partner and she'd still be here no doubt about it. People, including myself won't vote for Gleb though.

    Good to see that Olivia's voting support is low, although I'm expecting a judges tongue bathing for her next week. Kenya had a nice moment and deserved to stay, but unless she goes up against Iman or Cody in the judges vote, she's gone next week.

    Speaking of the judges, I'm assuming this "save" they supposedly have doesn't exist anymore or else surely they'd have used it tonight?

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  7. I'm throughly enjoying Jimmie and Iman. It's nice to see a baller who can actually dance for a change. Daniella is a excellent pro, if the show lasts long enough for her to get given a proper ringer as a partner then she's going to fly. I also always seem to a huge soft spot for any older contestant who does really well against younger opposition, so well done to Melora. I think the Justina comparison from last season is a good one, however I do worry about her fanbase going forward compared to others.

    Although it made me look like an idiot, well done Len for taking the chance to ditch Matt, Yes Kenya could potentially be toast going forward, but I thought she was the better dancer tonight. Shame Tyra is the worst host of all time and couldn't explain the simple rule regarding the head judge having the casting vote in the event of a tie, leading to mass confusion from the viewers. Honestly, I despair of her!

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  8. 12 hours ago, Emily-D said:

    If Grocery Store Joe can get to the semi-finals or whatever it was, then Matt James can definitely get just as far. Let's be honest, hardly any of these stars really have any proper built in fanbases. Even if half of Bachelor Nation is voting for Matt, that will be enough to carry him a long way especially when taking into account how easy it is to vote now with the text voting as opposed to calling in.

    I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Bachelor Nation for once again making me look like a complete idiot!

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  9. 1 hour ago, boyznkatz said:

    He actually isn't that bad of a dancer compared to the other bachelors. I don't watch that show, but he seems to try and has good chemistry with Lindsay. The only bad dancer left at this point is BAG.

    It's all going to come down to who has the most fans. I would say that would be Matt or Suni or Jimmy (country music fans vote hard on this show). I know JoJo has a lot of fans as well, but they are mostly children and the soccer moms who vote won't support a gay woman.

    Agree, although Matt is in the lower rung of dancers. When BAG goes, the next group of dancers who should be eliminated from an ability basis are Kenya and Matt, but it's not going to happen with Matt.

    One thing I'm fairly confident about, is that Melora and Olivia (I think these two have the least fans of the women) are going to make up a shock bottom two sometime within the next two or three weeks and that will be the elimination in which the judges use their save pass (if it still exists). I could also see Suni in danger sooner rather than later, she just isn't standing out to me. All of these women are arguably better dancers than Miz, Jimmie and Iman, but I think all of them have far more fans who will vote.

    On a positive note, I still think like last season the winner is up in the air, which is good as it makes things more intriguing.

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  10. 49 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

    Has it always aired opposite of Monday Night Football? My Husband is annoyed with me because I am watching this and we only switch to football when it is a commercial or not Cody.

    Yeah it has. It's usually been up against that, The Voice and Big Bang Theory until that ended. All hugely popular shows, but DWTS held its own because it skews slighter older. NCIS moving over though is probably the closest overlap to the sort of viewership who would usually watch DWTS and combined with Tyra taking over the show and the lack of star power nowadays has ultimately led to this drop. I do think that season Bobby Bones won really hurt the show long term. It lost so much credibility with viewers that season, including myself, although I really enjoyed Season 29 (last year).

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  11. 1 hour ago, alexa said:

    Yes, I agree I am not so sure.  He wasn't very popular.  He really became quite the downer in his season, then dumped the girl he chose, and as mentioned above gradually led to the Chris Harrison debacle.  He is now back with his girlfriend, but yet Chris never got his job back--so I think it was a season of drama, not a lot of love, and there is that awful beard he grew for a while, too, lol. 

    If Grocery Store Joe can get to the semi-finals or whatever it was, then Matt James can definitely get just as far. Let's be honest, hardly any of these stars really have any proper built in fanbases. Even if half of Bachelor Nation is voting for Matt, that will be enough to carry him a long way especially when taking into account how easy it is to vote now with the text voting as opposed to calling in.

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  12. I must say the huge drop in ratings this season surprised me, as it came from nowhere. However, I just realised that NCIS now airs at the same time on CBS which probably explains it. I'm assuming that those two shows hugely overlap in terms of viewership and that loads of people are skipping DWTS in favour of watching that. Mind you, DWTS don't help themselves by uploading the dances straight onto Youtube afterwards, it means anyone missing it can just catch up by watching those.

    You do have to wonder now how long DWTS can go on for, on ABC anyway. I could see it doing an American Idol and taking a break for 2-3 years before another network picks it up and throws loads of money at it to try and perhaps attract bigger stars to dance. Take NBC for example, they've wanted a good dancing show for ages and only gave up on that World of Dance recently. Tom B just signed a new contract with them, whose to say they couldn't pick DWTS up in the future, bring back Tom to host and throw a bigger budget at it to get new stars.

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  13. 2 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    I have no clue about ball room dancing or how it is scored. I can only go on what looked good to me and the level of effort that seemed to be involved, kind of like when I watch gymnastics or ice skating during the Olympics.

    I can appreciate the skill of JoJo, I think she has the right background and is young enough and flexible enough to make it look easy. I really appreciate Miz and Jimmie because they don't have the background and I think that this is so far out of their norm. You can see them growing and getting better and they are just fun.

    I would love to see Brian and Olvia gone for different reasons. Brian's attitude sucks and I don't appreciate Olivia's "job" or backstory.

    I think Kenya, Iman, and Matt are easy chops over the next few weeks due to performance, skill, and smaller fan bases.

    JoJo has a lot of skill. I think they need to stop playing up the same sex partner thing, just let it be what it is. She has pulled back from the hyper energy of her first two performances and it has made her dances more enjoyable for me.

    Mike (Miz) I am sorry but I love him. This is so outside his comfort zone and he really has embraced it. He is looking better and better each week. He has a smile on his face and is having a blast out there. His growth is noticeable. I think he is my favorite.

    Jimmie is great. I love his energy and how much he is improving. He seems to be having a blast and his dances are looking pretty good. I like him a lot. Not enough to listen to country music but that is a different bias. I love watching Jimmie and want him to go far.

    I only saw a few seconds of Cody's dance because of technical problems. I had no clue what movie they were using. There wasn't enough to really judge anything. Cheryl seemed to be wearing the same outfit as last time. I hope that tonight's dance is a lot better. I am not sure that they should still be in this contest. They probably should have been removed when the COVID announcement was made. It seems like Cheryl was sick enough that she is not in great shape for this level of dancing and god knows the entire story line has been disruptive. It has distracted from anything else that they have done. Honestly, Cody is the only reason I am watching because my Cult demands that I do. (winks and takes a sip of Nuun)

    Melanie was not in sync with her partner and looks like she is working with every dance. She is hard for me to watch because I expect more from her based on her performing experience. I get that she was dancing a totally different style but I figured she would have made the adjustment by now.

    Olivia dances well but I just don't like her. I am not a fan of this ridiculous influencer crap from social media and I really find it annoying that spoiled kids of rich parents are somehow elevated because they can influence what other people wear and the like. I didn't like Paris and Nicole when they were a thing before the internet got hge. I don't like Olivia and what she represents. And that is before we get to the whole cheating to get into college and never really acknowledging how her privilege led her to and her parents to think that this was ok. She represents everything that is wrong with social media and putting rich people on platforms. So I don't like her regardless of how well she dances.

    Kenya she is just there. She doesn't stand out, I don't think she is particularly good.

    Iman is out of place, not because he isn't trying but the height gap just makes it hard for him to look smooth and like he is working with his partner. I didn't see tonight's dance so that is based on the last few weeks. I think he is working hard and enjoying himself but I don't think he is going to make the same type of improvement that we have seen in Mike and Jimmie.

    Matt's dance was forced and not good. He has no rhythm and that costume was awful, it did him no favors.

    I didn't see Suni or Melora's dance, my son wanted me to hang out in his room while he was falling asleep and I don't have enough interest in either to watch their performance. I am not sure that Melora's actually was viewable for me because of a technological glitch that left out most of Cody's dance.

    Brian is awful. He doesn't want to be there, he has no interest in the program, and his attitude sucks.

    I can't remember the name of the Tarzan dancer. It was fine but nothing great and I don't know much about her so she really doesn't stand out.

    Unfortunately, Matt won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Allow me to introduce you to Bachelor Nation...

    • LOL 2
  14. I'm not surprised they've moved heaven and earth to keep him on the show. He's probably the only male dancer who can match up to some of those girls unless one of the others show dramatic improvement, then you've got his fanbase and the show's desperation not to lose those viewers. I think we all know had this happened to a middle of the roader like say Christine, they'd probably have been withdrawn.

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  15. As a Spice Girls fan when I was younger, it's very disappointing that Mel C has the worst pro on the show if the spoilers online are true. I simply can't vote for her with him.

    The cast doesn't really stand out, I thought last year's was better but it's very much subjective. I have a Peleton and whilst I certainly question his "star credentials", the instructor will go very far in the competition. He's got a great personality, very easy on the eye and can definitely dance". Of those who watch the show that don't know him will probably grow to like him. I know about the Miz through wrestling as well, he's also got a great personality to but I'll be surprised if he's that good a dancer. Very much identical to Chris Jericho, probably a mid season boot. 

    The rest of the cast I either don't know or dislike (Matt James, Loughlin's kid). I can already tell early on that Matt James getting voted through by Bachelor Nation every week despite being absolutely terrible is going to see me tune out real fast. The gymnast will probably go for as usual, the country music singer looks like he'll do well, the basketball player physically looks like he could buck the usual trend of getting kicked off week 1 and Nick Cordero's wife was a Rockette (thanks Wiki), so she's a major ringer. 

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  16. On 11/28/2020 at 4:35 AM, Just Carol said:

    I wonder if when the series began, anyone involved predicted that this would happen, that the pros would become stars in their own right, perhaps more famous than the "stars" they were paired with, and have followings and fans who would be voting for *them*,  rooting for them instead of fans rooting for the "stars."   If this show were to be a real contest, then every season would have to hire brand new pros that had no prior following nor fans of their own.

    Probably not, but that isn't a bad thing for me. What other show on television shines such a light on ballroom dancers? It must be great for industry that these people become stars in their own right and that kids at home can look up to them and want to be like them. If you replace the pros every season then you sacrifice that as it's impossible to get attached or invested in any of them. I bet a healthy portion of long time DWTS viewers out there don't care who gets casted every year and tune in solely to see the pros. I for one very much enjoy seeing the group  dances for starters and it's the one thing I really missed this season due to Covid. Every show should have a proper opening number danced by the pros only.

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  17. 1 hour ago, McManda said:

    Short answer: yes, definitely. 

    She's been dropping hints to Val about having kids ever since they got married and she could no longer drop hints about getting married. 

    Yep, I'm certain Jenna won't be back next season as she'll be the next female pro on the pregnancy train. Take out one of Cheryl or Peta as well and that'll be the two female pro spots reserved for Witney and Lindsay's return. Daniella deserves to stay I think, I'd give her, Brandon and Pasha the best dancers next season.

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  18. CAI always goes overdramatic in the finale, I've lost count of the amount she's said this is "the best dance ever done on DWTS". Best thing is to do what most people do 90% of the time CAI speaks....ignore her! 🤣

    Watched the dances back and I know I never liked him, but I still thought he was most likely to win going into the finale. But I also thought Nev's freestyle was a bit of a dud. I was begrudgingly expecting the dance of the season when I find out he was doing Singin in the rain and it didn't really live up to my (admittedly high) expectations. Nelly I also thought busted on his freestyle, which was a shame as Daniella had done so well all season up to that point. He just didn't really move that much, I was expected some big extravagant cool hip hop number. I can't help but think that those two freestyles busting ended up opening the door ajar for Kaitlyn to sneak in. The two girls I thought had much better freestyles, but Justina as we knew from last week never had the votes so unfortunately it did little good for her chances.

    Speaking of Daniella, am I the only one who thinks that she feels like another Karina Smirnoff? Maybe it's just the accent, but I feel like there's a comparison to be had between the two. I'd be happy to see her get someone very good next season to see what she can do with a ringer.

    Agree that nobody from the Bachelor franchise should be cast next season, but I'm not holding my breath. Ultimately the show doesn't care about the long term fans, they only care about ratings and the promotion of other ABC shows. Worst of all the next Bachelor apparently has a dance background (I don't know how much or the details), so the alarm bells are ringing. Personally, I'd be happy with another All Star Season with contestants who never won the mirrorball.

    • Love 4
  19. I was absolutely shocked when her name was called there, I was 95% certain it would be Nev. I’m absolutely thrilled to bits for Artem, nobody on the entire show deserves it more than him. This time last year he was sat at home having been unduly fired by the producers. This is some turnaround for him and he’s probably in the 1% of people in this world who has had an amazing 2020.

    That will probably be it for me in terms of the show unless Tyra gets fired. I can rest easy now Artem has his mirrorball:

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  20. 4 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

    What did he delete? Inquiring minds want to know lol.


    How convenient that a man who apparently marched for BLM would just happen to post this on the very week days before he needs viewer votes to win a reality show whose viewership skews hugely conservative. 


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  21. I'm not normally one to get all petty, but Nev deleting politically antagonising social media posts in order to avoid losing votes is very funny. He really is absolutely desperate to win this thing more than any of the others put together. If him and Nelly are the last two standing and Nelly gets called the winner, I want a camera trained permanently on Nev's face so I can see his reaction. Things don't normally go my way though, so I'm sure Nev will win and I'll have to endure that smug cheesy grin forever more!

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  22. 28 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

    I agree. He isn’t as horrible as Bones, but I do think they are trying to save face by giving him a ten so they don’t look totally foolish when he wins. He has repeatedly been on the bottom of the leaderboard but never on the bottom two, so I am pretty sure he is getting more votes than anyone else.

    Although I would like Artem or Sasha to win, I would be okay with Nelly winning. He doesn’t whine about his low scores like Bobby Bones and he has improved. And maybe they would keep Daniella and Britt over Whitney and Sharna. They were impressive!



    I fully agree that he's not as bad as Bones, but the reason he gets singled out as the main comparison to Nelly is because it would be an identical case where the weakest dancer in the finale by a mile makes a mockery of the show dubbing itself 'a dance competition' and takes the win due to overwhelming fan votes. Even the cast is similar to S27 with the two women and two men. Justina is Alexis in the bottom three the week before, Kaitlyn is Evanna with the pro in his first final and Nev is Milo with the Utah based partner. It's eerily familiar. 

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