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Posts posted by Nay

  1. 19 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

    At least Echo got to be all badass, but those final scenes with Clarke and Bellamy really seems to be screaming endgame couple.  You deserve better, Echo!

    The showrunner seems 100% dedicated to no romance in the clarke/bellamy relationship, calling them 'platonic soulmates'.  I think Echo is safe from any smooching on C/Bs part, though I have to wonder just how happy she is going to be now clarke is back full time in bellamys life, she doesn't look like the type to share, even platonically.

    That said, showrunners lie, it is a universal truth.

    • Love 3
  2. The Raven/Shaw pair-up is weirding me out.  Super high speed romance never works for me and this one is lightening fast. 

    Totally unrelated but the strange hair choice for Raven this season is very distracting.

    • Love 4
  3. 37 minutes ago, Isazouzi said:

    Lol Murphy and his big gun that never works.

    They need to turn down the music and background noise, and turn up the dialogues. I couldn't hear most of what was being said.

    Is it the last season? Cause I can't see what story they could tell after this.

    if the season ends the way it looks like it is ending I think we have a couple of ways to go. Another time leap thanks to the cryo pods and stay on earth or maybe abandon earth and try to find whatever happened to spaceship number 3/new world/planet.  Either works for me.

    • Love 2
  4. I see a lot of people online whining about how the meat was raw cubes,  it damn sure looked like Aspic/meat jelly to me, which would be best way to get every bit of goodness/protein out of a single body. 

    I loved Bell bring the sass and the swerve around Miller was pretty awesome.  

  5. 26 minutes ago, taragel said:

    Rothenberg said Bellamy and Raven and co. are not on the prison ship in an interview (either EW or Eonline?). I hope it doesn't take like half a season for them to get back to Earth and reunite with Clarke. 

    I agree, the show works so much better when the squad is all together.  I was my biggest complaint about season 3 was Clarke being isolated for so long, the season only really kicked into gear and became interesting again after Lexa got shot. I would hate to see season 5 repeat that mistake of having Clarke stuck with all new characters with no interaction with the core group.

    I'm not sure what I think has happened to the Bell and Co. They aren't on that transport, but they have to be tied up with the penal/mining story somehow, something has been keeping them from coming down for the last year or replying to Clarke's little daily 'dear diary'.

    If they are going with a hostile take over situation I would be fine with the ark/miners action happening fairly early in the 6 year gap. yes it possibly stalls interpersonal relationships between team ark, but it is interaction we won't privy to apart from the odd flashback, so I'd rather not have them come down totally different people. Clarke at least is fairly straight forward, was alone, found kid, didn't go insane.  Trying to explain how 7 peoples lives intersect in a few flashbacks would be a lot harder.

  6. I'm betting the transport is from the mining/penal colony that was mentioned when they were explaining the origin of nightblood, I'd have to go back and check but I think they said Becca developed it for the long term space radiation exposure the miners were suffering.

    • Love 6
  7. 2 hours ago, shireenbamfatheon said:

    If there's one thing I don't get, it's Clarke obsession with saving her people - and yes, that's what she was trying to do this episode, not saving humanity, but saving her own which was made clear when she still refused to open the door to the bunker after they learned that Octavia won the conclave and united everyone.

    I don't think that is accurate. The scene with Nylah wasn't there just for the lulz, it was there for Clarke to verbalize the fact that humanity needs Skycrew skills to survive.  She is still working to keep humanity, any humanity, alive. 

    Before she knew about Octavia winning the fear was Luna would win and let no one in, so moving the Sky people in made total sense, Octavia was a massive long shot, that is repeatedly driven home in the last ep and Clarke has a bit of a 'nightbloods are awesome' blind spot. To Clarke, Octavia is as good as dead.  

    Once she knows about the miracle win the problem becomes if we let them in and they kick us out who will run the bunker? She doesn't at this point know that Octavia has been keeping the Skycrew betrayal a secret, she thinks everyone locked out knows about it, that they are going to be angry and will throw Skycrew out.  We the viewer knows Octavia is working it out, Clarke doesn't. She is expecting to be met with Grounder violence, experience has shown her that to be true.

    So what is to be done? The bunker is an advanced piece of technology, relying on the same skills Skycrew used in space, if it is left completely in the hands of the Grounders then what is left of humanity is completely doomed. They can't run it, they can't fix it, asking the grounder to run the bunker would be like asking a toddler to fix a a nuclear reactor.  Opening the doors in Clarkes mind basically insures that no-one survives.  Not her people, not grounders, not anyone. 

    • Love 5
  8. I don't think the 'lottery' idea is going to come to fruition. Jaha & Co will do something very aggressive to stop the grounders coming in.  

    A lottery has always been a stupid idea, especially now when 90% of the other beds are taken by people who are basically techno-savages.  You can't rely on the luck of the draw that you 'might' get people who know how to work the water filtration, the power plant or even basic doctoring.  Fine share the bunker, its good for the DNA diversity anyway, but you better make sure that every single one of the 100 from Skycrew are qualified to keep the bunker and the people inside it healthy and running smoothly or everyone is screwed. 

    • Love 5
  9. I think the problem I have with the 'Octavia brought unity and Clarke screwed it up' mind set is that, as Kane whispers to her at the end, they still aren't all going to fit. The bunker can take 1200 (I think thats the number given) and Octavia just promised that she would let everyone in and they only have 3 days left. 

  10. On 5/4/2017 at 11:16 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:


    Delay of game due to black rain -- turns out not so much, as it only really seems to affect Octavia.


    There were several shots of Roan reacting to the rain, then shots of him with burns all over his face from said rain. The only one not suffering from it is Luna. 

  11. I'm not sure I agree that everyone is out of character in this ep,  yes Clarke was willing to try and share but the idiot Grounders do what they always do and try to solve everything with violence pretty much killing all of the Sky people if Octavia bites it.  Clarke has always done what she needed to do to save her people, if some grounders make it in as well awesome, but I really don't see her being happy with a 100% death rate for the sky dudes.

    Luna's mental break has been coming for awhile now, her' no-one deserves to live' attitude is hardly out of left field. She has increasingly had enough of the Sky peoples shit for awhile now and her relationship with other grounders is hardly sparky.  I think people just love the idea of the water hippy and miss what is actually being shown sometimes.

    Personally I loved the ep, I hate cast bloat so a brutal trimming now and then is always welcome for me.  When Bell got kidnapped I knew it was going to turn out to be Clarkes doing, she looked just way to shifty after convincing Bell to go to Octavia. 

    • Love 4
  12. 2 hours ago, AKC said:

    I'm willing look over a lot of things, but not those that could be fixed just by changing the time line.  In 100 years you have four generations at the most, but somehow solar radiation ruled out all the people without a good radiation gene which would significantly lower the population and then within 3 more gens it would raise it to 3000+?  How did the Lincoln memorial building go from being this great marvel building to just being the statue and two pillars?  I get that they want to write cool story and sometimes you just have to accept that not everything is going to add up but these can fixed by making it 500 years rather than 100.

    I agree, the timeline from the bombs dropping to the start of the 100 is way too short.  I haven't read them but I think the books have the gap at 300 years, which is better but still not great.  Grounder culture/language, the general environmental decay and the genetic adaptions all happening within less than a 100 years is a baffling choice.  At this point I am just hand waving it and enjoying the other parts of this charmingly crappy teen sci-fi.

  13. The wave is survivable if they go underground I think, the big problem with places like Mt Weather and the cult bunker is that they don't seal the radiation out, with nightblood that stops being an issue.  Yes they will still get sick but they won't die. That said I don't think they know about the wave, if Raven does do the space thing then its possible that is when they get clued in, if it is indeed a global thing and not just a shockwave from a local meltdown that peters out. 

    • Love 1
  14. 6 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    I'm a little confused -- was the plan by the Ice Nation all along that Illian (I think that's his name) would rescue Octavia and use her to Trojan horse his way into Arkadia so he could burn it to the ground ?  Or did he just happen to run into her while he was strolling through the woods on his way to Arkadia ?

    And I guess they won't be launching that rocket anytime soon since Raven said they could get fuel from the leftovers from Arkadia's engines.
    Finding that rocket -- all nice and clean after nearly a 100 years -- adjacent to the lab is even dumber.  And with no maintenance after all that time, it likely wouldn't work anyway.  

    Illian isn't Ice Nation, I think the clan was even name checked again in this episode but I can't remember it. He has been on an anti-tech rampage since his introduction, blowing up the Ark is all him and nothing to do with Roan.

    During the war meeting with Monty I'm sure Millers dad mentioned that they had buried the rocket fuel outside of Arkadias walls, it was the plan to set it alight when the army was near that Monty shot down.  So that is still in play.

    • Love 1
  15. 44 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

     I also thought it was a little weird that she was holding her own against Echo and another solider, but once she defeated the latter, Echo suddenly whooped her.  Was Octavia winded?  Was the other guy just messing up Echo's rhythm, and she got back into the groove of it once he was dispatched?

    I would guess that Echo and random grounder were trying to follow the 'capture her alive' directive, so Octavia could hold her own for awhile because they weren't actually trying to hurt her. Then random grounder bites it and Echo possibly looses her temper and starts fighting for real, that's when we see her hand Octavia her arse. 

    • Love 2
  16. If Clarke was really smart that 100 would be a mix of grounder and ark people, just for the genetic diversity. The most common absolutely lowest number thrown about for space colonization is around 160, anything lower and the risks from disease and inbreeding related genetic problems are pretty damn high.  So they need any genetic help they can get.

    I'm not sure having the list weight towards hunters would be a plus though, that wall of burning radiation is going to kill everything that you can hunt, if the fire doesn't get them the sickness will. So any food you hope to eat after 5 years is most likely at the start going to be a continuation of what you brought with you, something the Ark specializes in. 

    I also kind of hope the nightblood doesn't work, or doesn't work as well as it should. The cast could do with a massive trim.

    • Love 5
  17. A lottery is an incredibly stupid plan, good luck repopulating the earth with 80 men and 20 post menopausal women and no doctor.  As unfair as it is there has to be a ruthless logic to the list.  Hopefully Jaha is smart enough to rig the lottery if it comes down to it.

     While Clarke didn't express herself well, she is not wrong. Young kids, the sick  and the very old have no place, duplicate skill sets need to be managed.  Your first pick would be all the young fertile women with a needed skill set and a clean medical history, then fill what skills you can (a mix of men and woman) and then stack whatever spaces are left with as genetically diverse young women as you can get.  

    Bellamy didn't get much to do but Bob knocked the grief out the park.  I enjoyed Octavia's little Aragon tribute at the end also. 

    • Love 7
  18. 2 hours ago, ferretrick said:

    Reverting Clarke back to her Season 1 heteronormativity might not sit well with a particular segment of this show's audience. (The gay one.)

    Y'know....bisexuals exist. Putting Clarke/Bellamy back together is NOT "reverting her back to heteronormativity" and it doesn't invalidate her realtionship with Luna, any more than Luna invalidated what she felt for Finn. Clarke can be attracted to people of both sexes. To suggest otherwise is offensive, as is your condescending comment about how the gay audience will respond.

    This gay guy is perfectly happy to see her paired with men or women.

    I read that in the review and was a little taken back by it, though not surprised,  I have seen that attitude a lot and it is offensive. Clarke isn't gay, she is bisexual, that is cannon and frankly its nice to see a bisexual lead.

    Thankfully in the world of the 100 the gender of who you knock boots with really is the least important part of the relationship and seeing Clarke flow from one to the other is refreshing without the crappy sexual identity angst usually assigned to bisexuals on teen shows.  Clarke knows who she is sexually and if she ends up banging Bell then that doesn't make her any less bisexual in her mind or mine.

    • Love 5
  19. Finally watched the pilot last night, both my partner and I came away saying the same thing, it felt like we just watched a Wes Anderson superhero movie.

    I have never read the comics but understand the basic premise and I am enjoying what I have seen so far, I don't mind not really knowing what is going on or being unable to trust the narrative. Looking forward to where they go from here.

    • Love 4
  20. I guess because I come from a country with a low age of consent the character age differences has never been an issue for me. The O/L relationship has far more problems than age.  Again the short timeframe is to blame for most of them because it looks less like 'true love' and more like O is a seriously mentally unwell girl.  If their relationship had played over months instead of days before they are super duper in love then I could maybe view it is less unhealthy. 

    All that said I have no problem with unhealthy screwed up relationships being depicted on TV, in fact they are some of my favourites, but lets not pretend it is anything but screwed up and unhealthy.

    • Love 1
  21. Clarke really is just a giant sponge, she parrots the last thing anyone who she views as authority says. 'love is weakness' 'I bare it so they don't  have to' and now Jaha of all people. She really shouldn't be allowed to talk to other people, it's dangerous. 

    Not sure how I feel about Bellamys choice, it's pretty nasty either way.  Clarke did make a big point that moving just their people into the Ark was plan B, so the machine by extension is plan B, so maybe that helped sway his choice.

    Looking forward to Day Trip part 2 next week.

    • Love 1
  22. 8 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    That about sums it up for me, there are times when I think I have a grasp on things and then something comes totally out of left field, and I realize I don't.  I thought when James wrote his will, it effectively saved his life from any murder attempts, well, apparently not.

    There was a scene in the episode before where James told Brace that with the will in place the only faction who now benefit from killing him will be the americans. Surprise, surprise the americans try to kill him the very next ep via a big bald killer at the farm. 

    Possibly because I am english I'm not having any problem following what is being said or what is going on, but I could see why it would be hard for some non-english speakers to understand, the accents can be a little thick.

  23. I've said it before but because of the incredibly short in show timeline they really do have a problem selling these supposed big loves and losses. I think they bank on most viewers not really keeping track or just not caring.  

    That said I did enjoy the opener, yes it was a set up episode but that is to be expected if they aren't going to do a time jump and then an info dump.

    The giant death wave is interesting and while the science and mechanics is stupid, the idea of an unstoppable enemy that can't be talked or beaten down is at least new for this show.  

    My guess is they work to repair Mt Weather and survive the wave underground and become mole people if they get a 5th season. 

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