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  1. It's always been my opinion that both Taylor and Eric thought highly of each other. After all they may have had multiple get together with each other. Whether Taylor knew how painful first time anal sex was going to be is probable the case here, since this was probably their first time at anal sex. Hopefully since this is the last episode we will not be left hanging. Wondering just what happened.
  2. On second thoughts, if Taylor was watching men on his computer having anal sex, he must not have noticed that these people/actors have done this many times, with each time you do it, it becomes easier and enjoyable, most people on the receiving side usually get off, thus both partners get off, in the real world this is what you want for your partner. I'm still not sure why Eric turned on Taylor and set him up for a beating, in this case in my opinion Eric is the bitch and should be ashamed of himself. He should have had enough balls to stand up to those four team players. Especially now that he's been outed. How can he live with his actions? In this season of American crime, you must use some character profiling, know about gay sex, know how long it takes alcohol and drugs to enter the body/blood stream, know why gays are so careful about being outed and know what measures they take to stay secret about their gayness, know something about human behavior and defensive behavior. Ho by the way no one should be surprised that Taylor wrote now Eric's name to be shot.
  3. I would like to say my heart goes out to both Taylor and Eric. Both caught up into situations for the most part were beyond their control. I have gone into what I think happened to Taylor and Eric, adnauseam. In your second paragraph I have a problem when you say Taylor had a problem with his sexual assault. In my view Taylor didn't know what to expect when you have anal sex without a lubricant and very little time to preform the act. Taylor had real feelings for Eric and Eric for Taylor, I can only presume that they spent many times having sex with each other prior to going to the party. The party was a cherry on top of what they where already doing, something new for them to do. Murphy's law is certainly alive here, if something is going to go wrong, it will. Another point that you brought up is poignant here is that Eric had driven Taylor and Evy home. I also felt that Taylor was betrayed by his friend Eric. I still think this whole thing could have been avoided if Taylor had said nothing to his mother about his perceived rape and just said he just got messed up with alcohol.
  4. I'm not trying to paint Taylor as a whore. If I'm extremely upset with someone that has done some to me I certainly would not have gone to their basketball practice the next day and watched them play, it's the last thing I would have done, logically speaking. The question about looking on the computer at porn sights, establishes the fact that he knew what gay anal sex was all about, and would give Taylor as to what to expect. Now first time anal sex is extremely painful with or without lubricant. I propose that Taylor did not really take that into consideration, if they were at home in a more private setting and the person on the top taking his time it can be a more enjoyable event, however, they were at a party where anybody could come in, so they were rushed, Taylors first time, had no time to take it slow and easily. Taylor probable had a lot of pain from the act. Now Taylor may have told Evy that he was raped, however he also told her that " he got down on a boy, and got messed up (drinking/drugs) as a cover." Did he ever say No to Eric, or is he upset because first time anal sex without lube is ruff and painful? Like Eric said he was already bussed about getting it on, he wanted it, and he said it via email and verbally. You can't go back, after the fact, when you never said no, you knew what anal sex was all about and yell rape, it just won't stand. Now some would say he was drugged, well it takes around 20 minutes before things start to take effect, that is before they are absorbed into the body. So even if he took the alcohol and drugs before the sex, that is when he went in with Eric, he would not have been messed up enough to say NO. When Taylor was beat up by Kevin's boys, Taylor probably felt betrayed by Eric. The relevance or the computer is to show that Taylor knew or didn't know what to expect from anal sex, what he obvious didn't know was that first time anal sex without lube, and a longer time during the act, is painful and may be conscued by Taylor as rape! However, in fact wasn't.
  5. I think the whole truth of the situation between Taylor and Eric lays in the first episode, where we see Taylor watching Eric play basketball at practice. Who in their right mind, if Taylor is as upset with Eric as Taylor states he is, watching Eric play basketball? It just doesn't make sense! This is before Taylor see's the pictures of him messed up. The first time we see Taylor trying to get his mother to stop her pursuit of what went on at the party was when he walk away from his mothers car after the with the headmaster. IMO if Taylors mother had dropped the subject, his mother would never have found out that Taylor and Eric were gay. At least not from this party. The guilty party in this story is Kevin and possibly Becca.
  6. Things that need to be shown to make this show somewhat correct. The private school must go after the person that brought the alcohol, drugs and girls to the captains party, i.e. Kevin, the situation between Taylor and Eric must be resolved, the situation between Taylor and his mother must be resolved, and his mother with the school and police. The situation between Eric and his dad, and his homophobic mother and bother. And the new character, Sebastian must be resolved. I think that's about it, anybody has anything else that I've missed please let me know. Thanks
  7. I believe that I saw on the previews that Taylor Cops to all the lies he has put out their, that would certainly clarify what went on with him, Eric, his mother and the police. One other thing that I would like to add to my other posts is that both Taylor and Eric had computers, where as they both could in the beginning of their sexual quest, i.e. their sexual awakening, probable went to the porno web sights, if, and they probably did, research every sexual position and what happens during, i.e. oral and anal sex. So if this is true, it should be of no surprise as to what to expect/encounter during gay sex. One needs to take all this into account when evaluating what really happened between Taylor and Eric.
  8. As per Evy, she stated that Taylor didn't have anything to drink prior to leaving her to go with Eric, Eric stated he didn't give Taylor anything to drink prior to sex because he was already bussed, enthusiastic about having sex, however I presume, we see Eric offering Taylor something to drink. As a sideline it takes around 20 minutes for any drug or food to be absorbed into the body. So the question is, did Taylor take something prior to going to the party that Evy didn't know about or did Eric give him something before or after the sex. Like I said it takes around 20 minutes for anything to be absorbed. Like Taylor said to Evy "I got messed up so no one would believe anything happened" ie. between Taylor and Eric, a perfect cover story. Also, anal sex depending who is on top, and how fast they get off, sex could last anywhere between 10 to 15 minutes, and if Taylor was guiding Eric during sex, I don't see how it could be considered rape. I think what really happened, is that when Taylor was confronted by his mother, instead of holding strong, and just saying that he was just messed up with alcohol and drugs, he introduced the idea that he was messed with. Thus giving his mother more ammunition to continue with her rant against the school. Later he knew he made a mistake, and all though the episodes he begs his mother to back away, to stop her rant.
  9. Neurochick, please read my above post, consensual sex is not rape, once engaged in the act of sex and your partner doesn't say no is not rape. You really need to know about gay sex and what all that it entails.
  10. I’m curious as to why more attention has not been given to the main character’s Taylor and Eric? When we first see Taylor he’s watching Eric playing basketball, he certainly does not seem upset, as he scrolls through some pictures one of a boy. That Taylor stated the Eric made him feel safe? Would someone say that if the didn't have feelings for Eric!! He only gets interested when he sees the pictures of him from the party. What’s wrong with this seen? Questions that come to mind is how does Taylor know that Eric is gay? It’s not like gay boys, have a stamp on their forehead saying I’m gay! Taylor would have to have had known this for a very long time and gotten together for sexual encounters many times in the past with Eric. And as their relationship advanced they would have experimented more. Now we come to the party Taylor wanted to hook-up, so he email Eric, Eric by his own words said that was looking forward to having sex and it seems like fun to do while everyone was getting stupid and having sex with girls, he was going to have sex with Taylor who wanted it very badly. You got to remember that gays are people too and their sexual needs are the same as everybody else, probable even more so, because of being in the closet! Getting back to Taylor he gave Eric the choice or being on the top or the bottom, he warned Eric that he cums early if he was on the top, which would shorten Eric experience, so that’s why Eric chose the top, he also gave Eric instructions on what he wanted him to. If Eric didn't use a lubricant anal intercourse would have been very rough and uncomfortable for Taylor, and would have surprised him. Even after that you can see Taylor had a close and friendly relationship with Eric. After the encounter between Taylor and Eric we see Eric offering Taylor a beer/drugs, this leads us to the encounter between Taylor and his (girlfriend Evy, ie. Cover) where she confronts Taylor and he explains why he was all messed upped, when she finally saw him, after the encounter with Eric, “because I got down on a boy, and I had to cover it up with alcohol/drugs to look stupid” After Taylor moved to the public HS, he meets another boy, and gets down with him, two or three times/nights. So the question is, is Taylor Gay, without a doubt, does he have a relationship with Eric, without a doubt. Eric did not rape Taylor. Taylor had a gay panic attack. homosexual panic n. An acute, severe attack of anxiety based on the person's unconscious conflicts regarding homosexuality. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
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