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Posts posted by JayBird74

  1. Toya seems to have been given the main role of targeting the cast mate(s) into sharing a very difficult time in their life Under the guise of friendship. It’s a role given to 1 person on all the Bravo shows that I watch.  RHOP - Ashley. RHOA - Sheree.  Probably other shows  too. It’s the BRAVO formula. Hopefully they will get rid of it. It’s really stupid.  I used to love to watch Karen huger look a hot mess all by herself.  However, after Ashley and the other two went after her for not divulging the truth about her finances and marriage I ended up siding with Karen and despising Ashley and crew.  

    If this is Toya’s true personality then she needs more business of her own on which to focus. Just sad. 

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  2. I have to say that I was very disappointed that although Kandi did jump in and made it clear that Don Juan and Carman have know her for A LONG time in order to point out that she wasn't surprised that he went in that hard for her and that THAT was the main reason and not camera time (note I said main reason not only reason cause I can't say yay or nay about him doing it for camera time) Seems to me he gets plenty of camera time just being in Kandi's scenes so I'm not completely sold on that angle. But regardless, I can concede that sure maybe some of it is about camera time but I saw him at just being a ride or die friend. I know when I'm talking to my friends and I get in my feelings when talking about dumb shit my inner street girl comes out and I get more and more animated as I make my point. That's how I see Don Juan.


    But back to my point. I'm happy Kandi addressed the friendship by saying how long they've all know each other but VERY annoyed that she doesn't shoot down all this "let my employees" bullshit continue from the other ladies. The minute Phaedra commented on the whole " I would never allow my employees..." I would have cut her off with that nonsense once and for all saying "Ok, look all this my employees this that and the other. I'm shutting that shit down now. The Don Juan that was going in on ya'll is Don Juan, MY BOY that's going in on you. That's MY peeps, NOT employee that's checking you on HIS friends behalf, not fucking rocket science people so all this "employee" business needs to exit stage left. Annnnndddddddd it doesn't apply anyway because ya'll not my clients. His professionalism is required in my offices and however I need him to perform not when we all chilling somewhere among mutual friends and acquaintances. He's free to exercise his own free will and personality with people who are NOT my clients or customers (not that I think she would censor him even then but her prerogative) so stop with the pearl clutching over what my FRIEND said to you because he caught ya'll talking shit about HIS peoples..."


    Crazy to me that these bitches don't know how shit like that rolls. It's a pretty basic recipe. You get caught with someone's name in your mouth and if it's the wrong name to have in your mouth then honey chile you gone get checked about it.  Point. Blank. Period. Take ya damn lumps and shut the hell up. Sheesh!



    I see all that and Don Juan still grates.


    I seem to remember him from Season 3, or whenever Kandi's first season was, and he did not seem as animated or involved.  If I am thinking of the same person, I actually liked him back then.  Progress to more recent seasons and he could not let a scene go by without disrespecting Todd.  Friend or not, Employee or not - he just annoys me.  There have been several other side characters that have not annoyed me but for some reason he does.  


    He probably has a Real Housewives contract and good for him if he does.  As Kandi said, she is all about making money (or something like that).  That definitely would explain the change in Don Juan's character and why she defends it.  

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  3. Kenya---head looks down at the floor.  I couldn't defend a word of that mess.  I thought so much better of her before.  Insert Lincoln quote here.



    I love Kandi.  Kandi is boring, but she is the only person on that stage that I think speaks the closest version of the truth.  I believe her side eyes and facial expressions as well.


    I love Kandi too but Don Juan grates.  Just last season he hated Todd, now he's jumping in women's conversations for him?  Anything for screen time.

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