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21 Excellent
  1. Floats In>>>> You won't be seeing my ass around here anymore.
  2. 1 to DL The Crazed Spruce (Firearcher), 8 - Too Cryptic
  3. Tis a matter of chance whether we enter the world unto a countess or a washerwoman. You reach. You grapple. You grow. You take the dive launching your struggle to stay alive! Your torch may be lighted but will it stay lit. Helpless you witness the listless as others around fade away laying fallow in the ground. Things just never stay the same. And although your candle may flicker and crawl or wrestle with the flame, Whether you are left to burn another day depends upon those still in the game.
  4. Democracy sucks. Better to have some hard ass in power who knows what he is doing. The Tiger will light the lantern at 7:12AM.
  5. First I was accused of being too quiet. Then I was accused of being the professor. I’m not too quiet! Who says I’m too quiet? I’m not the professor. Who says I am the professor? My joints do creak. I admitted that. Maybe……I’m just trying to draw attention to myself……. OR…..maybe I’m just trying to be quiet and act like an incognito silent stoic quiet professor with creaking joints.
  6. My cat's breath smells like dog food. I hate all these pictures on here. Too many colors
  7. Long ago I wandered through my mind. fairy tales; and endless myths of glory. What's that? i don't know. Sounded like guns......
  8. You said I said something without actually saying anything. I don't think that is right, but then again maybe it.....no I think I'm indifferent on that issue.
  9. I received my PM. good to go. My joints are creaking. PS: Mmmmm joiiiints....
  10. Sign me up for the next new game. Thanks - Firearcher
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