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Baby Button Eyes

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Posts posted by Baby Button Eyes

  1. I’m getting the news Betty White has passed away this morning. RIP, I was really hoping she would make it to 2022 for her 100th birthday and also she we wouldn’t lose our last cast member from this legendary show this year. This year we lost Cloris, Gavin and Ed and now the last day of the year, Betty. 

    I hope the cast is celebrating their best New Years Eve party all together again in the cosmos tonight. Betty had a fantastic life and thanks for the all the laughs she gave us for more than half a century!

    • Love 6
  2. I just look at 30 yr old single woman Jana, I don’t know how she puts up with having to do this stupidity in life when she could be enjoying so much of a regular life as a young single woman.  Wonder if they ever secretly get suicidal about being so stuck in life or not making an effort to know they can do something different if they just be brave to make the steps. Instead she’s racing around in a car playing a stupid game where she’s reminded she’s one of 19 children.

    • Love 13
  3. Her ultra thick red bangs make her a dead ringer for that annoying neighbor girl from that horrible 80’s show “Small Wonder”.  Harriet Brindle!

    • LOL 6
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  4. Don’t those women remember how they dressed to impress during high school? If they didn’t ever dress like that as teens, what happend to their sense of fashion after leaving school or college to think this is publicly at all enviable fashion?

    • Love 5
  5. As far as I’m concerned, canon officially ended with Mulder and Scully holding their newborn son between them, future as a family being happily together at the end of Season 8. 

    Season 9 and forward is just a nightmare dream Mulder was having one night 😉

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  6. It disturbs me that MJ’s own sons fit the “type” he liked his boys to be. Prince was light skinned and has his hair dyed platinum as a youngster and the youngest, Blanket, has the darker olive complexion, Mediterranean look with dark hair. 

    • Love 4
  7. My favourite parts were Sheldon being annoying on the operating table and the surgeon asking the anesthesiologist to knock him out already, lol!

    and, being a bit autistic myself, I related to Sheldon expressing relief about his roommate being ok after surgery but perplexed at the idea he’d want to go visit him at all. 

    • Love 7
  8. On 05/01/2019 at 9:37 PM, Sharna Pax said:

    I read somewhere that Gillian Anderson had serious morning sickness during this episode, and you can definitely tell once you're looking for it. During the scene where they're looking at the old-growth tree, there's a moment where they pan over to Scully and she looks exactly like she's about to throw up. I assume they left it in by accident, but it's really obvious once you see it.


    One of the few detailed memories GA has of filming the series is in this epsiode, she remembers being in that car and all of them having to flail and panic from the insects and then leaning over to vomit into a large bucket that she kept right off camera after the scene finished. So it must have been so unpleasant shooting that episode for her. Being outdoors  in the middle of the wet, cold rainy woods, feeling so nauseous. And you can tell she didn’t seem too thrilled about it, Scully looks particularly unenthused!

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  9. Why do they always wear hats indoors?

    isnt there any other dessert available at that restaurant?  I’m starting to suspect a chocolate mess conspiracy with that family and that restaurant. 

    Something wrong with a baby having a bit of chocolate? I have a pic of me at 4 months old sharing some of my dad’s chocolate bar with a gleeful smile on my face!

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