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Andrew Wiggin

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Posts posted by Andrew Wiggin

  1. 3 hours ago, NUguy514 said:


    Don't worry, there will still be all the opportunities for straight, white men to make all the films they want to make.

    It has nothing to do with the sexuality of the Filmmaker.

    Make good Films nobody cares about the Sex of the Characters ,we are not in the 60tes .

    But i dont need to know the sexual Preference of a Character in a Actionmovie or a romance Movie only if its the Maincharacter .

    If its essential to the plot the Preference is ok but tell me way do i need to know if a secondary Character is gay trans etc ? Nobody cares about them.

    I dont care about the Race or Gender of a Character only if its a good Character thats PRIMARY and it should always bin.

    I loved Blade i didnt care about his race only that he was a fucking Cool Motherfucker.

    That is the ONLY way to get inclusion make compeling Character ,dont push a agenda nobody likes that.



  2. Yeah better make a Movie with a Agenda then a good Movie.

    1917 no Chance for a Best Film Oscar now,The Godfather nope not diverse enough ....

    Yeah great way to make the best Film Oscar useless.

    So if a Film wins with this Criterias anybody will think did he win because he was the Best Film or he got it because he got all Checkboxes ^^






  3. The Movie was Bad thats all is has nothing to do with Trolls it was BAD BAD BAD .

    Did you see the Comparison of some of the Jokes of the Gostbusters and the 2016 Movie ?

    Its a Eyeopener ,the one is a good Movie the other is a Movie that Women look stupid....

  4. 10 hours ago, rmontro said:



    My impression was that the story was inspired by Mack Beggs, a transgender high school wrestler from Texas who has won championships in the girls division.  Mack was born a girl, but identifies as a male and has been taking steroid and testosterone injections.  He said he would rather wrestle boys, but by law is not allowed to.  I know that's not the same situation as Heather, but I still think that's the inspiration for the story.

    It looks more to me as would Fallon Fox be the Coolprint,but there are more than enough Man to Woman Transathlets out now who would fit as Inspiration.

  5. 1 hour ago, BooBear said:

    I think the entire Dark Phoenix saga is the problem. It is outdated. Plus many other stories ape it - I even feel GOT's ending was a rif on it.  I think when it was written women weren't powerful so it was great seeing a powerful woman who of course, would then not be able to handle it.   Cause women are weak you know and don't know how to deal with true power. But plenty of women handle power today and we don't go mad... so it is grating to me to even see the story. And I know it is the Phoenix force, blah blah blah, but I think the original writers had to jump through hoops to make that up so it wouldn't be considered sexist but it still is same old same old.. women can't handle power. 

    It has nothing to do with Genderpolitics,its only a Story and they wanted to use Jean later again.

    If she could had handled that Power she would be gone from the Comics ,you cant have a Character that Powerful if its Male or Female it brakes the Story.

    I didnt see the movie but from the Spoilers i read they put to mutch in the Movie.

    The entire Mindwipe Storyline didnt happen in the Orginalstory,they Phönix Saga is enough Story and not enough Time to tell it .

  6. 8 hours ago, Cranberry said:

    Captain Marvel’s ratings attacked by trolls, Rotten Tomatoes audience score falls to 40%

    It's 34% right now. 33,534 "reviews" for a movie that's not even out (for comparison, the new Lego movie -- which is out -- has 25,226; last weekend's top-grossing movie, Alita: Battle Angel, has 15,000; and April's Avengers: Endgame has 9,726). It seems pretty obvious that these are fake accounts. It's sad that, whatever their twisted reasoning, people feel the need to resort to this nonsense.

    Its not a Reviewscore its a Want to see Score.

    And it will go away then the Film starts in the Theater.

  7. The Problem i got with Captain Marvel other then the bland expression we got in the first Trailer,is they preachynes i hear from Bree Larson and the Advertising.

    Without it the standing up segment of the Trailer would look cool ,so it looks like Politics.

    Look at Wonder Woman there you got a strong Hero without preaching,Ellen Ripley ,Buffy ,Xena ,Aeryn Sun, there are so many Strong female Heros out there ,show a strong Women nobody will say a thing and like the Movie if its is good.

    But if you start to be preachy you will get anoyed Reactions.

    • Love 2
  8. I watched a new Clip of the Movie and wanted to post it ,to my surprise i noticed there was no Thread to the Movie yet ?

    The Movie realy looks like Fun and the newest Clip is  great 😄


    Latest Clip

  9. I hope for the best.

    I will watch the Movie ,but the Clips to Date dont make me to confident in her Performance.

    Not every Actor can act in a Superhero Movie .

    Look at Natalie Portman she is a great Actress but was uncomfortable with the Thor Movies.

    • Love 2
  10. The Clip looks Good but it shows that Brie Larson is the weakest Part in the Movie .

    She might be a good Character Actor but she has no Charisma in a Action movie.

    Look at her in Comparison to Jude Law or SAJ ,yeah her Action Pose looks Badaas but then she talks its terrible for a Action Movie.

    You need to be larger than Live to own it and be confortable with it^^and thats not there.

  11. The Episodes are around 46 to 50 min .

    The Witchfinder only got around 46 min most Episodes are 48 min.

    So you dont need to fill a Episode up to the max.

    And mostly the Episodes are cut because there is more Material as Airtime (in every TV Show) ,so if the Episodes look bloated after the cut,the Writing and Editing is off this Season.

    • Love 1
  12. I hope the Movie is better because the Trailer realy looks as others have said bevor, kind of  meh ^^

    Not bad but there is the Spark missing ,the only time i got a little sense of that was in the Standing up Sequence.

    And lets be real the punching the old Lady bit was a terrible inclusion in the Trailer.

    Yeah sure she is a Skrull but the Fans who know only the MCU dont know that ,its stupid to put that bit in the Trailer.

    • Love 2
  13. FRom Wookieepedia:

    Death Star 2


    200 kilometers


    13.23 Kilometers

    So if you look on the Ships who there Destroyed behind the Supermacy i would say the Destruction goes min 100 Kilometers deep and it is Spreading.

    I dont think it would survive that Hit ^^

    As i sayed it looks cool but if you think about that just happend its terrible Lorewise.

    The Scene on the Supermacy dont make it any better they know that will happen at 3.55 so why didnt use anyone this bevor ?

    • Love 1
  14. Yeah but was only a impact ,its not the same as the Deus ex Machina they used in the Last Jedi look at that happend from 12.10 onwards thats no impact the Ship goes stright through the first ship and through all other Ships behind.

    Hyperdrive attack is the same effect as a Warp Torpedo.

    • Love 2
  15. Yeah but as i sayed that they did is bring Warp torpedos into Star Wars so no need for Pilots.

    And if this worked here it should have worked in New Hope and  Return of the Jedi there was no need for any off the X Wing pilots to attack the Deathstars.

    1 Volunteer in a Capital ship = 1 Death against many in a X Wing Squad and no countermessure.

    They need to forget it for episode IX or you can scratch the Epic Space Battle ^^

    Thats  way you dont use a Deus ex Machina ^^

  16. If it works as shown in the Last Jedi  you can bring Empty Ships with you and let  Volunteers pilot them. The outcome Looks Like a Shotgun shot its quit devastating .

    As he says in the Video they brought Warp Torpedos with this into Star Wars.

    Take  a Steelprojektile put a Hyperspace Engine on it Byebye Capital Ship.

    • Love 1
  17. I just watched this review

    and he got good Points but the Part that got me the most starts at 11.30 .

    I quit liked the Part in the Movie it looks cool and is quit satisfying.

    But he is right if you think about it its absolut stupid to use that Trick in a Movieseries because if its possible why didnt they use it from the beginning ?

    Or  why didnt use it to destroy the first to Deathstars after the Shields there down ?  One off the capital Ships right through the Center bye bye Deathstar^^ no defence nothing to Counter it.

    Its a Deus Ex trick you can use in a Single Movie but not in a Series.

  18. Wow looks Starfire bad like really bad

    Yeah they say the Oufit its only for the first episode but if you got a better look off her why didnt they show it ,it would Spoil nothing.

    Every shot from here in the Trailer looks teribble and nothing like the Character anythere in the  Comics and she looks older as the Actress is in RL thats realy quit good  FX work .......

  19. The look of the Goat at 2.20 ROFL

    Meras hair looks good Underwater but way to bright/fake on Land.

    But overall a quit good Trailer ,looks like a Film i like too watch :)

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