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The Solution

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Posts posted by The Solution

  1. Dammit! Whose dick did worthless Manny suck?

    I haven't watched LCK yet, but I do hope Michelle gets another chance. First Soo (who I wasn't a fan of at first due to the way he came in, but grew to admire due to his talents), and now Michelle? Maybe Top Chef needs to give itself a big re-think before new season.


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  2. 4 hours ago, Tango64 said:

    You’re not pulling permits, arguing with contractors, and hiring staff. 

    As much as I would have preferred being a chef, being a back office business person was always my role in a restaurant, and these tasks were always my responsibility and not fun. Dealing with this professionally convinced me that I did not want to open my own restaurant (although Cleveland was quite the hotspot in the 90s/early 2000s and I was a damn good cook).

    That being said, I rewatched the Restaurant Wars from the previous season, at least to prove to myself that I was not such a terrible elderly curmudgeon for my views on this season's RW. Last season's RW was 100% better than this season's, and this is due to the producers, not the chefs.  Also, as someone used to high-end restaurants, I can say that I would never return to a restaurant who gave me such a tortured and rushed experience as these two did as long as they gave me complimentary wine/appetizers while I was waiting, (I'm also a practitioner of CPT). I go to a high-end restaurant to relax - if you give me wine and eats, I ain't watchin' the clock. Again, I blame the producers for this and not the chefs.

    Okay, rant over. I'm gonna go back to watching basketball if it's still on. Go Cavs and Pacers (although Celtics and Knicks are gonna win - even though the Cavs pummeled the Celtics on Thursday.)

    • Like 4
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  3. I thought this episode was really incoherent with two different sets of judges tables in the restaurants and jumping back and forth between the two restaurants during the episode. It would have been much easier for me to follow if they'd  shown one restaurant at a time and spent more time on each restaurant with better explanations while it was going on. Too choppy and incoherent.

    I know this is a really unpopular opinion, but I really dislike Dan. His fish looked really good, but I think he's a douche.

    • Like 17
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  4. 10 hours ago, SHERMDOG said:

    HATE HATE HATE this aspect on Last Chance Kitchen. Shitty move. Don't care for it at all. He won thexladt challenge with a boring eggplant parm compared to a unique pizza even tho it gad a "soogy" egg. Boo

     Sorry...I cant root for Soo....JMO! 


    Something isn't right here. You can't even do the prep work for eggplant in 20 minutes, let alone create an entire dish that tastes good enough to beat something else. Soo seems like a nice enough guy - it's not his fault - but there's some behind-the-scenes manipulation going on here.

    I thought the Vietnamese pizza looked pretty interesting and I was way more into trying that than eggplant parm.

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  5. I liked that both Buddha and Gabri did well tonight and that the judges touched upon the concept that there wasn't a lot of distance amongst the chefs. I would have been happy eating both meals.

    Sara just doesn't do much for me, neither in terms of her food nor her personality. My mom used to cook a lot of liver. For the dog.

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  6. 54 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    Actually I had never heard it pronounced any other way than how they all pronounced it, and I'm usually a stickler about that kind of stuff.  Then I consulted YouTube and found out why.  The Cambridge Dictionary presents an American and English version, both of which are similar to what is heard on this episode and confirmed in this video.  It's different from the French pronunciation as heard in this video or this one.

    That's how I pronounce it and I actually speak French.

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  7. Hard to see anyone from this group go at this point, but agree that Nicole was the right choice tonight. I thought the Root concept could have been the better of the two, but the English breakfast concept was better-executed and it was nice to see Buddha win for that.

    Also liked that they got rid of most of the extraneous bullshit from Restaurant Wars and added the secret hidden judge.

    • Like 24
  8. Charbel's dish looked really good to me, but then so did Nicole's. This just wasn't her day. I'm pretty sure Charbel uses the same Maalouf olive oil that I do. It's from Lebanon and it's amazing. I think we've already missed this year's batch but I have plenty from last year still. Charbel is the man!

    • Like 2
  9. 12 hours ago, luna1122again said:

    This was not my fave episode cuz poop jokes just aren't my thing, and I really didn't need the sound effects.

    Don't lie. 🤣

  10. It's going to be hard to see anyone leave from now on. And one of those boys better take Victoire to the Fast and Furious 10 premiere! (I gotta admit, I love the Fast and Furious too.)

    I was touched by Buddha wanting the win for Victoire, especially since he had immunity.

    • Like 13
  11. As a Jersey tomato-eater (who is also part Lebanese and part Italian), I knew that Charbel would be the winner. That dish looked amazing and was tomatoey and used the time he had available to him perfectly. None of the elements were over- or under-cooked, which can be a real issue with tomato cookery. Besides, Charbel just effing ROCKS!

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  12. 2 hours ago, ShadowKnight2 said:

    My thoughts exact. Bill Maher seems desperate to try and find three guests to fill up his show, when, before, he used to have no problems getting five.

    You have no idea how hard it was for me to resist this, but: Tucker Carlson is going to have some free time now.


    At least I'll be able to sleep tonight now that I got that out of my system.

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  13. 2 hours ago, IdEatThat said:

    I also thought this was a great episode, and other than the “no utensils” twist, the show hasn’t been gimmicky. Just straight up wonderful cooking after all these seasons.  

    At least this wasn't another British cooking episode! (It was entertaining and I greatly enjoyed the guest judge.)


    • Like 3
  14. Re: The tipping.

    A real restaurant with service: at least 20%

    An order that I call in and pick up myself: No tip. I did the tip work myself. The cooks did the actual work and they make an actual wage. Granted it usually isn't a great wage, but their issue is with their boss, not me.

    • Like 3
  15. Now I can vouch for Victoire's Italian skills, even though mine are second-generation Jersey-Italian skills!

    Quickfire was much better this week. If the judge didn't have anything positive to say, he didn't say anything and almost always offered positive reinforcement. The dishes looked good even if they didn't sound good at first.

    I think it's great that all the chefs get along so well and I wanted to try all of their dishes this week. Except for Buddha's Middle-Eastern fish thing which even Ali gave the side-eye. I have nothing against Buddha, but that was too fussy. It will be hard to see anyone leave from this point on.

    Loved Tom's Blue-Green striped sweater. James Harden (Philly Sixers) wore a blue-pink one kinda like it a little while ago when he was on the bench that I could not afford (I Googled it).


    1 hour ago, rhofmovalley said:

    I thought Victoire's bean stew looked delicious. I make a bean stew so maybe I'm partial. 

    It looked like my pasta e fagioli but I bet it's way better. Even though my pasta fazhool is pretty damn good.

    • Like 9
  16. 17 hours ago, anniebird said:

    If everyone just decided they didn't like the challenge and made whatever they wanted, it would be a crappy competition.

    I respectfully disagree. Sometimes that's what the judges deserve.

    • Like 2
  17. The guests this episode managed to make Bill the most likeable and rational/intelligent person on the show.

    Sununu is a manic liar. Lt. Gov. Sears is a calm collected liar. Lap dances in school? In the library? I see. Cross-dressers and books are the problem, not assault rifles. I wish someone would have looked dead at her and said "Don't lie!" Ari Melber would have told her to cite a specific example.

    Let's not even talk about lack of gun control being the issue because we'll never fix it. Dumbasses.

    You can tell by looking at Lt. Gov. Sears' eyes that she's lying and a bad person. If that's some woke bullshit, I'd much rather be on Team Erykah Badu than Team Sears.

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