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Posts posted by AllAboutMBTV

  1. Aren't the Brand and Video challenges basically the same? Dancing on film to sell a product/song/musical artist, which is later hyper-edited and doesn't show more than a few seconds of continuous dance. Sigh...

    I get what the show producers and creators are going for in this season's format, but it doesn't interest me at all. I miss ballroom. I miss disco, African Jazz, tap, popping, crump, ballet, Bollywood, etc., etc. This season has largely just been the same thing over and over.

    But, yeah, Madison for the win. IF this show continues and in this format, it'll be without me watching it.

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  2. All they eliminating two dancers every week from this Frankenstein's Monster of a competition? I hope so. I can't say that I'm hatewatching this season, but I do sit on my sofa and ask, What? Why? Really? as I try to figure why the producers felt the need to mess with something that wasn't broken (but, yes, could have used a few tweaks).

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  3. The cherry-chocolate pie pops wouldn't be a bad idea if you left them off the stick and just called them a version of hand pies. I'd buy one in a bakery but would never make them.

    Speaking of never making, deep-frying is one of my recipe dealbreakers, so I was happy enough to watch Lan make lumpia but sad that she did not appear at my door with a plate of them at the end. (The jury is still out on Dan's cacio e pepe tapioca things.) Like chessiegal above, I enjoy watching ATK for techniques and foods I know little or nothing about, but so many of their recipes lately fall into the Would Eat, Would Never Make category. But then I'm a lazy cook with a small kitchen.

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  4. So is the entire (or most of) season already filmed and in the can? That's my guess based on the previews they showed at the end. Hey, remember when you could call in or vote online for your Favorite Dancer? Back when the viewing audience had some say (or at least the producers made us think that we did...)? Going by the previews (granted, I wasn't paying super-close attention), it's now just going to be group dances in a variety of industry styles -- Music Video, Broadway, Film, etc. The dancers aren't going to partner up? (So why have five men and five women? And no wonder they didn't pick any ballroom dancers.) Will they even perform in front of an audience or just in a variety of studios? And now the jidges will decide who leaves at the end of each episode? Ugh... Maks is useless, and JoJo is a walking migraine. Way to eff up something that wasn't particularly broken, producers!

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  5. So I guess there are no dance styles other than contempo-jazz-funk allowed now? Flamenco, South Asian, African, MIddle Eastern, etc. ad infiniitum? One tapper, one pointe ballet, and a ballroom couple blew by for a nanosecond. C'mon, show... And Maks is utterly useless as a judge.

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  6. I forgot the episode the second I turned it off. Reading the above comments reminded me who performed. I then remembered the two-stepping couple and wished they'd made it through (although in the end I agreed with the judges that they weren't quite there yet). I used to two-step a LOT. It's fun, practically everyone can learn the basics, and there are some fantastic choreographers out there. Oh, well...Two-stepping might be a nice change-of-pace genre to try in the regular competiton. Is it Choreography Week yet or do we have more canned, over-processed auditions to get through?

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  7. I didn't even know the show was back until I saw a blurb about it in the NYTimes on Monday. Have to agree with TVbitch above that the auditions at least look extremely "curated, staged, scripted." Remember when they used to audition on a stage in a real theatre? And there's not much suspense about who's going on to the next round -- if they show a filmed backstory first you go through. I, too, wish Comfort was a judge for the whole season -- anyone but Jojo, who gives me a migraine; Screaming Mary, even, or, sigh, Debbie Allen. (I also wish they would scrape about a half pound of slap off Alison's face.)

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  8. Don't know if it was a one-off, but Cook's Country host Toni Tipton Martin left her on-set library (and Teleprompter) to make poke with Morgan. She is not a natural in front of the camera yet, so I hope she relaxes a bit if she's going to continue in the role. (Of course, the show's other on-air presenters have years, if not decades, of experience.)

  9. I can only repeat what I saw on a "Sex Education" Tumblr post: "I didn't like this season, but I will miss (some of) the characters." (Parenthetical mine.) I hope the actors go on to much better things.

  10. In case any Hulu audience research execs are following this thread, I'm begging you for a S2! Reboot for me was the most consistently funny sitcom (well, "sitcom") I've seen in a good while. And with a murderers' row of comic actors to boot. More, pleaseandthankyou!

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  11. I would be perfectly happy if McKee gave the girls' parents their own series. They are all equally hilarious in their own way. It can be set a few years after DG ended, maybe when the wee Quinn daughter (does she have a name?) is in her early teens. The original Girls can make (very) occasional cameo appearances as needed.

  12. Looks like ATK is creeping back into their studio. The newest episode (turkey confit, turkey burgers) had Bridget "teaching" Julia how to confit turkey thighs (never gonna happen in my house) and both J&B doing the taste testing with a nut-brown Jack. (Either the latter has recently been to Barbados or the makeup department hates him. Also, the women's hair has been reshellacked into helmets that don't move, unlike the looser styles they had during ATK at Home, when they probably did their own hair.)

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  13. Dear Milk Street Creatives: Please, by all that is holy, stop with the slow-motion cinematography. I'm pretty sure we all know what oil being poured into a pan or kosher salt being added to a dish looks like. Stop giving me reasons to yell at my TV! (Really, the show drives me nearly batty, but I keep watching it because every third blue moon they offer a really fantastic recipe that I make over and over again.)

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