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Posts posted by hello

  1. On 8/20/2016 at 10:19 PM, GreenScreenFX said:

    David Boreanez and James Marsters have aged out. There is no way I could see them as 20-something , I could barely see it then. Buffy very well could be nearing 40. I would love to see a continuation... Only if they got the right actors.

    Boranaez=47, Marsters=54, Gellar will be 30 in April. "Giles" (Anthony Head) is 63 in February. So: Angel and Spike both get their souls back (and begin to age appropriately), Buffy comes back as a kind of Watcher for the Slayers she created (she gets to see how tough being a Watcher is after heaping shit on Giles for so long), and Giles moves on with Willow to raise the next generation of (bumbling inexperienced) witches. Dawn? Wellllll, not a fan of the character so, she sacrifices herself and returns to being the Key (bye Dawn!) in exchange for restoring Joyce Summers (Hi Joyce!).

    • Love 2
  2. On 11/13/2016 at 8:26 AM, Raja said:

    So shouldn't have grown at all should should be in a VA hospital treatment along with others suffering PTSD.

    Totally understand, but "growth" doesn't have to mean "positive progress". Going from not having PTSD to having it is a form of growth in the sense that the character has changed, has moved from point A to point B, and needs to deal with it. The growth isn't necessarily about positive progress as much as it is about how the character deals with change, adverse or not. I think the conversation is less about whether Daisy has PTSD more about whether Chloe Bennett could represent that change in a way that the audience could find relatable.

    • Love 6
  3. 1 hour ago, teenj12 said:

    Chloe Bennet explicitly stated that she wasn't getting roles because of racism in the industry. 

    Oh, I'm sure she believes that. But is there objective evidence to prove her claim? When ANYONE tells you their experiences, you should view their stories with measured skepticism until objective evidence either proves or denies what they've said. As they used to say, "Believe half of what you read and none of what you hear."

    The only thing worse than actual racism is claiming racism where none exists. Maybe you should be more cautious on that front?

    • Love 3
  4. 20 hours ago, romantic idiot said:

    A little fun fact, Chloe Bennet had to change her Asian sounding last name (Wang) to a white sounding name in order to get roles.

    Are we sure she didn't change her name because it's a euphemism for "penis"..? Because Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Ming Na Wen, Daniel Dae Kim, Jet Li, and Steven Yeun all seem to have gotten work without changing their Asian-sounding last names...

    20 hours ago, romantic idiot said:

    considering Chloe's struggle to find work because of her race before she was casted on SHIELD.

    Are we sure she didn't struggle to find work simply because there were better actresses out there getting the parts instead..?

    • Love 2
  5. Quote

    I'd like to see an analysis of what percentage of comedy/skit time has been devoted to Trump over the last year, for Stephen all the late night shows. My guess is at least 50%, which is too shitfucking much.

    Trump could always keep his moronic spittle-flecked mouth shut and deny the court jesters their day, but he yaps and he yaps and he tweets and gives them every bit of material they need. To her credit, Hillary's advanced AI algorithms have allowed her to keep her mouth-type-device quiet for extended periods, deflecting attention back on to that ambulatory tangerine Id. She's boring by design and that leaves only His High Holy Origami-Haired Tantrum-Thrower for Colbert etc. to make fun of.

    • Love 7
  6. On 9/20/2016 at 9:16 PM, phoenics said:

    That is blindingly red.

    And I LOVE it! So very sick of super-heroes wearing black faux-minatrix leather outfits (cough XMEN cough) or shit-dinge versions of their original vibrantly-colored costumes. It's time to have FUN with comic book characters again, long overdue in fact. If Flash is fighting talking sharks and telepathic apes, why even bother trying to make it look serious emo-gritty?

    • Love 2
  7. LOL, first of all, some folks are using urban dictionary as any sort of definitive source? That steaming shitpile of a website can be edited by any middling fool and is as reliable as the half-understood, distantly-overheard gossip of a mumbling drunkard.

    Secondly - of course there have been character development moments for Daisy! Tons of them. It's just that the actress playing her doesn't have nearly the range or skill needed to convey those changes. We're just getting one-note performances from her when the character should now have the emotional nuance of a god-damned symphony.

    Part of an intergalactic experiment spanning thousands of years? Mysteriously abandoned at birth in an unforgiving world? Gut-shot and left for dead before being revived by the blood of ancient aliens? Finding her parents again - only to discover they're deadly loons and having to help kill one of them and wipe the other's mind? On and on. These are moments that should have changed the performance drastically over the years, but the actress wasn't able to pull it off (and from all outward signs doesn't even know she should have been trying to pull it off).

  8. Quote

    Here, the writers should never have attempted time travel if they don't have a clear set of rules they abide by.

    Yeah, I've always imagined the most commonly-heard phrase in the writers' room while they're trying to figure out this time travel paradox stuff is "Fuck it".

    • Love 5
  9. What if we stopped calling it a drug and started calling it a serum, or something else medicallyish? You know, "super-soldier serum". "Cacodemonic curative". "Punchy palliative". "Heroic healing agent". Ooooh! "Prescription powerhouse!" "Phancier of pharmaceutical phisticuphs!" "The Medicinal Manhandler!"


    Why yes, I DO know where the exit is, but -- why are you shoving me

    • Love 4
  10. Yeah, huge props for that campaign commercial, it had me rolling.

    And Katherine, falling for the nice version of her mom? She's gonna make a lucky therapist VERY rich some day.

    I don't think she's gay; I think she's college age, experimental, and desperate for anything that even remotely resembles a mother's affection. If she turns out to be gay I'm totally fine with that -- great plot twist, actually -- but I have a feeling her inner emotional life is sort of like the ball pit at a Chuck E Cheese after the kids are fully sugared up and bouncing off the walls.

    • Love 3
  11. So...now Barry is going to go through life, alongside his younger self, in the past? Oh, is that going to get awkward...

    And he did have his powers in the past, right? So what, now he's the Flash just 10+ years earlier?

    • Love 1
  12. Quote

     In my eyes, that makes Barry Allen evil, and an enemy of mankind.

    Never attribute to malice, that which can be attributed to stupidity. By which I mean Barry's a well-meaning dum-dum who doesn't even know what the hell he's doing. He's just a collection of nerve impulses, awkwardly flailing about. Don't get me wrong, he's as selfish as the day is long. He at least knows its dangerous to tamper with time because smarter people told him so. But he's not evil, just woefully ignorant of the possible consequences of his actions.


    Things look different from our on-high places as viewers; we can see everything Barry can't as a lowly player. But from his point of view? This is a clueless -- not evil, just clueless -- attempt to set things right.

    • Love 7
  13. On 5/20/2016 at 11:10 AM, MarkHB said:

    I'm not sure how well "gets superpowers from drugs" will fly in this day and age

    Actually, in the original, Miraclo was described as a "miraculous vitamin" and that is from whence the name "Miraclo" is derived and OH MY GOD I SOUND LIKE COMIC BOOK GUY FROM THE SIMPSONS PLEASE HELP ME SOMEBODY

    • Love 5
  14. Quote

    Samuel L. Jackson literally did a guest spot for this show, way back in the later half of Season 1 (during the post-Hydra reveal).

    He did the first and last episodes of that season.


    I'm pretty sure Mack and Coulson referred to the director as a "she" so that limits the pool quite a bit.

    Nope. They were talking about Quake when they said "she". They never specified the gender of the new Director. Could be a man. I just re-watched to make sure.

    • Love 3
  15. LOL just realized that Lash was killed with a ... lash. And right through the same part of the chest where Lash used to kill others! Ah, sweet irony.

    I wonder if that was on purpose though? I doubt it, because the writers do this...


    I hate this trope of killing off a popular character for shock value anyway.

    Yeah, its become the laziest story-telling fall back I've ever seen. Wrath Of Khan did killing a main character right; so did Psycho. But its only a valuable plot point if used sparingly, and with greater story purpose in mind.

    This shit's just lazy, lazy, lazy. It's link-bait in televised form.

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