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Posts posted by hello

  1. Ugh! Grimdark Star Trek wallowing in murky monochromatic mud-puddles of the laziest story writing imaginable. The Klingons, you say?! The Klingons?! Dear GOD how original! Who could have seen it coming? KLINGONS ... in Star Trek! Rod Serling himself could never have seen such a deviously clever plot twist coming! THE GENIUS IT BLINDS ME

    [[the Orville is still the best Star Trek on television]]

    • Love 3
  2. Quote

    There are so many other things happening that it's hard for me to believe that Coulson not being in SHIELD would lead to the world like that

    It was all of them, but mostly May - not Coulson. In the real world May killed the girl in Bahrain who was turning adults into murder-bots. In the Framework she brought the child to the US and they tried to give her a normal life in Boston but the kid went on a destruction spree instead, which HYDRA used to spread enough anti-Inhuman propaganda to sweep into power.

    • Love 2
  3. Quote

    I would really like the Orville to not suck because you know, dark and gritty is all over Sci-fi. Having something that is optimistic and bright could be a good thing, you know?

    From your lips to God's ears. I think the critics can't recognize anything NOT grimdark at this point so Orville went right over their heads. "It CAN'T be good sci-fi, it's not even 90% shadows and completely grainy and desaturated all the time!"

    I'm guessing somebody's got to be holding down the SHIELD fort while Coulson etc. are off space-spelunking, and that's how Earth-bound Hunter fits in somehow.

  4. Quote

    Mack's was to be with his daughter and to him, she is real and he doesn't want to go back to the reality where she died as a 4 day-old infant. 

    You're right, I see your point. But this reality is the only one Mack has - the one he needed to return to or he would physically die. Rough for sure, but true. I was just saying that, if he were out of the Framework, he could still make sure CodeHope was cared for by programming in a CodeMack.

    But your talking about his perception of CodeHope, so I think we might be having a slightly different conversation than I originally thought.

    It's occurred to me that it would be impossible to have such a deep conversation about the Flash or Supergirl because the writing on SHIELD is a whole other league better. Guess I should enjoy it while we've got it; I think season five has got to be the last for SHIELD. At least it will go out with some fine storytelling under its belt, that you can't find anywhere else on super hero TV shows...

    • Love 1
  5. Quote

    No way I would leave my son behind if his code self would be an orphan in the simulation when I jump out.

    Then again, once you're out, you could always create a digital duplicate of yourself within the Framework to take care of "your" son. Hell, you could make him a billionaire if you wanted to, and give the "child" the best life imaginable. It's all ones and zeroes...

    • Love 1
  6. Quote

    The only person that I can think of who had a happy ending was Crazy Cal

    Coulson had a happy ending. He blasted Loki through plenty of bulkhead with that BFG before that pesky lil' chest wound took him out. He even inspired the formation of the Avengers, but yes, that was after his death. Still: What an obituary that dude must've had!

    Now, of course, Coulson is an undead cyborg (just ask Project T.A.H.I.T.I. and his left forearm!)

    But his actual death, in the Avengers movie? Kinda sorta bad ass. He was a mere mortal man who slowed an evil god from another universe down to a grinding halt, in the name of all that he saw as good and noble. Tell me that's not a happy ending - for a warrior, at least!

    • Love 7
  7. 11 hours ago, jhlipton said:

    I think realistically, the options are Ward, Tripp, and/or Hope, and Dark!Fitz.

    I can see Dark!Fitz setting up his transfer into a Fitzy LMD. And I can see FrameWard pulling the rug out from under Dark!Fitz and hijacking his FitzBot at the very last second.

    Nobody said the FrameFolk had to transfer into LMD bodies that were their own likeness!

  8. Quote

    It's amazing how much this framework arc is destroying every other superhero show.

    Yeah - between Ghost Rider and the demon-possessed sexy murderbot AIDA, this show's been so head-and-shoulders-and-a-little-torso-too above those other shows that they've become unwatchable.

    Flash is rehashing the same story arc for a third straight year (he has to fight another speedster, you say? Unpossible!). Legends and Supergirl still don't know what the hell they want to be. All have absolutely no regard for solid plotting (they finally come up with the solution BECAUSE!!!) and are especially awful at doing time travel stories.

    I'm liking my 10PM, sever the hot Russian's head and let him run a murderbot version of himself from inside a jar of liquid, Agents of Shield just fine thanks. It's wildly imaginative and doesn't treat watchers like dopes.

    • Love 3
  9. Quote

    Agent Carter was just like SHIELD- low live ratings but really good with demos, C+3, streaming/on-demand and has fewer episodes to produced than SHIELD but still got canceled

    I think ABC decided to "give the viewers what they want" - i.e. the superheroic angle that made Flash, Supergirl, etc. popular - and decided to replace Agent Carter with what ended up being the Inhumans. It's not a period piece, so it's easier to produce than Carter, and probably a lot of production-related issues make the Inhumans easier to make into a series. Nothing against Carter, I just think ABC would rather have its money end up on the screen as cool special effects for the fanboys, than have its money go towards renting 20 period-specific cars that are seen for all of four seconds in the background.

  10. Quote

    I'm still betting on the Darkhold being the reals source of this dystopia.

    "Have people forgotten me already? I'm just a silly little book! No fears, friend - I'm easy reading! Don't believe me? Go ahead and open me, then! You're not afraid, are ya?" - The Darkhold, telepathically goading you, just now

  11. Liking this arc but it's dragging out way too much. Next, AIDA's gonna trick them into thinking they've really left the Framework BUT THEY"RE STILL IN IT!!!1! OH NOES!!!1!

    Learn when to let a story go, writers.  I "needed" about three episodes of this one, tops. Back to reality.

    But I have to say, although the length of the arc is tiresome, each episode is really nailing it of its own accord. No wasted space, no needless parts, very lean and feisty storytelling, enjoyable and jaw-dropping by turns. Couldn't find a flaw in a single performance.

    I just wish that same, succinctly aggressive storytelling we're seeing per episode could be applied to the overall story arc - nothing wasted, story gets told before it gets old, and we're moving on, moving on. No story loitering, writers! A rolling stone gathers no moss and your story's looking a little green...

    • Love 3
  12. Quote

    I got the impression that the blue soap idea was actually some genuine paranoia on Coulson's part

    The Kree blood that brought Coulson back to life was blue. I think the fact he had his brain rebuilt using blue Kree blood (with the Tahiti memories falsely implanted) is why he's able to overcome the Framework. His brain's been overwritten once already with project TAHITI.

    And remember when Raina put Coulson in that brain scanner device to help him unlock his true memories? Coulson's brain has got plenty of experience overcoming this sort of mind wipe stuff and isn't putting up with that shit anymore.

    I think he's trying to process his memories of the blue Kree blood, like they were a dream or something. The Kree blood "cleaned" away his memories for a while. So his brain finds the next best thing to make sense of it by comparing it to blue liquid soap.

    • Love 8
  13. Quote

    "one of the inherent flaws of the Framework... how do you give everyone what they want"

    I don't think that's it? I think the Framework just removes a person's greatest regret so they become too complacent in the Framework to challenge it. May was a lot of trouble before Radcliffe figured out how to keep her mind from fighting against the Framework.


    We saw Coulson spout the party line that Hydra wasn't connected to Nazis and that it was thousands of years old. It could be that in the Framework, Hydra's evolution didn't come about from within the 1940s SHIELD

    Didn't we learn that real-world HYDRA, in one incarnation or another, WAS thousands of years old? I remember FitzSimmons discovering a series of images from different time periods that were all indicators that HYDRA was ancient, and intent on freeing Hive from his blue-moon prison.

    • Love 5
  14. Quote

    Maybe Coulson regrets that he is not the real father of Skye / Daisy / Quake...so he brings her in for Show & Tell....


    I"m struggling to see how Coulson's regret, whatever that is, that is fixed, ends up allowing Hydra to win.

    LMDCoulson revealed what Coulson's regret was: joining SHIELD in the first place. In the framework, Coulson becomes a teacher instead, and without his determination to destroy HYDRA, HYDRA apparently succeeds in vilifying and destroying SHIELD. Best guess anyway.

    I think it's gonna get a little It's A Wonderful Life up in here come April. Without George Bailey Coulson, the whole town ends up going to shit!

    • Love 1
  15. Great episode. Army of Daisybots set to kill all Inhumans - where and who will they strike? Yo-yo's on board, that's a plus. Dreamworld that would otherwise be a nightmare, where Hydra is in control? Wonder who Radcliffe's had play dates with in his spare time before he "joined" SHIELD...

    Aida's a Darkhold puppet seeking followers; what she did to Comrade Von RuskieDouche was colder than yet another 70 degree February morning, which is totally normal because we've always been at war with Eurasia.

    Ward has always been the cyanide capsule implanted in the molars of this show's creators. STOP BITING DOWN FOR GODSSAKES WHAT ARE YOU

    • Love 5
  16. Nitpick: How are they manufacturing these totally convincing LMDs? On the sub? The original lab? Doesn't that take massive resources and a lot of time? And if you can produce something of that level of detail that quickly, why not produce some nukes instead? Probably worth a nickel or two. Or replace the president? Why dilly dally with the small stuff (insert hand size joke here)?

    • Love 10
  17. Quote

    This is supposed to be SHIELD, right? The international super-spy agency with hundreds of agents, giant helicarriers and quinjets with cloaking technology?

    NO. That SHIELD got crushed. Watch the Captain America movie. Then SHIELD went rogue (no legal cover), took out HYDRA. Now they're trying to rebuild. Awkwardly. It's NOT the mighty SHIELD you're thinking of anymore. It's an organization founded in the 1940's trying to fit itself into the 2010's after a humiliating defeat. They still have the tech but are still trying to figure out how it should be wisely used in a world they failed to keep up with.

    • Love 2
  18. Quote

    He's avoided physically hurting anyone, at the very least. 

    He's not good for doing this, he's just the type of evil that's squeamish about the rough stuff.


    We don't know what it really contains (besides "all the secrets of the universe")

    In the comics, correct me if I'm wrong?, but the Darkhold isn't quite just a book; it's more of a way for a nigh-on-high powerful demon god named Chthon, once vanquished from our realm by a dude who eats gods (because of course), to keep plying his nastiness on humans from the beyond. It was used to create the first vampires, and basically exists so Chthon-in-exile can hardcore fuck people over for shits and giggles when they come knocking for a freebie.

    TL;DR When you read the Darkhold you're really kinda communicating with a demon god who will give you just enough of the power you crave to kill yourself with.

    • Love 7
  19. Quote

    But even if she does, as blackwing says, they also need to be exposed to the terrigen.

    Which raises the question about how her brother went through the transformation. Accident..? Or was he curious enough to spin the Fish Oil Pill Roulette Wheel despite his promise to his sister?


    trying to give Vijay something like the Phoenix Force. 

    Given he's Indian, I'm just hoping they're not playing into stereotype and making his power be reincarnation. Because BURNING CURRY FARTS OUTSOURCED CALL CENTER BROKEN SLURPEE MACHINE THANK YOU COME AGAIN stereotypes about people from India are getting kinda old.

    • Love 3
  20. Quote

    Sarah Michelle Gellar will be 40

    Can I buy your proofreading services? LOL Yup! You're right, my typo, 40 will be her correct age. And yeah, screw the comics, not nearly in the vein of the show we know and love.

    But I'll disagree about no reboot, because they spent SO much time establishing this amazingly rich world and it would be a shame to not explore it again. Star Trek TNG was a hit, I'd like to see a Buffy reboot pull off the same thing. What's changed in the supernatural world in 10, 20 years? Are there still even vampires? Have they been magically enslaved by even-more-evil corporations to mindlessly sling patties at Doublemeat Palace? Or has the Initiative finally succeeded in "enlisting" them into covert military ops? Are they demanding the right to vote?

    Maybe even some sort of Wolfram and Hart style, greed-worshiping demagogue has been elected president of the United States! With fiction, anything is possible!

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