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Posts posted by Marsupial

  1. Quote

    The only act I ever truly got emotionally invested in and actually voted for was Sara & Hero.  That girl won my heart with her dawgs Hero and Loki.  I was hugely happy when Darci Lynne won.  She won my heart too.

    I cosign 100% on this. I adored Sara and Hero and was so happy when Simon saved them at the audition. She has continued to do well, incidentally, which again shows that exposure is actually the main reason people go on this show IMO. I also fell in love with Darci Lynne at first sight, as apparently all of America and the world did LOL. It was fun to see her, and I was impressed by Sofia's ventriloquist chops!

    I didn't know Alan Silva was in Zumanity! I have seen several Cirque du Soleil shows, but never got to see Zumanity. Thank you for that!



    So much this. I watch just to pass the time, have some fun, and to see you guys here every week. I really am not invested in or serious about any of the acts.

    I hear that!! OTOH it's also fun to root for an act...until they get booted. 

    • Love 3
  2. Joining the party late but pleasantly surprised to see that most people are as underwhelmed by the "talent" on display here as I am. 

    I judge each act by the supposed criteria of the show, the ability to carry a large, showy, full-production act on a stage in Vegas. 

    Sorry the Spyros brothers are gone, they were one of the bests acts of the season and one that did fit that criteria. I also liked the Romanian puppets, their work really moved me and was technically well done. I also like the Bello Sisters. 

    Nobody here  likes Alan Silva? I loved his audition and his quarter-final performance, but I don't think the chains made for as impressive an act. It may have been technically more difficult/dangerous but it lacked the esthetic appeal of the "wings."

    Broken Roots? Unlistenable. When Howie called them a coffee house duo, he was dead on. Nobody would go see these guys at a large arena. Another act going through for reasons unrelated to talent.

    I would have picked Shakira over the umpteenth child singer. (I am totally sick of singers on this show and child singers in particular). I loved her version of the Stevie Nicks song, it was different enough to be all hers while still carrying the undercurrent of desperation that made the Nicks version such a standout. Outstanding imo.

    The woke poet gives me serious phony/grifter vibes. At no other time, in no other season of AGT, would this guy get anything but a resounding BUZZER from the judges. Old, nasty Simon would have laughed his grifting ass off the stage. Even if you like him, these are supposed to be big, grand, shows that could draw a crowd at Vegas. How does this guy fit that? Nope.

    LOVED seeing Piff, he was one bright spot in a dull evening. His bit wasn't that great, but still better than most of the acts on stage.


    • Love 3
  3. Quote

    Count me as one of the people yelling for the cat to escape Clint's room before the magic happened. 

    Why is it always poor innocent animals that have to be traumatized by the squeezyrubs of these gross people?

    My ears perked up when Matt's mom was like, I dunno, I have never bailed his dumb ass out. Good for her. She knows exactly who and what her son is. She's tried to give Caitlin the benefit of that experience/knowledge...but to no avail.

    • Love 10
  4. Quote

    scott’s toofs.

    Should be the name of a book about these people.


    Turns out you can buy stickon white chompers on amazon.  For cheap.  They have peel off stick on pads.  You can warm them up in the microwave to bend them. 

    This amazes me, and yet...you can buy fake nails, and fake eyelashes and fake hair so...why not?

    • LOL 1
    • Love 6
  5. Quote

    Are you sure it's not a bed of pizza?  Okay, I am clearly obsessed with the pizza!

    LOL just as my cable box reminded me that this was coming on, my sister asked if we should order some pizza delivery. Of course I said yes, so I was able to enjoy all the pizza drama while munching on some of my own. 


    One more thing Sarah, please stop with the "blaccent" when you're talking to an actual black person, it's very insulting."

    OMG I used to work with this young girl who did this ALL.THE.TIME. and you have to understand that this girl was whiter than Gwyneth Paltrow. She and I worked in a close-together group of desks with three other women who were black. I could see them roll their eyes when she did her "blaccent", but we all took a "sorry for her" attitude because the girl had a horrible family life/upbringing, so nobody wanted to be mean to her.

    However, one day she asked me for some lotion-I was famous for always having lotion at my desk, because super-dry hands--and then started complaining, "My skin is so ashy..!!." I couldn't anymore and said, "You know, Gwyneth, I don't know if you realize this, but you are not actually black." Everyone exploded into laughter and to her credit, she did too.

    • LOL 11
    • Love 6
  6. Quote

    Am I terrible to admit that the only adult person I actually LIKE on this show right now is Marcellino (who, may I add, looks damned good for 40)?

    No, and I agree. He looks fine and the proposal was lovely. The only thing I wonder, they identify him as a writer, but a writer of what and where? 

    I want to live in Clinton's parent's house! It is lovely. 


    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah (insert sigh). I don't beleive for a second that she's really done with Michael despite her "Imma hang up dis phone right now, keep playing me" rant. She wants to assert her superior status as "the wife" in hopes that Megan will back down which is highly unlikely IMO. Both of them seem to fall for whatever lame, half-ass non explanation he spews out. His lack of game was painfully obvious on the phone call with Sarah.

    Agree with all this. When you're really done with someone, you don't keep telling them you are, you just pack your shit and walk. She's still hoping he will see the light and come back to her.

    And yeah, I have been played in my past and I am insulted at the low-level, low-quality, half-assed game that Michael is able to shove at these girls and have it work. 


    • Love 4
  7. Quote

    In my state, there are many Offenders serving an effective lifetime sentence who did not commit a violent offense.  

    This is just wrong on every level, especially when  you see banksters/financial fraudsters who rip people off for millions of dollars and do almost no time. OK, rant over.

    Red Roses, you mentioned a case where the murderer brought his son along to commit the crime, was that by any chance the Beth Carpenter case? That particular was SOOOO mind-boggling in so many ways, that particular detail about the murderer dragging his son along was just icing on the cake.

    For those unfamiliar with the Carpenter case (I am a true crime junkie, so I don't expect everyone to share my lurid fascination), here is a summary that mentions the hitman bringing his son along: http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/08/02/ctv.carpenter.trial/index.html

    • Useful 2
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  8. But it's not up to Michael's mother to tell Megan to butt out, that is up to Michael. Mr. Player is never going to do that, of course, which is why, really, Mom needs to tell Sarah.

    I felt so bad for Caitlin and the counselor was right, Matt needs to be totally "deprogrammed" from prison mentality. He needs to see some kind of counselor, he needs to get a job of ANY kind, he needs to generally show that he intends to make at least a minimal attempt to do what Caitlin asked.

    • Love 6
  9. Quote

    I don’t think Mom has a clue how to be a mother. Sarah is her daughter-in-law, mother to her grandchild. She should have told Megan to hop on the next plane and get the hell out of there. Then told Sarah all about it. She cannot rely on Michael to do the right thing.

    I wish she would tell Sarah what's going on. It's information that Sarah needs to have. It's not fair to keep it from her when she sees Sarah going on about making things work with Michael.

    Also, I agree 100% with whoever said that Sarah needs to tell Aviannah the truth about where her father is. That was my exact, immediate reaction.

    • Love 5
  10. Quote

    I mean, color me shocked (no snark) that ten minutes late is taken that seriously, even if it wasn’t his first disregard of the rules. I had no idea parole was that stringent...or maybe that was racially motivated? 

    Oh yes, this shit is taken super-seriously when you're on parole/probation. The slightest infraction can get you arrested, whether it's being 10 minutes late, not filing a change of address/new phone number, not taking a scheduled drug test, not paying the parole fee (in some states you have to pay a monthly parole fee, it's not a huge amount but still, it's something else you have to do, month after month, year after year), not staying away from known felons...It's a lot.

    Is it fair? It might go overboard, but OTOH you are getting out of a prison sentence or getting out of prison early, and telling the courts that they can trust you, so if you're smart you'll suck it up and fly right. 

    Some convicts actually refuse to take parole, they prefer to just finish their sentences so that they're actually free when they get out. They'd rather work hard to get their sentence reduced on good behavior and have no parole burden when they're released. 

    • Useful 6
    • Love 7
  11. HaaCHOO, that is sad, for those women and for that lonely young man. I mean, there are strip clubs that are swanky where the women are beautiful, and there are some that are middle of the road, but it sounds like for whatever reason, he liked the low-down places. It's nice that they were kind to him, at least.

    • Love 2
  12. Quote

    My husband and I used to go in to Boston every day and he had a "short cut" through the big produce warehouse district in Chelsea. There was a strip club smack in the middle of it. I often wondered what sort of ratchet, brokedown strippers ended their careers there.

    My ex-bf was a bit of a connoisseur of strip clubs and one day he and a friend decided it would be hilarious to pop into a sleazy section of the red light district at lunchtime. He said the "girls" on offer were genuinely terrifying and that after they ran screaming out of there, lunch was the last thing they wanted. Or women.

    Oh, and I call one of my cats "pretty girl" too!! So funny. Although it comes out more like "peeshy peeshy peeshy durrrrrrl."

    • LOL 3
  13. Quote

    This 70 year old guy said , fine,  feed me for free and wipe my fine away, I will go. He came out saying he could not believe in his 24 hours how drugs and other contraband were so readily available. 

    My friend's daughter that I mentioned in another post also went to prison on drug charges. Although she took the opportunity in prison to get clean and has remained so, I remember her telling us that prison was the easiest place in the world to get drugs. 

    I'm also from Maryland, where we had an enormous prison scandal with convicts knocking up guards and drug- gun-running inside the prison, and I am certain this is not an isolated incident. 

    I recently read an interesting AMA on reddit from a former convict who ended up turning himself into the police for a series of nonviolent crimes. He did three years in prison.

    One of the things he repeatedly said was that basically, prison sucked, but it was also one of the best opportunities you ever get to work on yourself, figure out what  you need to do and  in his words,  figure out "what was so wrong with my head that I couldn't function in normal society." He said there's tons of opportunity in prison to focus on  yourself and get yourself straight if you want it, but he also said that most people just treated it as a "holding pattern" rather than the opportunity it is. I kept thinking about this show while reading that. These convicts seem to be of the "holding pattern" type. 

    • Useful 2
    • Love 9
  14. Quote

    While I feel for Caitlyn with her mom's passing, how on earth does a kid who lose her mom to drugs ends up wanting to mate with a drug addict? Is she hoping that through this relationship, she will finally have love conquer the addiction?  

    I think that's it exactly. "This time it will work" is the underlying basis for many relationships that don't seem to make logical sense. It's sad, but it's not something the person can just "snap out of."

    Caitlin seems fragile, and she is to some extent, but she has a practical and survivor's sense about her. I think that in the right environment of support, she could climb out of the emotional swamp she's in, hold down a job and make a decent life for herself if she didn't keep getting wrapped up in the drama of replaying her relationship with her mother.


    Did anyone else notice Michael’s talons fingernails?  I about gagged. Is it popular for men to have long nails?

    Michael's hideous claws were discussed earlier, everyone seems horrified by them LOL. They are GROSS. I have no idea if long talons a thing among young men, it isn't among any of the ones I know, although lord knows that's not my age group. 

    • Love 4
  15. To those of you who doubted my sanity in rooting for Tracie and Clint, can I just say, they got matching tattoos!!! And hers, which may or may not actually spell "Clint," is on her RING finger. I think I stand vindicated.

    I LOVE Caitlin and Matt's little cottage in the woods. How is it that deadbeats and ex-cons can afford more nice things than me? And for the first time I actually liked Matt tonight, too. 

    • Love 7
  16. Quote

    Marcellino: "A woman can't compete with a man in a real relationship" -- as the camera zooms in on the bratwurst being removed from the grill. Subtle

    As we have previously established, the camera crew on this show is regularly forced to preserve its sanity in any way possible.

    On Lizzie and the car, I'm pretty sure she said her license was revoked, which means, better learn to ride a bike because your ass is never going to ride anything motorized up and to and including a riding lawn mower. 

    • LOL 4
    • Love 13
  17. Quote

    Scott and Adam: Can you imagine just starting out in life and having to watch while your father forks over more than $100,000 to a drug-addicted ex-con, bankrupting himself in the process, while you get nothing?

    UGH, I know. I disagree with the posters who said that they don't feel sorry for Scott's son. I do! He is only 19, that is so young, and he has clearly been raised by a total doofus of a dipshit.


    I called Michael a sociopath before, and someone on here said not to be an armchair psychologist. But I’m sorry, that is sociopathic behavior if I’ve ever seen any. Fucking. Stone. Cold.

    I totally agree. He is vile.

    Wow, I am so bobbled and bedazzled by this episode, I don't even know what to think.

    I'm CRUSHED that my kids Clint and Tracie are kaput, though.

    Everyone here pretty much expressed my feelings about the people on this show, so nothing new to add, BUT...

    Caitlin: Cute apartment! Did they say what the rent was? You need to keep your new job and keep the apartment and dump the loser boyfriend! Please!!!

    Brittany: You like being the drama queen/center of attention and you think you can play Marcelino, but he's just as sly a snake as you are. This is not going to work.

    • Love 10
  18. Quote

    I kinda like Angela, at least her kids are grown and she has a job.

      Angela isn't as totally insane and delusional as some of the other non-cons on this show, and she seems to have a good heart. I just think she is a lonely woman who is totally being taken for  a ride by a slick con artist named Tony.



    I am sorry to laugh about the tornado sounding like a train, but damned if it doesn’t sound exactly like that

    I dated a guy from Oklahoma and he always said they sounded JUST like a train coming. Sounds really scary!

    • Love 5
  19. Quote

    my other favorite moment of the night was when the potential boss said, So, you’re vouching for this guy? And the friend was visibly panicked about tarnishing his good reputation by vouching for Matt and instead nervously mumbled something like, um, he needs a job—and then scurried off stage right.

    I loved that too. LOL what a recommendation. That whole thing was stupid. Matt would be LUCKY to get a construction job with his record, but he is simply not employable. 

    Caitlyn: All that time you spend whining at Matt about his job interviews, why don't you go on some yourself? 

    Scott: If you have to ask your trampy sleazebag's daughter if she thinks you're just a trick, guess what? You're a trick.

    Sarah: Michael leaving you forever would NOT be a nightmare. If that happens, you should thank the woman who took out your trash for you.

    The biggest problem with EVERYONE on this show is lack of paid work. Seriously, they all need something to keep themselves occupied and bringing in some cash. That's why the only sensible people on this show have job: Clint's family, Clint's ex, Matt's mom.

    Of course, then they wouldn't have time to engage in all the enjoyable stupidity that we all love to watch.


    Wouldn't it be fun for Clint, mom, dad, and Tracie to be on Dr Phil? 

    Holding up my hand as Dr. Phil's number one fan here. I would watch that in a hot minute, but Clint's ex has to be on it.

    • Love 5
  20. Quote

    I don’t get the hate for Megan, she’s an idiot but I don’t hate her.

    Agreed, and I don't think she's an idiot either. I think she knows exactly what she is doing, which is to get her name and face out there as the sexy virgin who was on a TV show. Seriously, I think that's her whole end game. It's like that girl, what was her name, Jaimie Whatever, who was on the first Married at First Sight and a bunch of other shows, and is basically a professional reality-show personality,  and has milked that for all it's worth. 

    I think Megan has a similar goal. If so, and if she can pull it off, then props to her. I don't think she believes for a moment that a dopey, married, shiftless ex-felon is someone she can have a real relationship with.

    She's far less stupid or annoying than Scott or Marcellino, or even Michael's wife, who actually seems to believe she has something real going on with him. 

    But, what do I know?? I thought for sure that Clint and Tracie were going to make it!

    • Love 2
  21. Quote

    Yes but remember mom created this monster and still offers him three hots and a cot while he goes out, gets drunk, makes a mess and lays in bed with his FIANCE!  Samo, samo!  Nothing has changed.

    I don't know if we can blame her for how Matt turned out...Many people who are great parents end up with children who are addicts and/or criminals. And most people are clueless about how to deal with that.

    As to now, yes, I think she should start with some tough love and laying some ground rules. Especially if she is now expected to support a freeloading FIANCEE in addition to her freeloading, criminal, drug-addicted son. If Caitlin "doesn't know" what their deadline is, Mom needs to set one. Tell them one or the other has to get a job and get the F out. 

    Also, Caitlyn didn't go to prison. Why can't SHE get a job?

    • Love 11
  22. Quote

    WHO IS PAYING for Megan's Big Tacky Deflowering? Surely Michael's family can't afford it, can they? I don't know who else would finance it.

    I'm of the theory that the show has forked over for many of the hotel rooms, dinners, trips and other expenses. Just like I'm pretty positive that production pays for all the cars on this show. 

    Speaking of money...Matt was totally upfront about not even thinking about wanting a job. Even his buddies were shocked by his admission that he has been out for two weeks and hasn't even started looking. 

    Is there room on the Bench of Matt's Mom? I love her, too.

    • Love 4
  23. I know "Frozen in Love" got mixed reviews here, but I just watched it and found it charming!! I loved the hunky hockey player dude, he had such a nice effortless and easy manner, and the story was just so sweet and lighthearted. Plus, well a charming and cozy bookstore in a small town is my jam...Between work and family stuff, I have been highly remiss in my Hallmark movie viewings, but I am attempting to make up for my slacking off!! 


    I wish Hallmark would make fewer films and show more of the older (and Hall of Fame movies). Maybe designate one day a week (TBT perhaps?) For showing 'classic' Hallmark.

    There is NOTHING like the Hallmark HOF movies. I got a trial subscription to Hallmark Movies Now over the holidays and binged on these. That's the only place to get them though, and I didn't find enough on there to justify adding the price to my cable bill. If money were a little more flush, though, I would. 

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