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Posts posted by cam3150

  1. Because I have AT&T Uverse, I have had a 5 year abscense from Hallmark movies, to my great dismay.  But....last week a deal was reached and Hallmark is back!!! This made me abnormally  happy. I LOVE the cheesy Hallmark romance movies so, so much.  So the first thing I did was record nearly all of them that I could.  So far I have watched Portrait of Love, Puppy Love, Elevator Girl, Surprised By Love, The Sweeter Side of Life, A Country Wedding, Stranded in Paradise, and a few others I can't think of.   My favorite so far has been A Country Wedding. I just loved that one. I knew I would since I love Autumn Reeser and Jesse Metcalf.  Was that Jesse singing? He is really very good.  I also really love the Aurora Teegarden Mysteries with Candace Cameron Bure.  Now I will also have to catch up Cedar Cove and When Calls the Heart on Netflix.


    My least favorite was The Sweeter Side of Life.  That was 2 hours of my life I will never get back.  I don't know, it was just not for me I guess.  There were parts that were ok but I thought the leads were miscast, at least the female lead. 


    My DVR won't make it through the holiday season. I'll come home one day to a pile of parts because it will have self destructed as a way to try and save itself from the overload of movies I will record. I cannot wait for my first holiday season  back with Hallmark movies in 5 years!

    • Love 4
  2. Bastet, did you watch White Collar? Sharif Atkins, who played Agent Jones, played tonight's Fibbie. My mom said they must have hired him 'cause he was familiar with art forgery lingo. Hee! Too bad they couldn't have named the forger after Neal Caffrey.

    Oh my goodness. I watched every episode of White Collar and still could not place where I had seen that actor before. I knew I had seen him in a similar role, just could not place it.  Man, the writers wasted a massive golden opportunity casting him for an art forgery plot line and not somehow referencing Neal Caffrey.  That would have been fabulous.  


    Angela just gets on my nerves and I wouldn't mind at all if they phased her out.  I just find her entire presentation very grating. I love the actress but the portrayal of the character is just...she's just so dang immature, it's easy to see where Jane gets it from.  

    • Love 2
  3. I am torn. I liked parts of this episode and I hated parts of it.



    - the Bailey story line - so not necessary to drag it on for a year

    - the Richard / Catherine story line.  Seriously? They throw an engagement into what should have been Derek's farewell episode? That could have waited.

    - I HATED that we did not get to see anyone really grieving Derek's death, most of all Meredith.  Straight up, I have cried WAY more over this than any of the characters have. Even through the sludge of this episode, I stayed weepy through most of it.  I get that two hours of "Izzie laying in the bathroom floor" type mourning would have been too much but -- couldn't we have gotten something? Anything to indicate how much Derek meant to the show, the characters, the fans?  Did anyone even cry? Oh sorry, an intern or two did. People who had only known him for a brief time. His actual friends? His wife?  Even his sister?  Nope, barely a tear.

    - If I see that @#%! carousel one more freaking time

    - WAY too many Ellis flashbacks.  Way.  Too.  Many. It was seriously distracting and I felt a bit like I was on a tilt a whirl trying to keep up.  We get it, show.  Meredith's actions mirrored her mothers sometimes.  No need to spend  a good chunk of the show on Ellis flashbacks. (Have we seen the "bad wig" ones before or were those filmed for this ep? I can't remember)

    - Speaking of Ellis -- the baby's name is Ellis?  Really? Meredith name her baby after a mother who mostly hated her?  I....just....I...-

    - whatever sick person thought it would be clever to frame the shot where the nurse announces that "your husband is here!" and Alex comes into the room in such a way that, for the briefest of brief moments, even though we all knew it was not true, there was the barest sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, this had all been some awful dream and Derek was really alive!  NOT!-

    - the cheesy green screen of Meredith where? On a bridge? In a field? In the middle of the highway? I have no idea what that was but it was bad. So very bad.

    -the cheesy floating Derek head when Meredith told Alex she saw Derek in baby Ellis.  Show, we know what Derek looks like. We've just spent 11 years watching, not to mention 2 hours with flashbacks.  We didn't need the floating Derek head during that scene.  




    - any and all Derek and Derek/Meredith flashbacks. I will take this all day long, if only just to see that beautiful smile he had. 

    - Ellen Pompeo was the glue that held this episode together

    - I didn't mind Mer being pregnant, I had a feeling Shonda would pull this on the audience.  Derek lives on after all!

    - I loved that last few minutes after she finally came home, and that dang song got me.

    - loved the scrub cap




    - I really thought when we did not hear all of Derek's voicemail to Meredith last week that we'd get an Alicia / Will Gardner type scene with her discovering it and listening to it at some point but nope. Surely after A WHOLE FREAKING YEAR, she's already heard it and we just get to wonder what it said.

    - Why is Alex Meredith's Emergency contact? Would it not have been Derek? I guess maybe she changed it at some point?

    - When will the hospital change it's name to Grey Sloane Shepherd Memorial? I half thought the sign would have been changed to this when we saw Meredith looking up at it upon her return.

    - Would his white coat still be hanging in the locker room after all this time?  As mentioned, I really liked that part, it was just curious that it would still be there?

    - I wonder if PD got paid $400k for an an episode he was in only through flashbacks?  Just wondering.

    - was this time jump Shonda's way of saying Derek is gone. For good. Everyone's over it here in Seattle. So he will now be forever referred to as "He who shall not be named"?

    • Love 3
  4. Shonda just tweeted that they had the Grey's finale table read yesterday. I guess PD could have pre-filmed scenes but we know he's not even in the country right now right? I know he tweeted on 4/9 that he was filming Grey's that day but he also tweeted that same day that he was headed to England for I assume a race thing.  That was just 2 weeks ago. I guess they could be running pretty tight on their film times but it seems that they would have already filmed tonight's ep before 4/9.  Or maybe I know nothing about how TV shows work.


    I will be devastated if Derek actually dies. I am hoping he's in a coma, even through the finale, and somehow he is able to make a recovery by next season. He could have easily pre-filmed coma scenes.  Even if he is not in every episode any more, that's better than him being dead. I started watching this show because of PD and I stayed because of Derek Shepherd.  


    This does have all the hallmarks of a "Grey's is killing off a major character" storyline but maybe their idea of epic is Derek being in a coma? That could be dramatic, especially if he dies a few times in between but is brought back.  But how does that explain the police showing up? They wouldn't show up to tell Meredith he's in a coma would they?.  Ugh, I am just so worried, I am doing anything I can to  talk myself into him NOT dying.  


    I just read the Page Six story and it just indicates that PD won't be on as much. It says nothing about him being killed off the show entirely.  That has to mean something, right????? It is odd that there seems to be NOTHING in the media about DS being killed off the show when everything about the show indicates that he will be. It just seems too obvious. Often, character deaths are out of left field while (outside of Josh Charles / The Good Wife) actors leaving are announced in advance.  It just seems there would be SOMETHING in the media about this.


    I guess we'll at least know more after tonight. I'm scared.  

  5. Tonight the editing on the show was really weird, especially with the Deacon and Rayna scenes.  I really wish they would have just let the first few scenes just play out with no interruptions. The way they were edited, each scene just ended so abruptly.  I've been waiting for ages for them to finally get their act together. When they finally do, the editing just took me out of it for some reason, especially that 10 second make-up scene we got. I don't need it to be Cinemax worthy or anything but, for their reunion to be years in the making, it all just fell a bit flat, for me anyway. 


    Either way, I am so happy they are finally together and I just hope they stay that way.  My prediction is that Maddie will want to see if she's a match, this will cause HUGE issues since neither Rayna nor Deacon will want her to donate her liver. Eventually, it will be literally the only way to keep Deacon alive so they will cave and allow it.    I can see it being someone other than Maddie but, for drama's sake, Maddie makes the most sense. 


    I just bought the "Heart on Fire" single and have been playing it on repeat for days.  I didn't care for it at first but I love it now. I just really love their voices so much and, I agree with a earlier poster, Lennon is truly a stunning young lady.  I need them to record an album now!

    • Love 1
  6. I am still entertained by this show most of the time, in large part because I just cannot get enough of the beauty that is Gabriel Macht.  Good lord, I could watch that man walk around in a suit (or do just about anything else) all day. If he were just a bit younger, he would have made a perfect Christian Grey in my opinion. 


    Anyway, I will say the “Mike’s secret” thing is getting old.  I have always wondered – why hasn’t Mike actually been in law school this whole time?  He could have been going at night or whenever, actually gotten his law degree, and that way only a few people would have ever found out.  Is that just a stupid idea?   Has this ever been brought up on the show?


    I am OVER Louis Litt and the completely immature way he is handling this named partner thing.  I know, Louis is anything but mature.  Still, it was funny a few episodes ago, now it's just annoying.  I want to slap him and yell at him to just GET OVER IT!!!



    Also:  1) Does the show get paid for every profanity they can work in to the script?  And 2) Do the actors take classes on how to say each one with the most emphasis and dramatic inflection they can possibly manage?


    Just wondering because it seems like a big YES to both.

    • Love 1
  7. I spent time feeling so bad for Marla Gibbs. That whole "Where's the black lady?" business made her seem like she was suffering from Alzheimer's or something. And it was absolutely so contrived.


    But then, I was watching Scandal.

    Not to  mention, the lady has no idea what Olivia's name even is but she knows exactly where she works -??  Really?? She was able to track down Olivia Pope and Associates without putting it togther that "the black lady" IS Olivia Pope??

    • Love 11

    Charlie Hunnam has the ODDEST accent I've ever heard.


    YES!!! It is almost like Jax is trying to do a British accent and failing at it.  It such a weird mix of an accent and then no accent at all.  It  could not get over it during the After show.  He sounds so funny to me when his pronounciation is especially proper, just because it doesn't fit him.  Has he always sounded this way or have his efforts to adopt an American accent caused his real accent to become muddled? 


    I liked most of the episode. I was not surprised that Jax died, just because you could sense it coming for a few episdoes. But I really was hoping he'd ride off into the sunset somehow.  As soon as I saw that truck, I knew what would happen.  The CGI TOTALLY ruined it for me though.  If they were going to go that route, it could have been implied or even left for the audience to wonder did he really die, did the cops get him, did he somehow manage to get away?  The CGI of him hitting that truck was just awful and should have been cut.  The implied version would have had a stronger impact I think.  I also get what they were doing with the crows but the CGI was bad there too. What were they eating? Bread or part of Jax? I  couldn't tell.


    I will say, those are the SLOWEST cops in the history of cops. Not one of them could manage to catch up to Jax? Really?


    I'd give it a strong B+. It would have been an A- without the awful CGI, and A+ if Jax had lived.

    • Love 2
  9. Max is so far out of the range of kids I work with who have Asperger's that I stifle the need to throw things at my television. Good lord. We're dealing with a pre-teen at work now (granted, he has autism), who is becoming out of control as his hormones are creeping into his sweet little body - getting aggressive, more frustrated, etc. I usually tell parents of kids on the spectrum, "One day he's going to be 16 years old and 160 pounds, so you need to get the behavior under control while you can still pick him up to discipline him."


    The most amusing part of the episode was Amber holding on to her belly, lest her baby fall out of her - what? Vagina? Belly button? Cracked me up, especially since someone mentioned it on another thread last week.


    If I were Drew, I'd dump Grandpa and Girlfriend. "Who cares that you're paying good money for your schooling and you have important exams? For God's sake, Drew, blow it off - G-pa might croak tomorrow! Go shooting! You'll have no good memories of him if you DON'T DO THIS!"


    I always root for Joel and Julia, my favorite two and the least bizarre of all the family members, and I'm really glad boyfriend left before Joel got there. It would have broken my heart if he went back to declare his love to Julia, only to have her open the door with post-sex hair. And what's with her hair still looking like crap one season later?

    So many pregnant women do this and it drives me crazy. Why the constant holding of your stomach? It's not going anywhere.  Also, wasn't it just 2 episodes ago that Amber told the cute tech guy about her pregnancy and he said something about not being able to tell -- and it was not obvious that point.  She went from just finding out she was pregnant and barely showing to having a 6 month belly in 2 episiodes. Was there a large time jump that I missed? 


    Also, didn't realize that Joel and Julia have been seperated for a year in show time.  Their scenes killed me. I rarely cry at a TV Show but I got really teary during all of their scenes tonight. I am really pulling for them. Beyond Julia kissing the Dad from school, I barely remember why they are not togeher other than Joel just being stubborn.


    Yes. That scene was most definitely in last night's episode.  They are a the breakfast table, Wendy, Gemma and that other girl when Abel comes with the cut on his eyebrow... he says it was Thomas and the other girl says she will trim his nails.

    Later we see Abel being dropped off at school, someone gets him and hands in off to his teacher Courtney Love, she then asks him about the cut and he again says it was Thomas, she says something along the lines of "that's a big cut from a little brother" and tells him if he is sure it was him and that if anyone else, an adult, family member or friend had done that to him he needs to tell her because they can be in trouble with the police


    Haha, thanks!  Clearly I did black out then. I rememeber the breakfast table scene but I do not remember the scene from the school after he was dropped off. 

  11. Re: Abel concocting this plan. I have read a few reviews, including tvline.com, and they all mention a scene where the teacher told Abel that if an adult hurts a child, the adult will get in trouble with the police, and this is what led to the bathroom stall / fork incident.  I am certain I saw the entire episode and I did not see this scene. Did anyone else?  I have not seen anyone mention it in the comments. Maybe it was in the screeners the entertainment websites get but was cut out of the final epsidoe (presumably to allow another butt shot)??  Or did I just black out at some point during the episode?


    With that scene in place, Abel's actions make a lot more sense to me. At least we would know he did not come up with that all on his own. 



    ETA: This is the exact quote from the tvline.com review:



    When Abel goes to school that morning with a scrape over his eyebrow — an injury he attributes to baby brother Thomas — he learns from Ms. Harrison that if an adult hurt him, and he tells the truth about who it was, that adult could get in trouble with the school and the police. That’s when a lightbulb goes off over Abel’s head, and he carries out a plan that’s absurdly crafty for a 5-year-old whose facial expression is usually on the “vacant” setting.


  12. Firstly, the show is making a huge mistake with these "SOA Moments" they are airing during the commercial breaks because all it does is remind the audience of how good the show used to be.

    Anyway...tonight's episode was, by far, the best of the season. I am glad Charlie turned down the cheese-tastic Christian Grey role but... if it meant a whole movie of looking at his backside then I would have gladly sat through the rest of it. Goodness.  Also, they way they always shoot his back and that tattoo is just....so pretty. 


    Add me to the list of people who are totally distracted by the actor who plays Abel's acting abilities, or lack thereof. I read somewhere that it's twins that play the role so I guess they are both bad because I see no difference.  He does have the creepy thing down but I would imagine it's more accidental than anything else.  I do have a hard time believing that a 5 year old could even remotely deduce that lying about Grandma would produce the results it has.  It would have been more believable to leave the "trying to get Grandma in trouble" aspect out of it.  Just have Abel be so upset by Tara's death and everything else that he resorted to violence, since that's what he has been exposed to his whole life.  I had no idea where the bathroom stall scene was going. First he tied his shirt up on the railing, then when he opened the box, I figured there would be a gun in there. Then all I could focus on was how sad his lunch looked. A huge thermos and basically a smashed up sandwich.  What was the fork even for? 


    I did like the ambush scene. I didn't see it coming to the level that it did and I loved the payback for Bobby's death. I had to look away during the eye dangling parts though. Just...NO.  I am totally freaked out with any kind of eye violence or eye anything really so that part was horrifying for me.


    I also liked the Uncer / hospital scene. Go Uncer! Stage 87 cancer indeed.


    I am now tuned totally off my Chibs and Jarry.  I liked them in the beginning but...my Chibs deserves better than that crazy. 


    Well, the pieces are swiftly falling in to place, not in the way any of us expected at the beginning of this season. I did not watch the after show to know what was said but I imagine Jax will not believe Abel at first. What parent would really?  But, it will nag at him and he will start to look in to it and figure it out himself.  I hope the episode is as good as the previews made it look.

    • Love 1
  13. I have actually made Ree's apple carmel pie from this past Saturday's episode and it is delicious!!!  It is different than a standard apple pie just because it has the crumble rather than a pie crust. I am not the biggest fan of standard apple pie so that's why I tried this and I really liked it. I made it for Thanksgiving a few years ago and it was a huge hit. 


    I also have had a version of the strawberry pretzel pie at just about every potluck I've ever attended so Ree's version is just a different spin on that.  The times I have tried the potluck versions, it's been really good so I imagine the pie is as well.

    • Love 2
  14. Even though Chibs is my favorite and he is so super sexy to me for some reason. I had a "My eyes! My eyes!" reaction to the garage scene.  Just...Ew.  No,.   I kinda dig him and Jarry but that scene was too much and not sexy at all.  That aside....Sutter, I don't care if you kill off every other character on this show, you leave my Chibs alone!!


    I had a strange combination of shock and indifference to Bobby's death.I didn't think he'd be one to die, honestly. When Opie died, I cried and it was so very sad.  I didn't even well up at Bobby's death, and I do really like Bobby.  I don't really understand what happened there. What betrayal was August so upset about?  Did he realize the body wasn't the pastor somehow?  I was lost but then, alot of the who's betrayed who this week stuff confuses me anyway. 


    Charlie's accent has been really bad this season.  He has never been great at covering up his natural accent  but this season is is really noticeable. 


    Back to Chibs....someone behind the scenes must have finally told Tommy Flannigan to enunciate because I have been able to understand about 95% of what he says over these last 2 episodes.  Before, that percentage was closer to 30%.


    Still not sure what to make of Abel.  They have to be going somewhere with this so I assume there will be a "Grandma's sorry for killing Mommy" type announcement at some point.   Also, will Uncer actually figure it out? If so, I hope he doesn't warn Gemma that he's on to her.


    There are, what, 4 episodes left?  That isn't much time. I am losing hope for a satisfying ending.

    • Love 1

    I am truly irritated that it seems no one can get elected unless they pay at least lip service to religion.  There are lots of atheists out there - why do candidates need to lie about that in order to be elected?

    I know nothing about politics, in fact I detest it most of the time, but my assumption would be that they feel they are catering to the larger majority. The mumber of people that consider themselves religious far outweighs the number of people that don't. 



    I didn't at all care for the religious stuff and don't really understand why the Kings want to push that to the front and risk alienating viewers.

    sure is alienating me. I kept turning the channel or wanting Alicia to cut the interview short. it was so aggravating.


    Glad to know it's not just me that this whole storyline is annoying to.  I actually fast forwarded through the scene at Alicia's apt where Grace's group was meeting. 


    For me, the issue is that the show is playing to Christian stereotypes in a way normally reserved for a comedy. As someone who is a Christian, I always find this portrayal to be very bothersome. I normally can, and do, just overlook it because it's the norm for Christians to be portrayed as complete, intolerant idiots.  All I will say is not all Christians are like this.  I would think that a show like TGW would take on the issue with intelligence and respect but that has generally not been the case thus far.


    Of course, all of this is just "in my opinion"  so YMMV :)

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  16. I liked this episode ok.  I will say that Elsbeth is actually getting on my nerves this season and I normally love her.  I realize what I liked about her is that, despite all her weirdness, she almost always has the upper hand and it sneaks up on you how smart she is. Up until she reveled she was recording that conversation, that hasn't really happened this season.  As an aside, how have I not noticed her addiction to Vera Bradley before now? Too funny.   I have never cared for Kyle McLaughlin and that hasn't changed. I will say his character and Elsbeth are MFEO though.  That shot of the baby....perfection!


    LOVE Linda Lavin's character and I loved the scene between her and Kalinda.  Not sure how I'm feeling about the whole Cary storyline. I guess I will reserve judgement until it's all over.


    I don't want Alicia running for or winning the SA job so I'm kind of out on that whole story line. 


    I am not sure about Diane this season either. Beyond Will, she is my favorite character and it just feels like they don't know what to do with her this year. She hasn't really been a good fit for F/A thus far, her talents seem wasted there.  I am also not sure how I feel about them going back to the LG offices. While I love that they got the upper hand on Canning & Co, it does feel a bit like going backwards. 


    That entire storyline was totally worth it for that last scene between Diane and Alicia though. They are now my favorite relationship on the show (since Will was at the center of all of my other favorites) and that scene was darn near perfect. I love the silent acknowledgement of all that Will meant to both of them. It was awfully dusty in my living room during that scene. Beautifully done...in my opinion.

    • Love 3

    Headless is a better actor and more interesting than Abraham.

    Totally agree.  I am assuming they are not played by the same actor. I know I could IMDB it but I'm too lazy at the moment. Anyway, the actor who plays Headless is perfectly perfect in the role. He somehow manages to impart the exact sense of forboding and terror that the Headless Horseman should, even down to  the tiniest of movements.  I am terrified of Headless but Abraham?   Not so much.


    I also agree with the person way upthread...I don't need to see Headless in every episode. It kind of takes away from his whole persona if he's just trolling around the woods every night for no reason.  It makes his presence not as impactful as it should be.  I guess I didn't realize that Katrina is the only one who actuallly sees Abraham until this most recent episode...right?


    This whole episode was fantastic. I need to re-watch it. I purposefully waited until yesterday (and daylight) to watch it since I was off work.I figured the Weeping Lady would completely freak me out...and she did but it was not as bad as I was expecting.  Everything about that entire storyline was great. Add me to the huge list of viewers who really loved Caroline and her interactions with Ichabod.  She served a lot of purposes, or could have, not the least of which could have been acting as Ichabod's clothing supplier.  I hate that they killed her off so quickly.  Ichabod's reaction when they found her body was heartbreaking. 


    I don't mind Hawley...yet. Also, the actor is HOT so that never hurts. I could get with him being a love interest for Jenny but not one for Abbie, if that is where they are going.  He and Jenny seem to fit together more than he does with Abbie, just their personalities seem similar. They both have that kind of rogue vibe going.  I also don't get why it can't be the 4 of them in the Scooby Gang. Why does Hawley being around mean that Jenny can't be?   


    If Katrina has to be around, I really wish she and Ichabod weren't actually married.  She could be his love or whatever without being his wife. I only say this because it's really the marriage aspect of their relationship that seems to drag everything down.  Anytime Ichabod meantions that he's married, you can almost hear shows gears screech to a halt. I don't know, it just doesn't fit in with everything else.  it doesn't fit in with the way Ichabod is around Abbie either.  The show may not be intending it, but there is more chemistry in one glance between those two than between all of the combined screen time between him and Katrina.  The constant declarations to Abbie that they only have each other, that they can only trust each other, that they are important only to each other don't help either.  


    If they were just engaged, yes it would be hard for Ichabod to get past it when and if the time comes but he could do that. A marriage is going to be more difficult for him to leave behind...because there is no way the show can intend for Ichabod and Katrina to be together for the duration of the show...so he will be leaving it behind at some point.  I don't mean he would love her any less, I just mean marriage is a big deal, especially to someone from Ichabod's time.  It just seems that marriage is a bond that will be much more difficult for Ichabod to break.  That's not even getting into the legal aspects of it, which, would there even be any at this point? 

    • Love 2
  18. Ok, help me out.  I tend to get totally lost in all of the different gangs / alliances and what deals are being worked out or broken so I don't understand why those guys went after Bobby. Also, if Chibs is ever the person to explain what is going on then it's over for me. I love Chibs, he is my favorite, but I cannot understand a thing he says.  Anyway, wasn't the club making peace with Marks? What happend to trigger him to relallitate by hurting Bobby? 


    I was soooooo confused at the beginning when they just let Juice go and then with everything that happend after with him shooting the cops, etc.  I had to read in an online review that the point was so that he would get arrested and put in the same prison as Lin.  Seriously, did the show ever say this?  I guess I zoned out because I completely missed it.  I was really looking forward to a big Jax / Juice showdow and what happened was totally lame.  Maybe it will happen eventually.


    Shocked that it was Abel who overheard Gemma's confession.  I can't figure out if that kid is just a terrible actor or if they are telling him to act like an extra from Children of the Corn but, either way, he is coming across as very creepy.  I kind of wonder if he really understood what Gemma was saying but, either way, I  am interested to see where they are going with it.


    Totally thought Gemma was going to haul off and start shooting everyone at the cabin.  Her paranoia is going to give her away if Abel or Juice don't.


    Poor Bobby and poor crying Chibs:(   I knew the box was not a good thing and I am so glad it wasn't his heart or something.


    Am I the only one who doesn't really care for Katy Segal's voice? You know it's a "very special episode" whenever she is the one singing over the closing montage. 

    • Love 2

    Charlie Hunnam's accent was particularly bad this episode, eh?  It was creeping through in nearly every scene.


    Oh my goodness, he is just phoning it in at this point. Any word that ends in a "R" is the worst. My friend who also watches saw him in an interview a week or so ago and said, "I had no idea he had an accent!"? What?? How?? To me it is so obvious that he is hiding it.


    Count me in as one who is totally lost as to what is actually going on at this point, who is betraying who.  I have been lost for a season or two now so I am just riding it out. I do still enjoy the show. I wish that all of this "revenge" was leading somewhere though. We all know it's pointless, that Jax is causing all of this mayhem for nothing. It feels like a lot of time wasted in this last season when I was really hoping to see Jax and the club go down a better road.  Jax has spoken of nothing else but getting out of the club, getting his boys out, turning the club into something better.  I understand now that Tara is gone, none of that seems to mattter to him. I don't know,  I just hate to see what he has become. It's everything he never wanted to be.


    I kind of always thought that Juice would rat out Gemma to the club, and he still might. But now I wonder if it will be Nero. She came very close to confessing to him. He's smart, he will figure it out or she'll freak and tell him.  I can't see that he would hold that in just to protect her.


    Poor cop in the hospital thinking that telling Uncer who was really inovled in the shooting will do any good. 


    I did get a chucke when Tig (I think) told Jax they were out of room at their normal body burial spot.  At least someone notices they have been doing an awful lot of (pointless) killing lately.

    • Love 1

    •I laughed out loud at Gemma running through the woods and begging for her life.  The dead eyes behind the Botoxed and juvederm'ed face just didn't sell it for me.


    If botox and juvederm produce those results, Katy needs to request a refund.. 

    • Love 4
  21. Just a few thoughts:


    1.  Agreed, no way Gemma is dead this early, if ever.  Juice won't kill her but she may end up killing him out of fear that he'll cave and tell the club the truth about Tara. 


    2.  The kid actor playing Abel -- is that the best they could do? Seriously, that actor is absolutely awful.


    3. Twice Jax was around Thomas, including when he said goodbye to everyone, and did not even acknowledge him. Odd. 


    4.  The scene with Lin and his gang had the potential to be epic. Too bad the real cops showed up and ruined it all


    5.  Yeah, who were the ramdom Chinese guys that were shot on the sidewalk?


    6. On a totally shallow note, Angry Jax is hot!

  22. I thought this was a great episode. I only started watching this show because Donnie Wahlberg was my first teenage celebrity crush. I had posters of him on my bedroom wall for years, haha.  Anyway, I really like his charcter on the show and he is a much better actor than I would have ever thought he could be. I also like his new partner but I like that actress. It's funny, this is the 3rd show I have seen her in and she has always played a cop.  I didn't get any vibes between Danny and Baez and I'd be pretty pissed at the show if they ever went that way.  I like Danny's wife a lot. Speaking of, she had a really cute new haircut.   Agreed, Jamie and Janko will totally be hooking up this season. 

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  23. I loved this episode. Yes, it was over the top but who cares? It's TV and it was a very entertaining episode. I was actually invested for the whole hour which is normally not the case. This is sometimes a show I have on in the background while I'm doing something else.  I also loved the beginning and the way it was shot, it really set the stage for the episode.   Jorge Garcia is such a perfect fit on this show and his part of the paranoid techie geek, I just I love it.   Unfortunatley, both drones and mass shootings are a part of life now it seems, though the concept of them being combined is terrifying.


    The best part for me? Adam back on my screen....sigh.  I am afraid for his safety though. I am frankly surprised he's made it this long. I expected him to be killed of a few seasons ago.  I really love the Adam / Kono relationship.

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