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Mrs. de Winter

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Posts posted by Mrs. de Winter

  1. 4 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    Sadly not so young by Hollywood standards. She's under 30 which is good but, needs to make a name now or it's going to get harder and harder and isn't that the shittiest thing ever?!

    True - I should have said relatively young 🙂  

    15 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

    They probably can't get a comment from the CW due to the weekend drop. 

    Maybe - I used to work with networks (albeit in a very different role) and there are people who cover on the weekends.  If this was coordinated they would have had something ready to go when contacted.  I don't think it is nefarious - just amusing.  

  2. 6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

    I truly don't think she cares about any of that. She always seemed to be very supportive of everyone - I think she just found something else that she wanted to do.

    One of the things that has always amused me is how hard others have tried to position themselves as leads or stars on the show, while EBR never seemed to care one way or the other, and became one of its biggest draws. 

    The fact that she announced her departure on her own terms (and seems to have caught the CW and others off guard given the number of media outlets saying they can't get a comment from them) makes me like her even more.  Congrats to her - she is young and talented and should explore the world beyond the CW.  I would imagine at her age, and given her personality, that NYC would be a big draw.   Hope she succeeds and that I can see her in something else soon.  

    • Love 19
  3. 1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

    Well, they would have to make his impending doom as sucky and sad as possible, so...high I guess. 

    I will forgive this constant treat Oliver like crap and screw Arrow for the crossovers if the last scene of next year's crossover includes Oliver happily meeting his new, baby daughter (full life restored) while Barry and Kara explain to her that Oliver is the best person they know and how unworthy they are of his friendship. 

    Ha,Ha,Ha - sorry I lost it for a moment.  Sucky & sad impending doom it is.  

    • Love 16
  4. 1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

    It's also possible that the Dinah we see in the future is not the Dinah we actually know now but one from another earth. 

    How depressing there is more than one of her.  And how unsurprising that they both suck. 

    So what odds would you give me on Felicity getting pregnant this season in time to give birth around next year's crossover time when Oliver's number comes up? 

    • Love 1
  5. Just now, BkWurm1 said:

    Odd, this is one time where I could kind of understand him not saying anything.  If there really isn't anything to do about it, it would be hard to knowingly cast that pall over whatever time is left. 

    I take this logic to a point - but Oliver still knows - so the pall is still there for me.  And it is going to be for at least a year.  Topped off with the stupid flash forwards that is a lot of suck for one season.  

    • Love 1
  6. 1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

    but I expect we’ll see the collateral damage in the form of supporting and guest characters.

    I offer any and every member of NTA as tributes (but seriously Dinah first)!   And no give backs! 

    • Love 10
  7. 2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    BTW don't Supergirl and Flash/Barry Allen die in Crisis? 

    From what I have read, yes (supposedly hundreds die).  Which was a selling point for me.  And I laughed when I read the explanation for Barry's death was that they thought he was a boring character.  

    I am so tired of the constant manipulation of Arrow and who Oliver is in the service of these stupid crossovers.  The only thing more tiring is the constant let's keep important stuff from Felicity.  I don't think I can ignore Oliver not telling Felicity the truth again.

    • Love 7
  8. 16 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

    It really makes me want to laugh that Felicity has loved Oliver through so much utter bullshit on his part and she shoots someone and yes, works with some unsavory people because she and HIS SON got attacked and he's like, "Hey now, this might be a little too much for me." 

    I wonder how much of this is plot point to service MG stupid body switch crossover?  If they are fighting or estranged that explains why Felicity wouldn't immediately figure out the switch.  If the rest of the episode has not been so horrible I would assume the stupid was all MG.

    I am over the idea of Oliver and Felicity having a kid.  Maya can just be her friend - since on one else on this show is.  Let Felicity be evil - she will still be a better person than DD.  

    • Love 2
  9. 1 minute ago, Mary0360 said:

    I'm upgrading my spoiler post about the writing being kinda sexist towards Felicity to absolutely sexist. 

    It is amazing that it seems to have gotten worse with MG gone.  Who would have thought it?  I swear if there is not a Felicity-tells-them-all-the-hell-off-for-being-such-massive-hypocrites-and-failing-her-completely scene coming I may truly be done with this crap.  

    • Love 9
  10. Silly me - I thought Oliver in prison would be the slog this season - but no - it's him with DD.  I swear these writers work to make the show this bad.  It cannot just happen on accident.  

    • Love 4
  11. 1 minute ago, insomniadreams88 said:

    I'll also take Felicity deciding that her family is only Oliver and William. Diggle can be part of it if he goes back to being the Diggle who cares about her.

    This X infinity.  I really, really want a scene or two where Felicity burns NTA and the current version of Diggle to the ground and tells them to stay away from her family since they were so fast to recommend that she just move on anyway.  

    But it will probably be something ridiculous.  

  12. 5 hours ago, way2interested said:


    5 hours ago, bijoux said:

    I gave up my life for Oliver.

    He shot me with an arrow, and I still faked death for him. You newbies have nothing.

    Roy should also work in the part about getting electrocuted and left in a puddle.   And then he needs to kill/get at least one of the newbies to leave town (any of them will do - but preferably Curtis).  

  13. 1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

    Why are all of these people so consistently bad at their jobs?

    It really is impressive how bad they are.  I was not that excited about the new season anyway but they have managed to make me even less interested and we haven't even gotten to the panel yet.  And if this season is just going to be season 1 redone (with lesser characters and actors) it seems like the perfect time to exit.  

    • Love 3
  14. Just now, BkWurm1 said:

    Last year it felt like they were paired because of her anxiety.  This year I get the feeling it's to sprinkle love on Curtis. I think that's why all of the newbs are getting more attention. 

    The ability of Arrow show runners/brass to misread situations never fails to astound me.  You want me to like the dumb asses again - shove them in the background for a good, long while.  All this is doing is making me dislike EK.  And still hate and want Curtis to die.  

    EBR deserves better than to have to fix mistakes not of her making - and if this signals that Felicity is going to get saddled with that waste of space Curtis - I am going to be even more annoyed.  

    • Love 12
  15. 22 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

    One of the pictures he is referring to (see link) I THINK is Colin Donnell.  (I swear he has one of those faces I sometime can't recognize)  So if CD's character on that other show WAS killed, does that mean Tommy might be even more likely to make a return? 

    That site sucks, but assuming I am look at the correct set of pics I did not see Colin Donnell.  There was one character from Chicago Med - Robert Haywood - and I don't think that is his character's name. 


    Also - the guy who was fired from Lethal Weapon is shown, so I would guess it is him (and if it is that is a pretty lame blind item - although I guess it is possible they will let him live off screen)

  16. Could the tech guy be someone Felicity ends up working with in her new life?  If she and William are in witness protection wouldn't they need to be away from Star City?  And if it convinces her when she is back interacting with Curtis that she doesn't need the whiny man-child that is Curtis even better! 

    Seriously, as much as I am not here for more new characters, if the alternative for Felicity is that she is stuck with just the noobies - I would prefer new people.  

    • Love 3
  17. 23 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

    It's because she dresses too much like E-1 Laurel, and she wants to differentiate her from that character (while, inexplicably, wanting her to have the same relationship with Oliver that E-1 Laurel had, LOL). 

    Wait - you're kidding, right?  I mean it is stupid no matter what -- but wow.  

    This list should be titled "Things That Would Make Me Happy" not things that would mend arrow.  And the person that wrote it?  Should head back to school because her arguments (and writing) could use some work.  I liked it better when the LL fans didn't want her anywhere near Felicity.  It was the one thing I agreed with them on (for different reasons - but still). 

    • Love 4
  18. 17 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

    I remember that, too. He was talking about The Flash and realizing that comic books are soap operas "for boys."

    Is this what you were thinking of?  AK repeated the Berlanti quote in December 2015 on a podcast with Kevin Smith.  From the News Thread (on page 137 from TV Echo):  

    AK was referring to Greg Berlanti's first time crying over a comic book (when Barry died in Crisis): "It was the first time he realized that comic books were basically just soap operas for boys."

    I can't get the link to work - not sure it is still active or if it is just me - so I did not recopy it here. 

    • Love 2
  19. 9 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

    Am I the only one who heard "... as long as they keep her the fuck away from me"? Just me? OK. 

    Nope - I laughed out loud when I read the interview because that is what I heard too.   He seems very happily disconnected from BS. 

    I hope she becomes the other screamer's problem* now that PB is gone so I can fast-forward without missing anything.

    *or I will accept murder-suicide with BS/ mumbles in the first episode.  I'm not greedy.  

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