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Posts posted by Joana

  1. Ten minutes in and Nynaeve is more of an insufferable brat than ever. I'm out. I'm just hoping the blonde sorceress rips her a new one, but I wouldn't be holding my breath.

    Also, I must have confused this show with something else because I was sure the hot bodyguard guy had died.

    These long ass breaks are really not good for shows like this. 

    • Like 4
  2. I've rarely seen such an abysmal ending. It was such a blatant cop-out that I can't even begin. Sure, it was a very convenient way to deal with all the inconsistencies and gaping plotholes that they never ever bothered trying to fill in - like, what the HELL was Saxa's business from the season 2 ending on? Nothing she ever did made any sense. Such a disservice to her character who was a total badass and deserved so much more. 

    But hey, none of it really matters in the end because none of it actually happened! It was all in Magne's head! Jesus Christ. Not only there wasn't even the slightest hint that this was all about his mental illness, on the contrary, the show repeteadly went out of its way to show that Magne is indeed SANE. 

    And now they turned it all upside down because they obviously didn't know how to end the story. To say that I'm disappointed and that it's completely ruined the show for me would be the mother of all understatements. 

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  3. On 11/11/2022 at 6:23 AM, Adgirl said:

    Watching this show has made me wonder why Margaret didn't take Diana under her wing. She could've been the mother figure Diana craved and schooled her on how to make the type of marriage Charles and Camilla planned for her work.

    You know, in this show's universe, the way the characters are presented, it would have made absolute sense for them to be friends (I mean, even the Queen thinks they're close!), but since it decidedly did not happen IRL (apparently Margaret really disliked her for some reason), I guess it would have been a step too far to portray them as close. 

    This season is so incredibly frustrating. Everyone is acknowledging that Diana is neglected and isolated, nobody will give her their time of the day, Queen doesn't even try to dispute that, but hey, when she requests an audience with Elizabeth before The Interview, she is granted one the same evening! And the Queen is actually SO sympathetic that even Diana is left stunned! I mean, if that was so easy, it makes you wonder why everything hadn't been resolved years earlier. 

    And I absolutely detest the revisionist history in this season. I don't feel particularly strongly about Diana one way or another and I know with the passage of time the public opinion of her has changed considerably, but at that time, she wasn't just popular, she was absolutely ADORED. We see absolutely nothing of that here. It feels like we're watching the events of the 90s through today's lens and it doesn't feel right. Like, when Princess Margaret wasn't allowed to marry the man she loved, it wasn't portrayed like a huge injustice it would be considered today. The portrayal was faithful to the spirit of the times - yes, it was sad, but at the same time inevitable. Such perspective is sorely lacking this season.

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  4. Ugh, I had such high hopes after last week and THIS is what we get? Seriously, show?!

    I'm just hoping the gang are playing the long game with Petra (in fact, I'm pretty sure they are), otherwise it's sheer nonsense. Abigail is way more hardcore than this. One dead soldier and she's ready to give it all up? COME ON. 

    You just know Alder is coming back next week or in the finale, so zero suspense about that. And all time spent on Tally's gift was for nothing. Awesome.

    The less said about the "Slaughterhouse", the better. Scylla and Raelle are sweet, but I'm not watching this show for the romance, so I wish they'd scale it back a bit. 

    But what really made me want bang my head against the wall are Anacostia's dealings with Nicte. It's stupid. It's idiotic. It doesn't make any sense. They're both dead if the Camarilla wins, so it makes absolute sense for them to join forces. LIKE THEY ALREADY HAVE IN THE PAST! Moreover, Anacostia worked together with Scylla while this was still Spree and it was awesome, so there's just no room for hostility between her and Nicte. FIX IT!

    Also, isn't Khalida like really powerful? You'd think she'd come in handy in the times of war.

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  5. Man, the look of sheer rage on Alder's face when she saw that rope... Santos was probably toast as soon as she walked through his door, but that one definitely sealed his fate. Can't say I'm sorry, although he geniunely seemed to have changed his ways. But Alder is not holding back and I'm all here for it! Scylla's "Not our daughters" from last season is still my favourite moment in this show, but this one came close.

    Speaking of Scylla, I liked how she realized she might have got way in over her head with her plan. Still, I have no doubts they're going to save her.

    I must say I didn't understand the Anacostia/Nicte interaction. Anacostia was generally acting out of character in this episode for some reason.

    This feels like an entirely different show now compared to the doldrums of the first 5 episodes or so. We really need another season. Sigh.

    • Love 1
  6. OK, now THAT's much more like it! Finally the show looked like itself and not the disjointed mess it's mostly been this season. 

    Also, we really needed a win and we got several. As soon as Tally's mom casually mentioned the "book club", I knew what it was going to be about. Who knew she could be such a badass!

    Willa and Alder working together? Awesome! I just wish they blasted the entire drilling site away. 

    It also helped that the bad guys were given minimum screen time. Those people make me physically sick.

    More of this, please! 

    • Love 3
  7. It's not that the show is bad per se, but it definitely feels like it's going out with a whimper instead of a bang, and I most certainly feel this is NOT how the last season was supposed to play out. But, unfortunately some things can't be helped. This way it looks like there's still a full season left in it, which we'll never get to see. 

    • Like 1
  8. OK, this was much better than last week.

    The main takeaway from this: GIVE MORE ROOM TO ANACOSTIA. The girl is just all kinds of awesome. I'd much rather watch her battle her way out her incarceration, which I have no doubt will happen, than spend more time on Tally anguishing about her gift. 

    • Love 2
  9. 11 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

    I'm worn out of how the witches keep losing over and over and how there's no real joy left in the show. I need them to get a win somewhere.

    A million times this. The biggest pet peeve of mine is when a show enters a period when the good guys just can't win (until some deus ex machina happens and they somehow do). The other is when characters act like absolute morons for no other reason than that the plot requires it.

    This show currently has both. Hopefully that changes. 

  10. What a weird, confusing and ultimately frustrating episode. It seems like they're throwing in a bunch of random stuff and I'm not sure it will all make sense it in the end. Was it even Alder? Who the hell was Elayne? Why did Khalida suddenly do a 180?

    I really hate seeing literally all the good guys acting so incompetently. The bickering between Scylla and Nicte was so annoying and you just knew it was eventually going to get them into trouble. Also, why are the witches so powerless against these Marshall guys?

    Wade was literally going on a suicide mission and I can't even feel sorry for her. Again, ridiculous she only had a few soldiers to guard her. 

    What exactly is Tally's "gift" supposed to accomplish?

    This fugitive thing is not working out for me as well as I thought it would. I preferred the show when it was set in Fort Salem and now I hope it goes back to its roots again before it's too late. 

    • Love 1
  11. I don't trust Khalida somehow. I don't think she's really sold on the idea of letting the outsiders into her world and Abigail should be careful.

    Did we know about the Marshalls before? 

    I really, really hope the whole Hearst thing doesn't become the "we can kill the bad guy but we let him escape for some reason 189898 times" stuff that ruins so many shows. 

    I'm glad M is getting a bigger role this season. There are so many interesting characters on this show. 

    • Useful 1
  12. Well, it's nice that something finally happened on this show, too bad we had to wait for the season finale for it to finally come through. Man, has this season been a drag. 

    Miriam is being so childish in her approach to business. While it's commendable that she wants to make it on her own terms, it's simply something that was never going to work IRL and after so much self-sabotage and so many wasted opportunities it's a real miracle anyone would want to deal with her at this point. I imagine Susie must be beyond exhausted with her. I actually kinda hate it that she's probably going to be rewarded for it in the end. 

    Moishe and Shirley have been the MVPs of this season for me, some really good stuff there and both characters grew a lot on me.

    And what's with the Milo Ventimiglia business? After so much hype, all we get is THAT? It could literally have been any random actor out there and it wouldn't have made a slightest difference.

    • Love 13
  13. So... this was it? Talk about an anticlimax. I'm just so beyond tired of TV shows using an entire season to build up the next one without ever actually resolving anything, until inevitably they do need to wrap it up eventually and the final result is a huge mess. It will probably be the same here. You know, it is possible to set up future events while giving the previous storyline(s) at least some kind of a closure, but it requires better and more dedicated writing.

    The biggest problem I have with this show, apart from mediocre acting, is that if often felt like a collection of random bits and pieces from every single fantasy show or book ever made, with little originality to add. This episode was no different.

    My verdict is: better than Shadow and Bone, not as good as The Witcher. 

    • Love 9
  14. 6 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    Well, considering that his character has no real, well, character, I'm not sure what there is to like (or dislike, for that matter). I do wonder if the actor is bothered or if he's just there for a paycheck.

    They did briefly turn him into a shitty jerk when it looked like the actor was going to leave the show, but then he stayed and now he's just just... there. To make it worse, I don't think he even looks that good shirtless anymore!

    I have no use for Schmidt either, but I actually think Helm or whatever she's called is even worse. Apart from his many, many, MANY annoying traits, at least he's a decent human being underneath it all. OTOH she has absolutely no personality other than her borderline creepy obsession with Meredith. 

    • Love 5
  15. How I wish I could go back to the blissful ignorance of thinking Catherine had left the show for good.

    Isn't "the Webber method" basically the same thing that chick Arizona had a fling with tried to implement, and everyone hated it and thought it was too risky? Except this time it's even worse because the residents aren't even supervised.

    • Love 7
  16. 20 minutes ago, dungeonwriter said:

    How did Scylla take Bonnie's face to trick him? Wouldn't Bonnie remember having her face burned off? 

    I don't think she needs to. Remember that senior soldier she impersonated to sweet talk Raelle into trusting her? She very much had no idea someone was pretending to be her. Apparently they can just take other people's faces at will.

    I don't know why she burned the face of the Camarilla leader, though. It just gives her the kicks? 

  17. They should totally make a spin-off with Anacostia and Scylla being awesome badasses because I'd watch the hell out of it. I'm strangely finding Scylla more and more appealing. Her love story with Raelle wasn't that interesting to me, I prefer her on her own.

    I too expect Raelle to start questioning her mother's death soon.

    And they should really speed things up with the martyrdom storyline because it's getting tiresome. 

    • Love 3
  18. I really love this show, but at the same time I'm also kinda glad there's only one more episode left. I don't think any more twists, misdirections and red herrings would do it any good. It's been just the right amount of suspense.

    I'm still confused about the killer. It might actually be Billy after all, but there's obviously A LOT more to it. Clearly John wants to kill him and the way he talked to Lori about him seemed a bit... off. Like she was already in on it? I dunno. If that was the case, I don't she's be so eager to tell Mare about their whereabouts, but still. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

    So Siobhan is traumatized because she's the one who found her brother dead. I totally understand why such a horrendous experience would mess her up, but IMO it doesn't justify all the time and focus the show has put on her and I don't see how it can change with one episode left. It was a bit of a letdown. 

    I see Carrie agreeing to a joint custody or something. But if it ends with Siobhan leaving to go to the uni and Carrie moving in with Mare, I'm really gonna scream. 

    • Love 5
  19. Gah, I immediately knew Mare was going to do that and still hoped she wouldn't. The way I see it, stealing and planting the evidence tells more about Mare's state of mind than it does about her work capabilities. Even the most brilliant minds are capable of making some astoundigly stupid decisions when faced with dire enough circumstances, as she said it herself, Mare feels like her life is falling apart. That's not to say I think she is (or is supposed to be) a brilliant detective by any means, simply competent and well-versed in what being a detective in small town entails on daily basis, and that's just fine. 

    Her family dynamics are truly messed up, but I don't see any extreme hostility towards her. I mean, her mom moved in with her, her daughter still lives with her and her ex-husband is literally next door. If they all truly despised her so much (I wouldn't exactly take it for granted Kevin did either), it would be easy for them to abandon her, but no one's done that. 

    As for why there's such animosity, I don't think there's some great mystery beneath. Raising a son like Kevin is extremely difficult, it takes a huge toll and she obviously didn't handle it too well, damaging her relationships with others around her. It's kind of a situation that makes everyone feel short-changed at some point. Coming from a somewhat similar family background, I can definitely relate. While I never blame my parents for anything as I really believe they truly did their best, I definitely wish they had done some things differently, and I'm pretty certain they feel the same way about some of the things I've done,

    Also, I admit I might be a bit biased because this is Kate Winslet, damnit! I'd defend anything her characters do! 😁 Which is why I still refuse to ever watch Heavenly Creatures.

    • Love 16
  20. I did NOT sign up for This is Randall. Either make it a spin-off or make a real effort to integrate the entire cast, inluding his most adorable family who I'd love to see way more of, and not just a prop for him.

    Also, I'm so so so incredibly over Randall's hang-ups about being an outsider growing up. He could have had it so much more worse. In fact, chances were 99.99% he WOULD have had it infinitely more worse. I'd say growing up with in a relatively wealthy home with incredibly loving parents who showered him with attention and affection and made it possible for him to get a good education and carreer more than makes up for the fact that they didn't really know how to talk to him about being black, Yeah, I get why he might have some qualms about it, but for God's sake, try to see the bigger picture here. Everyone has something.

    The COVID and BLM stuff was quite heavy-handed, but that was to be expected, sadly, once they decided to include it, I can only imagine what it's going to look like on Grey's Anatomy, 

    Also, Rebecca is about to give birth? ZOMG I CAN'T WAIT to see what happens next!

    • LOL 2
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  21. OK, I realize this show is little more than Ellen Pompeo's vanity project at this point, but this has gone too far and it's become laughable. There must have been tons of doctors at that hospital who are just as professionally accomplished as her AND infinitely more pleasant human beings, yet no one has been falling head over heels for them time and again like they do for her. It's ridiculous. Stop it. Oh, and I really hoped we had left the "McWhatever" thing behind us. Sigh. And OF COURSE the new guy is her next love interest. Of course. He might as well have showed up with a huge neon sign on his forehead that said so. 

    Wouldn't it be hilarious (and by that I mean repulsive) if they did a hard reset and Owen/Amelia and Teddy/Koracick got back together yet again?! Because... I don't think that's completely outside the realm of possibility. Oh God. 

    What the hell are doing with Catherine? If Debby Allen is not available/interested anymore, just write her out FFS. This whole "Hi! I'm back in town! Bye! I'm out of town again!" business that's been going on for months makes NO sense. Also, while she was never the most sympathetic character, she's become completely insufferable now. IMO, Richard has about a thousand times more chemistry with Gemma than he ever did with her.

    I'm amazed at how they keep managing to bring Maggie's immaturity up a notch every single episode. Yes, go ahead and be rude to a colleague who might have literally saved a patient's life by coming up with a reasonable plan while you were too busy having a meltdown. OTOH, Teddy doing cardio surgery was one of the episode's rare highlights. I miss watching her in that capacity. I'd take her over Maggie as the Chief of Cardio in an instant, but LOL, of course there's no way Maggie's resignation sticks. 

    I actually didn't expect anything to go wrong with Bailey's pregnancy, so that one caught me by surprise and it was genuinely moving. I too am guessing they end up adopting the baby Jo kidnapped.

    Speaking of, I guess Jo has selective amnesia and doesn't remember that her mother was raped. That's about the only thing that could explain her behavour at this point.

    • Love 7
  22. 5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

    That scene was awful for literally all the reasons (especially for making me have a moment of sympathy for a character I loathe), but I'm 99.9% sure HAOG wasn't actually present in that scene.

    Ha! It's the second time within weeks that you've sympathized with Contacts. By the end of the season you'll stan!

    • LOL 3
  23. I can't deal with the entire world hospital rallying behind the Saint. Also, there was never a shadow of a doubt she'd get her license back, so what's the point. I'm going to pass on this one. See you guys next week. Maybe. 

    • Love 8
  24. I guess it's kinda ironic what I watched this episode precisely on the 20th anniversary of my grandmother's death. One of my earliest clear childhood memories was the day she was supposed to visit us and got lost on the way from the bus station - the road she taken literally hundreds of times before that. It was before the cellphones appeared and there was no way to locate her. I remember everything - my mom crying, the police being called, the phone ringing incessantly, the look on my mom's face every time it turned out they didn't call to say that she had been found... Strangely enough, I can't remember how she finally appeared (I know the story, of course), just that at some point late in the evening she was there and went straight to bed, saying she's very tired. But those agonizing hours filled with horrific tension are something I'll never forget. It was the day it became clear that her "senior moments" she had been having were way more than that. She went on to stuggle with dementia for a very long time and it got really, really bad. By the end she was unable to speak and was completely unaware of her surroundings. If they go there with Rebecca, it might well be the first time I'll actually cry watching this show. 

    I totally understand why Randall got concerned. Like people have said, it was way more than just misplacing her phone. It was also her borderline panic attack when she was unable to find it, even though she'd had it literally a minute ago and it had to be in the same room. It was the constant photo taking. It was her unable to have a meaninfgul conversation, always diverting the topic to safe small talk. Randall knows Rebecca better than anyone and he must have realized that's not how she acts and how their R&R time tends to be.

    That said, the way he voiced his concerns in the end was horrendous. OK, I admit that the very thought of something happening to my parents pretty much paralyses me with fear and whenever they have a health scare (which happens more often now they're getting older) I tend not to act completely rationally. So I understand he might say or do something he'd regret later. However, to imply that he has been parenting her for the last 20 years was simply awful. For one, I don't even think it's true and so far nothing on this show has ever indicated it. Stepping up and helping her out during the rough time in the aftermath of Jack's death is not the same as having the inverted parent-child roles for two decades. If they try to portray it like that now, it's going to be a very stupid retcon. BUT, even if it was 100% correct and they did have a relationship like Susan and Julie on Desperate Housewives - throwing it in the face of a person you suspect might be seriously ill is a very shitty move. 

    I thought the rest of the episode was very fine, but I just haven't been in the right state of mind to really process it. I'll just say that I generally find Kevin's self-loathing to be somewhat over-the-top, even though I can understand where it comes from. Also, I've started to really like him with Cassidy and I'll be sorry if we don't see more of her. And I really loved Beth's "If you 'OK' me one more time" to Malik. And that it's really fortunate that Lyric Ross is such a good actress, because the Deja overload would be really tough to take otherwise. Didn't we already do the "Deja wants to see her mom, which causes great angst in the Pearson household" last season already? It wasn't too interesting back then either. Like many have said, show us more of Tess instead. 

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