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Posts posted by CheezyXpressed

  1. My mom watched the clip and was annoyed at Meghan. The thing that got her was that Ilhan is speaking out against AIPAC and Israeli's human rights issues, which are fine and valid. Some of her wording may not have been correct, but compared to what some Republicans have said and what the President has said about literal nazi, Ilhan isn't worth crying over. However, when Joy brought up how Ilhan can speak out about Somalia, or Libya or whatever (which was messed up and Ilhan has spoken out against Saudi...every Muslim person would speak out against Saudi and other Arab nations. They're super corrupt. I think Hassan Minhaj even made a joke about it on his show) Meghan brought up Iran and that is what my mom had an issue with.

    Meghan, in her whiteness, can speak out about Muslim countries all she wants and knows that no one would say that she is Islamiphobic. Everyone understands that the countries don't represent actual Muslims or the religion. Common sense. But in Meghan's view, attacking Israel on their human rights abuses, which they are guilt of doing to not only Palestinians, but medics, media personnel and Ethiopian Jews, that's wrong and worth crying over. And to prove her point, she brings up a Muslim country to hate on.

    Ilhan can't speak out against Israel, but Meghan can speak out against any country she wants. Why? Why does Meghan feel this way? My mom says that it's because Ilhan is a Muslim refugee and that's all she needs to know about Meghan.

    • Love 21
  2. 4 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

    Oh good lord, no.   She'd act like she was The Only Woman On Earth Who Was Ever Pregnant And Who Deserves Special Privileges (above and beyond the ones she was born with).   Abby be damned.  Abby?  Who's Abby?   I'm pregnant here!!!!!

    Hehe, but at least this would mean maternity leave.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

    And Meghan said she doesn't want to politicize the issue yet at the end of her comment, she asks the table if they'd feel differently had a white Republican said what Illhan said.

    I saw on Twitter people posting what actual white male Republicans have said and I'm pretty sure Meghan said nothing. No one cares, which makes one wonder why they care when Ilhan said nothing.

    • Love 17
  4. I missed yesterday's episode, but Meghan cried again? I wish Sunny asked Meghan where those years were when black people were being killed and Colin Kaep decided to raise awareness by kneeling. That's not right though. You can't raise awareness and you can speak out. You just need to love guns and live with cactus. Anything else is too much.

    ...if Meghan has been crying more, I wonder if she's pregnant? 

    • Love 14
  5. 4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    They haven't really gotten into why she's still a virgin. It does not appear to be something inspired by religion in her case. It's more likely that she has focused so exclusively on her education and career that she's never had anything close to a regular boyfriend. So it's possible she didn't regard her virginity as something monumentally important to her, just something she was kind of embarrassed about because she'd never lost it.

    That's how I viewed it too and the I read an article where the writers didn't want to make a big deal about it, so I get what they were going for with the scene. It's just that, Galvin is risking his life for Macy and says I love you so Macy rewards him with sex, even though we didn't even get an I love you from her. It just felt like it was for Galvin instead of Macy and Galvin.

    • Love 1
  6. THAT CLIFFHANGER! Every episode has be on the edge of my seat and every episode has me waiting for the next. What a great show.

    I'm confused about Babcock. She should be just as angry with Richards as she is with Nicole. Sure, he wasn't a scientist but he helped bring her here and he betrayed her trust at the diner. But she still wants him all the while plotting Nicole's downfall.

    I wonder if Nicole will inject herself with the cure? She might as well, since she's stuck there.

    Fanning is such a great villain. The actor is doing an amazing job, because I can easily find myself being charmed by him. Charmed, but also rolling my eyes thinking "Really? Really Fanning? Come on." There's this comfortable swagger that he's got going on where he knows he's a massive douche and knows that you know this, but he still fully intends for you to follow him because why not? The actor sells this beautifully. Everyone here is selling their roles beautifully. Not a weak link found here.

    When Lacey walked up, I some how thought "Ahh, could it be Winston?" Then remembered that he's dead and it's daytime. I was happy seeing Lacey though. We needed more from her in this episode, but I get why we only got that one scene.

    Guilder's fall from grace is fun. Martinez being a viral is just icing on the cake and again plays with the idea that these humans are underestimating these vampires. Winston did it to the Asian scientist and Martinez played Guilder perfectly. But will Guilder die after Martinez kills him or Fanning? Will Amy kill him?

    1 hour ago, kirkola said:

    They haven't burned the entire bunch because of Amy.  Apparently kidnapping a child and injecting her with God-only-knows-what is okay in the scientist's worldview, but they draw the line at killing a child.  In reality, we reject all three parts (kidnapping, injection, and killing), though historically even that isn't true.

    LOL, very true. They purposely found a kid who had no ties, who lost her only family and then kidnapped her, give her a 'drug' that could kill her and do this all without her consent or with a guardian involved. But intentionally killing her, well that's just crazy talk.

    • Love 6
  7. Maggie has had this power since the Harbringer episode, so it was nice seeing her use it again here.

    I enjoyed Harry. He's usually the best thing of Charmed, so I'm glad he's still killing it.

    I liked seeing Madame Roz again and I liked that Galvin has to go on a quest. I...I don't like that Macy slept with Galvin just like that. He says he loves her and he's undertaking this huge quest for her, so she just invites him upstairs? I don't know, it seemed cliche and unlike Macy. Oh well, she can do whatever and if she wanted to do this it's fine. It just seemed like a reward for Galvin more than Macy making this decision. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it properly, but she didn't even say "I love you" to him so I'm not even sure if she feels the same way.

    Mel not using her powers is kind of odd, considering she was the one who was into being a witch. She can use a hex, but can't use her Charmed power? Come on, that's just lazy writing.

    • Love 6
  8. 2 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

    I would disagree on the liberal Zionist definition.  My take (and I would have called myself the same) is that BW is saying she is someone who wants the state of Israel to continue to exist but disagrees with the current policies (e.g. settlements, 3 rd class citizenry, putting the US embassy in Jerusalem,  etc.) and is wants to see Israel work with the Palestinian government to achieve some type of peace/co-existence.  At least that’s what I took away from her.  

    To me, a Zionist is someone who is okay with seeing illegal settlements happen in the West Bank or the destruction of Gaza or the displacement of Palestinians, because that entire area is Israel and Palestinians are not welcomed. To be a Zionist, you can't be for a two state solution. (Not that I think a two state solution would ever work)

    I have no problem with the Jewish state or Jews, but Netanyahu's policies are racist and xenophobic. And the general idea surrounding Zionism doesn't bode well for Palestinians. If she defines a Liberal Zionist in the way you do, then I wish she would have described that on the show because to most people those two words don't make sense together.

    • Love 12
  9. 1 hour ago, tribeca said:

    I don’t understand what’s wrong with talking an Uber?  

    I would like Leo to be on the show and answer some of Megan’s claims against him. 

    Unless you're blasting Uber for their worker's rights and their horrible company policies, then that's one thing. But Meghan has no clue what she's talking about. She even brought up Leo Dicaprio and his private planes, even though he addressed that himself in his own documentary about climate change. If she watched the documentary, she'd know that Leo allows himself to get blasted by climate change scientists while he talks about how ignorant he was on the situation.

    The thing is, even if Leo changes nothing will change. If governments change, then everything will change. Meghan bringing up people and blaming them for using the tools necessary to do their job is such an elitist thing to do.

    • Love 23
  10. This is how you talk about Ilhan? The one who spoke out about AIPAC and against Israeli policies and now is getting racist and Islamiphobic attacked along with death threats?

    Shut up Bari and Meghan.

    Edit, I don't get why Joy mentioned the Muslims on the left like it's their fault for antisemitism. Ilhan apologized for her comments but stated that she's against the lobbying from AIPAC and Netanyahu. Tlalib is Palestinian, so she won't be happy with the government who is killing and displacing her people.

    *sigh* at least Sunny said something. I just wish people would leave Ilhan alone. The amount of death threats that she's been getting for saying something Glen Greenwald has been saying for years is saying something.

    Bari saying she's a Liberal Zionists means that she's for the destruction of the Palestinian people. So, her views are already biased for me.

    sorry for the rant, but this is ridiculous.

    • Love 24
  11. 6 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

    I’m no fan of Ivanka Trump but Meghan talking about her lying on air is rich, considering Meghan lies all the time on air. 

    Earlier this week she said that she likes when Hollywood becomes political, now that she's apparently happy with Abby's interview when she wasn't before. She also said that she doesn't surround herself with yes people and likes being told that she's wrong, but we know that she can't handle that.

    It's been a strange week.

    • LOL 6
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  12. 2 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

    Not surprising that Meghan was quiet during the conversation about the racist Mark Meadows. I hope his comments about sending Obama back to Kenya continue to haunt him because that was appalling.

    So glad Sunny brought up the classic "I have black friends so I can't be black" argument, which is what Meadow's did when he brought the black woman out (her name escapes me at the moment) to make a point. I mean, it did prove a point, but probably not the one he intended it to prove.

    I was worried that Abby would say "You know, I don't think he's a racist for doing this even though it seemed a bad take or tone deaf on his part. It's just not good for the country to call one another racist and I hate when that happens. But he did seem like he was trying to do something, but it didn't translate. You know, I don't know what's happening or going on anymore. It was just a sad take all around. I fear for this country and just how divided we are."

    Instead she agreed and even said, "If you have black friends, why not ask them if this is racist first." Which is sound advice.

    • Love 20
  13. 47 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

    I agree. Sometimes, I wonder if Meghan (and Elisabeth and Candace, etc.) is actually part of a plot to make conservatives look as ridiculous and immature as possible. There's no way any reasonable person on Meghan's "team" believes her ill-informed meltdowns ("The Party of Infanticide!") are assets. I want to hear from all parts of the political spectrum,  but I have no interest in coddling 34-year-old infants.

    I don't know if you can put Candace in the same league as Elisabeth or Meghan. Candace seems like a sweet person who just wants to have everyone get along. I didn't watch much when she was on, but what I saw from her was someone who just stated her opinion and let others take it or leave it. She didn't expect people to challenge her views, which is why she wasn't a good fit on the show.

    • Love 6
  14. On 2/23/2019 at 2:03 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    I thought I recognized Leah Pipes in a previous episode. That's great news and I kind of hope Leah lasts a good while here. I hated how she was written out of The Originals.

  15. 11 hours ago, bannana said:

    Nutmeg's tweet about today, check out the comments.

    This makes me sad. Not because of what she said, but because some of the comments are a lot harsher than what I would have said and yet I'm blocked by her for just saying that she's acting unprofessional. (I didn't even @ her or comment on her status)

    • Love 6
  16. I fully expected Elizabeth to die only to come back and bite Lear. When she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's she accepted it and just wanted Lear with her, but he went to Bolivia and started the vampire uprising. When she wanted to die, he didn't want to let her go. It really seems like she's been the stronger one out of the pair, so I'm curious to see what happens to Lear now that he's alone. Maybe he'll end up being the 12th. He may not have his wife anymore, but he can be with his best friend for life. 

    The Mustache guy is going to die much in the same way as the Asian Scientist. It's just unfortunate that Winston isn't around to do it. I miss the serial killer.

    2 hours ago, Haleth said:

    So Brad and Lila reconnect over shared guilt and bullets.  I thought the direction or acting choices for Lila were terrible this episode.  With all she's been through she didn't seem the least bit scared.  Kidnapping, tied up in the trunk of a car, kneeling while waiting to be shot in the head, not to mention vampires virals, she took it all in stride.  Shouldn't she have been a frantic, screaming mess?  I suppose doing that would have made it more difficult to have rational conversations with Brad and would be criticized as stereotypical, but she was way too calm. 

    She is incredibly calm, but I wonder if that's part of her surgeon training and how she has to be calm in stressful situations. She's been part of this for awhile now and probably had to adapt to her environment or risk dying like the reporter.

    • Love 2
  17. 3 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    McCain doesn't care about The Bachelor. Funny, considering they probably only have to talk about The Bachelor to avert more of her meltdowns.

    It was the third time today that she changed the topic. (Maybe she did it for the KimK topic, but I changed the channel then.

    • Love 7
  18. 1 minute ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    Um... No offense, but only McCain is the problem here, imo. Joy does not become upset talking about topics to the point she talks over all her co-hosts and screams and hollers.

    You're right. But I believe Joy had one blowout to the producers over Meghan's unprofessional behaviour. The producers may be worried that Joy will have enough of Meghan and leave the show and if that happens a lot of viewers will leave with her.

    Meghan is the problem, but as long as the ratings are up the producers will keep her there and while that is the case they're going to try to appease her by picking fluff topics over political ones. It just feels like the show has taken a back seat to hot topics, especially considering how many news items are out there, in an effort to make sure everyone is relatively calm.

    • Love 10
  19. While I like Joy as a moderator, I feel like the topics have been sanitized and lacking the same punch as before. There are a lot of political stuff happening and the View is all about the political stuff now, but it seems like there are more fluff topics and it's kind of boring.

    Maybe this is meant to keep Joy and Meghan calm enough for fear that one will rage quit, but I don't like it.

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