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still hoping

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Posts posted by still hoping

  1. Carly and Evan - "Lowered Expectations" old Mad TV skit haha

    The "shaman" was tacky and senseless, and the wedding looked cutrate...whatever

    Ashley I needs a makeup intervention....the twins are repulsive and JMO Vanessa and Nick seemed to be "cold" 

    Dull maybe but dang Dean is handsome. I love that he doesn't have a me too fur piece beard like most of the others.  Eyes, strong jaw...great smile ...yowsers

    Wellis is nice looking and Diggy is sharp and looks like he would smell great.

    I like Derek and Taylor....was team Tay I felt she was angry at the way the producers catered to drunk fake Corrine on Nicks season

    Here's to love lust and fame ho-ing

    • Love 3
  2. Loved the twin imitations haha....hate hate the twins

    So glad they auffed Little Pony Unicorn right away....Bye. Many times they keep a no talent too long just for drama Bye clown dress

    Surprised Botany put out that drab mess

    Loved Devonte's winning dress and Kenya did great

    I remain disgusted at the fake "anonymous runway" junk....guess the designer with the head scarf? ???hmmm??

    Twins....can we have a double elimination?

    • Love 3
  3. Just catching up...

    I despise twins on any reality show....been there, seen that, can't stand them....hope they go

    The virgin person with his pleasure pocket..GROSS! Fetish guy? Yuck to them and their puddy bow

    Care bear?? yikes

    Maybe a talented nun if there any left can be on next season or an Amish gal? (and yes my Irish great aunt and Irish born aunt were nuns haha)

    I find the "modest" stuff a joke for this show just as it is stupid on ANTM when a devout Churchgoer won't pose nude/lingerie

    Maybe next season we will see a delusional person who has undergone body modification to be a tiger or? Or a nun

    I like Margarita...Kenya.. Samantha. and Deyonte

    The rest? eek....hate the twins hate the twins eewwww

  4. I wasn't wowed by him on ANTM....


    The "sexually fluid" admission was kind of "forced"  cause he only gave that interview when a deaf, gay guy outed him - yeah the guy was a jerk but come on

    Nyle acted pretty straight on ANTM - cuddling all season with the young southern virgin - I wondered how she felt when she found out ? (the interview

    was after the show filmed)


    Now I can "appreciate" a handsome gay man but I think it is creepy if they act straight to gain fanbase - this is 2016, no need to play Rock Hudson games

    I have to laugh at all the women swooning.

    • Love 3
  5. Well I will watch...cause I am originally from Pittsburgh LOL

    "Yinz better stay classy" LOL

    A famous old joke in Pittsburgh accent/dialect is "Kennywood Park is Open" - that's what u say when a guy's fly is down ha ha

    I wonder how many guys will be opening their "Kennywood Parks" for Jo Jo?


    And while I might enjoy both of the "ette's locations (being that my Grandparents were from Ireland and that my childhood was in the "Burgh")

    I have to be objective - not a hell of a lot of tourists in Pittsburgh...and neither place gives us the great sexy beach, sunshine bathing suit

    hot tub kind of locations that Beh was treated  to - LOL

    • Love 1
  6. Thanks for the info ChaCha....great observations.


    I didn't know that Hotlanta was doing better in ratings than LA = wow


    I think your description of the 3 shows is spot o


    I think LA gals are more actually performers, even Tracy had done some movie work

    the NY gals are career and performers but more stage , and of course Dawn is a paralegal

    The Hotlanta girls ....ouch twerk twerk


    The best line I recall about this show is the observation about what Dawn of NY would say or do if she dared to watch the Atlanta mess haha

  7. I have to agree with Amberosia - the Matt Hate is getting over the top

    FYI - there is NO proof he sent dick picks to women - he apparently sent one to one woman -

    and she was BIG (real big) so there goes the "fetish" idea

    Many of the women are with "standard" size guys...do they have a fetish too?

    Not to mention that most of the "men" don't seem to be doing a lot of work - what does Todd do?

    Joe? Jasmines husband has not been working while we see him trying to figure what to do with the

    train conductor thingy too


    In Matt's favor he seemed very happy about Briana's Girl's trip and seemed supportive

    Hey if they don't like him - don't be around him.

    Maybe the one they should be worrying about is shit stirrin Ali's drunken husband - wow he was a real mess


    I used to like Elaina but now? Ugh - "I don't want to steal the thunder" but here she goes - stealing the thunder

    • Love 2
  8. Another sibling of a more famous person looking for their few minutes of fame (seems to occur more and more on reality shows LOL)

    Various sources say that the brother of Aaron Rodgers is a "frontrunner" (apparently he quit his not too successful pro career to be on the show)




    ~~~~~~~~ Another possible spoiler....say it aint so ...but they may have sleazy Juan Pablo on standby in case they need more drama a la Nick?



    ~~~~~~~~~~~ there is some weird speculation about JoJo's ex...he has given bitter interview claiming she was with him since November but dropped him to play the Bachelorette


    the weird speculation is that he might be a contestant?? Seems there is a "Chad" there with a different last name but he had been linked to JoJo on facebook till the show began filming

    Oh her ex said the two had to sneak round cause they could not let on she had been dumped by Ben tll the finale



  9. I totally put Jeremy on my list of disliked winners...as of a minute ago I might have to amend that...check out Paul Qui's arrest. Ah well, I guess I really do have to get less into this show...........


                Well....I hardly think that Jeremy has done anything to even be associated with Paul Qui. While I may dislike certain contestants - Blais, the fugly jerk with the fat tattooed arms, ugly pink hair and fugly wife who looks like a fat Peewee Herman (Karen) - I don't think any of them come near to Paul Qui's actions - which yeah "innocent til proven blah blah" but it sure does not sound good


    (yes,  I plan to talk about people on tv like others do LOL>>  hence my take on Karen who annoyed me from day one LOL)


              As for the ex drug dealer - wow I guess I missed that about Kwame - hope he keeps on the straight and narrow

              Paul was likable on the show but we don't know what any of them are like in real life. Still disliking a cast member on a reality show vs the feelings that come when you see a crazy, drugged up drunk abuser - far different. I really hope Paul's wife and kid are ok and get away from him.

    I don't think abusers change


    ~~~~~~~ Oh ..about this idea and whining that the "producers" set up Amar with his "mentor"...I don't think so. I am sure they had this plot/idea in place...see the difference is that most of the other chefs would have a happy, supportive mentor in their corner. I am sure Issac would have had Emeril for instance.


         They had this in place far before the last minute come back of Amar - did you consider that maybe he has acted like a dick and no one wanted to come and be  a positive mentor? Maybe one guy was "So one man is embraced by a warm, proud father-figure and the other guy gets to deal with a public confrontation following x years of silence and bitter resentment?".....ummm...no maybe one guy didn't have anyone from his past jobs who liked him or supported him. Maybe Amar has burnt bridges - with his ex bosses, girlfriend, co workers

    How was this a set up or a handicap?

  10. The one thing you can't fix is the "desire"...the way 2 people click...the way they smell, taste, feel..

    hard to measure that.


    Now also factor in the "fame game" and social media....check the bachelorette everyone was excited about - now her ex spills to the gossip rags that she was with him after the show (he had sent her letter on the show) and that she broke up with him again to be the star of "bachelorette"


    Who knows..she might well get back with him - others have gone back to their ex's. The way these people get slammed...hell people called Ashley a stripper and an escort - when she refused a stripper at her party and would not even kiss David let alone go to bed with him LOL

    • Love 1
  11. Actually I have seen Paris is Burning years ago....a very moving movie IMHO


    However....to say "distracted" is not saying they are bad people...maybe if Kim Chee could walk, dance, sing, move her cartoon look and bad teeth would be less distracting. But if she is simply standing around yeah I do get distracted by her bad teeth

    Frankly for more people to want to come out and see the shows and thus these Queens would make more money then they should be up to a certain level.

    I also would expect them to be able to walk and dance - hey not to the level of splits and backbends but that Kim Chee just looks awkward


    Years ago there was a show called "Queen for a Day"...they would bring on some sob story moms , widow whatever...and audience would vote for them - the saddest sob story would win, usually a new washing machine or fridge LOL

     I hate when reality tv is like that...maybe they could have a "Drag queen for  day" show and we could vote on the saddest sob story with prizes

    I hate the bitches on Bachelor who whine about some tragedy, or a pimple...I hate the sob singers so sad about  dead grandpa....I don't give a fuck if a designer has a sob story or battled addiction or whatever on  project runway if their clothes suck...I really don't care about backstories any more cause they have been so overdone and misused on reality tv. Good example - we have now seen fake sob stories on shows - like the "hero veteran" on America's Got Talent who wasn't


    This is a visual competition so yeah people will judge on visual. I know I would expect to enjoy a show I paid for , I don't go to a drag show to help support people who had a rough upbringing or to administer social justice


    Come out to compete and shut up with the whining


    If it is a competition shut up and compete.

    • Love 1
  12. Has every one given up on this train wreck? I see Lifetime has more episodes but no one bothered to list them here...and I have not bothered to watch them

    I did catch up with the Little Women LA and wow they are going downhill into more fights and foolish fakery but nothing as bad as this show

    I am seriously surprised that Lifetime did not pull the plug on it


    Hey to the twerkers - don't quit your day job - oh yeah you don't have one...and neither do the so called "men" (sperm donors) you support

    Just one of the worst shows ever.

  13. Wow...Tom's dishes looked delicious


    I am so happy that Jeremy won...I don't like LCK and I consider the winner the best of the losers


    Jeremy was a winner from the start, won many challenges, was praised for technique. I think the "bro" stuff may have been tagged on him by the producers

    but so what? I think his food was better in many cases. I think his relationship with his mentor was great....Amar not so much. That was uncomfortable IMHO...

    and I think that in the end Jeremy will represent the show better


    Plus I always root for fellow Floridians <grin>...and yes I think Angelique has a great future, I like Marjorie and respect her opinion.

    In these "sous chef" deals I think it was smart that Jeremy picked 2 who would follow his lead, not try to do their own thing

    I am just glad we did not have to endure that miserable slob with the pink hair streaks Karen -ugh.

    I also like Kwame, so sorry he choked and was eliminated.

    • Love 4
  14. Thanks yes I sort of remember that....maybe they could wear flippers for the glamour and runway and take them out to sing or for the "acting"/comedy competitions?

    I still think they should be "ready" for this. Can't sew...can't walk in heels...hello LOL

  15. That is a good point about taking dance/stiletto/and/or sewing crash course before the show -

    even the turdy moms on Toddlers and Tiaras hired "coaches" and got the wardrobes, choreography etc in order before a big pageant LOL


    Also all the excuses about the teeth are kind of off putting - IF you want more -people to enjoy this "art" and shows then the entertainers should be

    ready to entertain and look professional. I can't imagine going to a show and watch Kim lumber around perfectly made up but no dancing? can't walk,

    and we don't know about the lip synching yet do we?


    Even the toddlers had sort of temp "flipper" dentures that went over their own teeth - I think you can't drink or eat in them but they do use them for shows,

    pagents, even movies - why can't some of these Queens scrape up the $$ for at least something like that? Bad teeth in 2016 on tv are kind of disconcerting.

    . You don't see rappers become stars based only on their sob story upbringing....you don't see country stars who rely solely upon how hard it was back in Appalachia.


    So frankly I don't give a damm about Kim's sob story - I just would not want to go to  a show and see her looking like  giant cartoon doing nothing more than posing JMO

  16. Hated that Fade was sent home. I do think Emily deserved it


    Sam's dress was great - but Sam sucks so bad. I can't stand him or his buddy Asha from Under the Gun - yuck

    I really like Ken and Valerie's designs so far. I liked Kini but somehow he always chokes up and does something stupid like the black belt

  17. Haven't posted on these fast moving threads but have been watching (with some on demand etc watching) and have to throw in my 2 cents (often contrary to others I admit LOL)


    I actually "like" Ben and Lauren together - maybe a bit bland but they seem to fit well...and if they really do have a life in Denver, not LA, they may have a good chance at making it. No DWTS - that is a great sign I think. I liked Lauren and Jo Jo...and Jubilee too.


    I could not stand Olivia and I would have ragged on her at the wta show too....hope she goes away from tv for good.


    I don't like Calia at all....don't think she is pretty, and thought her "met cute" story and how she broke up with a guy just to be on the show was one of the most shallow  revelations ever.

    I hope we have also seen the last of Amber and Becca - go away please. I disliked the twins at first but later thought the one left was ok, I am sure they will be a hit on BIP and of course that is what the producers are looking fo cast.


    JMO the "love two" was also a plot by the producers to spice things up - I think Ben was very amiable and agreeable, he is a young guy and also a people pleaser.

    I did think that Lauren was "it" for him - in some cases this show has to stir up plot lines when the lead falls from the beginning  (like bringing in Nick when it was clear Katlyn had fallen for Shawn on night one).


    I am pretty happy - like Ben and Lauren...like K and Shawn....two very different couples but like them. I didn't mind a few minutes devoted to the likeable but boring Jade and Tanner on the "reunion - wedding" show - hated seeing Farmer Chris ugly mug and had to laugh at how fugly old Blob Guinney is looking.

    It was nice to see the couples still together...always love Trista. Nice to see ones that didn't work out on the show found love, have families.

    I am pretty happy about Jo Jo for bachelorette...

    Good season, good show

    • Love 3
  18. Pretty good episode, they really all did well in the show number, that was a LOT to learn in such a short time


    I really enjoy Bob and now Thorgy....I also like the "pretty" - Britany impersonator and the gorgeous Naomi. My tastes must differ I guess...

    I am sick of sob stories on ALL realty shows. I also usually dislike whichever older Queen thinks she is the shizitz - could not stand Ginger last season.

    I didn't like that "Mrs" whatever contestant. I was not fond of Jinx Monsoon - not really funny IMHO and not really pretty.

    I really like comedic Queens like Bianca Del Rio and Bob...and sometimes just "unique" contestants like Sharon Needles. I also like - shoot me - very pretty

    contestants - I love Violet IMHO a deserved winner.


    My niece and her college friends enjoy drag shows and she has met Bianca and Miss Fame and treasures her pictures of them with her haha...both very nice.

    I am a straight woman but have enjoyed some drag show artistry and I enjoy this show (along with most reality shows- I only like reality) . I really like the talented contestants - now....don't scream at me - but I think Kim Chee is a one look contestant - and I am not that fond of the look anyhow. She looks cross eyed, and yes she can not dance or walk the runway. Back story or no I don't think she would be a good winner. Can't sing, can't dance, can't walk in heels. I can at least still walk in heels haha


    Plus seriously the "anime" Asian Japanese schoolgirl fad stuff is really old by now isn't it? Yeah I also despise any contestant on any show who "rocks" pink hair or a big bull nose ring...snooze...snore


    Oh - and I also really like the Latin Queens...I like Cynthia and I like the first contestant who had to sashay away. And no - I am not Hispanic - but I do live in south florida and I love the Latin music. Cynthia really brought it in the dance challenge! I loved her runway look - very Telenova!

  19. Used to like these gals but now? Soooo fake, so "set up" by the producers. I agree it is so much like Real Housewives - all fake , all fights all the time


    The Briana storyline is so played out, yawn


    However I totally see why she was mad about the stripper - I have seen way too many reality shows with women getting a lap dance, getting humiliating with a guy's crotch in their face - preserved on film for all to see, go to youtube

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