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Posts posted by tinabee1967

  1. 6 hours ago, raindancer said:

    I'm sure this may have already been seen and/or discussed, but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK 😡


    ....I don't have sharp enough pitchforks for what I'd like to do to that man, and every single person responsible for enabling him.

    It’s gross. I guess if you are a part of Jerry’s world, misbehavior nets a slap on the wrist. Leave it to the Cowboys PR to downplay this in their usual “here it is on a silver platter…..we neither confirm or deny anything.” style. Blecch! 🤢If I were any of the cheerleaders who were victimized, the money settlement to me would just feel dirty. 

    • Love 8
  2. On 11/25/2021 at 6:28 AM, Agent Gully said:

    Not quite sure where this belongs, but this includes a very young director Kelli talking about the auditions for the 1993 DCC. 


    The hair is HUGE and the dance routines are very cringey, especially that Mickey Mouse😵. WOW the shorts back then look like Mom jeans compared to today’s uniform! Thank you for posting this. I forgot how much the 80’s the early 90’s looked like! 😆 It was fun to go back in time. 

    DCC trivia question of the month: Who were the 5 vets that did not make it back that year? 

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  3. This group of rookies has to be the absolute prettiest I’ve ever seen. The girls are just out and out flippin’ gorgeous!!! 

    Judy looks like she is tired and over it at this point, like the enthusiasm is gone. I guess you can only yell, “AND ONE!” so many times before becoming completely jaded. 

    And now we wait for the return of Skeletor…..

    • LOL 2
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  4. On 10/19/2021 at 11:50 AM, Kamal said:

    I'm bored so here are my favorites from each rookie class that are currently on the team.

    5th year, neither

    4th year, Amber

    3rd year, Chandi !! 

    2nd year, Dani 

    Rookie class, Kleine


    Chandi is my favorite of all.

    I like the 2nd year rookie class the best. No one is week or boring.

    I ADORE Kleine! ❤️ She is freaking SO adorable!!! 🤩

    8 minutes ago, Agent Gully said:

    Joining in....

    5th year: Lexie

    4th year: Jalyn (many favorites in that year)

    3rd year: Kelcey

    2nd year: Dani

    Rookie: Lea

    Great list! I agree with all of these. 👍🏻

    • Love 2
  5. 16 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

    David Lee Roth, not Ross.

    That just made me feel really OLD. 

    On 10/16/2021 at 7:58 AM, Sweet-tea said:

    I did too. I didn't like the choreography. Some of it looked like stripper moves to me.

    I wonder what Ava said on SM that ticked Kelli off. 

    My husband was disappointed the uniform fittings didn't last longer. It's one of his favorite segments. : )

    Are they doing makeovers this season?

    Wonder if they made a decision not to say "Tonight if going to be your last night" this season. I haven't heard it yet unless I missed it. 

    I like Madeline S. and think she's gorgeous. 

    Who is the blonde with the longish bob? She is darling and I love her hair. It's nice to see someone with a different hairstyle than the usual long hair extensions. 

    Didn't the shorts used to be a little bigger--less skimpy? I'm thinking of way back in the 70s and 80s. 

    I think it was around the early to mid 2000s that the shorts got MUCH shorter. 

  6. Ugh. This was training camp-us interruptus. 
    I really wanted to like this episode, but I just was not feeling it. I REALLY miss prelims and semis, in particular. I have a feeling Ava is going to be the next VK, hopefully not. She came across as annoyingly desperate.

    As an aside, I love Kristi Scales longer hair. She looked great! And, Melissa R. needs to stop messing with her face. It’s not necessary. 

    • Love 12
  7. On 11/22/2020 at 4:36 PM, DCCOracle said:

    Lacey was in the very back row in her rookie year and was bumped all the way up front in her 2nd year.
    Kristin Gauthier was in the very back her rookie year and got bumped to the front for her 2nd year.
    Ashton Torres was way in the back for her rookie year and then literally in the center of the photo for her 2nd year.
    Abigail Klein and Loni Lindsey were up front their rookie year.
    ...and the 🐐 got cut her first time trying out in 2004, was in the 2nd row in 2005, and bumped to the very front in 2006.

    If it wasn't for the triangle formation this year - specifically Amanda's 'promotion' over her rookie sisters - I would say this is plausible. Season 15 will be the real way to tell.

    Whose the 🐐?

  8. 4 hours ago, moonpie said:

    Couldn't agree more.

    Vivian was edited. The rest of the solo could have been fine - they just picked out some odd 'joining' moves. And I always wondered if someone on CMT suggested to her she might like to do something special to persuade K and J - like a poem. Considering how few WOC made it in the past, it's striking how often WOC were used as a 'story', eg. Vivian and Amy. 

    Was Vivian edited? Yes. But her personality comes through in podcast interviews. I think the CMT crew throwing major shade at her is justified. She really is full of herself. 

    • Love 8
  9. 38 minutes ago, DCCOracle said:

    A Shutterstock photographer named Ron Jenkins has a thing for pretty blondes. It was Amanda on October 11 and for last nights game it was...


    Oh, let me take a guess. She likes PINK and lots of it? Can fit a whole turkey dinner in her mouth with one chomp? 

    23 minutes ago, DCCEuphoric said:

    Surprised they didnt used Rachel W. And hello new pictures!

    I am girlcrushing on Amanda, hard! 

    • LOL 2
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  10. On 11/1/2020 at 4:22 PM, DCCFanatic82 said:


    On 11/8/2020 at 12:42 AM, Blue hues said:

    Even I’m surprised to be saying this, but has anyone seen VKs bday post on her IG?  She looks STUNNING!  Such a sweet (and pink!) bday photo!  Her dress and shoes [loubetin, red soles, sorry about the spelling) are on point!  Which DCC celebrated with her?  Seems that DCC do birthdays en masse

    So. MUCH. PINK!! She could have dialed that down a little. Even Elle Woods would protest. 

    • LOL 15
  11. If Lisa’s foot positions were not so sloppy and flat footed, her routine would be infinitely better. But, she is no Lacey and she never will be. TBH, Kashara was not a fantastic technical dancer during her time either but she SELLS it better than anyone. 

    I know peeps here like to throw shade on Christina, but I ❤️her. She has a brilliant smile, she’s been the underdog since day one and if I had her figure it would be bikinis for me every day all the time. Then again, I live in FL so there’s that. 

    1 minute ago, Dnst1973 said:

    It’s ridiculous to contact any DCC past or present attacking over shit like that. 

    It’s one thing to share our opinions here. We agree and disagree. We have  passionate opinions. We’re not always nice.  (no one has to read it though)

    I’m no fan of Veruca, but contacting her to be cruel is not acceptable. I feel the same about Meredith. Leave them alone. It’s toxic. 

    AGREED! 👍🏻😎

    • Love 8
  12. I have this feeling DCCMTT #15 will be sucktastic, but I am hoping not. I feel bad for the rookies. Their year is going to blow, because they will miss out on performing on the field, for starters. I don’t get why TPTB said “no field performances”. There is tons of room to dance 6 feet apart if necessary. 

    • Love 1
  13. I thought last year or the year before that Malena said she would not reaudition? On that note, I am still butthurt that Auto Amy didn’t return. She would have been a great DCC. 

    Kennedy reminds me of Heather O. 

    • Love 15
  14. I don’t get the Christina hate. Throughout the whole time we have seen her, the attitude she expressed was always good, she has a great smile and sure, there’s imperfections. Not the best dancer? Neither was Jordan Charley. From what I have seen on her IG, she is very well liked by her team mates. 

    As far as SpastiKat and VK, flame away on those two. 😆

    • Love 16
  15. When Jacie was a rookie DCC, her hair was mid length and straight. She looked cute, but it was not until she went natural that her true beauty was released. 

    Lexie is pretty, but she seems stiff when she dances. Something is off about it, but I think whatever it is, it’s fixable. 

    • Love 4
  16. 10 hours ago, mizzhyer said:

    If Amy is retiring, why do we still have to be subjected to her?  I'm just so not a fan of hers.  This was also a very boring piece...but none of them have been great so I guess it's just par for course. 

    Amy does not have the look. She’s just not pretty on camera. I am sure in person she likely looks great. That dance and the song were meh. The shirts around the waist were also goofy looking. 

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