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Never Again

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Posts posted by Never Again

  1. 1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

    I am 8 years older than my husband, so if America’s a cradle robber, I guess I robbed the embryo. (I’ve never been a patient person.)

    Sit with me at the cougar table, girl,  I’m 7 years older than mine. It never mattered much and now we’re both just heading toward old age!

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  2. If Bowie is a judge, then I’m a judge. And I’m no judge.

    If she really is, If I ever commit a crime,  I hope I go in front of her.  No intellectual, deep-thinking, impartial and careful decider of justice here.  Just a very gullible pick-me making stupid choices.  I’m sure I’d go free 

    • LOL 4
  3. 14 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    So, who is this season’s Woo* - Jag, or Matt?

    * Cross-platform Survivor reference, I know - but it still applies.

    I feel it’s more of a Cody/Derrick thing.  You let your BFF (that you met two months ago) take the reins and when you had your chance to get rid of him you didn’t but that’s ok he will win and you’ll be happy about it because that’s what friends are for (keep smiling…)

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  4. So hey what if…what if...Jag (assumedly) comps out and chooses Felicia to sit next to him at F2.  Knowing he won nearly every comp since jury started and she won a single one all season by a (very literal) stroke of luck.  And therefore he knows he’s a lock to win.  But he doesn’t consider that the jury decides and the jury is made up of people who all voted him out.  What if they decide Felicia actually deserves it more, going by that criterion.  And Jag is making some people unhappy these days. This is not a written test where there only one correct response. These are human beings with emotions and they may remember hugging him goodbye and walking him to the Julie door before that wretched twist came, and they hopefully feel he just does not deserve the win.  Can you imagine a less competent player than Felicia but I would love to see her beat him.  Manifesting….

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  5. 4 hours ago, Nashville said:

    Speak for yourself; back in my clubbing days if Ms. Julie had walked into a bar looking like that, she wouldn’t have paid for a drink all night.  😈

    What the country fuck?


    1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I think this week is ending in Cirie gone and Matt's chances of winning the game severely if not entirely diminished and both of those things are a major win for me so yay lol

    Amen, sister (or brother, idk why I think I remember from years back that you’re female, but I could be wrong). But amen 

    • LOL 4
  6. Matt blew the chance to get Jag out. What a freaking idiot. Why come on the show only to hand someone else the 750K?  Matt let me break the news to you, Jag is not going to put your kids through college. Jag is not going to buy you a house or a Maserati.  Jag is going to take that money and forget you ever existed.  You could have got him out of the way tonight but you instead gave him the opportunity to comp out.  What a buffoon 

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  7. If you’re still playing and you’re sitting there with a guy that very early on was evicted unanimously, was saved by a ludicrous twist, went on to win innumerable HOHs and POVs, some in record time, and a time comes that he wins neither and you don’t evict him then you deserve what you get. And it’s not just losing. It’s losing with your name in lights on the very top of the Loserboard. 

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  8. As a reminder I’m not forgetting that Cirie got here by having it rigged for her in the beginning.  Yea she’s sly and clever in her social game. But she probably would have been voted out week one because of her prior status/fame, but they only introduced her after the comp was over.  And then of course having her son there secretly is an insane five steps up the ladder.  Not only are they guaranteed ro never vote against each other but early on when they landed in different alliances they spilled everything to each other.  She started  on square 3 and I’ll be pissed she wins. Luckily she can’t win a comp to save her life so even if she gets to F2 I can’t see her getting the votes. But she should never have gotten even this far.  I can live with stupid play and big mouths and awful comp players but can’t stand when it’s completely unfair. Idk it’s just annoying me today, probably bc I didn’t expect to see her here this late in the game 

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  9. I’m kinda floored at America’s reaction because I’m cold and cynical and all along just knew she forced this showmance into being, for her own purposes.  To me they had zero chemistry and it was plain to see by her overacting (stay away from my man watch how you talk to my man hey check out me and my man) all that kind of ridiculous stuff.  I thought she was doing it maybe for the audience, maybe to get more camera time, therefore more fans, and become an influencer. Or maybe possibly just out of boredom and getting her ego inflated by making this college kid fall in love with her.  Or something. But I never thought for an instant it was real to her. Yet here she is crying and cursing and miserable because she feels she the reason Cory was put up.  I feel like Fonzie, I can hardly get the word out, but I was wrong!

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  10. 54 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

    If you're in NYC, you'll have plenty of opportunities with all the tourists walking around.

    Lol I’m many years old and born, raised, and worked in Manhattan forever (live in suburbs now) and can count on one hand the times I’ve been near tourists!  2x NYE in Times Square, 1x Statue of Liberty, 1x Empire State Building Observation Deck, and once to the tree in Rockefeller Center. Ok I do also go to the museums but that doesn’t have the same vibe.  I know how annoying I can be when I’m traveling so I stay clear

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  11. 8 hours ago, Nashville said:
    10 hours ago, Never Again said:

    Wait hold up.  I never heard this expression “why the country fuck”. I love it!  Is it a common expression or did you just come up with it?  I’m a New Yorker I have to figure out how I’m going to slide that into a conversation but I am definitely going to

    You’ve obviously never been to one of my family get-togethers



    (oh this is gonna work out great!!)


    • LOL 5
  12. 22 hours ago, Nashville said:

    why the country fuck should Cory suddenly disregard weeks of evidence regarding Cam’s true feelings about him

    Wait hold up.  I never heard this expression “why the country fuck”. I love it!  Is it a common expression or did you just come up with it?  I’m a New Yorker I have to figure out how I’m going to slide that into a conversation but I am definitely going to

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  13. I know everyone has different opinions, but put me down with those who think 90 minutes was just too long. I almost felt like I was watching teams perform the tasks in real time.  I eventually started FF through them and still it took forever.  When the first team came in there was still about a half hour left on my recording. I just skipped to the end. Coming after a 90 minute survivor it’s just a lot for me.  I love this show but not today. Phil remains the best host though! 

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  14. I’m embarrassed to admit this now but I liked Tamra for so long and was happy she came back.  The first HW episode I ever saw was on a plane many years and it was RHOC with a great scene between Vicki and Tamra and I was hooked. Over the years I have thought Tamra did some shady stuff but mostly within the acceptable HW guidelines (i heard about but never saw naked wasted, which actually is awful) and mostly it made the show more interesting. But this year, no no no. I am seeing her so clearly, she’s so obvious this year and desperate to stay on the show now that she’s back.  The stuff she’s doing goes beyond acceptable and is cruel, especially regarding Jenn. And speaking of Jenn I was repulsed by Tamra mocking her fake designer stuff. All of us remember Tamra being the poor relation on this show, at least till Gina showed up.  She really showed her true colors now that her CBD stuff is finally making her some money. I am more than ready for Tamra to go back whereever she was last year, and off my screen. And yes, I’m liking Heather now, Tamra achieved the impossible and made Heather seem like a victim 

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  15. I’ve watched every episode since season one (not always the feeds) but my husband never ever watched.  But the pandemic changed us lol and in early 2022 he watched Celebrity BB with me…and he loved it.  So last summer he watched the regular edition and finally got what I see in this show.  So this summer it started late and he’s busy on a project and didn’t watch it.  I saved the first few episodes but he never watched them and hasn’t seen any of this season.  And for that I’m so grateful because this season is so juvenile, stupid, not fun and rigged.  I would have been embarrassed at how bd it is, that I sit and watch this garbage.  My own couch would have been the humiliverse!

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