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Posts posted by kira28

  1. Hannah was so weird and awkward after her night with Peter. So either she was disappointed in his skills or his gushy I love yous were making her uncomfortable becaise she didn't feel the same way and never wanted to see him again. She couldnt even fake a smile. Hmm. 

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  2. In what universe would anyone believe or care what the biggest loser Matt has to say? I doubt Andrew planned this from the beginning. Amber has never been a good mom nor will she ever be. I think he wanted her money and to live rent free somewhere and not work. Andrew also wanted fame. I hope he really does love his son and wants what is best for him and that he doesn't get back with the hose beast. 

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  3. I thought Luke was just socially awkward but he's an abuser imo

    I think If this was Paradise and these guys had other women to choose from, only Luke would be interested in Hannah. She just doesn't have an appealing personality. She wants to control her suitors. The guys only want to win because it's a competition or becaise she's their only option. Jed doesn't seem into her. To me, he seems fake and only there to promote his lame ass music. Garrett is just strange and doesn't seem to have a connection with her. 

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  4. I loved Hannah on Coltons season. I thought she was pretty and quirky and cute. Now I can't stand her. She's a drama queen who thinks being real is throwing hissy fits and demanding these guys act a certain way. I lost all respect for her when she told Luke P she didn't evenijd that he attacked Luke S. What an asshole thing to say. She seems to enjoy pain being inflicted on others (she thought the labor stimulator was fun) and her group dates are the guys gettufn hurt etc. She wants all these guys to be falling over themselves praising her but based on what I've seen, aside from her being attractive I don't understand why these guys would be into her. She has too many mood swings and meltdowns and she's angry more often than she's happy. She's screamed and cried more than any Bachelorette I remember ( I didnt watch Deanna or Dez) but when the guys are "real" and upset by something (like Luke p being a total psycho) she doesn't give a shit about their feelings and demands they suck it up and focus their attention back on her. Hannah is so high maintenance it woukd be exhausting to date her! If she wants Luke P that badly just hook up with him already.  She has horrible taste in men. 

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  5. On 3/12/2019 at 12:28 AM, Wandering Snark said:

    Wow in the middle of what should have been a 'heavy' moment Colton got all uncontrollably smiley about how he doesn't regret anything he did. He is NOT a good enough actor to pretend to care how Taysha or Hannah G felt. He can be one cold bastard at times. Hannah is sitting there all pissed off and broken down and he's laughing about how great his hair looks. Cold.

    I hope you're happy now Colton because this, my friend, is NOT going to end well with you and Cassie. You won't regret it now but soon, and for the rest of your life.

    Yep I agree. Colton had me fooled thst he was just a simple nice guy. Nope he's an asshole. For someone he seemed to have cared about he was as cold as ice to Hannah G. I don't believe for a moment that Tayisha was hurt but I believe Hannah was genuinely hurt and blindsided 

    I think she had devoloped feelings for Colton and he had led her to believe she was the one and that when Cassie ran off he was laser focused on Cassie and now that I'm guessing he's won her back he could give a shit less that this  was very real for hannah and that she's still traumatized by his rejection. 

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  6. I love Cailynns hair and she's got a great body but her face is so plastic looking. Cassies sister was stunning. I hated the stunt Tayisha pulled. Colton was genuinely terrified. He seems most into Tayisha and Cassie. I can't believe he todl each family the exact same thing!! I mean I'm not sure what you are sup to say in that situation but not verbatin to four families I'm Fallin in love with ur daughter. Lol. I get that he's smitten with Cassie and wants her to be the one but is worried and frustrated with her lack of feelings. Interesting he really wants the two who challenge him. He wasn't into Tia at all and she was totally smothering him. Cailynn is all I love you Colton and he was like see ya! I'd say Colton will be a very good adulterer one day. He seems to be able to compartmentalize his feelings rather well if hes able to fall in love with four women at once. Lol. And there a no guilt or second thoughts about promising these families he's all about their daughters because he's falling in love with her. Yeah all four of them. I've never dated four ppl at once I couldn't even imagine!, but in my teen years I did date two guys at once and they knew about each other. Similiar situation as Colton because I wasn't sleeping with either just a lot of kissing lol. But I do know my experiences with each were different and my feelings for each guy were very different and I couldn't have said I was falling for both of them. When I got attached to one I stopped seeing the other. Colton is full steam ahead talking to all four girls basically the same way. At least three of these women say Colton makes them feel safe. Probably because he is so inexperienced it seems impossible for him to have ill intentions or they think his first piece of ass will become the love of his life and he will always be loyal to her

     I see the opposite. He has gotten all this attention he never got in high school. If I were his final choice I'd run far far away because I don't think he's safe. You can't feel exactly the same way about four ppl 

    And if his chosen one sees he acted exactly the same and said the same words to three other girls she's not going to be happy. 

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  7. We~Colton has suprised me. He's not as boring and I expected. And it's very easy to tell who he's really into. He definitely has a type, tiny cute blondes. He was 100% never into Tia in the slightest. He is totally different with these women than he ever was with tia

     Colton didn't look at her with even a quarter of the interest he shows some of the ladies. He is a smitten kitten (tm one of the ladies) with Hannah G and Cassie. He's attracted to the one girl whose is drop dead gorgeous but her name escapes me right now (she's divorced) . She is clearly not into him but is playing nice. I'm confused as to why he's into Hannah b. She's quirky and pretty but they don't seem to have a spark. 

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  8. Still can't stand Danielle. I know Bobby will adore his baby girl though and be the best daddy!  I'm not rooting for jephte and shaniece. For Shawnieces sake I hope they split up. Any man who can cheat on his pregnant wife (and give rhe excuse that it was because his feelings were hurt by the big mean people on social media) can never be trusted again. Jephte is a grown man. He acts like a child half of the time. Shaniece will spend her life wondering if hes being honest and if he's going to cheat again. She will never be able to trust him and she deserves better than that. 

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  9. Im on Roger's side and think less and less of Jennie the more I read. In sorry but unless you or your children are in danger you don't file a restraining order against your husband just to get him out of the house. Absolutely ridiculous. And it makes a mockery of women who truly need a restraining order. If the two Jennie is by far the more unstable one who flies off the handle at the drop of a hat. She is not doing herself any favors. Those poor kids. She is textbook using them in a ploy for a more favorable divorce settlement and I think  that is sickening and sad. 

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  10. One of the other teen mom famewhores posted on Cates IG saying she's an amazing mother and most people can't say that about themselves. Made me laugh. Yeah the bar is so low that an amazing mother doesn't even spend the holidays with her child. (not counting mothers who have to work holidays) and amazing mothers usually know their children because they are around them daily and don't abandon them to "focus on myself" 

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  11. I put way too much thought in this but Danielle and Bobby were only married two or three months when she got pregnant. So Bobby has only gotten sex for let's say the first eight or twelve weeks and none since. Aside from some kind of life altering illness or accident who in a relationship only has sex for two months and then abrubtly stops and expects that relationship to last? Once the morning sickness stops her excuse is goijg to be she's too big and it makes her uncomfortable. Then when the baby is born it will be that she's too tired (even though Bobby will be doing most of the work taking care of their daughter!) 

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  12. Cate is gross and wow Tyler hates her. He has resentment boiling over. I can't say u blame him and I would actually applaud him for leaving her!!! His daughters woukd be better off with him raising them. I think he wanted to live separately so cate would see what it's like to be stuck taking care of nova and all those animals by herself while trying to maintain their web business and running around putting out fires started by amber and butch. I used to think Tyler was lazy but my opinion has changed. He's lost weight, he's worked on his houses and his daughter looks bathed and her hair is brished when Tyler is the sole caregiver. Cate is just a huge lump of laziness. Tyler and nova and the new baby deserve better. Cate has been gone to her retreats  longer than she's been home. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. 

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  13. I just watched the Friendsgiving episode. So funny that the guys basically all look exactly the same aside from mikes weight gain. The girls are seriously unrecognizable. Angelina needs to go. She's annoying and a hanger oner. She adds nothing and tries way too hard. Loved that vinnys mom called jenni out about what a snot she was and Jennie was genuinely embarrassed. 

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  14. I agree Danielle does not seem to care about how Bobby feels about anything she jsit wants everything her way. And so far Bobby gives in to all she wants. He's going to get burnt out and grow to resent her. My sister is a version of Danielle. Wants to be treated like a spoiled princess and she and her husband didn't date long got pregnant then married so they were in the honeymoon phase when he marrried her. She wanted to be a sahm so he works a ton of overtime. When he gets home she expects him to watch the kids clean up and make dinner. I think he secretly despises her now. She had a tough pregnancy last year. Go really sick throughout and almost died giving birth. They were Sup to be done having kids but recently had an Oops. Instesd of my brother in law being concerned or just happy to welcome another child he is absolutely gleeful that my sister is pregnant again because she is so sick and miserable! He cackles with glee when talking about how stressed and horrible she claims to feel. I think it's the years of bending over backward and trying to meet her every demand that has taken a toll on him and his only form of happiness comes from seeing her suffer. I think this may be Bobby is a few years. 

    It's really irresponsible to have not decided if there will be two incomes or not, sell a home that is affordable to move into one that is at the top end of their budget. Bobby has his shit together. Danielle is going to ruin all of that. She's not practical. She just wants what she wants and doesn't think about the cost or possible consequences. 

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  15. 17 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

    I thought it was interesting that Danielle herself said, in the final sitdown at the end of the episode with all the couples and the "experts," that she doesn't have a problem expressing negative emotions toward Bobby, but its hard for her to show the positive ones.

    I realize everyone has faults but honestly what negative emotions could she possibly have to express to Bobby? That he doesnt do enough for her? That he lives too far from her job? That he expectes her to get up one night to take care of HER foster dogs? Lol 

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  16. I am starting to despise Danielle. She's just so off. What normal human being  can't even offer a few words of reassurance to poor Bobby. She just stares blankly or changes the subject. Thst marriage is so unbalanced. Danielle without a doubt knows Bobby worships the ground she walks on but Bobby isn't even sure if Danielle likes him. The only thing she seems to care about is what he can do for HER. Bobby is going to get burnt out. They are still in the honeymoon period (I think it said married five months and she's three months  pregnant. A baby is really going to shake them up. 

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  17. I find it funny that while Emily happily joined in on the Shannon needs medication for her eradic behavior pipe on, she's the one sobbing at a table when her cast mate gets a call from her mother. And she's the one who flips out and screams at the drop of a hat. None of that is normal behavior. I understand having a rough childhood but crying about it when you are 30 or 40 something sitting on a beach in Jamaica? Pretty eradic. Might need some antidepressants Emily just saying. Vicki (twerking aside) was relatively subdued. Gina will turn into a bitter angry soon to be ex wife when she realizes her husband has replaced her with a new young thing and is only sleeping with her and playing besties with her because he wants a very favorable settlement in the divorce and will probably speak to her as little as possible once their divorce is final and he can come out with his new gal. 

    Tamara is one cold bitch. That's all I've got 

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  18. On 11/2/2018 at 6:33 PM, Stusan said:

    I enjoyed Dawn's comment about how C&T had tunnel vision about what was best for Carly "at the time" and how proud she is.

    Newsflash, Dawn - Carly would still be better off with Brandon and Teresa if it occurred today!

    Exactly! Any child born to cate and Tyler would be so much better off being adopted than living in that house of horrors woth the family of addicts and neglectful cate as a mom. The difference between Carly and novas life is startling. (even though catelynn and Tyler don't have to get up and go to work every day like most parents so they have tons of free time to do things with nova as well as way more money than most people their age make) Carly is loved and cherished and is probably a very well educated sweet friendly little girl. Nova is practically feral. 

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  19. I know it's been said but I feel so bad for shawniece. Jephte doesn't even like her. He just sees her as the woman carrying his precious child and once the kid is born she will become worthless to him while he is totally enthralled with his daighter. He's shown shawniece exactly who he is (imo he's a pos who wants to claim he was so depressed he had to have sex with other women to make himself feel better while his wife was pregnant. But yet he didn't want to talk to her for fear it would upset her and hurt the baby but yeah let's go screw other women because on what planet would that hurt shawniece and cause her anxiety and stress? Good god.  

    I think Bobby and Danielle are cute together but I don't like Danielle. I had very easy pregnancies aside from being exhausted at times. Had no morning sickness either time so I pretty much carried on with life as usual. Didn't lay in bed all day, exercised, worked and intimacy went on just like before we got pregnant. So I really don't understsnd Danielle's oh woe is me act. Give Bobby a little attention once in awhile. Danielle comes off as totally self centered and one day Bobby is going to reset that he's running around taking care of her every need while very few of his own get met. Danielle needs to stop letting Bobby take care of everything because he's going to get burnt out doing so much while she just lounges around. I hope she doesn't expect him to take care of the baby like he took care of her fosters. 

    I still like Ashley and Anthony. I'm happy for them. Don't care for Ashley's jealousy toward Danielle tho. 

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  20. On 10/24/2018 at 8:14 PM, princelina said:

    Amber said Dave and the experts wanted them to but she refused.

    Amber didn't change gyms because Amber has to have everything her way and refuses to accommodate anyone. She won't do laundry she agreed to do, she didn't want any new friends and she didn't want to work on her raging insecurities. And I say this as someone who likes Amber more than Dave. 

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  21. Shannon obviously has a lot of anger about her divorce and she's in a great deal of pain because she knows good things are happening but she's still not happy. It's dificult to be the one who got dumped and then watch ur ex spouse move on with someone half his age and not suffer at all. Probably feels like David is being rewarded for his lousy behavior.  I think Shannon dislikes Gina because Gina reminds her of David's new joined at the hip girlfriend. She's young and thin and perky and blonde and Shannon automatically dislikes her for those things. 

    I think Shannon is exhausting becaise she does seem like a sucky friend. She's always mee mee mee. And when someone else has problems she just does care it has to be all about her. 

    Vicki was suprisingly subdued until the twerking. I hate Tamara. She's just an evil person. 

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  22. I feel nothijg for Janelle but I feel terrible for all those kids! They must be terrified on a daily basis. I don't blame barb or Marissa grandparents or Doris or anyone but the courts for the situation those poor children are in. Kaiser could have had a way out but cps brought him back to the hell hole. The courts will bend over backward to let pos unfit parents see or have custody of their kids. My sisters step daughter was three when her mother let her registered sex offender boyfriend who was awaiting trial for kidnapping and sexually assaulting a young girl and he was ordered to stay away from anyone under age 18...she let him babysit my  3 year old niece. Sex offender got drunk passed out and the three year old wandered outside and ended up several blocks away and was found playing with a woman's children. Police and cps were called. Thank God my niece was OK. My sister and her husband spent two years fighting in court and five years later are still paying off the loan they took out to pay an attorney while bio mom got a free lawyer. Not only were the mothers rights not terminated, she was awarded visitation supervised by anyone of HER choosing. She chose a relative who doesn't even show up to supervise but cps doesn't care. And this is all after the bio mom refused to take a single drug test even though she was ordered to take one every month. Judge threw out that order because much like Janelle bio Mom cried in court. Oh and she was dating yet another sex offender while the trial was going on and her cps case worker allowed the sex offender at the house during the daughter's visitation. (he was fired) and the judge ordered her to have no contact with the sex offender. Bio mom refused and  paraded boyfriend out in public was caught on a store security Camera with him and the judge still did nothing. My nieces dad has no criminal record he has a good job, a home etc and yet he was the one treated like a criminal. While the pos "parent" was given chance after chance to prove she was fit to be a parent and the judge even said she didn't attempt to complete anything he or cps  asked of her and she still gets weekly "supervised" visitation. My sister and bil have to pay for all transportation, have to rearange their lives to accommodate the egg donor and are still paying  off legal bills. The girl even did drugs while pregnant with her 2nd child and that child is still in her care. The Court system is crazy and even if barb could prove David has plans to kill Jace they would proly still order visitation. There really isn't anything she or Doris can do aside from kidnapping the kids and disappearing. I wish the show would go away and maybe Janelle would lose interest in her kids and dump them off with their grandparents. 

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  23. Loved Vinny mikes and even paulys reaction to how unbelievably stupid Ronnie is. Yeah it was an accident. He certainly doesn't want what is best for his daughter if he could stay with her dangerous nutjob of a mother after all of that. Why didn't Roger and jionni show up if everyone else had their significant others at the party and or in ac? Do Nicole and Jenni not hang out anymore? Nicole's daughter didn't seem to want Anything to do with "aunt Jenni" and supposedly she sees her alot. 

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